Criteria based mapping of guideline ================================================================================ The chapter 4 of this guideline is structured functionality wise. This section shows a mapping from a point of view other than functionality. It indicates which part of guideline contains which type of content. Mapping based on security measures -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Using \ `OWASP Top 10 for 2013 `_\ as an axis, links to explanation of functionalities related to security have been given .. tabularcolumns:: |p{0.10\linewidth}|p{0.40\linewidth}|p{0.50\linewidth}| .. list-table:: :header-rows: 1 :widths: 10 40 50 * - Sr. No. - Item Name - Corresponding Guideline * - A1 - `Injection `_ SQL Injection - * \ :doc:`../ArchitectureInDetail/DataAccessMyBatis3`\ * \ :doc:`../ArchitectureInDetail/DataAccessJpa`\ (Details about using bind variable at the time of placeholders for query parameters) * - A1 - `Injection `_ XXE(XML External Entity) Injection - * \ :doc:`../ArchitectureInDetail/Ajax`\ * - A1 - `Injection `_ Email Header Injection - * \ :ref:`email-header-injection`\ * - A2 - `Broken Authentication and Session Management `_ - * \ :doc:`../Security/SessionManagement`\ * \ :doc:`../Security/Authentication`\ * - A3 - `Cross-Site Scripting (XSS) `_ - * \ :doc:`../Security/XSS`\ * \ :doc:`../Security/LinkageWithBrowser`\ * - A4 - `Insecure Direct Object References `_ - No mention in particular * - A5 - `Security Misconfiguration `_ - * \ :doc:`../ArchitectureInDetail/Logging`\ (Mention about message contents of log) * \ :ref:`exception-handling-how-to-use-codingpoint-jsp-exceptioncode-label`\ (Mention about message output at the time of system exception) * - A6 - `Sensitive Data Exposure `_ - * \ :doc:`../ArchitectureInDetail/PropertyManagement`\ * \ :doc:`../Security/Encryption`\ * \ :ref:`SpringSecurityAuthenticationPasswordHashing`\ * - A7 - `Missing Function Level Access Control `_ - * \ :doc:`../Security/Authorization`\ * - A8 - `Cross-Site Request Forgery (CSRF) `_ - * \ :doc:`../Security/CSRF`\ * - A9 - `Using Components with Known Vulnerabilities `_ - No mention in particular * - A10 - `Unvalidated Redirects and Forwards `_ - No mention in particular .. raw:: latex \newpage