5.3. SOAP Web Service (Server/Client)


This version is already obsolete. Please check the latest guideline.

5.3.1. Overview

This chapter explains fundamental concepts of SOAP Web Service and development of both SOAP server and client which use JAX-WS.

For basic idea of how to implement, refer

  • It explains application configuration and how to implement API for SOAP Web Service which use JAX-WS. SOAP

SOAP is a protocol which sends/receives XML messages between computer networks.
Originally, it was an abbreviation of “Simple Object Access Protocol”.
However, now “SOAP” is not considered as an abbreviation and declared as a proper noun by W3C.
Specifications of SOAP1.1 and SOAP1.2 are defined by W3C.
For details, refer W3C -SOAP Specifications-.
How to use SOAP Web Service with the configuration given in following figure is explained in this guideline.
However, SOAP Web Service can also be used with a configuration different from the configuration given below. (Example: when a client is a batch etc)
Server and Client for SOAP
Sr. No. Description
A Web application which communicates with another SOAP server is assumed as a client.
Although it is referred as a client, precautions must be taken since it is envisaged as a Web application.
SOAP server publishes a Web service and performs a process by receiving XML through SOAP Web Service from client. Operations like accessing database etc and performing business process are assumed.
In SOAP Web Service, information is exchanged by using XML.
Here, both SOAP server and client are assumed to be in Java, however, communication is possible in other platforms as well without any issues. JAX-WS

JAX-WS is an abbreviation of “Java API for XML-Based Web Services” and is a Java standard API for handling Web service using SOAP etc.
Using JAX-WS, Java object can be sent by converting the same to XML in conformance with SOAP specifications.
Therefore, although information is exchanged in SOAP Web Service using XML, the user can handle the data without being aware of XML structure.
Main Java EE servers like Oracle WebLogic Server or JBoss Enterprise Application Platform use JAX-WS implementation on server side and can easily publish Web service by using the function without adding a specific library.
However, since Tomcat does not implement JAX-WS, a separate JAX-WS implementation library must be added while using Tomcat.
For details, refer “Web service development on Tomcat”. JAX-WS linkage function of Spring Framework

Spring Framework supports JAX-WS linkage function and implementation can be easily done for both SOAP server and client using this function.
Overview of the recommended access flow using this function is given below. Here, it is assumed that the Web application acting as a SOAP client (Fig. on the left) access SOAP server (fig. on the right).
Server and Client Projects for SOAP
Sr. No. Description
[Client] Controller calls the Service.
No specific changes are observed during normal calling.
[Client] Service calls WebService interface offered by SOAP server side.
In the Fig., Service calls the WebService interface, however, WebService interface can also be called directly from Controller if required.
[Client] If WebService interface is called, Proxy Object is called as an entity.
The Proxy Object is an implementation class of WebService interface generated in org.springframework.remoting.jaxws.JaxWsPortProxyFactoryBean.
The implementation class is injected in the Service, Service can carry out the process using SOAP Web Service only by calling WebService interface method.
ProxyObject calls WebService interface of SOAP server.
Values are exchanged between SOAP server and client by using Domain Object.


Strictly speaking, SOAP server and client communicate using XML. Although Domain Object and XML are mutually converted using JAXB during sending and receiving, SOAP Web Service creator can carry out development without being aware of XML.

[Server] If WebService interface gets called, WebService implementation class is called as an entity.
A WebService implementation class is provided as an implementation class of WebService interface in SOAP server.
The WebService implementation class can inject the Bean of Spring DI container by @Inject etc., by inheriting org.springframework.web.context.support.SpringBeanAutowiringSupport.
[Server] Call Service for carrying out business process in WebService implementation class.
[Server] Run business process by using Repository etc in Service.
No specific changes are observed during normal calling.


Although a document driven Spring Web Service which develops a Web service is provided in the Spring, it is not addressed in this guideline. For details, refer Spring Web Services. Development of Web service using JAX-WS

It is recommended to develop Web service in TERASOLUNA Server Framework for Java (5.x) using JAX-WS implementation of AP server and Spring function.


Deploying to AP server

SOAP Web Service can be implemented for SOAP server or client by deploying a WAR file created by a web project in the blank project, to AP server, similar to a normal Web application. Configuration of Web service module which uses JAX-WS

When Web service using JAX-WS is to be created, it is recommended to separately add two projects given below besides the existing blank project.

  • model project
  • webservice project
model project stores Domain Object used in argument and return value of Web service.
webservice project stores an interface which calls the Web service.
Both the projects store only the classes that must be distributed from SOAP server to client.
It is recommended to use another project to clearly identify the scope of distribution.

In this guideline, following configuration is used in the multi-projects.

Although client is again assumed to be a Web application, the basic idea for calling from desktop application or command line interface remains the same.

Server and Client Projects for SOAP
Sr. No. Description
Add model project and webservice project offered by SOAP server to a conventional multi-project while creating a client.
Here, it is assumed that both the server and the client are developed together.
The project details are explained in “How to create SOAP server”.

When server and client are not developed separately, and model project and webservice project are not provided, or SOAP server is created in other than Java, Domain Object of model project and Web service interface in webservice project must be created on their own.
Domain Object and Web service interface can be easily created from WSDL by using wsimport.
For details, refer “wsimport”.
Add a model project and webservice project besides a conventional multi-project while creating a SOAP server.
Publish these two projects to the client.
It is assumed that the model and webservice projects of the client are added in the Maven dependencies.

As a result, project is configured as below.
SOAP server project configuration is as given below.
Package explorer for SOAP server projects

Client project configuration is as given below.

Package explorer for SOAP client projects URL to be published as Web service

If SOAP Web Service is created, definition of Web service interface called WSDL(Web Services Description Language) is published and the client then implements SOAP Web Service based on the definition.
Access URL, method name, argument and return value for Web service implementation are defined in WSDL.
If SOAP Web Service is created as per this guideline, WSDL is published under following URL.
The URL must be specified at the client side.
  • http://AAA.BBB.CCC.DDD:XXXX/ Context root/Web service name?wsdl

End point address defined in WSDL consists of following URL..

  • http://AAA.BBB.CCC.DDD:XXXX/ Context root/Web service name


In the guideline, it is assumed that a WAR file is used for deploying a web project of multi-project configuration in AP server. In this case, [server projectName]-web basically acts as a context root. However, it must be noted that root changes depending on AP server.


In this guideline, since it is assumed that SOAP server and client are together published as a Web application, WSDL URL is specified in the client. The client can also be created by providing WSDL as a file instead of URL. For details, refer Implementation of Web service client.


In this guideline, AP server (library to be used in case of Tomcat) is configured to change mapping of context root and access by following URL.

  • http://AAA.BBB.CCC.DDD:XXXX/[server projectName]-web/ws/TodoWebService?wsdl

How to map Web service in URL which is not under context root differs according to AP server. Refer following for details.

