10.2.4. How to use OSS library used in unit test

This chapter explains about Spring Test (MockMvc) and Mockito as a OSS library used in unit test. Spring Test What is a Spring Test

Spring Test is a module which supports the test for the application running on Spring Framework. The test includes a test which is conducted by substituting a class on which the target class is dependent, by mock or stub, and a test which is conducted by combining Spring DI container and actual dependency class.

In this guideline, a method wherein a test is conducted by a class unit for testing by using mock, and a method wherein a test is conducted by combining setup file and actual dependency class are explained.

Spring Test primarily provides following functions.

  • A function which can operate Spring DI container on testing framework (JUnit)
  • A function which sets up test data
  • A function which reproduces operations of Spring MVC without deploying it on application server
  • An optimum transaction management function for testing

In addition, various Spring specific annotations and APIs used in unit testing are provided.

Spring Test is a framework for testing which runs on testing framework and provides Spring TestContext Framework.

Process flow of Spring TestContext Framework is shown below.

Sr. No. Description
org.springframework.test.context.junit4.SpringJUnit4ClassRunner class is called by execution of test.
SpringJUnit4ClassRunner class generates org.springframework.test.context.TestContextManagerclass.
TestContextManager class calls build interface of org.springframework.test.context.TestContextinterface of org.springframework.test.context.TestContextBootstrapper interface.
TestContextBootstrapper class merges the setup file specified by test class. Call build process of org.springframework.test.context.MergedContextConfiguration class.
At that time, if a bootstrap is not explicitly specified in the test class, org.springframework.test.context.web.WebTestContextBootstrapper class is called in case of @WebAppConfiguration and org.springframework.test.context.support.DefaultTestContextBootstrapper class is called if it not specified.
Implementation class of org.springframework.test.context.SmartContextLoader interface is called by build process of MergedContextConfiguration class.
When WebTestContextBootstrapper class is used for bootstrapping, org.springframework.test.context.web.WebDelegatingSmartContextLoader class and when DefaultTestContextBootstrapper class is used, org.springframework.test.context.support.DelegatingSmartContextLoader class are called as implementation class of SmartContextLoader interface. Load ApplicationContext specified by @ContextConfiguration of test class in implementation class of SmartContextLoader interface.
Generate org.springframework.test.context.support.DefaultTestContext class - an implementation class of org.springframework.test.context.TestContextinterface, by using MergedContextConfigurationclass fetched by bootstrap.
Register org.springframework.test.context.TestExecutionListener interface specified by @TestExecutionListeners of test class in TestContextManager class and call TestExecutionListenerprocess in following endpoints
  • Before executing all test methods of test case (@BeforeClass)
  • After generation of test instance
  • Before execution of each test method (@Before)
  • After execution of each test method (@After)
  • After execution of all test methods of test cases (@AfterClass)
Transaction management and test data setup process are carried out by TestExecutionListener process.
For registration of TestExecutionListener, refer Registration of TestExecutionListener. Spring Test DI function

When a setting file is specified in @ContextConfiguration of test case, Spring DI function can be used at the time of test execution by DependencyInjectionTestExecutionListener process configured in SpringJUnit4ClassRunner by default.

An example of reading a setting file by using @ContextConfiguration is shown below. com.example.domain.repository.member.MemberRepository for test is injected by using sample-infra.xmlwhich is used in the application.

  • sample-infra.xml
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<beans xmlns="http://www.springframework.org/schema/beans"
        http://www.springframework.org/schema/beans http://www.springframework.org/schema/beans/spring-beans.xsd
        http://mybatis.org/schema/mybatis-spring http://mybatis.org/schema/mybatis-spring.xsd

  <import resource="classpath:/META-INF/spring/sample-env.xml" />

    <!-- define the SqlSessionFactory -->
    <bean id="sqlSessionFactory" class="org.mybatis.spring.SqlSessionFactoryBean">
        <property name="dataSource" ref="dataSource" />
        <property name="configLocation" value="classpath:/META-INF/mybatis/mybatis-config.xml" />

