7.6. String Processing

7.6.1. Overview

There are very few operations in string standard API of Java which specialise in Japanese language.
A process must be devised independently for conversion of full width katakana / half width katakana and
determination of a string consisting of only half width katakana.
Also, note that although in Java, all the strings are represented in Unicode
the special characters like 吉 are represented in unicode by char type 2 (32 bits) which is referred to as surrogate pair.
Even while handling these characters, an implementation which takes into account various types of characters are necessary to prevent occurrence of unexpected behavior.
The guideline assumes a case wherein Japanese language is processed, and
includes a typical string operation example and offering a Japanese language operation API by a common library.

7.6.2. How to use Trim

String#trim method can be used as well while carrying out half width blank trim operation, however, while carrying out complex trim operations like only leading and trailing trim operation, trim operation of any string etc. org.springframework.util.StringUtils provided by Spring should be preferably used.

Example is given below.

String str = "  Hello World!!";

StringUtils.trimWhitespace(str); // => "Hello World!!"

StringUtils.trimLeadingCharacter(str, ' '); // => "Hello World!!"

StringUtils.trimTrailingCharacter(str, '!'); // => "  Hello World"


There is no change in the behaviour even if surrogate pair string is specified in the first argument of StringUtils#trimLeadingCharacter and StringUtils#trimTrailingCharacter. Also note that, since the second argument is of char type, surrogate pair cannot be specified. Padding, Suppress

While carrying out padding (string padding) and suppress (string takeout) operations, a method
provided by String class can be used.

Example is given below.
int num = 1;

String paddingStr = String.format("%03d", num); // => "001"
String suppressStr = paddingStr.replaceFirst("^0+(?!$)", ""); // => "1"


If a surrogate pair is included while carrying out padding of apparent length, appropriate results cannot be obtained since surrogate pair cannot be taken into account by String#format. In order to achieve the padding by using surrogate pair, it is necessary to count number of characters considered as surrogate pair described later, calculate appropriate number of characters that should be padded and join the strings. Processing of a string considered as a surrogate pair Fetching string length

When the length of the string considered as surrogate pair is to be fetched, it is not possible to
simply use String#length method.
Since surrogate pair is represented by 32 bits (char type 2), the count tends to exceed than the apparent number of characters.

In the example below, 5 is assigned to variable len.
String str = "吉田太郎";
int len = str.length(); // => 5

Accordingly, a method String#codePointCount is defined wherein length of the string considered as a surrogate pair is fetched from Java SE 5.
String length can be fetched by specifying start index and end index of the target string in the argument of String#codePointCount.

Example is given below.
String str = "吉田太郎";
int lenOfChar = str.length(); // => 5
int lenOfCodePoint = str.codePointCount(0, lenOfChar); // => 4

Further, Unicode consists of “concatenation”.
Since there is no appearance difference between \u304c indicating [が] and \u304b\u3099 indicating [か] plus [voiced sound mark], however [か] plus [voiced sound mark] are likely to be counted as two characters.
When number of characters are to be counted including the combining characters as well as described above, counting is done after normalization of text using java.text.Normalizer.

A method which returns length of the string after considering combining characters and surrogate pair is given below.
public int getStrLength(String str) {
  String normalizedStr  = Normalizer.normalize(str, Normalizer.Form.NFC);
  int length = normalizedStr.codePointCount(0, normalizedStr.length());

  return length;
} Fetch string in the specified range

When a string of specified range is to be fetched, unintended results may be obtained if only String#substring is used.
String str = "吉田太郎";
int startIndex = 0;
int endIndex = 2;

String subStr = str.substring(startIndex, endIndex);

System.out.println(subStr); // => "吉田"
In the example above, when you try to fetch “吉田” by taking out 2 characters from 0th character (beginning), only “吉” could be fetched since the surrogate pair is represented by 32 bits (char type 2).
In such a case, String#substring method must be used by searching start and end positions considering the surrogate pair, by using String#offsetByCodePoints.

An example wherein 2 characters are taken from the beginning (surname part) is shown below.
String str = "吉田太郎";
int startIndex = 0;
int endIndex = 2;

int startIndexSurrogate = str.offsetByCodePoints(0, startIndex); // => 0
int endIndexSurrogate = str.offsetByCodePoints(0, endIndex); // => 3

String subStrSurrogate = str.substring(startIndexSurrogate, endIndexSurrogate); // => "吉田" String split

String#split method handles the surrogate pair as a default.
Example is given below.
String str = "吉田太郎";

str.split(" "); // => {"吉田", "太郎"}


Surrogate pair can also be specified in the argument of String#split as a delimiter.


