Authentication ================================================================================ .. only:: html .. contents:: Table of contents :local: Overview -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- | This chapter explains about Authentication functionality provided by Spring Security. In Spring Security, user authentication can be implemented by just performing configuration file settings. DB authentication, LDAP authentication, CAS authentication, JAAS authentication, X509 authentication and Basic authentication are the authentication methods provided by Spring Security. However, only DB authentication is described in this guideline. .. tip:: For details of authentication types other than DB authentication, refer to the official document of each authentication method. * \ `LDAP Authentication `_\ * \ `CAS Authentication `_\ * \ `Java Authentication and Authorization Service (JAAS) Provider `_\ * \ `X.509 Authentication `_\ * \ `Basic and Digest Authentication `_\ Login ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ Flow of Spring Security login process is as follows: .. figure:: ./images/Authentication_Login_overview.png :alt: Authentication(Login) :width: 80% :align: center #. Authentication filter is activated on receiving the request specifying authentication. #. Authentication filter extracts username and password from the request and generates authentication information. The generated authentication information is used as a parameter to execute authentication process of authentication manager. #. Authentication manager executes authentication process of the specified authentication provider. Authentication provider acquires user information from datasource (DB or LDAP) and performs user authentication such as password verification. When authentication is successful, authentication information that holds the authenticated information is created and returned to the authentication manager. When authentication fails, the authentication manager raises authentication failure exception. #. Authentication manager returns the received authentication information to authentication filter. #. Authentication filter stores the received authentication information (authenticated) in session. #. When authentication is successful, it initializes the session information before authentication and creates new session information. #. It redirects to the specified path of successful/failed authentication and returns session ID to client. Logout ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ Flow of Spring Security logout process is as follows: .. figure:: ./images/Authentication_Logout_overview.png :alt: Authentication(Logout) :width: 80% :align: center #. Logout filter gets activated on receiving request for logout. #. It discards the session information. It sets a response such that client cookie (Cookie in figure) is discarded. #. It redirects to the specified logout path. \ .. note:: The session information that remains after logout can be used by a third party. Hence, in order to prevent such spoofing, session information is discarded at the time of logout using \ ````\ . | How to use -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- | Settings to be performed in Spring Security configuration file so as to use authentication functionality, are as follows: | For basic settings, refer to \ :doc:`SpringSecurity`\ . Setting \ ````\ element ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ | As shown in the following example, basic settings for authentication functionality of | Spring Security can be omitted by setting the \ ``auto-config``\ attribute of \ ````\ element in spring-security.xml to \ ``true``\ . .. code-block:: xml .. tabularcolumns:: |p{0.10\linewidth}|p{0.90\linewidth}| .. list-table:: :header-rows: 1 :widths: 10 90 * - Sr. No. - Description * - | (1) - | By setting \ ``auto-config="true"``\ , | it is enabled even if \ ````\ , \ ````\ and \ ````\ elements are not set. .. note:: \ ````\ , \ ````\ and \ ````\ elements are explained here. .. tabularcolumns:: |p{0.15\linewidth}|p{0.85\linewidth}| .. list-table:: :header-rows: 1 :widths: 15 85 * - Element name - Description * - | \ ````\ - | \ ````\ is enabled. | UsernamePasswordAuthenticationFilter is the Filter that performs authentication by extracting username and password from the request at the time of POST method. | For details, refer to \ :ref:`form-login`\ . * - | \ ````\ - | \ ````\ is enabled. | BasicAuthenticationFilter is the filter that executes Basic authentication process according to RFC1945. | For details on how to use, refer to \ `BasicAuthenticationFilter JavaDoc `_\ . * - | \ ````\ - | \ ````\ , | \ ````\ is enabled. | LogoutFilter is the Filter called at the time of Logout. | \ ````\ (deleting Cookie) and, | SecurityContextLogoutHandler(disabling session) is called. | For details, refer to \ :ref:`form-logout`\ . .. _form-login: Setting \ ````\ element ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ | How to set \ ````\ element is described in this section. | | Attributes of form-login element are as shown below. spring-security.xml .. code-block:: xml .. tabularcolumns:: |p{0.10\linewidth}|p{0.90\linewidth}| .. list-table:: :header-rows: 1 :widths: 10 90 * - Sr. No. - Description * - | (1) - | Specify the login form screen path in \ ``login-page``\ attribute. | When not specified, "/spring_security_login" will be default path and Login screen provided by Spring Security is used. | When an "Unauthenticated user" accesses a page that can only be accessed by an "Authenticated user", the unauthenticated user is redirected to this path. | **This guideline recommends changing to a system specific value rather than using the default value "/spring_security_login", mentioned above.