6.4. Password Hashing


This version is already obsolete. Please check the latest guideline.

6.4.1. Overview

Password hashing is one of the key considerations when designing a secure application.
In a normal system, hashing is mandatory as it is not possible to register a password in plaintext.
However, if a weak algorithm is selected, the original data of hashed password can be easily cracked by
“Offline Brute Force Attack” or “Rainbow Crack” etc.

Spring Security provides org.springframework.security.crypto.password.PasswordEncoder interface, as the password hashing mechanism.
The following classes,
  • org.springframework.security.crypto.bcrypt.BCryptPasswordEncoder
  • org.springframework.security.crypto.password.StandardPasswordEncoder
etc. are provided as its implementation classes.

As PasswordEncoder mechanism, password is hashed by encode(String rawPassword) method and the encoded password is verified by
the matches (String rawPassword, String encodedPassword) method.
PasswordEncoder Class Diagram

Picture - PasswordEncoder Class Diagram

6.4.2. How to use

Implementation classes of PasswordEncoder provided by Spring Security, are explained in this section.

List of PasswordEncoder implementation classes

PasswordEncoder implementation classes Overview
Encoder that performs hashing using “bcrypt” algorithm
Encoder that performs hashing with “SHA-256” algorithm + 1024 rounds of stretching
Encoder that does not perform hashing (for testing)

It is recommended to use BCryptPasswordEncoder when hashing is not required. However, the calculation time taken by BCryptPasswordEncoder to improve counter-attacks being more, if the performance requirements at the time of authentication are not fulfilled, StandardPasswordEncoder should be considered.

In case of any restrictions concerning salt and hashed algorithm owing to the relation with existing system, implementation class of org.springframework.security.authentication.encoding.PasswordEncoder interface, which will be described later, should be used. For details, refer How to extend. BCryptPasswordEncoder

BCryptPasswordEncoder is the class that implements PasswordEncoder and provides password hashing.
It is the encoder which uses random 16 bytes of salt and bcrypt algorithm.


In Bcrypt algorithm, number of calculations have been intentionally increased to more than the calculations of the standard algorithms. Therefore, compared to standard algorithms (SHA, MD5), it has strong features to resist “offline brute force attack”. Configuration example of BCryptPasswordEncoder

  • applicationContext.xml

    <bean id="passwordEncoder"
        class="org.springframework.security.crypto.bcrypt.BCryptPasswordEncoder" />    <!-- (1) -->
    Sr. No. Description
    Specify BCryptPasswordEncoder in passwordEncoder class.

    Number of salt hash rounds can be specified as constructor argument. Values from 4 to 31 can be set.
    Longer the salt value, stronger the hashing. However, as number of calculations increase exponentially, it is necessary to exercise caution from performance perspective.
    When no value is specified, “10” is set.


    It is described later in ‘How to extend’; however, DaoAuthenticationProvider can set the implementation class of org.springframework.security.crypto.password.PasswordEncoderas well as the implementation class of org.springframework.security.authentication.encoding.PasswordEncoder. Therefore, when the existing PasswordEncoder (authentication package) is changed to a new PasswordEncoder, it can be handled only by changing the passwordEncoder of DaoAuthenticationProvider, after changing the user password.


    When DaoAuthenticationProvider is set in authentication provider and UsernameNotFoundException is thrown, without letting the person operating the system know that user does not exist, password is intentionally hashed after UsernameNotFoundException is thrown. (Side channel attack countermeasure)

    To create values for this hashing, encode method is once executed internally when starting the application.


    When SecureRandom is used in Linux environment, the process may be delayed or timeout may occur. The cause of this issue is random number generation and is described in the following Java Bug Database.


    It has been corrected in the JDK 7 version b20 and above.


    This issue can be avoided by setting the following as JVM boot arguments.


  • Java class

    PasswordEncoder passwordEncoder;  // (1)
    public String register(Customer customer, String rawPassword) {
        // omitted
        // Password Hashing
        String password = passwordEncoder.encode(rawPassword); // (2)
        // omitted
    public boolean matches(Customer customer, String rawPassword) {
        return passwordEncoder.matches(rawPassword, customer.getPassword()); // (3)
    Sr. No. Description
    Inject PasswordEncoder for which bean definition is carried out.
    Password hashing example
    By specifying the plaintext password as an argument of encode method, hashed password is returned.
    Password verification example
    By specifying plaintext password as the first argument and hashed password as the second argument,
    ‘matches’ method checks whether both the passwords match. StandardPasswordEncoder

StandardPasswordEncoder uses SHA-256 as the hashing algorithm and performs 1024 rounds of stretching.
It assigns randomly generated salt of 8 bytes.
encode(String rawPassword) method and matches(String rawPassword, String encodedPassword) method
of the StandardPasswordEncoder are described below.

encode(String rawPassword) method

encode method

Picture - encode method

Hashing is carried out by randomly generated salt of 8 bytes + secret key + the password specified in argument.
Return value of method is the value wherein, salt used for hashing is assigned in the beginning of the above hashed value.

matches(String rawPassword, String encodedPassword) method

matches method

Picture - matches method

The salt passed from argument and assigned at the beginning of encodedPassword, is split and the two values namely, the value hashed by salt + secret + rawPassword
and the value without salt assigned at the beginning of encodedPassword, are compared. Configuration example of StandardPasswordEncoder

  • applicationContext.xml

    <bean id="passwordEncoder"
      <!-- from properties file -->
      <constructor-arg value="${passoword.encoder.secret}"/> <!-- (1) -->
    Sr. No. Description
    Specify the secret key for hashing.
    When specified, password is hashed with “internally generated salt” + “specified secret key” + “password”.
    It is recommended to specify secret key, as the strength against rainbow table attack reduces if not specified.