    <!-- scan for Mappers -->
    <mybatis:scan base-package="com.example.domain.repository" />

  • MemberRepositoryTest.java
@ContextConfiguration(locations = {
        "classpath:META-INF/spring/sample-infra.xml" }) //(1)
public class MemberRepositoryTest {

    MemberRepository target; // (2)
Sr. No. Description
Specify sample-infra.xml in @ContextConfiguration.
Inject MemberRepository defined in sample-infra.xml and for which a Bean is registered in <mybatis:scan>. Registration of TestExecutionListener

When @TestExecutionListeners annotation is not explicitly specified in the test case, implementation class of org.springframework.test.context.TestExecutionListener interface provided by Spring Test is registered by default.

Note that, when @TestExecutionListeners annotation is not explicitly specified, following are registered by default. TestExecutionListener consists of Order and calling sequence is fixed in the order of following table. When TestExecutionListener is individually specified, it is called in the specified order.

Implementation class of TestExecutionListener Description
ServletTestExecutionListener It provides a function to set a mock servlet API which supports WebApplicationContext test.
DirtiesContextBeforeModesTestExecutionListener It provides a lifecycle management function of DI container used in the test. It is called before execution of test class or test method.
DependencyInjectionTestExecutionListener It provides a DI function for the instance used in the test.
DirtiesContextTestExecutionListener It provides a lifecycle management function of DI container used in the test. It is called after execution of test class or test method.
TransactionalTestExecutionListener It provides transaction management function at the time of test execution.
SqlScriptsTestExecutionListener It provides a function to execute SQL specified by @Sql annotation.

For details of each TestExecutionListener, refer TestExecutionListener configuration.

TestExecutionListener usually does not need to be changed from the default setting, however, when TestExecutionListener individually provided by test library is used, it must be registered in TestContextManager by using @TestExecutionListeners annotation.

As an example, a method to register TransactionDbUnitTestExecutionListener provided by Spring Test DBUnit is explained.

  • MemberRepositoryDbunitTest.java
@TestExecutionListeners({                               // (1)
        TransactionDbUnitTestExecutionListener.class})  // (2)
public class MemberRepositoryDbunitTest {
Sr. No. Description
TestExecutionListenerprocess specified at the time of test execution can be called by specifying implementation class of TestExecutionListener and by assigning @TestExecutionListenersannotation at class level. For details, refer Javadoc of @TestExecutionListeners.
TransactionDbUnitTestExecutionListener is an implementation class of TestExecutionListenerinterface provided by Spring Test DBUnit. It provides functions like data setup, verification and post-processing which use @DatabaseSetup, @ExpectedDatabase and @DatabaseTearDown annotations.
TransactionDbUnitTestExecutionListener internally chains TransactionalTestExecutionListener and com.github.springtestdbunit.DbUnitTestExecutionListener.


Points to note for DbUnitTestExecutionListener

When DbUnitTestExecutionListener provided by Spring Test DBUnit is used without specifying @Transactional in the test case, it must be noted that normal operations like reflecting data setup etc. might not occur since transactions of annotation like @DatabaseSetup and transactions of class for testing are separate. When @Transactional is to be specified, TransactionDbUnitTestExecutionListenerwhich has been provided should be used in place of DbUnitTestExecutionListener. MockMvc

MockMvc is originally included in Spring Test function, however, since it is used for unit test of application layer in this section, it is cut from Spring Test and explained in detail. MockMvc

Spring Test provides org.springframework.test.web.servlet.MockMvc class as a mechanism for testing combined with Spring MVC framework. When MockMvc is used, it is possible to reproduce Spring MVC operation without deploying it in the application server, hence it is possible to save time and effort for providing server and database. Further, for Spring MVC details, refer Overview of Spring MVC Processing Sequence.

Processing flow of MockMvc from receiving a request at the time of test execution to receiving a response is shown in the following figure.

Sr. No. Description
Test method sets data to be requested in org.springframework.test.web.servlet.TestDispatcherServlet provided by Spring Test.
MockMvc sends a pseudo request to TestDispatcherServlet.
TestDispatcherServlet calls a method of Controller matching request details.
Test method receives execution results from MockMvc and verifies the validity of execution results.