**\ In this example, "/login" is specified. * - | (2) - | In \ ``default-target-url``\ attribute, specify the destination path when authentication is successful. | When not specified, "/" will be the default path. | When \ ``authentication-success-handler-ref``\ attribute is specified, this setting is not used. * - | (3) - | Specify the path for performing authentication process in \ ``login-processing-url``\ attribute. | When not specified, "j_spring_security_check" will be the default path. | **This guideline recommends changing to a system specific value rather than using the default value "j_spring_security_check", mentioned above.**\ In this example, "/authentication" is specified. * - | (4) - | In \ ``always-use-default-target``\ attribute, specify whether it should always transit to the path specified in \ ``default-target-url``\ after a successful login. | When it is set as \ ``true``\ , it always transits to the path specified in \ ``default-target-url``\ . | When it is set as \ ``false``\ (default), it transits either to the "path for displaying secure page which somebody has tried accessing before the login" or "path specified in \ ``default-target-url``\ ". | When \ ``authentication-success-handler-ref``\ attribute is specified, this setting is not used. * - | (5) - | In \ ``authentication-failure-url``\ , specify the destination when authentication fails. | When not specified, the path specified in \ ``login-page``\ attribute is applicable. | When \ ``authentication-failure-handler-ref``\ attribute is specified, this setting is not used. * - | (6) - | Specify the handler class to be called in case of a failed authentication, in \ ``authentication-failure-handler-ref``\ attribute. | For details, refer to \ :ref:`authentication-failure-handler-ref`\ . * - | (7) - | Specify the handler class to be called in case of a successful authentication, in \ ``authentication-success-handler-ref``\ attribute. For attributes other than those mentioned above, refer to \ `Spring Security manual `_\ . .. warning:: **Why it is not recommended to use Spring Security default values "/spring_security_login, /j_spring_security_check".** If default value is used, the fact that the application is using Spring Security is revealed. As a result, if any Spring Security related vulnerability is detected, there is a higher risk of receiving an attack due to the vulnerability. In order to prevent these risks, it is recommended to avoid using default value. .. _form-login-JSP: Creating login form """""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""" | Create the login form to be used at the time of authentication in JSP. * src/main/webapp/WEB-INF/views/login.jsp .. code-block:: jsp .. tabularcolumns:: |p{0.10\linewidth}|p{0.90\linewidth}| .. list-table:: :header-rows: 1 :widths: 10 90 * - Sr. No. - Description * - | (1) - | Specify the destination for performing authentication process, in the action attribute of form. | /authentication specified in the login-processing-url, should be specified as the destination path. | Authentication process is executed by accessing ${pageContext.request.contextPath}/authentication. | "POST" should be specified as the HTTP method. * - | (4) - | Element handled as "User ID" in authentication process. | Spring Security default value namely, "j_username", should be specified in the name attribute. * - | (5) - | Element handled as "Password" in authentication process. | Spring Security default value namely, "j_password", should be specified in the name attribute. Following code is added to display the authentication error message. .. code-block:: jsp .. tabularcolumns:: |p{0.10\linewidth}|p{0.90\linewidth}| .. list-table:: :header-rows: 1 :widths: 10 90 * - Sr. No. - Description * - | (1) - | Determine the error message set in request parameter. | Please note that the determination process needs to be changed according to | the value set in the authentication-failure-url attribute of form-login element or the value set in "defaultFailureUrl" of authentication error handler. | This example is shown with the setting as authentication-failure-url="/login?error=true". * - | (2) - | Output the exception message that is to be output at the time of authentication error. | It is recommended to output this message by specifying \ ``org.terasoluna.gfw.web.message.MessagesPanelTag``\ provided by common library. | For details of "\ ````\" tag, refer to \ :doc:`../ArchitectureInDetail/MessageManagement`\ . .. note:: **Settings required while accessing exception object of authentication error from JSP** Exception object of authentication error is stored in session scope with