Properties Management =================================================================================== .. only:: html .. contents:: Table of Contents :depth: 3 :local: Overview -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- This section explains how to manage properties. Value that needs to be managed as properties can be classified into following two categories. .. tabularcolumns:: |p{0.10\linewidth}|p{0.20\linewidth}|p{0.35\linewidth}|p{0.35\linewidth}| .. list-table:: :header-rows: 1 :widths: 10 20 35 35 * - Sr. No. - Classification - Description - Example * - 1. - Environment dependent setting - The setting needs to be changed according to the environment on which the application is running. It depends on non-functional requirements such as system configuration. - * Database connection information (connection URL, connection user, password, etc) * Destination of the file storage (directory path etc) * more ... * - 2. - Application settings - The settings that can be customize the application behavior. It depends on functional requirements. - * Password valid days * Reservation period days * more ... .. note:: In this guideline, it is recommended to manage these settings as properties (properties file). If an application is mechanized such a way that acquires setting from the properties, there is no need to re-build the application even if there is any changes in these values. Therefore it is possible to release the tested application on production environment. .. tip:: Values that are managed as properties can be acquired from JVM system properties (-D option) or OS environment variables. About access order, refer to ":ref:`PropertiesManagementHowToUse`". | Values that are managed as properties can be used at the following two locations. * Bean definition file * Java classes managed by DI container | .. _PropertiesManagementHowToUse: How to use -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- .. _technical-details_label: About properties file definition ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ | Properties file values in Java class and bean definition file can be accessed by defining ```` tag in bean definition file. | ```` tag reads the group of specified properties files | and can fetch values for properties files key \ ``xxx``\ specified in \ ``${xxx}``\ format in ``@Value`` annotation or bean definition files. .. note:: When specified in \ ``${xxx:defaultValue}``\ format and when key \ ``xxx``\ is not set in properties file, \ ``defaultValue``\ is used. | See the method below for defining a properties file **bean definition file** - applicationContext.xml - spring-mvc.xml .. code-block:: xml .. tabularcolumns:: |p{0.10\linewidth}|p{0.90\linewidth}| .. list-table:: :header-rows: 1 :widths: 10 90 * - Sr. No. - Description * - | (1) - | In location, set the resource location path. | Multiple paths separated by comma can be specified in location attribute. | By performing above settings, read properties file under META-INF/spring directory of class path. | Once these settings are done, just add the properties file under META-INF/spring. | For details on location value, see \ `Reference `_\ . .. note:: \ ````\ needs to be defined in both ``applicationContext.xml`` and ``spring-mvc.xml``. | Properties are accessed in the following order by default. #. System properties of active JVM #. Environment variables #. Application definition properties | As per default setting, properties file defined in application is searched and read after all environment related properties (JVM system properties and environment variables) are read. | Read sequence can be changed by setting local-override attribute of ```` tag to true. | By performing these settings, the properties defined in application are enabled with higher priority. **bean definition file** .. code-block:: xml .. tabularcolumns:: |p{0.10\linewidth}|p{0.90\linewidth}| .. list-table:: :header-rows: 1 :widths: 10 90 * - Sr. No. - Description * - | (1) - | Access properties in the following order when local-override attribute is set to true. | 1. Application definition properties | 2. System properties of active JVM | 3. Environment variables | .. note:: Normally the above settings are sufficient. When multiple ```` tags are specified, read order can be defined by setting order attribute value. **bean definition file** .. code-block:: xml .. tabularcolumns:: |p{0.10\linewidth}|p{0.90\linewidth}| .. list-table:: :header-rows: 1 :widths: 10 90 * - Sr. No. - Description * - | (1) - | By setting the order attribute to a value which is less than (2), properties file corresponding to location attribute is read before (2). | When a key overlapping with the key in properties file read in (2) exists, value fetched in (1) is given preference. | By setting ignore-unresolvable attribute to true, error which occurs when key exists only in properties file of (2) can be prevented. * - | (2) - | By setting the order attribute to value greater than (1), properties file corresponding