4.1. Create Web application development project


This version is already obsolete. Please check the latest guideline.

In this section, how to create a web application development project is described.

In this guideline, it is recommended to adopt multi-project configuration. For description of the recommended multi-project configuration, refer [Project structure].

4.1.1. Create development project

The multi-project structured development project will be created using the archetype:generate of the Maven Archetype Plugin .



In the following description,

  • Maven (mvn command) is used
  • Internet connection is used
  • If internet is connected via proxy, Maven proxy setting needs to be done

are prerequisites.

If prerequisite conditions are not satisfied, it is necessary to perform these setups first.

As an Archetype following two types are provided for creating multi-project.

Sr. No. Archetype(ArtifactId) Description
terasoluna-gfw-multi-web-blank-mybatis3-archetype Archetype for generating a project to use MyBatis3 as O/R Mapper.
terasoluna-gfw-multi-web-blank-jpa-archetype Archetype for generating a project to use JPA(with Spring Data JPA and Hibernate) as O/R Mapper.

Move to the folder where you want to create project.

cd C:\work

Create project using archetype:generate of Maven Archetype Plugin.

mvn archetype:generate -B^
Parameter Description
batch mode (skips interaction)
Specify TERASOLUNA Server Framework for Java (5.x) repository.(Fixed)
Specify groupId of the blank project.(Fixed)

Specify archetypeId (ID to identify the template) of the blank project. (Customization required)

specify one of the following archetypeId.

  • terasoluna-gfw-multi-web-blank-mybatis3-archetype
  • terasoluna-gfw-multi-web-blank-jpa-archetype

In above example, terasoluna-gfw-multi-web-blank-mybatis3-archetype is specified.

Specify version of the blank project.(Fixed)

Specify groupId of the project that you want to create. (Customization required)

In above example, "com.example.todo" is specified.


Specify artifactId of the project that you want to create. (Customization required)

In above example, "todo" is specified.


Specify version of the project that you want to create. (Customization required)

In above example, "1.0.0-SNAPSHOT" is specified.

If the project creation successes, following type of log will be printed. (The following output is an example when project is created using the MyBatis3 Archetype)

(... omit)
[INFO] ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
[INFO] Using following parameters for creating project from Archetype: terasoluna-gfw-multi-web-blank-mybatis3-archetype:5.0.1.RELEASE
[INFO] ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
[INFO] Parameter: groupId, Value: com.example.todo
[INFO] Parameter: artifactId, Value: todo
[INFO] Parameter: version, Value: 1.0.0-SNAPSHOT
[INFO] Parameter: package, Value: com.example.todo
[INFO] Parameter: packageInPathFormat, Value: com/example/todo
[INFO] Parameter: package, Value: com.example.todo
[INFO] Parameter: version, Value: 1.0.0-SNAPSHOT
[INFO] Parameter: groupId, Value: com.example.todo
[INFO] Parameter: artifactId, Value: todo
[INFO] Parent element not overwritten in C:\work\todo\todo-env\pom.xml
[INFO] Parent element not overwritten in C:\work\todo\todo-domain\pom.xml
[INFO] Parent element not overwritten in C:\work\todo\todo-web\pom.xml
[INFO] Parent element not overwritten in C:\work\todo\todo-initdb\pom.xml
[INFO] Parent element not overwritten in C:\work\todo\todo-selenium\pom.xml
[INFO] project created from Archetype in dir: C:\work\todo
[INFO] ------------------------------------------------------------------------
[INFO] ------------------------------------------------------------------------
[INFO] Total time: 9.929 s
[INFO] Finished at: 2015-07-31T12:03:21+00:00
[INFO] Final Memory: 10M/26M
[INFO] ------------------------------------------------------------------------

If the project creation successes, Maven multi-project gets created. For detail description of the project that you have created in the Maven Archetype, Refer [Structure of the development project].

├── pom.xml
├── todo-domain
├── todo-env
├── todo-initdb
├── todo-selenium
└── todo-web

4.1.2. Build development project

The method to create a war file to be deployed on application server and a jar file of env module (module to store the file environment dependent file) is described below.

In case of a project created using Maven Archetype, the following 2 methods are provided as methods to create a war file.


About the recommended build method

This guideline recommends Build method wherein jar file of env module is not included in war file. For reasons why this method is recommended, refer to Removing Environment Dependency. Other build method apart from those mentioned here can also be used.

However, the war file and jar file to be released in test environment and production environment should not be created using the functionality provided by IDE such as Eclipse. In some of the IDE functionalities like Eclipse, class files are created using an independent compiler which has been optimized for development, hence there could be a risk of unexpected error during the application execution due to difference in the compiler.


About build environment

In the example below, Windows environment is used for the build. However, you can use your own environment for doing the build. This guideline recommends that you should do the build using the same OS and JDK version as that of the application execution environment.