the attribute name \ ``"SPRING_SECURITY_LAST_EXCEPTION"``\ . \ ``session``\ attribute of JSP \ ``page``\ directive should be set to \ ``true``\ for accessing the object stored in session scope from JSP. * ``src/main/webapp/WEB-INF/views/common/include.jsp`` .. code-block:: jsp <%@ page session="true"%> Default settings of blank project are such that session scope cannot be accessed from JSP. This is to ensure that the session is not used easily. * spring-mvc.xml Define the Controller that displays login form. .. code-block:: xml .. tabularcolumns:: |p{0.10\linewidth}|p{0.90\linewidth}| .. list-table:: :header-rows: 1 :widths: 10 90 * - Sr. No. - Description * - | (1) - | If "/login" is accessed, define the controller that returns only "login" as the view name. src/main/webapp/WEB-INF/views/login.jsp is output by \ ``InternalResourceViewResolver``\ . | This simple controller need not be implemented in Java. .. tip:: Above settings are identical with next controller. .. code-block:: java @Controller @RequestMapping("/login") public class LoginController { @RequestMapping public String index() { return "login"; } } If the Controller with a single method that returns only the view name is necessary, it is better to use \ ````\ . Changing attribute name of login form """""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""" "j_username" and "j_password" are the Spring Security default values. They can be changed to any value by using \ ````\ element settings. * spring-security.xml Attributes of \ ``username``\ and \ ``password``\ .. code-block:: xml .. tabularcolumns:: |p{0.10\linewidth}|p{0.90\linewidth}| .. list-table:: :header-rows: 1 :widths: 10 90 * - Sr. No. - Description * - | (1) - | In \ ``username-parameter``\ attribute, \ ``name``\ attribute of input field \ ``username``\ is changed to "username". * - | (2) - | In \ ``password-parameter``\ attribute, \ ``name``\ attribute of input field \ ``password``\ is changed to "password". .. _AuthenticationProviderConfiguration: Setting authentication process ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ Define \ ``AuthenticationProvider``\ and \ ``UserDetailsService``\ in order to set the authentication process in Spring Security. \ ``AuthenticationProvider``\ plays the following roles. * Returning authenticated user information in case of successful authentication * Throwing an exception in case of authentication failure. \ ``UserDetailsService``\ fetches authenticated user information from the persistence layer. These classes may each be used as default or may be used by extending individually. They may also be combined. \ ``AuthenticationProvider``\ class settings """""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""" | As \ ``AuthenticationProvider``\ implementation, how to use the provider, \ ````\ that performs DB authentication, is explained here. * spring-security.xml .. code-block:: xml .. tabularcolumns:: |p{0.10\linewidth}|p{0.90\linewidth}| .. list-table:: :header-rows: 1 :widths: 10 90 * - Sr. No. - Description * - | (1) - | Define \ ````\ element in \ ````\ element. Authentication methods can be combined by specifying multiple elements. However it is not explained here. * - | (2) - | Define \ ``AuthenticationProvider``\ in \ ````\ element. \ ``DaoAuthenticationProvider``\ is enabled by default. To specify \ ``AuthenticationProvider``\ other than this, specify the Bean ID of target AuthenticationProvider, in \`ref attribute `_\ . | | Specify the Bean Id of \ ``UserDetailsService``\ that fetches authenticated user information, in \ ``user-service-ref``\ attribute. This setting is mandatory when using \ ``DaoAuthenticationProvider``\ . | For details, refer to \ :ref:`userDetailsService`\ . * - | (3) - | Specify the Bean ID of the class that encodes the password entered from Form, at the time of password verification. | When it is not specified, password is handled in "Plain Text". For details, refer to \ :doc:`PasswordHashing`\ . | If the requirement is to perform authentication by fetching data from persistence layer using only the "User ID" and "Password", this \ ``DaoAuthenticationProvider``\ may be used. | Which method is to be used to fetch data from persistence layer, is determined using the \ ``UserDetailsService``\ explained below. .. _userDetailsService: \ ``UserDetailsService``\ class settings """""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""" | Set the Bean specified in \ ``userDetailsService``\ property of \ ``AuthenticationProvider``\ . \ ``UserDetailsService``\ is the interface that includes the next method. .. code-block:: java UserDetails loadUserByUsername(String username) throws UsernameNotFoundException By executing this interface, authenticated user information can be fetched from any storage location. Here, \ ````\ that fetches user information from DB using JDBC, is explained. In order to use \ ``JdbcDaoImpl``\ , it is advisable to perform following Bean definitions in spring-security.xml. .. code-block:: xml | It is assumed that \ ``JdbcDaoImpl``\ defines the default SQL for fetching authenticated user information and authorization information and provides tables corresponding to these. For definitions of assumed tables, refer