to location attribute is read after (1). | When a key overlapping with the key in properties file read in (1) exists, value fetched in (1) is set. | By setting ignore-unresolvable attribute to true, error which occurs when key exists only in properties file of (1) can be prevented. | .. _bean-definition-file_label: Using properties in bean definition file ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ | See the example below of datasource configuration file. | In the following example, it is assumed that properties file definition ( ```` ) is specified. | Basically, property value can be set by setting properties file key in bean definition file using ``${}`` placeholder. **Properties file** .. code-block:: properties database.url=jdbc:postgresql://localhost:5432/shopping database.password=postgres database.username=postgres database.driverClassName=org.postgresql.Driver | **bean definition file** .. code-block:: xml | .. tabularcolumns:: |p{0.10\linewidth}|p{0.90\linewidth}| .. list-table:: :header-rows: 1 :widths: 10 90 * - Sr. No. - Description * - | (1) - | By setting ``${database.driverClassName}``, the value for read properties file key \ ``database.driverClassName``\ gets substituted. * - | (2) - | By setting ``${database.url}``, the value for read properties file key \ ``database.url``\ gets substituted. * - | (3) - | By setting ``${database.username}``, the value for read properties file key \ ``database.username``\ gets substituted. * - | (4) - | By setting ``${database.password}``, the value for read properties file key \ ``database.password``\ gets substituted. | As a result of reading the properties file key, the values are replaced as follows: .. code-block:: xml | Using properties in Java class ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ | It is possible to use properties in Java class by specifying ``@Value`` annotation in the field wherein properties values are to be stored. | To use ``@Value`` annotation, the corresponding object needs to be stored in DI container of Spring. | In the following example, it is assumed that properties file definition ( ```` ) is specified. | External reference is possible by adding ``@Value`` annotation to variables and setting properties file key in value using ``${}`` placeholder. **Properties file** .. code-block:: properties item.upload.title=list of update file item.upload.dir=file:/tmp/upload item.upload.maxUpdateFileNum=10 **Java class** .. code-block:: java @Value("${item.upload.title}") // (1) private String uploadTitle; @Value("${item.upload.dir}") // (2) private Resource uploadDir; @Value("${item.upload.maxUpdateFileNum}") // (3) private int maxUpdateFileNum; // Getters and setters omitted .. tabularcolumns:: |p{0.10\linewidth}|p{0.90\linewidth}| .. list-table:: :header-rows: 1 :widths: 10 90 * - Sr. No. - Description * - | (1) - | By setting ``${item.upload.title}`` to ``@Value`` annotation value, the value for read properties file key \ ``item.upload.title``\ gets substituted. | ``uploadTitle`` is substituted by "list of update file" in String class. * - | (2) - | By setting ``${item.upload.dir}`` to ``@Value`` annotation value, the value for read properties file key \ ``item.upload.dir``\ gets substituted. | \ ````\ object created with initial value "/tmp/upload" is stored in ``uploadDir``. * - | (3) - | By setting ``${item.upload.maxUpdateFileNum}`` to ``@Value`` annotation value, the value for read properties file key \ ``item.upload.maxUpdateFileNum``\ gets substituted. | ``maxUpdateFileNum`` is substituted by 10. .. warning:: There could be cases wherein properties values are to be used in static methods of Utility classes etc.; however properties value cannot be fetched using \ ``@Value``\ annotation in classes for which bean definition is not done. In this case, it is recommended to create Helper class with ``@Component`` annotation and to fetch properties values using \ ``@Value``\ annotation. (This class needs to be included in the component-scan scope.) Classes in which values from properties file is to be used, should not be made Utility classes. | How to extend -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Extension of method for fetching properties values is explained below. This can be achieved by extending ```` class. The example below illustrates a case wherein encrypted properties file is used. | Decrypting encrypted values and using them ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ | To strengthen security, properties file needs to be encrypted in some cases. | The example below illustrates decryption of encrypted properties values. (No specific encrypting and decrypting methods are mentioned.) **bean definition file** - applicationContext.xml - spring-mvc.xml .. code-block:: xml .. tabularcolumns:: |p{0.10\linewidth}|p{0.90\linewidth}| .. list-table:: :header-rows: 1 :widths: 10 90 * - Sr. No. - Description * - | (1) - | Define the extended PropertySourcesPlaceholderConfigurer instead of ````\. ````\ tag should be