When build is done using Maven, confirm whether home directory of JDK which is used during compilation in the environment variable JAVA_HOME, has been specified.
If the environment variable is not set or the home directory of JDK having different version has been specified, an appropriate home directory should be specified in environment variable.

[In case of Windows]

echo %JAVA_HOME%
set JAVA_HOME={Please set home directory of JDK}

[In case of Linux]

JAVA_HOME={Please set home directory of JDK}


It is advisable to set the environment variable JAVA_HOME in the user environment variable of OS user wherein build is to be done. Build method wherein jar file of env module is not included in war file Create war file

Open the root directory of development project.

cd C:\work\todo

Specify warpack in Maven profile (-P parameter) and run Maven install.
mvn -P warpack clean install
If the Maven package is run successfully, a war file that does not include jar file of env module is created in the target directory of web module.
(Example: C:\work\todo\todo-web\target\todo-web.war)


About the goal to be specified

In the above example, install is specified in goal and war file is installed in local repository, however it is advisable to specify

  • package in goal when only creating a war file
  • deploy in goal when deploying in remote repository like Nexus Create jar file of env module

Open env module directory.

cd C:\work\todo\todo-env

Specify Profile ID to identify environment in Maven profile (-P parameter) and run Maven package.

mvn -P test-server clean package
If Maven package is run successfully, jar file for the specified environment is created in target directory of env module.
(Example: C:\work\todo\todo-env\target\todo-env-1.0.0-SNAPSHOT-test-server.jar)


About profile ID to identify environment

In case of a project created using Maven Archetype, following profile IDs are defined by default.

  • local: Profile for local environment of the developer (for IDE development environment) (default profile)
  • test-server: Profile for test environment
  • production-server: Profile for production environment

The above 3 profiles are provided by default; however you can add or modify them as per the environment configuration of the system to be developed. Deploy on Tomcat

Deployment method (procedure) when Tomcat is used as an application server is given below.

  • Copy the jar file of env module to a predefined external directory.
  • Deploy the war file on Tomcat.


  • For method to manage a jar file of env module in external directory, refer to Deployment in Tomcat of Appendix.
  • For method to deploy a war file on Tomcat, refer to Tomcat manual. Deploy on application server other than Tomcat

Deployment method (procedure) when server other than Tomcat is used as an application server is given below.

  • Embed the jar file of env module in war file.
  • Deploy the war file in which jar file of env module is embedded on application server.


For a method to deploy a war file on application server, refer to the manual of application server to be used

Here, a method to embed the jar file of env module in war file using jar command is given.

Open the working directory.
Here the in the example below, work is performed in env project.
cd C:\work\todo\todo-env

Copy the created war file to the working directory.
Here in the example below, war file is fetched from Maven repository. (war file is required to be installed or deployed.)
mvn org.apache.maven.plugins:maven-dependency-plugin:2.5:get^
If the command is run successfully, the specified war file is copied to the target directory of env module.
(Example: C:\work\todo\todo-env\target\todo-web.war)


  • An appropriate value should be specified in -DgroupId, -DartifactId, -Dversion, -Ddest.
  • When run on Linux, ^ at the end of the line should be read as \ .

Copy the created jar file to working directory (target\WEB-INF\lib) once and add it to the war file.

[In case of Windows]

mkdir target\WEB-INF\lib
copy target\todo-env-1.0.0-SNAPSHOT-test-server.jar target\WEB-INF\lib\.
cd target
jar -uvf todo-web.war WEB-INF\lib

[In case of Linux]

mkdir -p target/WEB-INF/lib
cp target/todo-env-1.0.0-SNAPSHOT-test-server.jar target/WEB-INF/lib/.
cd target
jar -uvf todo-web.war WEB-INF/lib


Measures to be taken when jar command is not found

The problem when jar command is not found can be resolved using either of the following measures.

  • Add JAVA_HOME/bin to environment variable “PATH”.
  • Specify the jar command with full path. In case of Windows, %JAVA_HOME%\bin\jar and in case of Linux, ${JAVA_HOME}/bin/jar can be specified. Build method wherein jar file of env module is included in war file Create war file


Points to be noted when including a jar file of env module in war file

When jar file of env module is included in war file, the war file cannot be deployed in other environment; hence war file should be managed so that it is not deployed to other environment (especially in production environment) by mistake.

Moreover, when using a method in which war file is created for each environment and released in each environment, it should be noted that war file released in production environment can never be the war file for which testing is complete. This is for the re-compilation at the time of creating war file for the production environment. When creating the war file and releasing the same for each environment, it is especially important to use the VCS (Version Control System) functionality (Tag functionality etc.) like Git or Subversion and to establish a mechanism to create a war file which is to be released in production environment and various test environments, through the use of tested source files.