to \ `Spring Security manual `_\ . | To fetch user information and authorization information from existing tables, the SQL to be executed should be modified according to existing tables. | Following 3 SQLs are used. * \ `User information acquisition query `_\ | By creating a table matching with the query that fetches user information, need of specifying the query to configuration file described later, is eliminated. | Fields namely, "username", "password" and "enabled" are mandatory | Also, by specifying the query to the configuration file described later and by assigning an alias to the query, there is no issue even if table name and column name do not match. | For example, while setting the following SQL, "email" column can be used as "username" wherein, "enabled" field is always \ ``true``\ . .. code-block:: sql SELECT email AS username, pwd AS password, true AS enabled FROM customer WHERE email = ? | "User ID" described earlier in \ :ref:`form-login-JSP`\ , is specified in query parameter. * \ `User authorities acquisition query `_\ | This query fetches authorization information for a user. * \ `Group authorities acquisition query `_\ | This query fetches authorization information of the group, to which the user belongs. 'Group authorities' is disabled by default and is also out of this guideline's scope. | DB definition example and example of Spring Security configuration file are shown below. | Table definitions | Define the required table when implementing DB authentication process. | This table matches with the default query that fetches user information, mentioned earlier | Therefore, following are the definitions of the minimum necessary tables. (with tentative physical name) Table name: account .. tabularcolumns:: |p{0.15\linewidth}|p{0.15\linewidth}|p{0.10\linewidth}|p{0.60\linewidth}| .. list-table:: :header-rows: 1 :widths: 15 15 10 60 * - Logical name - Physical name - Type - Description * - User ID - username - String - User ID for uniquely identifying the user. * - Password - password - String - User password. Stored in hashed status. * - Enabled flag - enabled - Boolean value - Flag indicating invalid user and valid user. The user set to "false" is an invalid user, thus results in throwing an authentication error. * - Authority name - authority - String - Not required when authorization functionality is unnecessary. Following is the example wherein, \ ``JdbcDaoImpl``\ is set through customization. .. code-block:: xml .. tabularcolumns:: |p{0.10\linewidth}|p{0.90\linewidth}| .. list-table:: :header-rows: 1 :widths: 10 90 * - Sr. No. - Description * - | (1) - | Specify the prefix of authorization name. When the authorization name stored on DB is "USER", this authenticated user object has the authorization name as "ROLE_USER". | It is necessary to set the naming conventions and authorization functionality by combining them. For details of authorization functionality, refer to \ :doc:`Authorization`\ . * - | (2) - | Specify this when the concept of "Group authorities" is to be used in authorization functionality. | Not handled in this guideline. * - | (3) - | Set the query for fetching user information. Data should be fetched in the order, "User ID", "Password" and "Enabled flag". | When authentication is not decided by "Enabled flag", SELECT result of "Enabled flag" is fixed to "true". | The query that can uniquely acquire a user, should be described. When multiple records are fetched, the first record is used as user. * - | (4) - | Set the query that fetches user authority. Data should be acquired in the order, "User ID" and "Authority ID". | When authorization functionality is not used, "Authority ID" can be any fixed value. .. note:: Authentication that cannot be implemented just by changing query, is necessary to be implemented by extending \ ``UserDetailsService``\ . For extension methods, refer to \ :ref:`extendsuserdetailsservice`\ . How to use \ ``UserDetails``\ class ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ | How to use \ ``UserDetails``\ created by \ ``UserDetailsService``\ after successful authentication is explained. Using \ ``UserDetails``\ object in Java class """""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""" | After a successful authentication, \ ``UserDetails``\ class | is stored in \ ````\ . Example of fetching \ ``UserDetails``\ from \ ``SecurityContextHolder``\ is shown below. .. code-block:: java public static String getUsername() { Authentication authentication = SecurityContextHolder.getContext() .getAuthentication(); // (1) if (authentication != null) { Object principal = authentication.getPrincipal(); // (2) if (principal instanceof UserDetails) { return ((UserDetails) principal).getUsername(); // (3) } return (String) principal.toString(); } return null; } .. tabularcolumns:: |p{0.10\linewidth}|p{0.90\linewidth}| .. list-table:: :header-rows: 1 :widths: 10 90 * - Sr. No. - Description * - | (1) - | Fetch \ ````\ object from \ ``SecurityContextHolder``\ . * - | (2) - | Fetch \ ``UserDetails``\ object from \ ``Authentication``\ object. * - | (3) - | Fetch user name from \ ``UserDetails``\ object. While the method for fetching \ ``UserDetails``\ object from \ ``SecurityContextHolder``\ is convenient as it can be used from anywhere by static method, it ends up increasing module coupling. Testing is also difficult to execute. | \ ``UserDetails``\ object can be fetched using \ ``@AuthenticationPrincipal``\ . | To use \ ``@AuthenticationPrincipal``\ , it is necessary to set \ ````\ in \ ````\ . - :file:`spring-mvc.xml` .. code-block:: xml :emphasize-lines: 5-6 As shown below, \ ``UserDetails``\ object can be fetched in Spring MVC Controller without using \ ``SecurityContextHolder``\ . .. code-block:: java @RequestMapping(method = RequestMethod.GET) public String view(@AuthenticationPrincipal SampleUserDetails userDetails, // (1) Model model) { // get account object Account account = userDetails.getAccount(); // (2) model.addAttribute(account); return "account/view"; } .. tabularcolumns:: |p{0.10\linewidth}|p{0.90\linewidth}| .. list-table:: :header-rows: 1 :widths: 10 90 * - Sr. No. - Description * - | (1) - | Fetch information of logged-in user using \ ``@AuthenticationPrincipal``\ . * - | (2) - | Fetch account information from \ ``SampleUserDetails``\ . .. note:: The type of argument attached with \ ``@AuthenticationPrincipal``\ annotation, needs to be a class that inherits \ ``UserDetails``\ type. Usually, it is better to use \ ``UserDetails``\ inheritance class that is created using \ :ref:`extendsuserdetailsservice`\ . \ ``SampleUserDetails``\ class is a class created using \ :doc:`Tutorial`\ . For details, refer to \ :ref:`Tutorial_CreateAuthService`\ . \ **This method is recommended when accessing UserDetails object in Controller**\ . .. note:: It is recommended to use the \ ``UserDetails``\ object information fetched from Controller in Service class rather than using \ ``SecurityContextHolder``\ . \ ``SecurityContextHolder``\ should be used only in those methods where \ ``UserDetails``\ object is not passed as argument. Accessing \ ``UserDetails``\ in JSP """""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""" | Spring Security provides JSP taglib as a feature that enables using authentication information in JSP. Following declaration is necessary in order to use taglib. .. code-block:: jsp <%@ taglib uri="" prefix="sec"%> .. note:: It is already set in WEB-INF/views/common/include.jsp when using \ `TERASOLUNA Server Framework for Java (5.x) template `_\ . | An example of using JSP for displaying authentication is as follows: .. code-block:: jsp .. tabularcolumns:: |p{0.10\linewidth}|p{0.90\linewidth}| .. list-table:: :header-rows: 1 :widths: 10 90 * - Sr. No. - Description * - | (1) - | \ ``Authentication``\ object can be accessed using \ ```` \ tag and the property specified in \ ``property``\ attribute can be accessed. In this example, result of \ ``getPrincipal().getUsername()``\ is output. .. code-block:: jsp ${f:h(userDetails.username)} .. tabularcolumns:: |p{0.10\linewidth}|p{0.90\linewidth}| .. list-table:: :header-rows: 1 :widths: 10 90 * - Sr. No. - Description * - | (1) - | Property specified in \ ``property``\ attribute can be stored in variable, by changing it to a \ ``var``\ attribute name. * - | (2) - | \ ``UserDetails``\ can be accessed in JSP once it is stored in variable by step (1). .. note:: \ ``UserDetails``\ can also be fetched in Controller and added to \ ``Model``\ . However, it is advisable to use JSP tag when displaying it in JSP. .. note:: \ ``UserDetails``\ created by \ ``JdbcDaoImpl``\ which is explained in :ref:`userDetailsService`\ , stores only the minimum required information such as "User ID" and "Authority". When other information related to the user such as "User name" etc. is required to be displayed as screen fields, it is necessary to extend \ ``UserDetails``\ and \ ``UserDetailsService``\ . For extension methods, refer to \ :ref:`extendsuserdetailsservice`\ . .. _authentication(spring_security)_how_to_use_sessionmanagement: Session management in Spring Security ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ | How to create session information at login and how to perform the settings when an exception occurs, is explained here. | Session management method can be customized by specifying \ ````\ tag. | Following is the configuration example of spring-security.xml .. code-block:: xml .. tabularcolumns:: |p{0.10\linewidth}|p{0.90\linewidth}| .. list-table:: :header-rows: 1 :widths: 10 90 * - Sr. No. - Description * - | (1) - | Specify the policy for creating session in \ ``create-session``\ attribute of \ ````\ tag. | Following values can be specified. * | \ ``always``\ : | Spring Security creates a new session in case there is no existing session and it reuses a session if it already exists. * | \ ``ifRequired``\ : (default) | Spring Security creates a session if required. It reuses the session instead of creating a new one, if it already exists. * | \ ``never``\ : | Spring Security does not create a session but reuses an existing session if any. * | \ ``stateless``\ : | Spring Security neither creates a session nor uses an existing one if any. As a result, authentication is required each time. * - | (2) - | Specify the transition path when an invalid session ID is requested (session time-out) in \ ``invalid-session-url``\ attribute. | When not specified, a