10.1. Overview of Unit test

10.1.1. Introduction

This section explains about unit test using JUnit, in a system using TERASOLUNA Server Framework (5.x).

Scope of unit test is considered as layer or interlayer coupling. Test execution and test implementation will be explained out of all the test activities. Note that, the test implementation explained here is a reference example and the test policy for ensuring system quality should be considered separately.

10.1.2. Unit test guidelines

This section explains about methods for implementing tests for layers or between the layers using following OSS libraries. OSS library structure used in unit test Testing framework

JUnit is used as a testing framework of Java. Assertion

Hamcrest is used as a library to be used in assertion. It is an assertion library supported by JUnit4 as a standard. Mocking

Mockito is used as a library for mocking the class on which the method to be tested is dependent. DI container

Di container for test Spring Test DI function is used. MVC framework

MVC framework for test Spring MVC Test Framework is used. Data access

Spring Test or DBUnit and Spring Test DBUnit are assumed to be used for data access of test.

  • Spring Test
    • Spring Test provides a function to execute SQL by using @Sql annotation or JdbcTemplate.
  • DBUnit and Spring Test DBUnit
    • Spring Test DBUnit is a support library for using DBUnit on Spring Framework and hence used in combination with DBUnit. It provides function to implement functions like database setup and status verification provided by DBUnit. Version of OSS library to be used in unit test

List of OSS libraries used in unit test are shown below.

Note that, following OSS libraries are only examples and the library suited to the actual business requirement must be considered. Further, for OSS libraries used to operate application itself in this section, refer OSS Versions.


From version 5.0.0.RELEASE, a configuration which imports <dependencyManagement> of Spring IO platform is adopted.

Dependency relations for following is resolved by importing <dependencyManagement> of Spring IO platform

  • Library provided by Spring Framework
  • OSS library on which Spring Framework is dependent
  • OSS library compatible with Spring Framework

OSS version used in TERASOLUNA Server Framework (5.x), as a rule, conforms to definition of Spring IO platform.

Note that, version of Spring IO platform specified in version 5.4.1.RELEASE is Brussels-SR5.

Among the OSS libraries below, for how to use Spring Test (MockMvc) and Mockito, refer How to use OSS library used in unit test.

Type GroupId ArtifactId Version Spring IO platform
JUnit junit junit 4.12 *
Hamcrest org.hamcrest hamcrest-core 1.3 *
Hamcrest org.hamcrest hamcrest-library 1.3 *
Mockito org.mockito mockito-core 1.10.19 *
Spring Test org.springframework spring-test 4.3.14.RELEASE  
DBUnit org.dbunit dbunit 2.5.4
Spring Test DBUnit com.github.springtestdbunit spring-test-dbunit 1.3.0 Unit test implementation

Unit test is implemented with the following layers in accordance with Application Layering. Test method for layer and test for between the layers is explained in Implementation of test by layer. Common functions that cannot be applied to each layer and function specific test methods are explained in Implementation of tests by functions.


10.1.3. Target readers

This section assumes that the readers have following knowledge and experience besides Target readers of this document.

  • The user have performed unit test by using JUnit

10.1.4. Operation verification environment of unit test

This section explains operation verification in the following environment. While implementing on other environments, it should be read appropriately considering this section as base.

Type Name
OS Windows 7
JVM Java 1.8.0_144
IDE Spring Tool Suite 3.9.1.RELEASE (hereafter called as “STS”)
Build Tool Apache Maven 3.3.9 (hereafter called as “Maven”)
RDBMS PostgreSQL 9.6.5