10.2.3. Implementation of tests by functions

This chapter explains about test methods for functions which cannot be applied to each layer. Unit test of input check

Unit test implementation method for following input check is explained here.

Types of Validation Explanation
Bean Validation Test for Validator which is implemented by using Hibernate validator
Bean Validation Test for Validator which is implemented by using Spring DI container
Spring Validation Test for Validator which is implemented by using Spring Validation

Unit test for Validator is originally performed as test for Controller, however, it results in many test patterns. Hence, considering implementation cost for tests, the test can performed as Validator unit by isolating it from Controller. Test implementation method as a Validator unit is explained here.

This section explains implementation methods while using Bean Validation and Spring Validation respectively. Unit test of Validator implemented by Bean Validation

While performing the test of Bean Validation, required dependent libraries must be added since libraries are not provided by application server. For how to add libraries, refer Adding dependent libraries. Note that, input check function provided by Hibernate Validator is not within the scope of this test.

Test methods for Bean Validation are explained as shown below.

  • Bean Validation using Hibernate validator
  • Bean Validation using Spring DI container Bean Validationtest using Hibernate validator

Files to be created in unit test of Bean Validation using Hibernate validator are shown below.

Names of files to be created Description
FullWidthKatakanaTest.java Test class of @FullWidthKatakana annotation
FullWidthKatakanaTestBean.java Bean class wherein @FullWidthKatakana annotation is assigned to the field

Bean class which uses @FullWidthKatakana for the test (FullWidthKatakanaTestBean)is created here and the validation check is performed by using implementation class of javax.validation.Validator generated from javax.validation.ValidatorFactory.

How to create a Bean class wherein @FullWidthKatakana annotation is assigned to the field is shown below.

  • FullWidthKatakanaTestBean.java
public class FullWidthKatakanaTestBean {

    private String testString;

    public FullWidthKatakanaTestBean() {
        // constructor

    public String getTestString() {
        return testString;

    public void setTestString(String testString) {
        this.testString = testString;

  • FullWidthKatakanaTest.java
public class FullWidthKatakanaTest {

    private static Validator validator;

    public static void setUpBeforeClass() {

        // setup
        ValidatorFactory validatorFactory = Validation.buildDefaultValidatorFactory();

        // (1)
        validator = validatorFactory.getValidator();

    public void testFullWidthKatakana() {

        // setup
        FullWidthKatakanaTestBean form = new FullWidthKatakanaTestBean();

        // run the test
        Set<ConstraintViolation<FullWidthKatakanaTestBean>> violations = validator.validate(form); // (2)

        // assert
        assertThat(violations, is(empty())); // (3)
Sr. No. Description
Fetch Validator by using getValidator method.
Input check by using validate method can be performed, by fetching Validator
Perform input check by using validate method.
Set of ConstrainViolation is returned only for number of input check errors, by executing validate method. Specify an object of FullWidthKatakanaBean class in the argument of validate method.
Confirm whether an error has occurred from the Set fetched in (2).
Since there are no errors at this time, an empty Set is returned.


Test using validation group

When validation group is to be set, it can be executed only by applying Validatorof specified group by specifying java.lang.Class object which points to a group in validate method argument while performing input check.

For validation group, refer Grouped validation.

Form example which use validation group is shown below.

  • FullWidthKatakanaTestBean.java for test
public class FullWidthKatakanaTestBean {

    public interface Search {};
    public interface Register {};

    // (1)
    @Size(min = 5, max = 10, groups = Search.class)
    @FullWidthKatakana(groups = Register.class)
    private String testString;

    public FullWidthKatakanaTestBean() {
        // constructor

    public String getTestString() {
        return testString;

    public void setTestString(String testString) {
        this.testString = testString;

Sr. No. Description
Validator set in the field are grouped.
  • FullWidthKatakanaTest.java
public class FullWidthKatakanaTest {

    // omitted

    public void testFullWidthKatakana() {

        // setup
        FullWidthKatakanaTestBean form = new FullWidthKatakanaTestBean();

        // run the test
        // (1)
        Set<ConstraintViolation<FullWidthKatakanaTestBean>> violations =
                validator.validate(form, Default.class, Search.class);

        // assert
        assertThat(violations, is(empty())); // (2)
Sr. No. Description
Input check can be executed for validation group which has been set, by adding java.lang.Classobject, in validate method argument. Further, multiple java.lang.Class objects can be specified as shown in the example.
Confirm whether an error has occurred. Bean Validationtest using Spring DI container

Files to be created in unit test of Bean Validationby using Spring DI container are shown below.

Names of files to be created Description
ExistInCodeListTest.java Test class of Bean Validationusing Spring DI container
test-context.xml Settings file for supplementing settings necessary for performing unit test by using Spring Test.

Bean Validation using Spring DI container can perform the test by generating Validator object from org.springframework.validation.beanvalidation.LocalValidatorFactoryBean.

An implementation method of testing is explained here by using @ExistInCodeList as an input check using Spring DI container. For details of @ExistInCodeList, refer Input validation of code value using codelist.

A Bean is defined for LocalValidatorFactoryBean in settings file to be used in the test in order to generate Validator object.