Sr. No. AP server name Description
Apache Tomcat
Oracle WebLogic Server
JBoss Enterprise Application Platform

5.3.2. How to use

This section specifically explains how to create SOAP Web Service. How to create SOAP server Project configuration

Dependency for each project

model project and webservice project are added as described in “Development of Web service using JAX-WS”.
Also note that a dependency must be added to an existing project accordingly.
Server Projects for SOAP
Sr. No. Project Name Description
web project
Deploy a Web service implementation class.
domain project
Deploy Service which is called from WebService implementation class.
Repository etc are same as used in the conventional project.
webservice project
Deploy interface of WebService to be published here.
Client runs Web service using this interface.
model project
Deploy only the class that is used in SOAP Web Service from the classes that belong to the domain layer.
Input value and return results from the client use the class in the project. Application configuration

Default configuration while publishing Web service

When Tomcat is to be used as AP server, “Web service development on Tomcat” must be implemented.
Besides, since the method to publish Web service is different according to AP server, refer manual of each AP server for details.


AP server manual is explained below as the reference material. It must be always checked that appropriate version of the manual is being referred.

Oracle WebLogic Server 12.2.1: Oracle(R) Fusion Middleware Understanding WebLogic Web Services for Oracle WebLogic Server Features and Standards Supported by WebLogic Web Services

JBoss Enterprise Application Platform 7.0: DEVELOPING JAX-WS WEB SERVICES

JBoss Enterprise Application Platform 7.0: DEVELOPMENT GUIDE JAX-WS WEB SERVICES

Configuration of component scan of package

[server projectName]-ws.xml is created for scanning the component to be used by Web service, component scan is defined and injection in the Web service is enabled.

[server projectName]-web/src/main/resources/META-INF/spring/[server projectName]-ws.xml

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<beans xmlns="http://www.springframework.org/schema/beans" xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance"
    <!-- (1) -->
    <context:component-scan base-package="com.example.ws" />
Sr. No. Description
Specify a package wherein the component to be used in Web service is stored.

[server projectName]-web/src/main/webapp/WEB-INF/web.xml

    <!-- Root ApplicationContext -->
    <!-- (1) -->
        classpath*:META-INF/spring/[server projectName]-ws.xml
Sr. No. Description
Add [server projectName]-ws.xml to reading target while generating a root ApplicationContext.

Definition for input check

Following definition is added to input check for using method validation.
For input check details, refer Input check implementation.

[server projectName]-web/src/main/resources/META-INF/spring/applicationContext.xml

<bean class="org.springframework.validation.beanvalidation.MethodValidationPostProcessor">
    <property name="validator" ref="validator" />

<bean id="validator" class="org.springframework.validation.beanvalidation.LocalValidatorFactoryBean" /> Web service implementation

Following are created.

  • Creating Domain Object
  • Creating WebService interface
  • Creating WebService implementation class
Server Projects for SOAP

Creating Domain Object

Domain Object used in the argument and return value of Web service is created in model project.
It is not specifically different from general JavaBean which implements java.io.Serializable interface.

[server projectName]-model/src/main/java/com/example/domain/model/Todo.java

package com.example.domain.model;

import java.io.Serializable;
import java.util.Date;

public class Todo implements Serializable {

    private String todoId;

    private String title;

    private String description;

    private boolean finished;

    private Date createdAt;

    // omitted setter and getter


Creating WebService interface

An interface to call Web service is created in webservice project.

[server projectName]-webservice/src/main/java/com/example/ws/todo/TodoWebService.java

package com.example.ws.todo;

import java.util.List;

import javax.jws.WebMethod;
import javax.jws.WebParam;
import javax.jws.WebResult;
import javax.jws.WebService;

import com.example.domain.model.Todo;
import com.example.ws.webfault.WebFaultException;

@WebService(targetNamespace = "http://example.com/todo") // (1)
public interface TodoWebService {

    @WebMethod // (2)
    @WebResult(name = "todo") // (3)
    Todo getTodo(@WebParam(name = "todoId") /* (4) */ String todoId) throws WebFaultException;

Sr. No. Description
WebService interface is declared by applying @WebService.
Although namespace is defined in the targetNamespace attribute, it is recommended to match it with the package name of the Web service used for creating it.


Value of targetNamespace attribute should be unique. Therefore, it must be changed while diverting the source in the guideline.


Value of targetNamespace attribute is defined in WSDL. Namespace of the Web service is determined and is used for unique identification.

Apply @WebMethod to the method which is published as a Web service method.
Method can be published on WSDL and used externally by applying this annotation.
Apply @WebResult to return value and specify name in name attribute. It is not required in the absence of a return value.
It is published as a return value on WSDL by applying this annotation.
Apply @WebParam in the argument and specify name in name attribute.
Argument is published on WSDL and defined as a parameter required for external calling, by applying this annotation.
For details of WebFaultException, refer “Implementing exception handling”.


How to apply package name and namespace

When the package name is in the following format

  • [Domain].[Application name (System name)].ws.[Used case name]

In this guideline, it is recommended to use namespace as given below..

  • http:// [Domain]/[Application name (System name)]


Relation between namespace and package name

When com.example is used as a domain and todo is used as an application name, Namespace is linked with Java package as below.

Server and Client Projects for SOAP

Although it is not specified, naming of Namespace and package is summarised in XML Namespace Mapping(Red Hat JBoss Fuse).

Creating WebService implementation class

Create an implementation class of WebService interface in web project.

[server projectName]-web/src/main/java/com/example/ws/todo/TodoWebServiceImpl.java

package com.example.ws.todo;

import java.util.List;

import javax.inject.Inject;
import javax.jws.HandlerChain;
import javax.jws.WebService;
import javax.xml.ws.BindingType;
import javax.xml.ws.soap.SOAPBinding;

import org.springframework.web.context.support.SpringBeanAutowiringSupport;

import com.example.domain.model.Todo;
import com.example.domain.service.TodoService;
import com.example.ws.webfault.WebFaultException;
import com.example.ws.exception.WsExceptionHandler;
import com.example.ws.todo.TodoWebService;

        portName = "TodoWebPort",
        serviceName = "TodoWebService",
        targetNamespace = "http://example.com/todo",
        endpointInterface = "com.example.ws.todo.TodoWebService") // (1)
@BindingType(SOAPBinding.SOAP12HTTP_BINDING) // (2)
public class TodoWebServiceImpl extends SpringBeanAutowiringSupport implements TodoWebService { // (3)

    @Inject // (4)
    TodoService todoService;

    @Override // (5)
    public Todo getTodo(String todoId) throws WebFaultException {
        return todoService.getTodo(todoId);

Sr. No. Description
WebService implementation class is declared by applying @WebService.
portName attribute is published as a port name on WSDL.
serviceName attribute is published as a service name on WSDL.
targetNamespace attribute is a namespace used on WSDL.
endpointInterface attribute defines an interface name of Web service implemented by this class.


portName attribute, serviceName attribute and endpointInterface attribute should not be set in TodoWebService interface as @WebService attribute. This is because the interface corresponds to portType element on WSDL and is not the element for describing Web service details.