subsequent process is called without executing session existence check. | For details, refer to ":ref:`authentication_session-timeout`". * - | (3) - | When an exception occurs in \ ````\ , specify the transition path in \ ``session-authentication-error-url``\ attribute. | When not specified, "401 Unauthorized" is set in response code and error response is sent. | | This setting is not used when authentication is performed using \ ````\ tag. An exception occurred in \ ``SessionAuthenticationStrategy``\ is handled according to the definition of \ ``authentication-failure-handler-ref``\ attribute or \ ``authentication-failure-url``\ attribute of \ ````\ tag. * - | (4) - | Specify the session management system of successful authentication in \ ``session-fixation-protection``\ attribute. | Following values can be specified. * | \ ``none``\ : | It uses the session before login as it is. * | \ ``migrateSession``\ : (default on container prior to Servlet 3.0) | It discards the session before login and creates a new one. It inherits the session information before login. * | \ ``changeSessionId``\ : (default on container on Servlet 3.1 and subsequent versions) | It changes the session ID using \ ``javax.servlet.http.HttpServletRequest#changeSessionId()``\ method added from Servlet 3.1. * | \ ``newSession``\ : | It discards the session before login and creates a new one. It does not inherit the session information before login. | The objective of this functionality is to prevent \ `Session fixation attack `_\ by allocating a new session ID for each login. Therefore, it is recommended to use this default setting unless there are other clear reasons for not using it. | .. _authentication_session-timeout: Detecting session time-out """""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""" When session time-out is to be detected, it is advisable to specify the transition path when session time-out occurs, in \ ``invalid-session-url``\ attribute . When \ ``invalid-session-url``\ attribute is specified, the session existence check (existence check for requested session ID) is performed for all the requests that match with the path pattern specified in \ ``pattern``\ attribute of \ ``http``\ element. .. note:: When a path that detects session time-out and a path that does not detect session time-out are mixed, \ ``http``\ element needs to be defined multiple times. When \ ``http``\ element is defined multiple times, care needs to be taken as the setting becomes redundant reducing maintainability. When setting to detect session time-out becomes redundant, create a custom filter that can specify an applicable path or an exception path. To create a custom filter, it is advisable to refer to or to use the following classes provided by Spring Security. * | ```` | Process to perform session existence check (existence check of requested session ID) is implemented. * | ```` | Process after detecting session time-out (invalid session ID) is implemented. | By default, it is redirected to the path specified after the session is created. * | ```` | It is an interface to determine whether it matches with the request and it can be used in the processes of determining an applicable path or an exception path. | Some useful implementation classes have been provided in the same package. .. note:: When \ :doc:`CSRF`\ is performed by specifying \ ````\ element, sometimes the session time-out can be detected using "CSRF measures" functionality. Following are the conditions for detecting session time-out using "CSRF measures" functionality. * Destination to store CSRF token is HTTP session (default). * CSRF token cannot be fetched from HTTP session. * It is \ :ref:`Request for CSRF token check `\ . When session time-out is detected using "CSRF measures" functionality, any of the following operations is performed. * When \ ``invalid-session-url``\ attribute is specified, it is redirected to the path specified in \ ``invalid-session-url``\ after the session is created. * When \ ``invalid-session-url``\ attribute is not specified, it is handled according to the definition of \ ````\ specified in \ ````\ element. Refer to ":ref:`csrf_spring-security-setting`" for the method to define \ ``AccessDeniedHandler``\ . | .. _authentication_control-user-samatime-session: Settings of Concurrent Session Control """""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""" | Spring Security provides (\ `Concurrent Session Control `_\ ) a functionality that controls the number of concurrent sessions that a user can log in to. | The user mentioned here is the authentication user object fetched by \ ``Authentication.getPrincipal()``\ . .. note:: This functionality is valid when single application server is configured, or, session replication is implemented using session server or cluster (i.e. all applications are using the same session area) When multiple servers or multiple instances are configured leading to the existence of different session areas, a care should be taken as concurrent login cannot be controlled using this functionality. | | For the control method when it exceeds the maximum number of sessions, following patterns are available. They should be suitably used as per business requirements. #. When a user exceeds the number of maximum sessions, the user having least usage is disabled. (after win) #. When a user exceeds the number of maximum sessions, new login request is not accepted.