Open the root directory of development project.

cd C:\work\todo

In Maven profile (-P parameter), specify Profile ID to identify environmentdefined in env module and warpack-with-env, and then run the Maven package.
mvn -P warpack-with-env,test-server clean package
If Maven package is run successfully, war file which includes jar file of env module is created in target directory of web module.
(Example: C:\work\todo\todo-web\target\todo-web.war) Deploy

Deploy the created war file on application server.


For a method to deploy a war file on application server, refer to the manual of Application Server to be used.

4.1.3. Customization of development project

Depending upon the application, there are several locations where customization is required in the Maven Archetype created project.

The customization required locations are described below.


The customization points other than the above are,

For these customizations, Refer to “How to use” of each section and customize if required.


Part that is expressed as artifactId in the following description needs to be read by replacing the artifactId which is specified at the time of creating a project. POM file project information

In the POM file of Maven Archetype created project,

  • Project name (name element)
  • Project description (description element)
  • Project URL (url element)
  • Project inception year (inceptionYear element)
  • Project license (licenses element)
  • Project organization (organization element)

such information set in Archetype projects. The actual settings contents indicated below.

<!-- ... -->

<name>TERASOLUNA Server Framework for Java (5.x) Web Blank Multi Project</name>
<description>Web Blank Multi Project using TERASOLUNA Server Framework for Java (5.x)</description>
        <name>Apache License, Version 2.0</name>
    <name>TERASOLUNA Framework Team</name>

<!-- ... -->


Set the appropriate values in the project information.

Customization method and customization targeted files are indicated below.

Sr. No. Targeted File Customization method

POM (Project Object Model) file that defines the overall configuration of multi-project


Set the appropriate values in the project information. x.xx.fw.9999 format message ID

In the Maven Archetype created project, the x.xx.fw.9999 format message ID used at the time of,

  • Message to be displayed on the error screen
  • Error log to be output when an exception occurs

Actual point-of-use (sampling) indicated below.


e.xx.fw.5001 = Resource not found.


<div class="error">
    <c:if test="${!empty exceptionCode}">[${f:h(exceptionCode)}]</c:if>
    <spring:message code="e.xx.fw.5001" />


<bean id="exceptionCodeResolver"
    <!-- ... -->
            <entry key="ResourceNotFoundException" value="e.xx.fw.5001" />
    <!-- ... -->

The x.xx.fw.9999 format message ID is a message ID system that is introduced in [Message Management] of this guideline but, the value of the project division is in the state of provisional value [xx].


  • If the message ID system introduced in this guideline is used, specify the appropriate values to the project classification. For the message ID system introduced in this guideline, Refer [Result messages].
  • If the message ID system introduced in this guideline is not used, it is necessary to replace all the message IDs those are used in the customization targeted file indicated below.

Customization method and customization targeted files are indicated below.

Sr. No. Targeted File Customization method

Message definition file


The provisional value [xx] of project classification message ID specified in the property key needs to be modified by appropriate value.

Error screen JSP


The provisional value [xx] of project classification message ID specified in the code attribute of the element <spring:message> needs to be modified by appropriate value.

Bean definition file to create an application context for Web applications


The provisional value [xx] of project classification exception code (message ID) specified in the Bean definition of "exceptionCodeResolver" needs to be modified by appropriate value. Message wording

In the Maven Archetype created project, number of message definitions are provided but, message wordings are simple messages. Actual messages (sampling) are indicated below.


e.xx.fw.5001 = Resource not found.

# ...

# typemismatch
typeMismatch="{0}" is invalid.

# ...


Modify the message wording depending upon the application requirements (such as message terms)

Customization method and customization targeted files are indicated below.

Sr. No. Targeted File Customization method

Message definition file


Modify the messages in accordance with the application requirements.

The message to be displayed (Bean Validation messages) when there is an error in input check needs to be modified (override default messages) depending upon the application requirement. For overriding the default messages, Refer [Definition of error messages]. Error screen

In the Maven Archetype created project, JSP and HTML are provided for displaying an error screen for every kind of errors but,

  • screen layout
  • screen title
  • wording of the message

etc are simple implementation. Actual JSP implementation (sampling) is indicated below.


<!DOCTYPE html>
<meta charset="utf-8">
<title>Resource Not Found Error!</title>
<link rel="stylesheet"
    <div id="wrapper">
        <h1>Resource Not Found Error!</h1>
        <div class="error">
            <c:if test="${!empty exceptionCode}">[${f:h(exceptionCode)}]</c:if>
            <spring:message code="e.xx.fw.5001" />
        <t:messagesPanel />
    <!-- ... -->


Modify the JSP and HTML depending upon the application requirements (such as UI terms) used for displaying an error screen.