Specify binding method by applying @BindingType.
When SOAPBinding.SOAP12HTTP_BINDING is defined, it acts as a binding in SOAP1.2.
If annotation is not applied, binding in SOAP1.1 is used.
Implement TodoWebService interface created earlier.
Enable DI for Spring Bean by inheriting org.springframework.web.context.support.SpringBeanAutowiringSupport.
Inject Service.
Same as while calling the service in normal Controller.
Run business process by calling Service.
Same as while calling the service in normal Controller.


It is recommended to summarise Web service related class under ws package. This is to differentiate it from application layer class which is placed under app package. Input check implementation

A method validation provided by Spring is used in the input check of parameters sent by SOAP Web Service.
For the details of method validation, refer How to define for the method for Method Validation target.
Input check details are defined in Service interface as given below.

[server projectName]-domain/src/main/java/com/example/domain/service/todo/TodoService.java

package com.example.domain.service.todo;

import java.util.List;

import javax.validation.Valid;
import javax.validation.constraints.NotNull;
import javax.validation.groups.Default;

import org.springframework.validation.annotation.Validated;

import com.example.domain.model.Todo;

@Validated // (1)
public interface TodoService {

    Todo getTodo(@NotNull String todoId); // (2)

    Todo createTodo(@Valid Todo todo); // (3)

    @Validated({ Default.class, Todo.Update.class }) // (4)
    Todo updateTodo(@Valid Todo todo);

Sr. No. Description
Implementation class of this interface is declared as a target for input check by applying @Validated.
Apply annotation to argument itself while checking the argument.
Apply @Valid in the argument while carrying out input check of JavaBean.
Input check can also be carried out by specifying @Validated in the group and narrowing down the specific conditions.
Group details are explained in the JavaBean described next.

[server projectName]-model/src/main/java/com/example/domain/model/Todo.java

package com.example.domain.model;

import javax.validation.constraints.NotNull;
import javax.validation.constraints.Null;
import java.io.Serializable;
import java.util.Date;

// (1)
public class Todo implements Serializable {

    // (2)
    public interface Create {

    public interface Update {

    @Null(groups = Create.class)
    @NotNull(groups = Update.class)
    private String todoId;

    private String title;

    private String description;

    private boolean finished;

    @Null(groups = Create.class)
    private Date createdAt;

    // omitted setter and getter
Sr. No. Description
Define JavaBean input check in the Bean Validation.
For details, refer “Input Validation”.
Define an interface used for grouping of validation. Security measures

Authentication process

How to carry out Basic authentication in Spring Security and how to authorize in Service are introduced in the guideline as the methods of authentication and authorization for SOAP.
WS-Security is not addressed.
For details of how to use, refer “Authentication” and “Authorization”.

A configuration example of Spring Security carrying out Basic authentication for SOAP Web Service is shown below.

[server projectName]-web/src/main/resources/META-INF/spring/spring-security.xml

<sec:http pattern="/ws/**"
   <sec:csrf disabled="true" />
   <sec:http-basic />  <!-- (1) -->

<!-- (2) -->
       <sec:password-encoder ref="passwordEncoder" />
Sr. No. Description
Basic authentication can be carried out if sec:http-basic tag is described.
Authentication is carried out only for the Web service execution by using pattern attribute.
Define authentication method by using authentication-provider.
Actual authentication and fetching user information must be implemented by creating UserDetailsService.
For details, refer “Authentication”.

Authorization process

Authorization is carried out by applying annotation for each Service.
For details, refer access authorization of “Authorization(method)”.

[server projectName]-web/src/main/resources/META-INF/spring/spring-security.xml

<sec:global-method-security pre-post-annotations="enabled" /> <!-- (1) -->
Sr. No. Description
Specify pre-post-annotations attribute of <sec:global-method-security> element in enabled.

[server projectName]-domain/src/main/java/com/example/domain/service/todo/TodoServiceImpl.java

public class TodoServiceImpl implements TodoService {

    // omitted

    // (1)
    public List<Todo> getTodos() {
        // omitted

    public Todo createTodo(Todo todo) {
        // omitted

Sr. No. Description
Specify org.springframework.security.access.prepost.PreAuthorize annotation in the method which carries out authorization.

CSRF measures

SOAP Web Service should be used in the stateless communication without using a session.
Therefore, a configuration method wherein CSRF measures using the session are not employed is explained below.
For details of CSRF, refer “CSRF Countermeasures”.
CSRF measures are enabled in the default configuration of Blank project.
Therefore, CSRF measures processing is disabled for SOAP Web Service request by adding following configuration.

[server projectName]-web/src/main/resources/META-INF/spring/spring-security.xml

<!-- (1) -->
<sec:http pattern="/ws/**"
    <sec:http-basic />
    <sec:csrf disabled="true" />
Sr. No. Description
Add definition of Spring Security for SOAP Web Service.
Specify URL pattern of request path for SOAP Web Service in pattern attribute of <sec:http> element.
In this code example, request path starting at /ws/ acts as a request path for SOAP Web Service.
Further, the session can no longer be used in Spring Security process by making create-session attribute stateless.

Set disabled attribute of <sec:csrf> element to true for disabling CSRF measures. Implementation of exception handling

An exclusive exception class must be thrown for communicating with the client when an exception occurs in SOAP server.
Implementation is described below.

Exception occurred in SOAP server

Exception occurred at SOAP server can determine the notification message to the client by using class (SOAPFault) which implements exception described henceforth.

Basically the class given below is created.

Sr. No. Class Name Overview
A class which retains code and message of occurred exception.
Enum type used to determine the type of exception.
A class which retains ErrorBean and WebFaultType. Multiple exception information can be retained by retaining ErrorBean in List.
Exception class which retains WebFaultBean.

These exceptions are placed on [server projectName]-webservice since these are shared by SOAP server and client.

[server projectName]-webservice/src/main/java/com/example/ws/webfault/ErrorBean.java

package com.example.ws.webfault;

public class ErrorBean { // (1)
    private String code;
    private String message;
    private String path;

    // omitted setter and getter
Sr. No. Description
Create a class which retains exception messages etc.

[server projectName]-webservice/src/main/java/com/example/ws/webfault/WebFaultType.java

package com.example.ws.webfault;

public enum WebFaultType { // (2)
Sr. No. Description
Define an enum type used to identify type of exception.

[server projectName]-webservice/src/main/java/com/example/ws/webfault/WebFaultBean.java

package com.example.ws.webfault;

import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.List;

public class WebFaultBean { // (3)

    private WebFaultType type;

    private List<ErrorBean> errors = new ArrayList<ErrorBean>();

    public WebFaultBean(WebFaultType type) {
        this.type = type;

    public void addError(String code, String message) {
        addError(code, message, null);

    public void addError(String code, String message, String path) {
        errors.add(new ErrorBean(code, message, path));

    // omitted setter and getter
Sr. No. Description
Create a class which retains ErrorBean and WebFaultType.