Further, MockMvcconsists of 2 working options. While conducting a test, respective characteristics should be taken into consideration and appropriate option should be selected.

Overview of 2 options is shown below.

Working options Overview
Test can be performed in the state same as at the time of deploy, by reading settings of Spring MVC defined by spring-mvc.xml and generating WebApplicationContext.
By defining the components for which DI is applied to the Controller, in the setting file used in the test, test can be performed by using DI container generated by Spring Test. Therefore, while using framework function of Spring MVC, it is possible to test the Controller from unit test viewpoint.

Merits and demerits of both the options are shown below.

Working options Merits Demerits
By reading the setting file used for actual operation, it can be verified without deploying that confirmation cannot be obtained without running the application. Since it reads and tests actual setting file, it is also possible to check whether a setting file is created correctly.
Also, if a mock class is specified in Bean definition, it is also possible to mock the Service for which DI is applied to Controller.
It takes a great deal of time while testing a huge application or reading a huge bean definition. Therefore, it is necessary to devise measures such as providing a setting file to extract only necessary description, from setting file at the time of deploy.
Testing can be done by applying specific Interceptor or Resolver to generated DI container. Therefore, when you want to view only controller unit without referring setting file of Spring, implementation cost is lower than webAppContextSetup.
Setting cost is high for the tests where multiple Interceptor or Resolver are applied.
In addition, since it operates for unit test viewpoint of Contoroller, when you want to perform Controller test together with Spring MVC framework function, it must be noted that testing with webAppContextSetup must be considered. MockMvc setup

Setup methods while using the same in the test are explained for two options of MockMvc. Setup by using webAppContextSetup

Setup method for conducting the test by using webAppContextSetup is explained.

Setup example of MockMvc is shown below.

  • Setup example of MockMvc
@ContextHierarchy({ @ContextConfiguration({ // (1)
        "classpath:META-INF/spring/spring-security.xml" }),
        @ContextConfiguration("classpath:META-INF/spring/spring-mvc.xml") })
@WebAppConfiguration // (2)
public class MemberRegisterControllerWebAppContextTest {

    WebApplicationContext webApplicationContext; // (3)

    MockMvc mockMvc;

    public void setUp() {

        mockMvc = MockMvcBuilders.webAppContextSetup(webApplicationContext) // (4)

    public void testRegisterConfirm01() throws Exception {

        ResultActions results = mockMvc.perform(post("/member/register")
                // omitted
                .param("confirm", "");


        // omitted
Sr. No. Description
Specify setting file of DI container generated at the time of test execution. Hierarchical relation of DI container can be reproduced by using @org.springframework.test.context.ContextHierarchy. For hierarchical relation of DI container, refer Relationship of bean definition file and application context structure.
DI container for Web application (WebApplicationContext) should be created. Also, if @WebAppConfigurationis specified, src/main/webapp in the development project will be root directory of Web application, however, since it is same as standard configuration of Maven, it is not necessary to add any specific settings.
Inject DI container to be used in test execution.
Specify DI container to be used in test execution and generate MockMvc. Setup by using standaloneSetup

Setting method for conducting a test by standaloneSetup is explained.

Setting example of MockMvc is shown below.

  • Setting example of MockMvc
@ContextConfiguration(locations = {
public class MemberRegisterControllerStandaloneTest {

    MemberRegisterController target;

    MockMvc mockMvc;

    public void setUp() {
        mockMvc = MockMvcBuilders.standaloneSetup(target).alwaysDo(log()).build(); // (1)

    public void testRegisterConfirm01() throws Exception {

        ResultActions results = mockMvc.perform(post("/member/register")
                // omitted
                .param("password", "testpassword")
                .param("reEnterPassword", "testpassword"));


        // omitted
Sr. No. Description
Specify Controller for test, and generate MockMvc. org.springframework.test.web.servlet.setup.StandaloneMockMvcBuilder method is called when required and DI container generated by Spring Test can be customized. For details of methods for customizing, refer Javadoc of StandaloneMockMvcBuilder. Implementation of test using MockMvc

Processes from setting of request data to implementation method of sending a request, verification of execution results and output are explained as a flow for test execution using MockMvc. Setting request data

Request data is set by using factory methods of org.springframework.test.web.servlet.request.MockHttpServletRequestBuilder or org.springframework.test.web.servlet.request.MockMultipartHttpServletRequestBuilder.