Please note that behaviour while passing a blank character in String#split changes in Java SE 7 environment, and Java SE 8. Refer Pattern#split Javadoc
String str = "ABC";
String[] elems = str.split("");

// Java SE 7 => {, A, B, C}
// Java SE 8 => {A, B, C} Full width, half width string conversion

Full width and half width character conversion is carried out by using API of org.terasoluna.gfw.common.fullhalf.FullHalfConverter class provided by common library.

FullHalfConverter class adopts a style wherein pair definition of full width and half width characters for conversion (org.terasoluna.gfw.common.fullhalf.FullHalfPair) is registered in advance. FullHalfConverter object for which default pair definition is registered, is provided as a INSTANCE constant of org.terasoluna.gfw.common.fullhalf.DefaultFullHalf class in the common library. For default pair definition, refer DefaultFullHalf source .


When change requirements are not met in the default pair definition provided by common library, FullHalfConverter object registering a unique pair definition should be created. For basic methods for creation, refer Creating FullHalfConverter class for which a unique full width and half width character pair definition is registered . How to apply common library

It is necessary to add following common library as dependency library in case of Full width, half width string conversion is used.


In the setting example above, the dependent library version is assumed to be managed by the parent project. Therefore, the <version>element is not specified. Conversion to full width string

toFullwidth method of FullHalfConverter is used while converting a half width character to full width character.

String fullwidth = DefaultFullHalf.INSTANCE.toFullwidth("ア゙!A8ガザ");    // (1)
Sr. No. Description
Pass the string which contains half width characters to argument of toFullwidth method and convert to full width string.
In this example, it is converted to "ア゛!A8ガザ". Also, note that the characters for which a pair is not defined ("ザ" in this example) are returned without any change. Conversion to half width string

toHalfwidth method of FullHalfConverter is used while converting a full width character to half width character.

String halfwidth = DefaultFullHalf.INSTANCE.toHalfwidth("A!アガサ");    // (1)
Sr. No. Description
Pass the string which contains full width characters to argument of toHalfwidth method and convert to half width characters.
In this example, it is converted to "A!アガサ". Also, note that the characters for which a pair is not defined ("サ" of this example) are returned without any change.


FullHalfConverter cannot convert combining characters that represent a single character using 2 or more characters (Example: “"シ"(\u30b7) + voiced sound mark(\u3099)”)to half width character (Example: "ジ"). When combining characters are to be converted to half width characters, FullHalfConverter must be used after converting the same to integrated characters (Example:"ジ"(\u30b8))by carrying out text normalization.

java.text.Normalizer is used while carrying out text normalization. Note that, when combining characters are to be converted to integrated characters, NFC or NFKC is used as a normalization format.

Implementation example wherein NFD (analyse by canonical equivalence) is used as a normalization format

String str1 = Normalizer.normalize("モジ", Normalizer.Form.NFD); // str1 = "モシ + Voiced sound mark(\u3099)"
String str2 = Normalizer.normalize("モジ", Normalizer.Form.NFD);  // str2 = "モジ"

Implementation example wherein NFC (analyse by canonical equivalence, and integrate again) is used as a normalization format

String mojiStr = "モシ\u3099";                                   // "モシ + Voiced sound mark(\u3099)"
String str1 = Normalizer.normalize(mojiStr, Normalizer.Form.NFC); // str1 = "モジ(\u30b8)"
String str2 = Normalizer.normalize("モジ", Normalizer.Form.NFC);   // str2 = "モジ"

Implementation example wherein NFKD (analyse by compatibility equivalent) is used as a normalization format

String str1 = Normalizer.normalize("モジ", Normalizer.Form.NFKD); // str1 = "モシ + Voiced sound mark(\u3099)"
String str2 = Normalizer.normalize("モジ", Normalizer.Form.NFKD);  // str2 = "モシ + Voiced sound mark(\u3099)"

Implementation example wherein NFKC (analyse by compatibility equivalent and integrate again) is used as a normalization format