Customization method and customization targeted files are indicated below.

Sr. No. Targeted File Customization method

JSP for the error screen


Modify depending upon the application requirements (such as UI terms).

Refer [Coding points (JSP) of Exception Handling] for customizing the JSP to display an error screen.

HTML for the error screen


Modify depending upon the application requirements (such as UI terms). In-memory database (H2 Database)

In the Maven Archetype created project, in-memory database (H2 Database) setting is configured but, these settings are done for the small operation (Prototyping and POC (Proof Of Concept)) verification. Therefore, these could be unnecessary settings while having regular application development.


<jdbc:initialize-database data-source="dataSource"
    <jdbc:script location="classpath:/database/${database}-schema.sql" />
    <jdbc:script location="classpath:/database/${database}-dataload.sql" />
└── src
    └── main
        └── resources
            ├── META-INF
            ├── database
            │   ├── H2-dataload.sql
            │   └── H2-schema.sql


While having regular application development, remove the directory which is maintained for definition and SQL files for setting up a In-memory database (H2 Database)

Customization method and customization targeted files are indicated below.

Sr. No. Targeted File Customization method

Bean definition file for defining environment dependent components


Remove the <jdbc:initialize-database> element.

Directory that contains the SQL for configuring In-memory database (H2 Database)


Remove the directory. DataSource configuration

In the Maven Archetype created project, DataSource setting is done for accessing in-memory database (H2 Database) but, these settings are done for the small operation (Prototyping and POC (Proof Of Concept)) verification. Therefore it is necessary to change the DataSource settings for accessing the actual running database application while having regular application development.




# connection pool


<bean id="realDataSource" class="org.apache.commons.dbcp2.BasicDataSource"
    <property name="driverClassName" value="${database.driverClassName}" />
    <property name="url" value="${database.url}" />
    <property name="username" value="${database.username}" />
    <property name="password" value="${database.password}" />
    <property name="defaultAutoCommit" value="false" />
    <property name="maxTotal" value="${cp.maxActive}" />
    <property name="maxIdle" value="${cp.maxIdle}" />
    <property name="minIdle" value="${cp.minIdle}" />
    <property name="maxWaitMillis" value="${cp.maxWait}" />


Change the DataSource settings for accessing the actual running database application while having regular application development.

In the Maven Archetype created project, the use of Apache Commons DBCP is configured but, there are many cases that adopting a method of accessing a DataSource via JNDI (Java Naming and Directory Interface) by use of DataSource provided by the application server.

Again there are some cases where Apache Commons DBCP is used on development environment and DataSource provided by the application server is used on test as well as production environment.

For how to set-up the DataSource, Refer [Datasource settings of Database Access (Common)].

Customization method and customization targeted files are indicated below.

Sr. No. Targeted File Customization method

POM file

  • artifactId/pom.xml
  • artifactId/artifactId-domain/pom.xml

Remove in-memory database (H2 Database) JDBC driver from the dependency library.

Add the JDBC driver in dependency library for accessing the actual running application database.

Property file for defining environment dependent setting


If Apache Commons DBCP is used as a DataSource, specify the connection information for accessing the actual running application database in below property.

  • database
  • database.url
  • database.username
  • database.password
  • database.driverClassName

Remove unnecessary property except the following property if DataSource provided by the application server is used.

  • database

Bean definition file for defining environment dependent components


If DataSource provided by the application server is used, change the configuration to use the DataSource that is obtained via JNDI.

For how to set-up the DataSource, Refer [Datasource settings of Database Access (Common)].


About the database property of the property file for defining environment dependent setting

The database property is unnecessary property if MyBatis is used as O/R Mapper. You may remove this but you may leave the settings in order to specify the database being used.


How to add the JDBC driver

It is fine to remove the comment out of POM file in case of PostgreSQL or Oracle database is used.. Modify the JDBC driver version by actual use of the corresponding database version.

However, if Oracle is used, it is necessary to install the Oracle JDBC driver in the local repository of Maven before removing the comment.

The following is an example of setting in case of PostgreSQL is used.

  • artifactId/pom.xml
<!--             <dependency> -->
<!--                 <groupId>com.oracle</groupId> -->
<!--                 <artifactId>ojdbc7</artifactId> -->
<!--                 <version>${ojdbc.version}</version> -->
<!--             </dependency> -->

    <!-- ... -->

  • artifactId/artifactId-domain/pom.xml
                 <scope>provided</scope> -->
             </dependency> -->
<!--         <dependency> -->
<!--             <groupId>com.oracle</groupId> -->
<!--             <artifactId>ojdbc7</artifactId> -->
<!--             <scope>provided</scope> -->
<!--         </dependency> -->

4.1.4. Structure of the development project

Explained the structure of the project created in Maven Archetype.