Main methods from factory methods of two classes are introduced. For details, refer Javadoc of MockHttpServletRequestBuilderor Javadoc of MockMultipartHttpServletRequestBuilder.

Main methods of MockHttpServletRequestBuilder
Method name Description
param/ params A method to add request parameter to the request at the time of test execution.
content A method to add request body to the request at the time of test execution.
header/ headers A method to add request header to the request at the time of test execution. Methods to specify specific headers like contentType or accept etc, are also provided.
requestAttr A method to set an object in request scope.
flashAttr A method to set object in flash scope.
sessionAttr A method to set object in session scope.
cookie A method to add specified cookie to the request at the time of test execution.

Main methods of MockMultipartHttpServletRequestBuilder
Method name Description
file A method to set files to be uploaded in the request at the time of execution.

An example of request data setting by using param method and request execution by using post method is shown.

Implementation example of Controller for testing is shown below.

  • Controllerclass for testing
public class MemberRegisterController {

    @RequestMapping(method = RequestMethod.POST, params = "confirm")
    public String registerConfirm(@Validated MemberRegisterForm memberRegisterForm,
        BindingResult result, Model model) {

        // omitted

        return "C1/memberRegisterConfirm";

Implementation example of sending a request is shown below.

  • Implementation example of sending a request
public void testRegisterConfirm01() throws Exception {
        .param("confirm", "")); // (1)
Sr. No. Description
Request data is set with form as a request parameter. Implementation of sending a request

By passing set request data as an argument of perform method of MockMvc, request data used in the test is set and a pseudo request is sent to DispatcherServlet. MockMvcRequestBuildersmethod provides methods like get, post and fileUpload for each request type. For details, refer Javadoc of MockMvcRequestBuilders.

Implementation example of sending a request is shown below.

  • Implementation example of sending a request
public void testRegisterConfirm01() throws Exception {
    mockMvc.perform( // (1)
         post("/member/register") // (2)
        .param("confirm", ""));
Sr. No. Description
Issue a request, and return ResultActions class for verification of execution results, as a return value. For details, refer Implementation of execution results verificationdescribed later.
Set to execute POST request to /ticket/search.


Transaction token check, CSRF check at the time of test

When transaction token check and CSRF check are used for the test, it must be noted that the check is also applicable for mockMvc request. Note that, spring-securitysetting is invalidated in this chapter, hence CSRF check is not done. Implementation of execution results verification

andExpectmethod of org.springframework.test.web.servlet.ResultActions is used for verification of execution results. org.springframework.test.web.servlet.ResultMatcheris specified in the argument of andExpect method. Spring Test provides various ResultMatcher through factory methods of org.springframework.test.web.servlet.result.MockMvcResultMatchers.

A main method of MockMvcResultMatchersis introduced here as an argument of andExpect method. For methods which are not introduced here, refer Javadoc of MockMvcResultMatchers.

Main methods of MockMvcResultMatchers
Method name Description
status A method to verify HTTP status code.
view A method to verify View name returned from Controller.
model A method to verify Model of Spring MVC.
request A method to verify status of request scope and session scope, and processing status of asynchronous processing supported from Servlet 3.0.
flash A method to verify status of flash scope.
redirectedUrl A method to verify path for redirect. Verification by using pattern which uses redirectedUrlPatternmethod is also provided.
fowardedUrl A method to validate path for forwarding. Verification by using pattern which uses forwardedUrlPattern method is also provided.
content A method to verify contents of response body. A method for specific contents like jsonPath or xPath etc is also provided.
header A method to verify status of response header.
cookie A method to verify status of cookie.