[server projectName]-webservice/src/main/java/com/example/ws/webfault/WebFaultException.java

package com.example.ws.webfault;

import java.util.List;

import javax.xml.ws.WebFault;

@WebFault(name = "WebFault", targetNamespace = "http://example.com/todo") // (1)
public class WebFaultException extends Exception {
    private WebFaultBean faultInfo; // (2)

    public WebFaultException() {

    public WebFaultException(String message, WebFaultBean faultInfo) {
        this.faultInfo = faultInfo;

    public WebFaultException(String message, WebFaultBean faultInfo, Throwable e) {
        super(message, e);
        this.faultInfo = faultInfo;

    public List<ErrorBean> getErrors() {
        return this.faultInfo.getErrors();

    public WebFaultType getType() {
        return this.faultInfo.getType();
    // omitted setter and getter
Sr. No. Description
Declare SOAPFault by applying @WebFault to Exception inheritance class.
Specify name attribute of SOAPFault sent to client in name attribute.
Specify namespace to be used in targetNamespace attribute. It must be same as in Web service.
It consists of constructor and method below, as shown in code example besides retaining the faultInfo in the field.
  • Constructor wherein message string and faultInfo are considered as arguments
  • Constructor wherein message string, faultInfo and cause exception are considered as arguments
  • getFaultInfo method


Reason of inheriting Exception in WebFaultException instead of RuntimeException

If parent class of WebFaultException is set to RuntimeException, exception process can be further simplified. However, parent class should not be set to RuntimeException. it is also declared that it cannot be defined in JSR 224: JavaTM API for XML-Based Web Services as well. Although, it depends on JAS-WS implementation of AP server during an actual attempt, exception class (WebFaultException) wherein @WebFault is applied in the client cannot be fetched resulting in inability to fetch error types and message. Inheriting Exceptionalso results in non-implementation of exception process using AOP.


Constructor and field of WebFaultException

A setter corresponding to each field and default constructor is mandatory in WebFaultException. This is an internal process of client and is used while creating WebFaultException. Therefore, it is also not possible to consider each field as final.

This WebFaultException is inherited, and types to be communicated to the client and child class are created.
For example, child classes are created as given below.
  • Business error exception
  • Input error exception
  • Resource not detected exception
  • Exclusive error exception
  • Authorization exception
  • System error exception

Following is an example of business error exception.

[server projectName]-webservice/src/main/java/com/example/ws/webfault/BusinessFaultException.java

package com.example.ws.webfault;

import javax.xml.ws.WebFault;

@WebFault(name = "BusinessFault", targetNamespace = "http://example.com/todo") // (1)
public class BusinessFaultException extends WebFaultException {

    public BusinessFaultException(String message, WebFaultBean faultInfo) {
        super(message, faultInfo);

    public BusinessFaultException(String message, WebFaultBean faultInfo, Throwable e) {
        super(message, faultInfo, e);

Sr. No. Description
Inherit WebFaultException and create only constructor.
Field and other methods are not required to be described since parent class method is used.

Exception handler which wraps exceptions that have occurred by SOAPFault

Exception handler class is created for wrapping the run-time exceptions which occur in Service by SOAPFault. This guideline adopts a policy wherein WebService implementation class converts and throws exceptions using this handler.

Exception thrown from Service assumes the following. It should be added when required.

Exception name Details
Exception at the time of authorization error
Exception at the time of input check error
Exception when resource is not detected
Business exception

[server projectName]-web/src/main/java/com/example/ws/exception/WsExceptionHandler.java

package com.example.ws.exception;

import java.util.Iterator;
import java.util.Locale;
import java.util.Set;

import javax.inject.Inject;
import javax.validation.ConstraintViolation;
import javax.validation.ConstraintViolationException;
import javax.validation.Path;

import org.springframework.context.MessageSource;
import org.springframework.security.access.AccessDeniedException;
import org.springframework.stereotype.Component;
import org.terasoluna.gfw.common.exception.BusinessException;
import org.terasoluna.gfw.common.exception.ExceptionCodeResolver;
import org.terasoluna.gfw.common.exception.ExceptionLogger;
import org.terasoluna.gfw.common.exception.ResourceNotFoundException;
import org.terasoluna.gfw.common.exception.SystemException;
import org.terasoluna.gfw.common.message.ResultMessage;
import org.terasoluna.gfw.common.message.ResultMessages;

import com.example.ws.webfault.WebFaultBean;
import com.example.ws.webfault.WebFaultException;
import com.example.ws.webfault.WebFaultType;

@Component  // (1)
public class WsExceptionHandler {

    MessageSource messageSource; // (2)

    ExceptionCodeResolver exceptionCodeResolver; // (3)

    ExceptionLogger exceptionLogger; // (4)

    // (5)
    public void translateException(Exception e) throws WebFaultException {
        WebFaultBean faultInfo = null;

        if (e instanceof AccessDeniedException) {
            faultInfo = new WebFaultBean(WebFaultType.AccessDeniedFault);
            faultInfo.addError(e.getClass().getName(), e.getMessage());
        } else if (e instanceof ConstraintViolationException) {
            faultInfo = new WebFaultBean(WebFaultType.ValidationFault);
            this.addErrors(faultInfo, ((ConstraintViolationException) e).getConstraintViolations());
        } else if (e instanceof ResourceNotFoundException) {
            faultInfo = new WebFaultBean(WebFaultType.ResourceNotFoundFault);
            this.addErrors(faultInfo, ((ResourceNotFoundException) e).getResultMessages());
        } else if (e instanceof BusinessException) {
            faultInfo = new WebFaultBean(WebFaultType.BusinessFault);
            this.addErrors(faultInfo, ((BusinessException) e).getResultMessages());
        } else {
            // not translate.
            throw new SystemException("e.ex.fw.9001", e);

        throw new WebFaultException(e.getMessage(), faultInfo, e.getCause());

    private void loggingException(Exception e) {

    private void addErrors(WebFaultBean faultInfo, Set<ConstraintViolation<?>> constraintViolations) {
        for (ConstraintViolation<?> v : constraintViolations) {
            Iterator<Path.Node> pathIt = v.getPropertyPath().iterator();
            pathIt.next(); // method name node (skip)
            Path.Node methodArgumentNameNode = pathIt.next();
                pathIt.hasNext() ? pathIt.next().toString() : methodArgumentNameNode.toString());


    private void addErrors(WebFaultBean faultInfo, ResultMessages resultMessages) {
        Locale locale = Locale.getDefault();
        for (ResultMessage message : resultMessages) {
                messageSource.getMessage(message.getCode(), message.getArgs(), message.getText(), locale));

Sr. No. Description
Apply @Component for managing the class in DI container.
Use MessageSource to fetch the message to be output.
Use ExceptionCodeResolverMessageSource provided by common library and map exception types and exception codes.
For details, refer “Exception Handling”.
Use ExceptionLogger provided by common library and output exception information in the exception.
For details, refer “Exception Handling”.
Each exception occurring in Service is wrapped in SOAPFault.
Refer table at the beginning for exception mapping.