String mojiStr = "モシ\u3099";                                    // "モシ + Voiced sound mark(\u3099)"
String str1 = Normalizer.normalize(mojiStr, Normalizer.Form.NFKC); // str1 = "モジ(\u30b8)"
String str2 = Normalizer.normalize("モジ", Normalizer.Form.NFKC) ;  // str2 = "モジ"

For details, refer Normalizer JavaDoc. Creating FullHalfConverter class for which a unique full width and half width character pair definition is registered

FullHalfConverter for which a unique full width and half width character pair definition is registered can also be used without using DefaultFullHalf.
How to use FullHalfConverter for which a unique full width character and half width character pair definition is registered, is shown below.

Implementation example of a class that provides FullHalfConverter for which a unique pair definition is registered

public class CustomFullHalf {

    private static final int FULL_HALF_CODE_DIFF = 0xFEE0;

    public static final FullHalfConverter INSTANCE;

    static {
        // (1)
        FullHalfPairsBuilder builder = new FullHalfPairsBuilder();

        // (2)
        builder.pair("ー", "-");

        // (3)
        for (char c = '!'; c <= '~'; c++) {
            String fullwidth = String.valueOf((char) (c + FULL_HALF_CODE_DIFF));
            builder.pair(fullwidth, String.valueOf(c));

        // (4)
        builder.pair("。", "。").pair("「", "「").pair("」", "」").pair("、", "、")
                .pair("・", "・").pair("ァ", "ァ").pair("ィ", "ィ").pair("ゥ", "ゥ")
                .pair("ェ", "ェ").pair("ォ", "ォ").pair("ャ", "ャ").pair("ュ", "ュ")
                .pair("ョ", "ョ").pair("ッ", "ッ").pair("ア", "ア").pair("イ", "イ")
                .pair("ウ", "ウ").pair("エ", "エ").pair("オ", "オ").pair("カ", "カ")
                .pair("キ", "キ").pair("ク", "ク").pair("ケ", "ケ").pair("コ", "コ")
                .pair("サ", "サ").pair("シ", "シ").pair("ス", "ス").pair("セ", "セ")
                .pair("ソ", "ソ").pair("タ", "タ").pair("チ", "チ").pair("ツ", "ツ")
                .pair("テ", "テ").pair("ト", "ト").pair("ナ", "ナ").pair("ニ", "ニ")
                .pair("ヌ", "ヌ").pair("ネ", "ネ").pair("ノ", "ノ").pair("ハ", "ハ")
                .pair("ヒ", "ヒ").pair("フ", "フ").pair("ヘ", "ヘ").pair("ホ", "ホ")
                .pair("マ", "マ").pair("ミ", "ミ").pair("ム", "ム").pair("メ", "メ")
                .pair("モ", "モ").pair("ヤ", "ヤ").pair("ユ", "ユ").pair("ヨ", "ヨ")
                .pair("ラ", "ラ").pair("リ", "リ").pair("ル", "ル").pair("レ", "レ")
                .pair("ロ", "ロ").pair("ワ", "ワ").pair("ヲ", "ヲ").pair("ン", "ン")
                .pair("ガ", "ガ").pair("ギ", "ギ").pair("グ", "グ")
                .pair("ゲ", "ゲ").pair("ゴ", "ゴ").pair("ザ", "ザ")
                .pair("ジ", "ジ").pair("ズ", "ズ").pair("ゼ", "ゼ")
                .pair("ゾ", "ゾ").pair("ダ", "ダ").pair("ヂ", "ヂ")
                .pair("ヅ", "ヅ").pair("デ", "デ").pair("ド", "ド")
                .pair("バ", "バ").pair("ビ", "ビ").pair("ブ", "ブ")
                .pair("ベ", "ベ").pair("ボ", "ボ").pair("パ", "パ")
                .pair("ピ", "ピ").pair("プ", "プ").pair("ペ", "ペ")
                .pair("ポ", "ポ").pair("ヴ", "ヴ").pair("\u30f7", "ヷ")
                .pair("\u30fa", "ヺ").pair("゛", "゙").pair("゜", "゚").pair(" ", " ");