Implementation example of test result verification is shown below.

  • Implementation example of test execution results
public void testRegisterConfirm01() throws Exception {
        .param("confirm", ""));
        .andExpect(status().is(302)) // (1)
Sr. No. Description
Request data at the time of test execution is set. Since andExpectmethod can be described in a chain format from ResultActions, the load of coding can be reduced by complementary function of IDE.


Model validation and assertion library

In Spring Test, attribute method of org.springframework.test.web.servlet.result.ModelResultMatcherscan be used in chain format in model method, as a verification for Model. Contents of Model can be verified by using this method, however, since org.hamcrest.Matcher is used as an argument of Hamcrest, care must be taken while using assertion library other than Hamcrest.

When assertion libraries other than Hamcrest are used, ModelAndView object is fetched from MvcResult, further, Model can be verified by using assertion library in use, by fetching object stored in Model, from ModelAndView object.

Verification example of Model fetched from ModelAndViewobject is shown below.

public void testRegisterConfirm01() throws Exception {
    MvcResult mvcResult = mockMvc.perform(post("/member/register").param("confirm", "")
                .param("kanjiFamilyName", "髮サ髮サ")
                .andReturn(); // (1)

    ModelAndView mav = mvcResult.getModelAndView(); // (2)

    MemberRegisterForm actForm = (MemberRegisterForm) mav.getModel().get("memberRegisterForm");

    assertThat(actForm.getKanjiFamilyName(), is("髮サ髮サ"));
    // omitted
Sr. No. Description
Use andReturn method of ResultActions, and fetch MvcResult object.
Fetch ModelAndViewfrom MvcResult, and fetch object stored in the Model from ModelAndView object and verify Model. Implementation of execution results output

When the log output is enabled at the time of test execution, alwaysDo method and andDo method of ResultActions are used. Since log output etc is a type of common processing, it is recommended to use alwaysDo method of StandaloneMockMvcBuilder at the time of MockMvcgeneration.

org.springframework.test.web.servlet.ResultHandler which performs any operation for execution results is specified in argument of alwaysDo method. Spring Test provides various ResultHandler through factory method of org.springframework.test.web.servlet.result.MockMvcResultHandlers. A method of MockMvcResultHandlers which is the main argument of alwaysDo method is introduced here. For details of each method, refer Javadoc of MockMvcResultHandlers.

Main methods of MockMvcResultHandlers
Method name Description
log A method which outputs execution results in a log, at debug level. Logger name used for log output is org.springframework.test.web.servlet.result.
print A method to output execution result to any output destination. When output destination is not specified, standard output becomes the output destination.

Setting example of test execution result output is shown below.

  • Setting example of execution result output
public void setUp() {
    mockMvc = MockMvcBuilders.standaloneSetup(target).alwaysDo(log()).build(); // (1)
Sr. No. Description
Execution results of test by using mockMvc are output in a log, by specifying log method as the argument of alwayDo method.


Output setting for each test case

When log output at the time of test execution is to be enabled for each test case, andDomethod of ResultActions is used. andDo method also specifies ResultHandler as an argument similar to alwaysDo method.

Setting example when log output is enabled for each test case is shown.

  • Example when log output is always enabled
public void testSearchForm() throws Exception {
    mockMvc.perform(get("/ticket/search").param("form", ""))
            .andDo(log()); // (1)
Sr. No. Description
Output test execution results in a log. Mockito

Overview of mock and how to use Mockito are explained here. Mockito

Mockito is one of the libraries to be used for mocking dependent classes for testing during unit test.

It is frequently used in implementation of unit test since mock can be easily generated by using a mock library.

Mock is explained here. Overview of mock

A mock is a pseudo class which acts as a substitute for dependent classes for testing. The process of substituting these dependent classes with mock is called mocking. Mock is used in unit tests to verify that the dependent classes are used correctly. When you want to perform a test only by focusing on class to be tested or when the dependent classes for test are not completed, performing a test by mocking the dependent class should be considered.