Other exception handling

In case of other exceptions (else part of translateException method described above), detailed exception details are not notified to the client and only com.sun.xml.internal.ws.fault.ServerSOAPFaultException is thrown.Exception can also be wrapped like other exceptions and notified to the client side.

Exception occurred in the Service is wrapped in Web service by calling exception handler

Exception handler is called in Web service class. Example is given below.

[server projectName]-web/src/main/java/com/example/ws/todo/TodoWebServiceImpl.java

        portName = "TodoWebPort",
        serviceName = "TodoWebService",
        targetNamespace = "http://example.com/todo",
        endpointInterface = "com.example.ws.todo.TodoWebService")
public class TodoWebServiceImpl extends SpringBeanAutowiringSupport implements TodoWebService {
    TodoService todoService;
    WsExceptionHandler handler; // (1)

    public Todo getTodo(String todoId) throws WebFaultException /* (2) */ {
        try {
            return todoService.getTodo(todoId);
        } catch (RuntimeException e) {
            handler.translateException(e); // (3)
Sr. No. Description
Inject exception handler.
Apply throws clause since the exception is thrown after wrapping in WebFaultException.
In case of run-time exception, delegate the process to exception handler class. How to handle large binary data using MTOM

Sending and receiving process can be carried out in SOAP by mapping Byte array while handling binary data.
However, while handling binary data of large volume, issues like memory exhaustion are likely to occur.
Accordingly, binary data can be handled as attached file in the optimised state by carrying out implementation in compliance with MTOM(Message Transmission Optimization Mechanism).
The method is described below.

[server projectName]-webservice/src/main/java/com/example/ws/todo/TodoWebService.java

package com.example.ws.todo;

import java.util.List;

import javax.activation.DataHandler;
import javax.jws.WebMethod;
import javax.jws.WebParam;
import javax.jws.WebResult;
import javax.jws.WebService;
import javax.xml.bind.annotation.XmlMimeType;

import com.example.domain.model.Todo;
import com.example.ws.webfault.WebFaultException;

@WebService(targetNamespace = "http://example.com/todo")
public interface TodoWebService {

    // omitted

    void uploadFile(@XmlMimeType("application/octet-stream") /* (1) */ DataHandler dataHandler) throws WebFaultException;

Sr. No. Description
Apply @XmlMimeType for javax.activation.DataHandler which processes binary data.

[server projectName]-web/src/main/java/com/example/ws/todo/TodoWebServiceImpl.java

package com.example.ws.todo;

import java.io.IOException;
import java.io.InputStream;
import java.util.List;

import javax.activation.DataHandler;
import javax.inject.Inject;
import javax.jws.HandlerChain;
import javax.jws.WebService;
import javax.xml.ws.BindingType;
import javax.xml.ws.soap.MTOM;
import javax.xml.ws.soap.SOAPBinding;

import org.springframework.web.context.support.SpringBeanAutowiringSupport;
import org.terasoluna.gfw.common.exception.SystemException;

import com.example.domain.model.Todo;
import com.example.domain.service.TodoService;
import com.example.ws.webfault.WebFaultException;
import com.example.ws.exception.WsExceptionHandler;

// (1)
        portName = "TodoWebPort",
        serviceName = "TodoWebService",
        targetNamespace = "http://example.com/todo",
        endpointInterface = "com.example.ws.todo.TodoWebService")
public class TodoWebServiceImpl extends SpringBeanAutowiringSupport implements TodoWebService {

    TodoService todoService;

    // omitted

    public void uploadFile(DataHandler dataHandler) throws WebFaultException {

        try (InputStream inputStream = dataHandler.getInputStream()){ // (2)
        } catch (Exception e) {

Sr. No. Description
Apply @MTOM and declare the use of implementation in compliance with MTOM.
Fetch java.io.InputStream from javax.activation.DataHandler and handle the file. Creation of client Project configuration

As described in “Development of Web service using JAX-WS”, model project and webservice project are assumed to be received by SOAP server.

Client Projects for SOAP
Sr. No. Project name Description
web project
Create Controller.
No specific change in the Controller during normal screen transition.
domain project
Call Web service by using WebService interface which is provided in webservice project from Service class.
webservice project
Configure data same as SOAP server.
Client uses this interface to implement Web service.
model project
Configure data same as SOAP server.
Use class in the project for input value and return results passed to SOAP server.
env project
Define a proxy class which implements WebService interface used while communicating with SOAP server.
Since proxy class definition is often environment dependent, it is defined in env project. Implementation of Web service client

Implement class as below.

  • Define a proxy class which implements WebService interface
  • Call Web service from Service class through WebService interface.
Server Projects for SOAP

Creating proxy class which implements WebService interface

Define org.springframework.remoting.jaxws.JaxWsPortProxyFactoryBean generating a proxy class which implements a WebService interface.

[client projectName]-env/src/main/resources/META-INF/spring/[client projectName]-env.xml

<bean id="todoWebService"
    class="org.springframework.remoting.jaxws.JaxWsPortProxyFactoryBean"><!-- (1) -->
    <property name="serviceInterface" value="com.example.ws.todo.TodoWebService" /><!-- (2) -->
    <!-- (3) -->
    <property name="serviceName" value="TodoWebService" />
    <property name="portName" value="TodoWebPort" />
    <property name="namespaceUri" value="http://example.com/todo" />
    <property name="wsdlDocumentResource" value="${webservice.todoWebService.wsdlDocumentResource}" /><!-- (4) -->

[client projectName]-env/src/main/resources/META-INF/spring/[client projectName]-infra.properties

# (5)
webservice.todoWebService.wsdlDocumentResource=http://AAA.BBB.CCC.DDD:XXXX/[server projectName]-web/ws/TodoWebService?wsdl
Sr. No.. Description
Define org.springframework.remoting.jaxws.JaxWsPortProxyFactoryBean.SOAP server can be accessed through proxy class generated by this class.
Define an interface that should be implemented by Web service in serviceInterface property.
Details same as defined on the server side must be defined in serviceName ,portName and namespaceUri property respectively.
Specify URL of WDSL published in wsdlDocumentResource property.
Property key is specified since URL is described in the property file described later.
Specify value of property key defined in [client projectName]-env.xml.Describe URL of WSDL.


Specify other than URL of WSDL file to wsdlDocumentResource

In the example above, it is assumed that SOAP server publishes WSDL file. A static file can be specified as well by using classpath: or file: prefix. Refer Spring Framework Reference Documentation -Resources(The ResourceLoader)- for strings that can be specified.