(first win) In both cases, following settings need to be added to web.xml, to enable this functionality. .. _HttpSessionEventPublisher-ref: .. code-block:: xml .. tabularcolumns:: |p{0.10\linewidth}|p{0.90\linewidth}| .. list-table:: :header-rows: 1 :widths: 10 90 * - Sr. No. - Description * - | (1) - | When using Concurrent Session Control, it is necessary to define \ ````\ in listener. .. _authentication_concurrency-control: Setting \ ````\ """""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""" When using Concurrent Session Control, specify \ ` `_\ element as a child element of \ ````\ element. .. code-block:: xml .. tabularcolumns:: |p{0.10\linewidth}|p{0.20\linewidth}|p{0.30\linewidth}|p{0.10\linewidth}|p{0.30\linewidth}| .. list-table:: :header-rows: 1 :widths: 10 20 30 10 30 * - Sr. No. - Attribute name - Description - Default values - Description of default values * - | (1) - | \ ``error-if-maximum-exceeded``\ - | Specify behavior if there is a login request in a state where it exceeds maximum number of sessions that a user can log in to. | When set to \ ``true``\ , generate authentication error so that a new login is not accepted. (first win) - | false - | Login is possible, but a session which is not frequently used is invalidated (session with oldest last access time). When a request is sent by the client using invalidated session, it is transited to the URL specified in \ ``expired-url``\ attribute. (after win) * - | (2) - | \ ``max-sessions``\ - | Specify maximum number of sessions that a single user can log in to. | When 2 is set, same user can login with 2 sessions. - | 1 - | Default is 1 session only * - | (3) - | \ ``expired-url``\ - | URL to be transited to when a request is sent by the client using invalidated session. - | None - | A fixed message to notify that session is invalidated is sent as response. .. _authentication_session-authentication-strategy-ref: .. note:: When a filter (FORM_LOGIN_FILTER) for authentication is to be customized, it is necessary to disable the following 2 \ ``SessionAuthenticationStrategy``\ classes, apart from specifying \ ````\ element. * | ```` | A class to check number of sessions for each logged in user after successful authentication. * | ```` | A class to register a session with successful authentication, in session management area. In version 1.0.x.RELEASE dependent Spring Security 3.1, \ ````\ class is provided; however, it is deprecated API from Spring Security 3.2. When upgrading version from Spring Security 3.1 to Spring Security 3.2 or later versions, changes need to be made so that it can be used with combination of following classes. * ``ConcurrentSessionControlAuthenticationStrategy`` (added in Spring Security 3.2) * ``RegisterSessionAuthenticationStrategy`` (added in Spring Security 3.2) * ```` For specific methods of definition, refer to sample code of `Spring Security Reference -Web Application Security (Concurrency Control)- `_. | .. _authentication-failure-handler-ref: Setting the handler class in case of authentication error ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ | By performing the settings for \ ````\ class in | \ ``authentication-failure-handler-ref``\ attribute of \ ````\ element, | exception thrown at the time of authentication error and its corresponding destination, can be specified. | The specified destination is accessible to unauthenticated user. spring-security.xml .. code-block:: xml /login/badCredentials /login/usernameNotFound /login/disabled /login/providerNotFound /login/authenticationService .. tabularcolumns:: |p{0.10\linewidth}|p{0.90\linewidth}| .. list-table:: :header-rows: 1 :widths: 10 90 * - Sr. No. - Description * - | (1) - | Specify the default destination path in case of an error. | If an exception not defined in the \ ``exceptionMappings``\ property that will be described later occurs, it transits to the destination specified by this property. * - | (2) - | Specify the exceptions to be caught and their corresponding destinations in a list format. | Set the exception class in key and destination in value. .. _SpringSecurity-Exception: A typical exception thrown by Spring Security is shown below. .. tabularcolumns:: |p{0.10\linewidth}|p{0.25\linewidth}|p{0.25\linewidth}| .. list-table:: :header-rows: 1 :widths: 10 25 65 * - Sr. No. - Error type - Description * - | (3) - \ ``BadCredentialsException``\ - It is thrown when authentication error occurs due to failure in password verification. * - | (4) - \ ``UsernameNotFoundException``\ - | It is thrown when authentication error occurs due to an invalid user ID (non-existent user ID). | When specifying the class that inherits \ ````\ in authentication provider, | if \ ``hideUserNotFoundExceptions``\ is not changed to \ ``false``\ , the above exception is changed to \ ``BadCredentialsException``\ . * - | (5) - \ ``DisabledException``\ - It is thrown when an authentication error occurs due to invalid user ID. * - | (6) - \ ``ProviderNotFoundException``\ - | It