Flow of test using mock is shown below.

Sr. No. Description
When dependent classes are created and operation is ensured as well, test can be performed by using dependent classes as it is.
When dependent classes operation is not ensured or not created, and dependent class cannot be used, test is performed by using mock class.

When dependency class is to be mocked, the persons implementing the test must provide mock classes by themselves. However, if the class for verification is created from the scratch, a great deal of cost is likely to incur for test implementation. In such a case, a mock library is used for creating a mock. Since mock can be created easily by using a mock library, use of library is recommended while creating a mock.

In this section, explanation is given by using Mockito as a typical mock library. Using Mockito

Mockito provides functions like mocking of dependent classes, calling and verification of methods, verification of method arguments etc.which are necessary for performing a test. However, it must be noted that Mockito cannot be used in some cases depending on the code to be tested.

Even within the cases where Mockito cannot be used, cases which require special attention are introduced here. Restriction on mocking

Mockito cannot be used for mocking of class/method declared as final and private and method declared as static. Since it is difficult to think about a test which will put restrictions on mocking in case of an implementation in accordance with normal object orientation, if you come across such a case, it should be checked once whether the design for the test has any issues.

For other restrictions on Mockito, refer What are the limitations of Mockito. Mockito function

Creating a mock, defining and verifying a mocked method are introduced here
as typical functions of Mockito. Generating a mock

Mocking of Mockito consists of 2 methods. The first method involves mocking of all dependent classes by using mockmethod, and second method involves mocking of only some dependency classes by using spymethod.

A simple method of mocking all dependent classes is introduced here. For method of mocking some of the dependent classes only, refer Javadoc of Mockito.

When all classes are to be mocked, mocking is basically performed by using mockmethod.

An example of mocking by using mock method is shown below.

public class TicketReserveServiceImpl implements TicketReserveService {

    @Inject // (1)
    ReservationRepository reservationRepository;

    // omitted
Sr. No. Description
Since TicketReserveServiceImplfor testing injects ReservationRepository, it acts as an implementation of ReservationRepository.
public class TicketReserveServiceImplMockTest {

    ReservationRepository mockReservationRepository = mock(ReservationRepository.class); // (1)

    private TicketReserveServiceImpl target;

    public void testRegisterReservation() {

        target.reservationRepository = mockReservationRepository; // (2)

        // omitted
Sr. No. Description
ReservationRepository on which TicketReserveServiceImpl is dependent is mocked by using mockmethod.
Apply a mock class object in the field to be tested.

When mock was used, it was necessary for the person himself implementing the test to apply mock one by one. Therefore, when number of dependent classes is large, it amounts to increase in the description quantity and also high implementation cost. In such a case, a method is recommended wherein mock is automatically applied by using @Mock annotation. Also, @Mock annotation which can be described more concisely than mock method is used for mocking in this section.

An example of mocking by using @Mockannotation is shown below.

  • TicketReserveServiceImplMockTest.java
public class TicketReserveServiceImplMockTest {

    @Mock // (1)
    ReservationRepository mockReservationRepository;

    @InjectMocks // (2)
    private TicketReserveServiceImpl target;

    @Rule // (3)
    public MockitoRule mockito = MockitoJUnit.rule();

    // omitted
Sr. No. Description
Mock objects of target class are automatically assigned by Mockito, by assigning @Mock annotation to the class to be mocked. It is not necessary to define a mock class separately.
Instance of the target class is automatically assigned by Mockito, by assigning @InjectMocksannotation to the concrete class to be tested, further, when the class on which the target class is dependent and the class assigned by @Mock annotation match, mock objects are set automatically.
A declaration for using Mockito by JUnit. Due to @Rule, it is possible to use initialization function of annotation based mock object described later. Mocking of method

All the methods consisting of mocked objects are defined as a method so as to return initial value of each type (e.g.0 for int type) otherwise return null. Therefore, return value of the method must be redefined in accordance with the test details to be implemented while conducting the test. Setting argument and return value

when method of Mockito class and method of org.mockito.stubbing.OngoingStubbing instance returned by when method are used for mocking of methods. The method to be mocked and its argument are specified in the argument of when method and the return value to be returned at the time of execution is defined by OngoingStubbing method.