Overwriting end point address

Access URL configuration is not required in the client since access URL at the time of executing Web service (end point address) is described in WSDL file. However, when a URL not described in WSDL file is to be accessed, end point address can be overwritten by configuring endpointAddress property of org.springframework.remoting.jaxws.JaxWsPortProxyFactoryBean. It should preferably be used while changing the environment in tests etc. Configuration example is as below.

[client projectName]-env/src/main/resources/META-INF/spring/[client projectName]-env.xml

<bean id="todoWebService"
    <property name="serviceInterface" value="com.example.ws.todo.TodoWebService" />
    <property name="serviceName" value="TodoWebService" />
    <property name="portName" value="TodoWebPort" />
    <property name="namespaceUri" value="http://example.com/todo" />
    <property name="wsdlDocumentResource" value="${webservice.todoWebService.wsdlDocumentResource}" />
    <property name="endpointAddress" value="${webservice.todoWebService.endpointAddress}" /><!-- (1) -->

[client projectName]-env/src/main/resources/META-INF/spring/[client projectName]-infra.properties

# (2)
webservice.todoWebService.endpointAddress=http://AAA.BBB.CCC.DDD:XXXX/[server projectName]-web/ws/TodoWebService
Sr. No. Description
Specify end point address.
A property key is specified for describing URL in property file described later.
Specify value of property key defined in [client projectName]-env.xml. Describe end point address.

Call Web service from Service

Inject Web service created above by Service and run Web service.

[client projectName]-domain/src/main/java/com/example/domain/service/todo/TodoServiceImpl.java

package com.example.soap.domain.service.todo;

import java.util.List;

import javax.inject.Inject;

import org.springframework.stereotype.Service;

import com.example.domain.model.Todo;
import com.example.ws.webfault.WebFaultException;
import com.example.ws.todo.TodoWebService;

public class TodoServiceImpl implements TodoService {

    TodoWebService todoWebService;

    public void createTodo(Todo todo) {
        // (1)
        try {
        } catch (WebFaultException e) {
            // (2)
            // handle exception…
Sr. No. Description
Inject TodoWebService and call Service to be run.
When an exception occurs at the server side, it is wrapped in WebFaultException and sent.
Carry out process depending on the details.
For details of exception process, refer “Implementing exception handling”.


Defining proxy class

It is recommended to define proxy class in env project. This is to enable changing implementation class of Web service by changing maven profile. When sending destination of SOAP server for testing is to be changed or when the SOAP server is not ready, the testing can be carried out without changing another source by creating a stub class.


Fetch response information

When the response information is to be fetched by the client for example retry, it can be fetched by casting in javax.xml.ws.BindingProviderclass as given below.

BindingProvider provider = (BindingProvider) todoWebService;
int status = (int) provider.getResponseContext().get(MessageContext.HTTP_RESPONSE_CODE);

For details of BindingProvider, refer The Java API for XML-Based Web Services(JAX-WS) 2.2 -4.2 javax.xml.ws.BindingProvider-.

However, when Apatch CXF library is included in the dependency relation of the client, it is not possible to fetch response information by the method given above at the time of communication error. This is because Apatch CXF proxy is automatically used when Apatch CXF library is included in the dependency relation and Apache CXF proxy does not retain response information in response context at the time of communication error. For error handling of Apache CXF, refer Apache CXF Software Architecture Guide -Fault Handling-.

According to Web service and relay service which includes client of another Web service, if dependency relation of Apache CXF library is necessarily included in the client, it must be considered as a restricted item and adequate care must be taken. Security measures

Authentication process

When the communication is to be established with SOAP server which uses Basic authentication while using org.springframework.remoting.jaxws.JaxWsPortProxyFactoryBean, authentication can be done only if user name and password are added to bean definition.

[client projectName]-env/src/main/resources/META-INF/spring/[client projectName]-env.xml

<bean id="todoWebService"
    <property name="serviceInterface" value="com.example.ws.todo.TodoWebService" />
    <property name="serviceName" value="TodoWebService" />
    <property name="portName" value="TodoWebPort" />
    <property name="namespaceUri" value="http://example.com/todo" />
    <property name="wsdlDocumentResource" value="${webservice.todoWebService.wsdlDocumentResource}" />
    <!-- (1) -->
    <property name="username" value="${webservice.todoWebService.username}" />
    <property name="password" value="${webservice.todoWebService.password}" />

[client projectName]-env/src/main/resources/META-INF/spring/[client projectName]-infra.properties

# (2)
Sr. No. Description
Authentication information for Basic authentication can be sent by adding user name and password in bean definition of org.springframework.remoting.jaxws.JaxWsPortProxyFactoryBean.
It is a sample wherein user name and password are transferred to the property file.
Specify value of property key defined in [client projectName]-env.xml. Describe user name and password used for authentication. Implementing exception handling

In SOAP server, it is recommended to wrap exception in WebFaultExceptionand throw the same.
Client catches WebFaultException, determines the cause for exception and carry out respective processing.
public void createTodo(Todo todo) {

    try {
        // (1)
    } catch (WebFaultException e) {
        // (2)
        switch (e.getFaultInfo().getType()) {
        case ValidationFault:
            // handle exception…
        case BusinessFault:
            // handle exception…
            // handle exception…

Sr.No. Description
Call Web service. WebFaultException must be caught since throws clause is applied.
Determine exception by faultInfotype and describe respective process (sending a message to the screen, throwing an exception etc) Timeout configuration

Timeout that can be specified by client is broadly classified into following two types.

  • Connection timeout for each SOAP server
  • Request timeout for each SOAP server
Both the configurations must be specified in the custom property of org.springframework.remoting.jaxws.JaxWsPortProxyFactoryBean.
How to configure is as given below.

[client projectName]-env/src/main/resources/META-INF/spring/[client projectName]-env.xml

<bean id="todoWebService"
    <property name="serviceInterface" value="com.example.ws.todo.TodoWebService" />
    <property name="serviceName" value="TodoWebService" />
    <property name="portName" value="TodoWebPort" />
    <property name="namespaceUri" value="http://example.com/todo" />
    <property name="wsdlDocumentResource" value="${webservice.todoWebService.wsdlDocumentResource}" />
    <!-- (1) -->
    <property name="customProperties">
            <!-- (2) -->
            <entry key="com.sun.xml.internal.ws.connect.timeout" value-type="java.lang.Integer" value="${webservice.connect.timeout}"/>
            <entry key="com.sun.xml.internal.ws.request.timeout" value-type="java.lang.Integer" value="${webservice.request.timeout}"/>

[client projectName]-env/src/main/resources/META-INF/spring/[client projectName]-infra.properties

# (3)
Sr. No. Description
Define a custom property by specifying Map in customProperties property.
Define connection timeout and request timeout.
It is a sample wherein the respective values are transferred to a property file.


Key used for defining timeout

It is necessary to specify a different value based on JAX-WS implementation as a key to define respective timeout. For details, refer JAX_WS-1166 Standardize timeout settings.