    About secret key
    Secret key should be handled as confidential information.
    Therefore, instead of specifying it directly in the Spring Security configuration file, fetch it from properties file or environment variable etc.
    Here, example of fetching the secret key from properties file is enabled. Further, care should be taken regarding the storage location of properties file in a production environment.


    When secret key is fetched from environment variables

    It can be fetched by performing the following settings in <constructor-arg> of StandardPasswordEncoder bean definition.

    <bean id="passwordEncoder"
      <!-- from environment variable -->
      <constructor-arg value="#{systemEnvironment['PASSWORD_ENCODER_SECRET']}" /> <!-- (1) -->
    Sr. No. Description
    Fetch value from environment variable PASSWORD_ENCODER_SECRET.
    Refer to Configuration example of BCryptPasswordEncoder, as example of Java class is the same as BCryptPasswordEncoder. NoOpPasswordEncoder

NoOpPasswordEncoder is the encoder that returns the specified value as a string without any change.
It must not be used except for the un-hashed strings to be used at the time of unit testing etc.
As its configuration example is same as that of BCryptPasswordEncoder, it is omitted here.

6.4.3. How to extend

Depending on business requirements, it may not be possible to implement password hashing using the class that implements PasswordEncoder mentioned above.
Especially when the hashing system used in the existing account information is to be followed, often the PasswordEncoder mentioned above, does not fulfill the requirements.
For example we may consider a case wherein the existing hashing system is as follows:
  • Algorithm used is SHA-512.
  • There are 1000 rounds of stretching.
  • Salt is stored in account table column and needs to be passed externally from PasswordEncoder.
In this case, it is recommended to use the class that implements org.springframework.security.authentication.encoding.PasswordEncoder of a different package
rather than the class that implements org.springframework.security.crypto.password.PasswordEncoder.


In versions prior to Spring Security 3.1.4, the class that implements org.springframework.security.authentication.encoding.PasswordEncoder was used for hashing. However, it has been deprecated from Spring Security version 3.1.4 onwards. Therefore, it differs from the pattern recommended by Spring. Example where ShaPasswordEncoder is used

When business requirements are as follows wherein,
SHA-512 algorithm is used and 1000 rounds of stretching are performed.
It is explained here with an example of authentication process that uses DaoAuthenticationProvider
described in Authentication.
  • applicationContext.xml

    <bean id ="passwordEncoder"
        class="org.springframework.security.authentication.encoding.ShaPasswordEncoder"> <!-- (1) -->
        <constructor-arg value="512" /> <!-- (2) -->
        <property name="iterations" value="1000" /> <!-- (3) -->
    Sr. No. Description
    Specify org.springframework.security.authentication.encoding.ShaPasswordEncoder as the passwordEncoder.
    The class to be specified in passwordEncoder should change according to the algorithm to be used.
    Set the SHA algorithm type as constructor argument.
    The values “1, 256, 384, 512” can be set. When omitted, “1” is set.
    Specify the number of stretching rounds at the time of hashing.
    When omitted, it is 0.
  • spring-mvc.xml

    <bean id="authenticationProvider"
        <!-- omitted -->
        <property name="saltSource" ref="saltSource" /> <!-- (1) -->
        <property name="userDetailsService" ref="userDetailsService" />
        <property name="passwordEncoder" ref="passwordEncoder" /> <!-- (2) -->
    <bean id="saltSource"
        class="org.springframework.security.authentication.dao.ReflectionSaltSource"> <!-- (3) -->
        <property name="userPropertyToUse" value="username" /> <!-- (4) -->
    Sr. No. Description
    When salt is to be defined externally, set BeanId of the class that implements
    In this example, org.springframework.security.authentication.dao.ReflectionSaltSource
    that fetches the value set in user information class by reflection, is defined.
    Specify org.springframework.security.authentication.encoding.ShaPasswordEncoder as the passwordEncoder.
    The class to be specified in passwordEncoder should change according to the algorithm to be used.
    Specify org.springframework.security.authentication.dao.SaltSource that decides how to create salt.
    Here, ReflectionSaltSource resource that fetches UserDetails object property by reflection, is used.
    username property of UserDetails object is used as salt.
  • Java class

    PasswordEncoder passwordEncoder;
    public String register(Customer customer, String rawPassword, String userSalt) {
        // omitted
        String password = passwordEncoder.encodePassword(rawPassword,
                userSalt); // (1)
        // omitted
    public boolean matches(Customer customer, String rawPassword, String userSalt) {
        return passwordEncoder.isPasswordValid(customer.getPassword(),
                   rawPassword, userSalt); // (2)
    Sr. No. Description
    To hash password,
    specify password and salt string as the argument of encodePassword method
    of the class that implements org.springframework.security.authentication.encoding.PasswordEncoder.
    To verify password,
    Using isPasswordValid method, hashed password, plain text password and
    salt string are specified as the argument and the hashed password and plaintext passwords are compared.

6.4.4. Appendix


About stretch

By repeating the hash function computation, information regarding password to be stored can be repeatedly encoded. This is done to prolong the time required to crack a password, and thus acts as a countermeasure against the brute force attack. However, since stretching affects system performance, it is necessary to decide the stretch count on considering the system performance.


About salt

Salt is the string assigned to the original data to be encoded. By assigning salt to a password, the length of the password is increased and thus makes it difficult to crack passwords using rainbow attacks etc. Further, if the same salt is used for multiple users and if there are users who have the same password, it will be obvious from the hash value that same password is used. Therefore, it is recommended to use a different salt (random value etc.) for each user.