Main methods of OngoingStubbing are shown below. For details of OngoingStubbing, refer Javadoc of OngoingStubbing. Also, for whenmethod,refer Javadoc of Mockito.

Main methods of OngoingStubbing
Method name Description
thenReturn A method which sets return value while calling the method, in the argument.
thenThrow A method which sets Throwable object thrown at the time of calling the method, in the argument. java.lang.Classobject of exception class to be thrown in the argument can also be specified.

A usage example of thenReturn is shown below.

public class TicketReserveServiceImplMockTest {

    public void testRegisterReservation() {

        Reservation testReservation = new Reservation();

        when(reservationRepository.insert(testReservation)).thenReturn(1); // (2)
Sr. No. Description
Specify the method and its argument for which behavior is to be defined, in the argument of when method.
By specifying testReservationas an argument of insert method, when the test target executes the insert method with the argument testReservation, the return value becomes “1”. Definition by arbitrary argument

It is also possible to define return values for arbitrary arguments by using org.mockito.Matchers method in the argument of mocked method.

Main methods of Matchers are shown below. For details, refer Javadoc of Matchers.

Main methods of Matchers
Method name Description
any A method to indicate that argument of mocked method is any Object.
anyString A method to indicate that argument of mocked method is any String other than null.
anyInt A method to indicate that argument of mocked method is any int type or Integer other than null.

A usage example of any is shown below.

public class TicketReserveServiceImplMockTest {

    public void testRegisterReservation() {

        // omitted

        when(reservationRepository.insert((Reservation) any())).thenReturn(0); // (1)
Sr. No. Description
By specifying any method cast in Reservation as an argument of insert method, when insert method is executed, insert method can be executed by Reservationargument so that return value becomes “0”. Mocking of method with return value as void

A method whose mocked return value is void is defined as a method which does not perform any operation by default. Therefore, if an exception is to be thrown, it should be defined again. Operation settings

For the methods with return value as void that cannot be defined by when method, it can be defined by using doThrowmethod of Mockito class.

Main methods of Mockito to redefine methods with return value as void are shown below. For details, refer Javadoc of Mockito.

Main methods of Mockito to redefine methods with return value as void
Method name Description
doThrow A method to use when an exception is set which is thrown in the method with return value as void type.
doNothing A method to use when no action is to be taken for the method with return value as void type.

A usage example of doThrow is shown below.

doThrow(new RuntimeException()).when(mock).someVoidMethod(); // (1)
Sr. No. Description
doThrow method is written before when method, and when method is described later in chain format.
An exception will be thrown when the mocked method is executed by specifying the exception to be thrown in the argument of doThrow method. Validation of mocked method

When the object created by Mockito is mocked, calling of mocked method can be validated by using verifymethod ofMockito class.

verify method specifies mock as an argument and it can be verified whether the method is correctly called by continuing the mock method in chain format. Also, the calling of method can be verified in further detail by specifying mock as an argument of verifymethod and specifying org.mockito.verification.VerificationMode

Main methods for VerificationMode are shown below. For details, refer Javadoc of VerificationMode.

Main methods of VerificationMode
Method name Description
times A method that sets expected number of calling. Expected number of calling can be set in the argument. When VerificationMode is not specified in the argument of verify method, times(1) is set.
never A method to set if calling is not expected.

A usage example of times is shown below.

public void testRegisterReservation() {

    // omitted


    TicketReserveDto ticketReserveDto = target.registerReservation(testReservation); // (1)

    verify(reservationRepository, times(1)).insert(testReservation); // (2)
Sr. No. Description
Implementation is done in such a way that insert method of ReservationRepository is executed once, in insert method of target.
By specifying mock object in verify method argument and by specifying timesmethod, it can be verified whether the insert method with argument testReservation is correctly called once.
In this case, if the argument of times method is “1”, same verification will be done even if it is omitted.