        // (5)
        INSTANCE = new FullHalfConverter(builder.build());
Sr. No. Description
Use org.terasoluna.gfw.common.fullhalf.FullHalfPairsBuilder and create org.terasoluna.gfw.common.fullhalf.FullHalfPairs which represents a set of pair definition of full width and half width characters.
Half width character corresponding to "ー"of full width character set to "ー"(\uFF70) in DefaultFullHalf is changed to "-"(\u002D) in this example.
Further, although "-"(\u002D) is also included in the process target given below (3), the pair definition defined earlier is given the precedence.
In this example, a pair is defined for code values of full width of unicode from "!" to "~" and of half width of unicode from "!" to "~" using a loop process which use the characteristic “code value sequence is same”.
Since code value sequence for the characters other than given in (3) does not match for full width characters and half width characters, define a pair individually for respective characters.
Use FullHalfPairs created by FullHalfPairsBuilder and create FullHalfConverter.


For the values that can be specified in the argument of FullHalfPairsBuilder#pair method, refer FullHalfPair constructor JavaDoc

How to use FullHalfConverter for which a unique pair definition is registered

String halfwidth = CustomFullHalf.INSTANCE.toHalfwidth("ハローワールド!"); // (1)
Sr. No. Description
Use toHalfwidth method of FullHalfConverter object for which a unique pair definition is registered and convert the string containing full width characters to half width string.
In this example, it is converted to "ハロ-ワ-ルド!". ("-" is \u002D Code point set check (character type check)

A code point set function provided by common library should be used for checking character type.

Here, how to implement a character type check by using a code point set function is explained. Creating code point set

org.terasoluna.gfw.common.codepoints.CodePoints is a class that represents a code point set.
How to create CodePoints instance is shown below.

When an instance is created by calling a factory method (cache)

A method wherein an instance is created from a code point set class ( Class<? extends CodePoints>) and the created instance is then cached, is explained below.
This method is recommended for cache process since it is not necessary to create multiple specific code point sets.
CodePoints codePoints = CodePoints.of(ASCIIPrintableChars.class);  // (1)
Sr. No. Description
Pass code point set class in CodePoints#of method (factory method) and fetch an instance.
In this example, an instance of code point set class (org.terasoluna.gfw.common.codepoints.catalog.ASCIIPrintableChars) of Ascii printable characters is fetched.


Code point set class exists multiple times in the module, same as CodePoints class. Although other modules which provide code point set also exist, these modules must be added to their own projects when required. For details, refer Code point set class provided by common library.

Further, a new code point set class can also be created. For details, refer Creating new code point set class.

When an instance is created by calling a constructor of code point set class

A method wherein an instance is created from code point set class.
When this method is used, it is recommended to use the process which need not be cached (argument of set operation) since the created instance is not cached.
CodePoints codePoints = new ASCIIPrintableChars();  // (1)
Sr. No. Description
Call constructor by using new operator and generate an instance of code point set class.
In this example, an instance of code point set class ( ASCIIPrintableChars) of Ascii printable characters is generated.

When an instance is created by calling constructor of CodePoints

A method wherein an instance is created from CodePoints is shown below.
When this method is used, it is recommended to use the process which need not be cached (argument of set operation) since the created instance is not cached.
  • When the codepoint ( int) is to be passed by using a variable length argument

    CodePoints codePoints = new CodePoints(0x0061 /* a */, 0x0062 /* b */);  // (1)
    Sr. No. Description
    Generate an instance by passing int code point in CodePoints constructor.
    In this example, an instance of code point set for characters "a" and "b" is generated.

  • When the Set of code point ( int) is to be passed

    Set<Integet> set = new HashSet<>();
    set.add(0x0061 /* a */);
    set.add(0x0062 /* b */);
    CodePoints codePoints = new CodePoints(set);  // (1)
Sr. No. Description
Add code point of int to Set and generate an instance by passing the Set in constructor of CodePoints.
In this example, an instance of code point set for characters "a" and "b" is generated.

  • When code point set string is to be passed by using variable length argument

    CodePoints codePoints = new CodePoints("ab");         // (1)
    CodePoints codePoints = new CodePoints("a", "b");  // (2)
    Sr. No. Description
    Generate an instance by passing code point set string in constructor of CodePoints.
    In this example, an instance of code point set for characters "a" and "b" is generated.
    Code point set string can also be passed by dividing it in the arguments. Result is same as (1). Set operation of the code point sets

A new code point set instance can be created by performing set operation for code point set.
Further, note that status of source code point set does not change due to set operation.
A method wherein an instance of code point set is created by using set operation is given below.