deleted. * - | (2) - | Set "locations" in name attribute of property tag and specify the path of the properties file to be read, in value attribute. | The method of specifying path of the properties file to be read is same as :ref:`technical-details_label`. **Java class** - Extended PropertySourcesPlaceholderConfigurer .. code-block:: java public class EncryptedPropertySourcesPlaceholderConfigurer extends PropertySourcesPlaceholderConfigurer { // (1) @Override protected void doProcessProperties( ConfigurableListableBeanFactory beanFactoryToProcess, StringValueResolver valueResolver) { // (2) super.doProcessProperties(beanFactoryToProcess, new EncryptedValueResolver(valueResolver)); // (3) } } .. tabularcolumns:: |p{0.10\linewidth}|p{0.90\linewidth}| .. list-table:: :header-rows: 1 :widths: 10 90 * - Sr. No. - Description * - | (1) - | Inherited PropertySourcesPlaceholderConfigurer, should extend ```` class. * - | (2) - | Override ``doProcessProperties`` method of ```` class. * - | (3) - | Call ``doProcessProperties`` of parent class; however, use valueResolver( ``EncryptedValueResolver`` ) ``valueResolver`` wherein ``valueResolver`` is implemented independently. | In ``EncryptedValueResolver`` class, decrypt when encrypted values of properties file are fetched. | - .. code-block:: java public class EncryptedValueResolver implements StringValueResolver { // (1) private final StringValueResolver valueResolver; EncryptedValueResolver(StringValueResolver stringValueResolver) { // (2) this.valueResolver = stringValueResolver; } @Override public String resolveStringValue(String strVal) { // (3) // Values obtained from the property file to the naming // as seen with the encryption target String value = valueResolver.resolveStringValue(strVal); // (4) // Target messages only, implement coding if (value.startsWith("Encrypted:")) { // (5) value = value.substring(10); // (6) // omitted decryption } return value; } } .. tabularcolumns:: |p{0.10\linewidth}|p{0.90\linewidth}| .. list-table:: :header-rows: 1 :widths: 10 90 * - Sr. No. - Description * - | (1) - | Inherited ``EncryptedValueResolver`` should implement ``org.springframework.util.StringValueResolver``. * - | (2) - | When ``EncryptedValueResolver`` class is created in constructor, set ``StringValueResolver`` inherited from ``EncryptedPropertySourcesPlaceholderConfigurer``. * - | (3) - | Override ``resolveStringValue`` method of ``org.springframework.util.StringValueResolver``. | If the values fetched from properties file are encrypted, these must be decrypted in ``resolveStringValue`` method. | The process mentioned in steps (5) and (6) is just an example, the process differs depending on type of implementation. * - | (4) - | The value is being fetched by specifying key as an argument of ``resolveStringValue`` method of ``StringValueResolver`` set in constructor. This value is defined in properties file. * - | (5) - | Check whether values of properties file are encrypted. The method to determine whether the values are encrypted differs depending on type of implementation. | Here, the value can be considered encrypted if it starts with "Encrypted:". | If the values are encrypted, decrypt them in step (6) and if they are not encrypted, return them as is. * - | (6) - | Encrypted values of properties file are being decrypted. (No specific decryption process is mentioned.) | Decryption method differs depending on type of implementation. - Helper to fetch properties .. code-block:: java @Value("${}") // (1) private String testString; @Value("${}") // (2) private int testInt; @Value("${}") // (3) private Integer testInteger; @Value("${}") // (4) private File testFile; // Getters and setters omitted .. tabularcolumns:: |p{0.10\linewidth}|p{0.90\linewidth}| .. list-table:: :header-rows: 1 :widths: 10 90 * - Sr. No. - Description * - | (1) - | By setting ``${}`` to ``@Value`` annotation value, the value for read properties file key \ ````\ is decrypted and then substituted. | Value decrypted in String class is substituted in ``testString``. * - | (2) - | By setting ``${}`` to ``@Value`` annotation value, the value for read properties file key \ ````\ is decrypted and then substituted. | Value decrypted in integer type is substituted in ``testInt``. * - | (3) - | By setting ``${}`` to ``@Value`` annotation value, the value for read properties file key \ ````\ is decrypted and then substituted. | Value decrypted in Integer class is substituted in ``testInteger``. * - | (4) - | By setting ``${}`` to ``@Value`` annotation value, the value for read properties file key \ ````\ is decrypted and then substituted. | In ``testFile``, File object is stored as initial value which is created using the decrypted value (auto conversion). **Properties file** The values encrypted as properties values are prefixed with "Encrypted:" to indicate that they are encrypted. Although one can view the contents of properties file, but cannot understand them as the values are encrypted. .. code-block:: properties .. raw:: latex \newpage