Specify value of property key defined in [client projectName]-env.xml. Connection timeout and request timeout are described.

5.3.3. Appendix Project configuration is changed for SOAP server.

It is recommended to add model project and webservice project to the blank project while creating SOAP server.
The method is described below.
Blank project default configuration is as below.
Note that, artifactId specified while creating a blank project is configured in artifactId.
├── pom.xml
├── artifactId-domain
├── artifactId-env
├── artifactId-initdb
├── artifactId-selenium
└── artifactId-web

Project configuration is as below.

├── pom.xml
├── artifactId-domain
├── artifactId-env
├── artifactId-initdb
├── artifactId-selenium
├── artifactId-web
├── artifactId-model
└── artifactId-webservice Changing existing project

A simple implementation of Web application like Controller etc is included in the default state of the blank project.
SOAP web service can be used as it is, however, it is recommended to delete the same since it is not required. Creating model project

model project configuration is explained.

    ├── pom.xml  ... (1)
Sr. No.

A POM (Project Object Model) file which defines model module configuration. Following are defined in this file.

  • Definition of plug-ins for dependent libraries and build
  • Definition for creating jar file
pom.xml is as shown in the image below. It must be edited when required.
Actually, the values specified while creating a blank project must be configured for “artifactId” and “groupId”.
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<project xmlns="http://maven.apache.org/POM/4.0.0" xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance" xsi:schemaLocation="http://maven.apache.org/POM/4.0.0 http://maven.apache.org/maven-v4_0_0.xsd">

        <!-- == Begin TERASOLUNA == -->

        <!-- == End TERASOLUNA == -->
</project> Creating webservice project

webservice project configuration is explained.

    ├── pom.xml  ... (1)
Sr. No.

A POM (Project Object Model) file which defines webservice module configuration. Following are defined in this file.

  • Definition of plug-ins for dependent libraries and builds
  • Definition for creating a jar file
pom.xml is as shown in the image below. It must be edited when required.
Actually, the values specified while creating a blank project must be configured for “artifactId” and “groupId”.
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<project xmlns="http://maven.apache.org/POM/4.0.0" xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance" xsi:schemaLocation="http://maven.apache.org/POM/4.0.0 http://maven.apache.org/maven-v4_0_0.xsd">

        <!-- == Begin TERASOLUNA == -->

        <!-- == End TERASOLUNA == -->
</project> Package configuration of SOAP server

Recommended configuration while creating SOAP server is explained.
Following configuration is obtained if the project is added in conformance with the guidelines.
Project name Description
[server projectName]-domain
Project which stores class and configuration file related to domain layer of SOAP server
[server projectName]-web
Project which stores class and configuration file related to application layer of SOAP server
[server projectName]-env
Project which stores files dependent on the environment of SOAP server
[server projectName]-model
Project which stores the class to be shared with the client and used while executing Web service, from the classes related to domain layer of SOAP server
[server projectName]-webservice
Project which stores interface of Web service offered by SOAP server [server projectName]-domain

Following is added to pom.xml for adding dependency of [server projectName]-model.


Refer “Project structure of Application Layering ” since package configuration besides these is not different from the usual domain project. [server projectName]-web

Following is added to pom.xml for adding dependency of [server projectName]-webservice.



How to resolve a dependency

It is not necessary to define dependency of [server projectName]-model because a transitive dependency is added since dependency to [server projectName]-model is defined from [server projectName]-webservice.

Recommended configuration for [server projectName]-web project is shown below.

[server projectName]-web
          │  └com
          │      └example
          │          ├app...(1)
          │          └ws...(2)
          │            ├exception...(3)
          │            │  └WsExceptionHandler.java
          │            ├abc
          │            │  └AbcWebServiceImpl.java
          │            └def
          │                └DefWebServiceImpl.java
          │  ├META-INF
          │  │  └spring
          │  │      ├applicationContext.xml...(4)
          │  │      ├application.properties...(5)
          │  │      ├spring-mvc.xml ...(6)
          │  │      ├spring-security.xml...(7)
          │  │      └[server projectName]-ws.xml...(8)
          │  └i18n
          │      └application-messages.properties...(9)
                  ├views ...(11)
Sr. No. Description
Package which stores configuration elements of application layer.
It may be deleted if only Web service is required to be created.
Package which stores related class of Web service.
Package which stores exception handler etc of Web service.
Defines a bean related to overall application.
Define a property to be used in the application.
Define a Bean for configuring Spring MVC.
It may be deleted if only Web service is required to be created.
Define a Bean for configuring Spring Security.
Define a Bean for Web service.
Define a message (internationalization) for screen display.
Stores static resources (css, js, image etc).
It may be deleted if only Web service is required to be created.
Stores View (jsp).
It may be deleted if only Web service is required to be created.
Define Servlet deployment.


Files not required for SOAP server

When only Web service is to be created in SOAP server, Spring MVC configuration file existing in the blank project is not required, hence can be deleted. [server projectName]-env

Since [server projectName]-env does not differ from normal env project, refer “Project structure of Application Layering”. [server projectName]-model

Recommended project configuration of [server projectName]-model is shown below.

[server projectName]-model
                      └domain ...(1)
                          └model ...(2)
Sr. No. Description
Package which stores configuration elements of domain layer.
Package which stores the class to be used while implementing Web service in the Domain Object. [server projectName]-webservice

Recommended project configuration of [server projectName]-webservice is shown below.

[server projectName]-webservice
                        │  └AbcWebService.java
Sr. No. Description
Package which stores Web service interface.
Package which stores webfault of Web service. Package configuration of client

Recommended configuration while creating a client is explained.
Project when provided from SOAP Server in accordance with the guidelines is of following configuration.
Project name Description
[client projectName]-domain
Project which stores class and configuration file related to domain layer of client
[client projectName]-web
Project which stores class and configuration file related to application layer of client
[client projectName]-env
Project which stores files dependent on the client environment


For [server projectName]-model and [server projectName]-webservice, refer ” Package configuration of SOAP server” described earlier. [client projectName]-domain

Following is added to pom.xml for adding dependency of [server projectName]-webservice offered from SOAP server.



how to resolve dependency

Similar to [server projectName]-web, it is not necessary to define dependency of [server projectName]-model in pom.xml because a transitive dependency is added since dependency relation to [server projectName]-model is defined from [server projectName]-webservice.

Since package configuration other than this is not different from the usual domain project, refer “Project structure of Application Layering “. [client projectName]-web

Since [client projectName]-web is not different from the usual web project, refer “Project structure of Application Layering”. [client projectName]-env

Recommended project configuration of [client projectName]-env project is shown below.