When an instance of code point set is created by using union set method

CodePoints abCp = new CodePoints(0x0061 /* a */, 0x0062 /* b */);
CodePoints cdCp = new CodePoints(0x0063 /* c */, 0x0064 /* d */);

CodePoints abcdCp = abCp.union(cdCp);    // (1)
Sr. No. Description
Calculate union of two code point sets by using CodePoints#union method and create an instance of new code point set.
In this example, union of “code point set included in string"ab"” and “code point set included in string "cd"” is calculated and an instance of new code point set (code point set included in string "abcd") is generated.

When an instance of code point set is created by using difference set method

CodePoints abcdCp = new CodePoints(0x0061 /* a */, 0x0062 /* b */,
        0x0063 /* c */, 0x0064 /* d */);
CodePoints cdCp = new CodePoints(0x0063 /* c */, 0x0064 /* d */);

CodePoints abCp = abcdCp.subtract(cdCp);    // (1)
Sr. No. Description
Calculate difference set of two code point sets by using CodePoints#subtract method and create an instance of new code point set.
In this example, difference set of “code point set included in string "abcd"” and “code point set included in string "cd"” is calculated and an instance of new code point set (code point set included in string "ab") is created.

When an instance of new code point set is to be created by intersection set

CodePoints abcdCp = new CodePoints(0x0061 /* a */, 0x0062 /* b */,
        0x0063 /* c */, 0x0064 /* d */);
CodePoints cdeCp = new CodePoints(0x0063 /* c */, 0x0064 /* d */, 0x0064 /* e */);

CodePoints cdCp = abcdCp.intersect(cdeCp);    // (1)
Sr. No. Description
Calculate intersection set of two code point sets by using CodePoints#intersect method and create an instance of new code point set.
In this example, calculate intersection set of “code point set included in string "abcd"” and “code point set included in string "cde"” is calculated and an instance of new code point set (code point set included in string "cd")is created. String check by using code point set

A string can be checked by using a method provided in CodePoints.
How to use a method which is used while checking the string is given below.

containsAll method

Determine whether the entire string for checking is included in the code point set.

CodePoints jisX208KanaCp = CodePoints.of(JIS_X_0208_Katakana.class);

boolean result;
result = jisX208KanaCp.containsAll("カ");     // true
result = jisX208KanaCp.containsAll("カナ");   // true
result = jisX208KanaCp.containsAll("カナa");  // false

firstExcludedContPoint method

Return the first code point which is not included in the code point set, from the string targeted for checking. Further, return CodePoints#NOT_FOUND when the entire string for checking is included in code point set.

CodePoints jisX208KanaCp = CodePoints.of(JIS_X_0208_Katakana.class);

int result;
result = jisX208KanaCp.firstExcludedCodePoint("カナa");  // 0x0061 (a)
result = jisX208KanaCp.firstExcludedCodePoint("カaナ");  // 0x0061 (a)
result = jisX208KanaCp.firstExcludedCodePoint("カナ");   // CodePoints#NOT_FOUND

allExcludedCodePoints method

Return Set of the code point which is not included in the code point set, from the string targeted for checking.

CodePoints jisX208KanaCp = CodePoints.of(JIS_X_0208_Katakana.class);

Set<Integer> result;
result = jisX208KanaCp.allExcludedCodePoints("カナa");  // [0x0061 (a)]
result = jisX208KanaCp.allExcludedCodePoints("カaナb"); // [0x0061 (a), 0x0062 (b)]
result = jisX208KanaCp.allExcludedCodePoints("カナ");   // [] String check linked with Bean Validation

It can be checked whether the entire string targeted for checking is included in the specified code point set by specifying code point set class in @org.terasoluna.gfw.common.codepoints.ConsistOf annotation.
How to use is shown below.

When there is only one code point set used for checking

@ConsisOf(JIS_X_0208_Hiragana.class)    // (1)
private String firstName;
Sr. No. Description
Check whether the string specified in the targeted field is entirely “Hiragana of JIS X 0208”.

When there are multiple code point sets used for checking

@ConsisOf({JIS_X_0208_Hiragana.class, JIS_X_0208_Katakana.class})    // (1)
private String firstName;
Sr. No. Description
Check whether the string specified in the targeted field is entirely “Hiragana of JIS X 0208” or “Katakana of JIS X 0208”.