Below is the structure of the project created in Maven Archetype.

  • Project structure of each layer that is recommended in this guideline
  • Project structure that takes into account the exclusion of environmental dependency introduced in this guideline
  • Project structure that conscious the CI (Continuous Integration)

In addition, various settings have been included that is recommended in this guideline

  • Web application configuration file (web.xml)
  • Spring Framework Bean definition file
  • Bean definition file for the Spring MVC
  • Bean definition file for the Spring Security
  • O/R Mapper configuration file
  • Tiles configuration file
  • Property file (such as message definition file)

and, as a simple component implementation of low (=necessary to develop every kind of application) dependency on the application requirements,

  • Controller and JSP for displaying Welcome page
  • JSP to display an error screen (HTML)
  • Template JSP for Tiles
  • Include JSP for reading configuration such as JSP tag library
  • CSS file that defines the screen style of entire application

etc are provided.


Components provided as a simple implementation

Components provided as a simple implementation can be corresponding to one of the following.

  • Modification to meet the application requirements
  • Removal of unnecessary components


Procedure to create the REST API project

In the Maven Archetype created project, the recommended settings are done which are required for building a traditional Web application (application that receives the request parameters and respond the HTML).

Therefore, unnecessary setting exists in building a REST API for handling JSON or XML. If you want to create a project for building REST API, need to apply the REST API related settings by referring to the [Application settings of RESTful Web Service].


Part that is expressed as artifactId in the following description needs to be read by replacing the artifactId which is specified at the time of creating a project. Multi-project structure

Initially entire multi-project structure is explained.

    ├── pom.xml  ... (1)
    ├── artifactId-web  ... (2)
    ├── artifactId-domain  ... (3)
    ├── artifactId-env  ... (4)
    ├── artifactId-initdb  ... (5)
    └── artifactId-selenium  ... (6)
Sr. No.

The entire multi-project configuration is defined in POM (Project Object Model) file.

Mainly following definitions are done in this file.

  • Version of the dependent libraries
  • Build plug-ins settings (setting of how to build)

Refer [Hierarchical structure of the project] for the hierarchical relationship of multi-project.


Module that manages the application layer (Web layer) components.

Mainly following components and files are managed in this module.

  • Controller class
  • Validator class for relational check
  • Form class (the Resource class in case of REST API)
  • View (JSP)
  • CSS file
  • JavaScript file
  • JUnit for the application layer components
  • Bean definition file for defining the application layer components
  • Web application configuration file (web.xml)
  • Message definition file

Module that manages the domain layer components.

Mainly following components and files are managed in this module.

  • Domain object such as Entity
  • Repository
  • Service
  • DTO
  • JUnit for the domain layer components
  • Bean definition file for defining the domain layer components

Module that manages the environmental dependency settings files.

Mainly following files are managed in this module.

  • Bean definition file for defining the environment dependent components
  • Property file for defining the environment dependent properties value

Module that manages the database initialization SQL files.

Mainly following files are managed in this module.

  • SQL file to create the database objects such as tables
  • SQL file to insert the initial data such as master data
  • SQL file to insert the test data used for E2E (End To End) test

Module that manages the Selenium used E2E testing components

Mainly following files are managed in this module.

  • JUnit testing using Selenium operation
  • Expected value file used while Assert (if necessary)


About a terminology definition of [multi-project] in this guideline

The project created in Maven Archetype is the exact multi-module structured project.

This is supplement that the multi-module and multi-project is being used as the same meaning in this guideline. Structure of Web module

Module that manages the application layer (Web layer) components are explained.

    ├── pom.xml  ... (1)
Sr. No.

The web module configuration is defined in POM (Project Object Model) file. Following definitions are done in this file.

  • Definition of dependent libraries and build plug-ins
  • Definition to create a war file


About the module name of the web module while creating a project for REST API

The application type can be easily distinguished, if the module name is assigned the name of artifactId-api while building a REST API.

└── src
    ├── main
    │   ├── java
    │   │   └── com
    │   │       └── example
    │   │           └── project
    │   │               └── app  ... (2)
    │   │                   └── welcome
    │   │                       └── HelloController.java  ... (3)
    │   ├── resources
    │   │   ├── META-INF
    │   │   │   ├── dozer  ... (4)
    │   │   │   └── spring  ... (5)
    │   │   │       ├── application.properties  ... (6)
    │   │   │       ├── applicationContext.xml  ... (7)
    │   │   │       ├── spring-mvc.xml  ... (8)
    │   │   │       └── spring-security.xml  ... (9)
    │   │   └── i18n  ... (10)
    │   │       └── application-messages.properties  ... (11)
Sr. No.

Package for storing the application layer classes.

The component type can be easily distinguished, if the package name is assigned the name of api while building a REST API.

The controller class for receiving a request to display the Welcome page.