  • test-context.xml
<!-- (1) -->
<bean id="validator" class="org.springframework.validation.beanvalidation.LocalValidatorFactoryBean" />
Sr. No. Description
A Validator generated from LocalValidatorFactoryBean for which a Bean is defined in test-context.xml must be used to fetch a code list Bean from DI container by using @ExistInCodeList.

An implementation example of Formclass which uses @ExistInCodeList is shown below.

  • TicketSearchForm.java
public class TicketSearchForm implements Serializable {

    @ExistInCodeList(codeListId = "CL_AIRPORT") // (1)
    private String depAirportCd;

    // omitted
Sr. No. Description
Verify whether a value exists in the code list, for depAirportCd field.

A method to create test class of @ExistInCodeList is explained here. Here, a value not defined in the defined codelist (CL_AIRPORT) is set in sample-codelist.xml and it is confirmed whether a validation check error occurs by injected implementation class of javax.validation.Validator.

  • ExistInCodeListTest.java
@ContextConfiguration(locations = {
        "classpath:META-INF/spring/test-context.xml" })
public class ExistInCodeListTest {

    // (1)
    private Validator validator;

    public void testExistInCodeList() {

        // setup
        TicketSearchForm ticketSearchForm = new TicketSearchForm();
        // (2)

        // omitted

        // run the test
        Set<ConstraintViolation<TicketSearchForm>> violations = validator

        // assert
        // (3)
        assertThat(violations.size(), is(1));
        ConstraintViolation<TicketSearchForm> violation = violations.iterator().next();
        // (4)
        assertThat(violation.getPropertyPath().toString(), is("depAirportCd"));
        // (5)
        assertThat((String) violation.getInvalidValue(), is("AAA"));
        // (6)
        assertThat(violation.getMessage(), is("Does not exist in CL_AIRPORT"));
Sr. No. Description
Apply DI of Validator generated from LocalValidatorFactoryBean of Spring, to Validator.
Validator generated from LocalValidatorFactoryBean operates on Spring DI container and a Bean of codelist read by @ContextConfiguration can be fetched. Accordingly, @ExistInCodeList operates as per expected operation.
Enter code which does not exist in the codelist and anticipate an error in the @ExistInCodeList.
Use size method to fetch the number of input check errors and verify whether the error has occurred.
Verify whether the violated field is the assumed location.
Verify whether the violated input value is the assumed value.
Verify error message thus generated. Unit test of Validator implemented by Spring Validator

Files to be created in unit test of Validator(Spring Validation) are shown below.

Names of files to be created Description
TicketSearchValidatorTest.java Test class of TicketSearchValidator.java

A class for test is shown below.

  • TicketSearchValidator.java
public class TicketSearchValidator implements Validator {

    public boolean supports(Class<?> clazz) {
        return (TicketSearchForm.class).isAssignableFrom(clazz);

    public void validate(Object target, Errors errors) {

        TicketSearchForm form = (TicketSearchForm) target;

        if (!errors.hasFieldErrors("depAirportCd")
            && !errors.hasFieldErrors("arrAirportCd")) {
            String depAirport = form.getDepAirportCd();
            String arrAirport = form.getArrAirportCd();
            if (depAirport.equals(arrAirport)) {

        // omitted

How to create a test class of Validator(Spring Validation) is explained below. Here, a value causing an error in TicketSearchValidator which is a target for testing is set in TicketSearchForm and it is verified that it causes a validation error and the resulting error message is correct.

  • TicketSearchValidatorTest.java
public class TicketSearchValidatorTest {

    private TicketSearchValidator validator;

    private TicketSearchForm ticketSearchForm;

    private BindingResult result;

    public void setUpBeforeClass() {

        // setup
        validator = new TicketSearchValidator();

    public void testTicketSearchValidator() {

        // setup
        ticketSearchForm = new TicketSearchForm();
        result = new DirectFieldBindingResult(ticketSearchForm, "TicketSearchForm");

        // omitted

        // run the test
        // (1)
        validator.validate(ticketSearchForm, result);

        // (2)
        assertThat(result.hasErrors(), is(true));

        // (3)
        ObjectError error = result.getGlobalError();

        // (4)
        ResourceBundleMessageSource messageSource = new ResourceBundleMessageSource();
        // (5)
        // (6)

        String code = error.getCode();
        // assert
        // (7)
        assertThat(code, is(TicketSearchErrorCode.E_AR_B1_5001.code()));
        assertThat(messageSource.getMessage(error, Locale.JAPAN),
Sr. No. Description
By specifying ticketSearchForm and BindingResult interface object in validatemethod argument, input check results for ticketSearchForm are stored in object of BindingResult class.
Use hasErrors method and determine whether an error has occurred.
true is returned in case of an error and false is returned when error does not occur.
Fetch error details by getGlobalError method.
Generate an object of org.springframework.context.support.ResourceBundleMessageSource- an implementation class of MessageSourceto check details of error message. For class details, refer Javadoc of ResourceBundleMessageSource.
Specify a property file in which the message is defined, in setBasename method and load the same.
When true is specified in setUseCodeAsDefaultMessage method, error code is returned when error message corresponding to error code is not defined. If false is specified, NoSuchMessageException is returned when error message corresponding to error code is not defined. false is applied by default.
Verify error code and message details.