If string of length N is checked by code point sets M, a checking process that contains N x M is employed. When the string is large, it is likely to cause performance degradation. Hence, a new code point set class that acts as a union set of code point set used for checking is created, that class alone should be specified. Creating new code point set class

When a new code point set class is to be created, specify code point using constructor by inheriting CodePoints class.
A method wherein a new code point set class is created is given below.

When a new code point set class is created by specifying code point

How to create code point set which is formed by “only numbers”

public class NumberChars extends CodePoints {
    public NumberCodePoints() {
        super(0x0030 /* 0 */, 0x0031 /* 1 */, 0x0032 /* 2 */, 0x0033 /* 3 */,
                0x0034 /* 4 */, 0x0035 /* 5 */, 0x0036 /* 6 */,
                0x0037 /* 7 */, 0x0038 /* 8 */, 0x0039 /* 9 */);

When a new code point set class is created by using a set operation method of code point set class

How to create a code point set using a union set consisting of “Hiragana” and “Katakana”

public class FullwidthHiraganaKatakana extends CodePoints {
    public FullwidthHiraganaKatakana() {
        super(new X_JIS_0208_Hiragana().union(new X_JIS_0208_Katakana()));

How to create a code point set using difference set consisting of “half width katakana excluding symbols (。「」、・)”

public class HalfwidthKatakana extends CodePoints {
    public HalfwidthKatakana() {
        CodePoints symbolCp = new CodePoints(0xFF61 /* 。 */, 0xFF62 /* 「 */,
                0xFF63 /* 」 */, 0xFF64 /* 、 */, 0xFF65 /* ・ */);

        super(new JIS_X_0201_Katakana().subtract(symbolCp));


When the code point set class used in set operation (X_JIS_0208_Hiragana or X_JIS_0208_Katakanaetc in this example) is not to be used individually, it must be ensured that code point is not needlessly cached, by using new operator and calling constructor. If it is cached by using CodePoints#ofmethod, code point set used only during set operation calculation remains in the heap resulting in load on the memory. On the other hand, if it is used individually, it should be cached using CodePoints#of method. Code point set class provided by common library

Code point class provided by common library (org.terasoluna.gfw.common.codepoints.catalog package class) and artifact information to be incorporated while using are given below.

Sr. No. Class name Description Artifact information
Ascii control characters set.
Ascii printable characters set.
(Same as above)
Linefeed code set.
(Same as above)
JIS X 0201 katakana set.
Symbols (。「」、・) included as well.
JIS X 0201 Latin characters set.
(Same as above)
Row 2 of JIS X 0208: Special characters set.
Row 3 of JIS X 0208: Alphanumeric set.
(Same as above)
Row 4 of JIS X 0208: Hiragana set.
(Same as above)
Row 5 of JIS X 0208: Katakana set.
(Same as above)
Row 6 of JIS X 0208: Greek letters set.
(Same as above)
Row 7 of JIS X 0208: Cyrillic letters set.
(Same as above)
Row 8 of JIS X 0208: Box drawing characters.
(Same as above)
Kanji 6355 characters specified in JIS X 208.
First and second level kanjis.
Kanji 10050 characters specified in JIS X 0213:2004.
First, second, third and fourth level kanjis.


In the above setting example, since it is assumed that the dependent library version is managed by the parent project terasoluna-gfw-parent , specifying the version in pom.xml is not necessary.

JIS_X_0208_SpecialCharscodepoint set class is a special character set corresponding to JIS chinese characters (JIS X 0208)-section 01-02. Double byte dash (-) of JIS chinese characters is EM DASH and the corresponding UCS(ISO/IEC 10646-1, JIS X 0221, Unicode) codepoints usually correspond to U+2014. However, in the conversion table offered by Unicode consortium , characters supported by Unicode are HORINZONTAL BAR (U+2015) instead of EM DASH.. Since general conversion rules that are being used and Unicode conversion table vary, problems may occur during actual use if codepoint set is defined as per Unicode conversion table. Therefore, codepoint set is defined in 、JIS_X_0208_SpecialChars codepoint set class by converting HORINZONTAL BAR (U+2015) to EM DASH (U+2014).