The directory in which a mapping definition file of Dozer (Bean Mapper) is stored, Refer to [Bean Mapping (Dozer)] for Dozer.

It is an empty directory at the time of creation. If the mapping file is required (if high mapping is required), it gets automatically read in case of stored under this directory.


Following files are stored under this directory.

  • Definition file for mapping the application layer JavaBean with domain layer JavaBean
  • Definition file for each other mapping of application layer JavaBean

It is recommended to store each other mapping of domain layer JavaBean in domain layer directory.

Directory contains the property file and Spring Framework bean definition file.

Properties file that defines the settings to be used in the application layer.

It is an empty file at the time of creation.


Bean definition file to create an application context for Web applications.

Following beans are defined in this file.

  • Components to be used in the entire Web application
  • Domain layer components (Import the bean definition file in which domain layer components are defined)

Bean definition file to create an application context for the DispatcherServlet.

Following beans are defined in this file.

  • Spring MVC components
  • application layer components

The application type can be easily distinguished, if the file name is assigned the name of spring-mvc-api.xml while building a REST API.


Bean definition file for defining the Spring Security components.

This file is read when you create an application context for the Web application.

Directory that contains the message definition file to be used in the application layer.

Property file that defines the messages to be used in the application layer.

Some of the generic messages are defined at the time of creation.


Messages should be modified according to the application requirements (Such as message Terms). For the message definition, Refer [Message Management].


Refer [Relationship of bean definition file and application context structure] for the application context and bean definition file related.

│   └── webapp
│       ├── WEB-INF
│       │   ├── tiles  ... (12)
│       │   │   └── tiles-definitions.xml
│       │   ├── views  ... (13)
│       │   │   ├── common
│       │   │   │   ├── error  ... (14)
│       │   │   │   │   ├── accessDeniedError.jsp
│       │   │   │   │   ├── businessError.jsp
│       │   │   │   │   ├── dataAccessError.jsp
│       │   │   │   │   ├── invalidCsrfTokenError.jsp
│       │   │   │   │   ├── missingCsrfTokenError.jsp
│       │   │   │   │   ├── resourceNotFoundError.jsp
│       │   │   │   │   ├── systemError.jsp
│       │   │   │   │   ├── transactionTokenError.jsp
│       │   │   │   │   └── unhandledSystemError.html
│       │   │   │   └── include.jsp  ... (15)
│       │   │   ├── layout  ... (16)
│       │   │   │   ├── header.jsp
│       │   │   │   └── template.jsp
│       │   │   └── welcome
│       │   │       └── home.jsp  ... (17)
│       │   └── web.xml  ... (18)
│       └── resources  ... (19)
│           └── app
│               └── css
│                   └── styles.css  ... (20)
└── test
    ├── java
    └── resources
Sr. No.
Directory that contains the Tiles configuration files. Refer [Screen Layout using Tiles] for the Tiles configuration files.
Directory that contains the View generation templates (jsp etc).

Directory that contains the JSP and HTML for displaying error screens.

At the time of creation, JSPs (HTMLs) are stored corresponding to the errors that may occur during application execution.


Error screen JSP and HTML should be modified according to the application requirements (Such as UI Terms).


Common JSP files for include.

This file is included at the beginning of all JSP files. Refer [Creating common JSP for include] for common JSP files for include.

Directory that contains the JSP files for the Tiles layout. Refer [Screen Layout using Tiles] for JSP files for the Tiles layout.
JSP file that displays the Welcome page.
Configuration definition file for the Web application.

Directory that contains the static resource files.

This directory contains such files whose response contents are not going to change depending upon the request contents. Specifically following files are stored.

  • JavaScript files
  • CSS files
  • Image files
  • HTML files

Here adopted a dedicated directory mechanism for managing static resources offered by Spring MVC.

CSS file that defines the screen style applied to the entire application. Structure of Domain module

Module that manages the domain layer components are explained.

    ├── pom.xml  ... (1)
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The domain module configuration is defined in POM (Project Object Model) file. Following definitions are done in this file.

  • Definition of dependent libraries and build plug-ins
  • Definition to create a jar file

└── src
    ├── main
    │   ├── java
    │   │   └── com
    │   │       └── example
    │   │           └── project
    │   │               └── domain  ... (2)
    │   │                   ├── model
    │   │                   ├── repository
    │   │                   └── service
    │   └── resources
    │       └── META-INF
    │           ├── dozer  ... (3)
    │           └── spring  ... (4)
    │               ├── artifactId-codelist.xml  ... (5)
    │               ├── artifactId-domain.xml  ... (6)
    │               └── artifactId-infra.xml  ... (7)
Sr. No.
Package for storing the domain layer classes.