  ├configs ...(1)
  │   └[envName] ...(2)
  │       └resources ...(3)
          └resources ...(4)
             │  └spring
             │      ├[projectName]-env.xml ...(5)
             │      └[projectName]-infra.properties ...(6)
             └logback.xml ...(7)
Sr. No. Description
Directory for managing environment dependent files of overall environment.
Directory for managing environment dependent files for each environment.
Specify a name which identifies the environment, as a directory name.
Directory for managing configuration files for each environment.
Subdirectory configuration and configuration files to be managed are same as (4).
Directory for managing configuration files for local development environment.
Define a Bean for local development environment.
Specify a proxy class of Web service in this file.
Define a property for local development environment.
Specify the value that can be changed for each environment like URL of WSDL.
Define log output for local development environment. wsimport

wsimport is a command line tool that is included in Java SE.
It outputs a Java class (source as well depending on the options) which can call Web service by reading WSDL file. Using wsimport

In this guideline, wsimport has been recommended to be used in the cases given in the image below..
Web service can be implemented by using wsimport while creating a client even when Domain Object or Web service interface which are used in SOAP server cannot be used.
Server and Client Projects for SOAP How to use wsimport

It is stored in the bin folder of JDK and can be used only by going through the path.
When the command is executed on the command line as given below, the source file is created in the current directory.
# (1)
wsimport -keep -p [Package name of the source to be output] -s [Location which stores source to be output] [URL of wsdl]
Sr. No. Description
Specify URL of WSDL as an argument of wsimport.
Following are used as an option.
  • -keep Source is output as well.
  • -p Specify the package of the source to be output.
  • -s Specify the location which stores the source to be output.


wsimport outputs only class file as the default behaviour. No action is required only for the moving operation, however when a debug operation is to be carried out, it is recommended to apply ‘keep’ option and store source as well.

For example, the commands are as below.

wsimport -keep -p com.example.ws.todo -s c:/tmp http://AAA.BBB.CCC.DDD:XXXX/soap-web/ws/TodoWebService?wsdl

Although the source created is dependent on Web service to be published, Java class used in the guideline is output.

  • Web service interface (TodoWebService.java in the source example)
  • Domain Object (Todo.java in the source example)
When the class generated by wsimport is to be used in only one client project, it should be placed in the domain project.
Although generated class belongs to infrastructure layer(Integration System Connector), it can also be included in the normal domain project as shown in Note of Project structure.
When the generated class is to be used for multiple clients, it is preferable to create model project and webservice project based on Project configuration is changed for SOAP server.and use by referring the same from respective clients.


Java class to be output is also output in the cases other than above. A client can be created only by using source that has been output. However, as a policy in this guideline, since the client uses org.springframework.remoting.jaxws.JaxWsPortProxyFactoryBean, it is recommended to not to use another Java class. Web service development on Tomcat

Although JAS-VX on Java EE server is described in the guideline, JAX-WS is not implemented in case of Tomcat.
Therefore, when SOAP server is Tomcat, Apache CXF is used as an implementation product of JAX-WS. It is necessary to use CXFServlet by changing the configuration.
When Apache CXF is used, a couple of implementation methods of WebService class exist as given below.
  1. A method wherein Web service implementation class is described in POJO
  2. A method wherein Web service implementation class is created by inheriting SpringBeanAutowiringSupport. (method that has been described so far)
In case of 1, since POJO is used as a Web service implementation class, unit testing can be easily carried out. However, this method may not work well for AP servers other than Tomcat. Therefore, implementation by using second method is described in the guideline instead of using first method. However, when only Tomcat is used, using the first method is recommended due to a number of advantages.
In case of 2, implementation can be done similar to other AP servers. Operations are carried out on Java EE server, however, this method is used when Tomcat must be mandatorily used during development. Configuration while using CXFServlet

Library configuration is described in pom.xml to use CXFServlet.

<!-- (1) -->
Sr. No. Description
Add dependency to Apache CXF library for using CXFServlet.

Next, CXFServletwhich receives SOAP Web Service in web.xml is defined.

<!-- (1) -->
<!-- (2) -->
Sr. No. Description
Define servlet for org.apache.cxf.transport.servlet.CXFServlet.
Specify path of cxf-servlet.xmlto be described later, in config-location.
Define mapping for the servlet that has been defined. In this case, Web service is created under Context name/ws. Configuration required in POJO method

Specify Web service implementation class as an endpoint.

[server projectName]-web/src/main/resources/META-INF/spring/cxf-servlet.xml

<beans xmlns="http://www.springframework.org/schema/beans" xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance"
    xmlns:jaxws="http://cxf.apache.org/jaxws" xmlns:soap="http://cxf.apache.org/bindings/soap"

    <!-- (1) -->
    <jaxws:endpoint id="todoWebEndpoint" implementor="#todoWebServiceImpl"
        address="/TodoWebService" />

Sr. No. Description
Define the endpoint to be published.
Specify bean name (“bean name” format) of Web service class which is registered in DI container, in the implementor attribute.
Specify address which publishes Web service, in address attribute.
Address describes only the path of end point to be published.
For attribute details, refer Apache CXF JAX-WS Configuration.

Create TodoWebServiceImpl as POJO.

[server projectName]-web/src/main/java/com/example/ws/todo/TodoWebServiceImpl.java

package com.example.ws.todo;

import java.util.List;

import javax.inject.Inject;
import javax.jws.HandlerChain;
import javax.jws.WebService;
import javax.xml.ws.BindingType;
import javax.xml.ws.soap.SOAPBinding;

import org.springframework.web.context.support.SpringBeanAutowiringSupport;

import org.springframework.stereotype.Component;

import com.example.domain.model.Todo;
import com.example.domain.service.TodoService;
import com.example.ws.webfault.WebFaultException;
import com.example.ws.exception.WsExceptionHandler;
import com.example.ws.todo.TodoWebService;

// (1)
      portName = "TodoWebPort",
      serviceName = "TodoWebService",
      targetNamespace = "http://example.com/todo",
      endpointInterface = "com.example.ws.todo.TodoWebService")
// (2)
public class TodoWebServiceImpl implements TodoWebService {

    // omitted

Sr. No. Description
Apply @Component and register to DI container.

Create as POJO since registration to DI container is possible by component scan. Basically, inheriting org.springframework.web.context.support.SpringBeanAutowiringSupport is not necessary. Configuration required for the method that inherits SpringBeanAutowiringSupport

Class name and address acting as SOAP end points are defined in the Bean definition file for CXFServlet.

[server projectName]-web/src/main/resources/META-INF/spring/cxf-servlet.xml

<beans xmlns="http://www.springframework.org/schema/beans" xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance"
    xmlns:jaxws="http://cxf.apache.org/jaxws" xmlns:soap="http://cxf.apache.org/bindings/soap"
    <!-- (1) -->
    <jaxws:endpoint id="todoWebEndpoint" implementor="com.example.ws.todo.TodoWebServiceImpl"
        address="/TodoWebService" />

Sr. No. Description
Define endpoint to be published.
Specify implementation class of Web service to be published in implementor attribute.
Specify address which publishes Web service in address attribute.
Address describes only the path of end point to be published.
For attribute details, refer Apache CXF JAX-WS Configuration.