The directory in which a mapping definition file of Dozer (Bean Mapper) is stored, Refer to [Bean Mapping (Dozer)] for Dozer.

It is an empty directory at the time of creation. If the mapping file is required (if high mapping is required), it gets automatically read in case of stored under this directory.


Following files are stored under this directory.

  • Definition file for each other mapping of domain layer JavaBean
Directory contains the property file and Spring Framework bean definition file.
Bean definition file for defining the code list.

Bean definition file for defining the domain layer components.

Following beans are defined in this file.

  • Domain layer components (Service, Repository etc)
  • Infrastructure layer components (Import the bean definition file that the component has been defined in the Infrastructure layer)
  • Components for transaction management provided from Spring Framework.

Bean definition file for defining the Infrastructure layer components.

O/R Mapper etc beans are defined in this file.

└── test
    ├── java
    │   └── com
    │       └── example
    │           └── project
    │               └── domain
    │                   ├── repository
    │                   └── service
    └── resources
        └── test-context.xml  ... (8)
Sr. No.
Bean definition file for defining the domain layer unit test components.

In case of project created for MyBatis3

└── src
    ├── main
    │   ├── java
    │   └── resources
    │       ├── META-INF
    │       │   ├── dozer
    │       │   ├── mybatis  ... (9)
    │       │   │   └── mybatis-config.xml  ... (10)
    │       │   └── spring
    │       └── com
    │           └── example
    │               └── project
    │                   └── domain
    │                       └── repository  ... (11)
    │                           └── sample
    │                               └── SampleRepository.xml  ... (12)
Sr. No.
Directory that contains the MyBatis3 configuration files

MyBatis3 configuration files.

Some of the recommended settings are defined at the time of creation.

Directory that contains the MyBatis3 Mapper files.

Sample file of MyBatis3 Mapper file.

Sample implementation is in commented out state at the time of creation Lastly, these files will not required. Structure of Env module

Module that manages the environment dependent configuration files are explained.

    ├── configs  ... (1)
    │   ├── production-server  ... (2)
    │   │   └── resources
    │   └── test-server
    │       └── resources
    ├── pom.xml  ... (3)
Sr. No.

Directory for managing the environment dependent configuration files.

Manage environment dependent configuration file by creating subdirectories of each environment.


Directory for managing the each environment configuration file.

At the time of creation, following directories (directory template) are provided as most simple configuration.

  • production-server (Directory that contains the production environment configuration files)
  • test-server (Directory that contains the test environment configuration files)

The env module configuration is defined in POM (Project Object Model) file. Following definitions are done in this file.

  • Definition of dependent libraries and build plug-ins
  • Definition of Profile to create a jar file for each environment

└── src
    └── main
        └── resources  ... (4)
            ├── META-INF
            │   └── spring
            │       ├── artifactId-env.xml  ... (5)
            │       └── artifactId-infra.properties  ... (6)
            ├── database  ... (7)
            │   ├── H2-dataload.sql
            │   └── H2-schema.sql
            ├── dozer.properties  ... (8)
            ├── log4jdbc.properties  ... (9)
            └── logback.xml  ... (10)
Sr. No.
Directory for managing configuration files of the development.

Bean definition file that defines the environment dependent components.

Following beans are defined in this file.

  • Datasource
  • JodaTimeDateFactory offered by common library (In case of different implementations depending on the environment)
  • Components for transaction management provided by Spring Framework (In case of different implementations depending on the environment)

Property file that defines the environment dependent settings.

At the time of creation, the DataSource settings are defined (Setting of the connection and connection pool)


Directory that contains the SQL to set up an in-memory database (H2 Database).

This directory is prepared while performing small operation verification . Basically remove this directory because this directory is not intended to use in the actual application development.


Property file for carrying out the Dozer (Bean Mapper) global settings. For Dozer refer [Bean Mapping (Dozer)].

It is an empty file at the time of creation. (The warning log appears at the start-up time if file is not exist, the empty file is prepared in order to prevent it)


Property file for carrying out the Log4jdbc-remix (library to perform the JDBC-related log output) global settings. For Log4jdbc-remix, refer [JDBC debug log settings].

At the time of creation, new line character related setting are specified for those SQLs which are going to be printed in log.

Configuration file of the Logback (log output). For the log output refer [Logging]. Structure of Initdb module

Module that manages the SQL file to initialize the database is explained.

    ├── pom.xml  ... (1)
    └── src
        └── main
            └── sqls  ... (2)
Sr. No.

The initdb module configuration is defined in POM (Project Object Model) file. Following definitions are done in this file.

Simple configuration for PostgreSQL is defined at the time of creation.


Directory for storing the database initialization SQL files.

It is an empty directory at the time of creation. For how to create, Refer Sample application of initdb project. Structure of Selenium module

Module that manages the E2E (End To End) testing components used in Selenium explained.

    ├── pom.xml  ... (1)
    └── src
        └── test  ... (2)
            ├── java
            └── resources
Sr. No.

The selenium module configuration is defined in POM (Project Object Model) file.

Following definitions are done in this file.

  • Definition of dependent libraries and build plug-ins
  • Definition to create a war file

Directory that contains the configuration files and testing components.

For how to create, Refer Sample application of selenium project.

4.1.5. Appendix Hierarchical structure of the project

The hierarchical structure of the project indicated below which is created in Maven Archetype.

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Project created in Maven Archetype.

The project created in Maven Archetype has become a multi-module configuration, parent project and each sub-module have a cross-reference relationship.

In the project created in version 5.0.1.RELEASE Maven Archetype, [org.terasoluna.gfw:terasoluna-gfw-parent:5.0.1.RELEASE] is specified as a parent project.


TERASOLUNA Server Framework for Java (5.x) Parent project.

In the TERASOLUNA Server Framework for Java (5.x) Parent project,

  • Plug-ins settings for build
  • Customization of libraries that is managed through Spring IO Platform (adjusted version)
  • Version management of recommended libraries that is not managed by Spring IO Platform

are performed.

Furthermore, in order to version management of the dependent libraries via Spring IO Platform, imported the [io.spring.platform:platform-bom:1.1.3.RELEASE] into <dependencyManagement> of the current project.


Spring IO Platform project.

Since [org.springframework.boot:spring-boot-starter-parent:1.2.5.RELEASE] is specified as a parent project, the definition of <dependencyManagement> defined into pom file of the spring-boot-starter-parent also imported into pom file of the terasoluna-gfw-parent.


Spring Boot Starter Parent project.

Since [org.springframework.boot:spring-boot-dependencies:1.2.5.RELEASE] is specified as a parent project, the definition of <dependencyManagement> defined into pom file of the spring-boot-dependencies also imported into pom file of the terasoluna-gfw-parent.

Spring Boot Dependencies project.


The configuration has been changed like <dependencyManagement> of Spring IO Platform is imported from version 5.0.0.RELEASE, we have adopted a style that version management of recommended libraries are done in Spring IO Platform.


Since the configuration has been changed like <dependencyManagement> of Spring IO Platform is imported from version 5.0.0.RELEASE, You are no longer able to access the version management properties from the child project.

Therefore, if property values are referring or overwriting at the child project, pom file should be modified while upgrading from version 1.0.x.

Furthermore, it is possible to access the conventional version management properties for recommended libraries (TERASOLUNA Server Framework for Java (5.x) recommended library) which are not managed by the Spring IO Platform. Relationship of bean definition file and application context structure

Relationship of bean definition file and structure of the Spring Framework application context (DI container) indicated below.

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Application context for the Web application.

As shown in above diagram, Components defined in

  • artifactId-web/src/main/resource/META-INF/spring/applicationContext.xml
  • artifactId-domain/src/main/resource/META-INF/spring/artifactId-domain.xml
  • artifactId-domain/src/main/resource/META-INF/spring/artifactId-infra.xml
  • artifactId-env/src/main/resource/META-INF/spring/artifactId-env.xml
  • artifactId-domain/src/main/resource/META-INF/spring/artifactId-codelist.xml
  • artifactId-web/src/main/resource/META-INF/spring/spring-security.xml

are registered in the application context (DI container) for the Web application..

Components registered in the application context for the Web application are mechanized such a way that it can be referred by the application context of each DispatcherServlet.


Application context for DispatcherServlet.

As shown in above diagram, Components defined in

  • artifactId-web/src/main/resource/META-INF/spring/spring-mvc.xml

are registered in the application context (DI container) for the DispatcherServlet.

Components not stored in the application context for the DispatcherServlet are mechanized such a way that it can be obtained by referring the application context of the Web application (parent context), hence it is possible to inject domain layer components for the application layer component.


About the operation when registered the same components in both application contexts.

If same components are registered in both application context for web application and application context for DispatcherServlet, injected component will be the registered component in the same application context(Application context for DispatcherServlet) and this point is supplemented here.

In particular, it is necessary to be careful that do not register the domain layer component (such as Service and Repository) to application context for the DispatcherServlet.

If domain layer components are registered to the application context for the DispatcherServlet, trouble like the database operations are not committed occurs due to component that performs the transaction control (AOP) is not enabled.

Furthermore, the settings are done in the project created using Maven Archetype so that the above events don’t occur. It is necessary to be careful while performing modification or addition of the settings. Description of the configuration file


In order to increase the understanding of various settings, planning to add explanation of a configuration file.

  • If functional description is explained somewhere, Reference to the functional description will be noted down.
  • If functional description is explained anywhere, description will be done here.

Specific time-line is not decided yet.