is thrown at the time of undetected error of authentication provider class. | Exception occurs when authentication provider class is invalid due to reasons such as a setting error etc. * - | (7) - \ ``AuthenticationServiceException``\ - | It is thrown at the time of authentication service error. | It is thrown when certain errors such as DB connection error etc. occur in authentication service. .. warning:: In this example, transition is made by handling \ ``UsernameNotFoundException``\ . However, if the user is informed that user ID does not exist, presence and absence of specific IDs may be revealed, which is not desirable from the security perspective. Therefore, it is recommended that the screen transition and notification message to the user is set such that it does not reveal type of exception. .. _form-logout: Setting \ ````\ element ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ | How to set the \ ````\ element, is explained in this section. spring-security.xml .. code-block:: xml .. tabularcolumns:: |p{0.10\linewidth}|p{0.90\linewidth}| .. list-table:: :header-rows: 1 :widths: 10 90 * - Sr. No. - Description * - | (1) - | Specify the path for executing logout process in \ ``logout-url``\ attribute. | When not specified, "/j_spring_security_logout" will be default path. | **In this guideline, it is recommended to change it to system specific value instead of using the above default value "/j_spring_security_logout".** In this example, "/logout" is specified. * - | (2) - | Specify the destination path after logout in \ ``logout-success-url``\ attribute. | When not specified, "/" will be default path. | If \ ``success-handler-ref``\ attribute is to be specified while this attribute is specified, error will occur during startup process. * - | (3) - | In \ ``invalidate-session``\ attribute, set whether to discard the session when logging out. | By default, it is set to \ ``true``\ . | In case of \ ``true``\ , the session is discarded at the time of logout. * - | (4) - | In \ ``delete-cookies``\ attribute, mention the cookie names to be deleted at the time of logout. | When multiple cookies are mentioned, use "," to separate them. * - | (5) - | Specify the handler class to be called after a successful logout, in \ ``success-handler-ref``\ attribute. | If \ ``logout-success-url``\ attribute is to be specified while this attribute is specified, error will occur during startup process. .. warning:: **Why it is not recommended to use Spring Security default value, "/j_spring_security_logout"** If default value is used, the fact that the application is using Spring Security is revealed. As a result, if any Spring Security related vulnerability is detected, there is a higher risk of receiving an attack due to the vulnerability. In order to prevent these risks, it is recommended to avoid using default value. .. note:: CSRF token check is performed when \ ````\ explained in \ :doc:`./CSRF`\ is used. Therefore, \ **it is necessary to send logout request using POST as well as to send the CSRF token.**\ . How to embed CSRF token is described below. * \ :ref:`csrf_formformtag-use`\ .. code-block:: jsp :emphasize-lines: 1,4 Following HTML is output in such cases. CSRF token is set as hidden. .. code-block:: html
* \ :ref:`csrf_formtag-use`\ .. code-block:: jsp :emphasize-lines: 3
In this case as well, following HTML is output as before. CSRF token is set as hidden. .. code-block:: html
Setting \ ````\ element ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ | "\ `Remember Me `_\ " functionality enhances convenience of the frequent users of the website and, | is the functionality that stores the login status. | This functionality stores login information in a cookie, if user has given permission, even after the browser is closed | and enables the user to login without re-entering the user name and password. | The attributes of \ ````\ elements are shown below. spring-security.xml .. code-block:: xml .. tabularcolumns:: |p{0.10\linewidth}|p{0.90\linewidth}| .. list-table:: :header-rows: 1 :widths: 10 90 * - Sr. No. - Description * - | (1) - | Specify the unique key that stores the cookie for Remember Me functionality in \ ``key``\ attribute. | When not specified, it is recommended to specify it in cases where improvement in start-up time has been considered as the unique key is generated at the time of start-up. * - | (2) - | Specify the validity of the cookie for Remember Me functionality in seconds, in \ ``token-validity-seconds``\ attribute. In this example it is set as 30 days. | When not specified, it is valid for 14 days by default. For attributes other than the above, refer to \ `Spring Security manual `_\ . Following flag that enables "Remember Me" functionality needs to be provided in login form. .. code-block:: jsp :emphasize-lines: 7-9
.. tabularcolumns:: |p{0.10\linewidth}|p{0.90\linewidth}| .. list-table:: :header-rows: 1 :widths: 10 90 * - Sr. No. - Description * - | (1) - | When requested as \ ``true``\, next authentication can be avoided | by setting \ ``_spring_security_remember_me``\ in HTTP parameter. How to extend -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- .. _extendsuserdetailsservice: Extending \ ``UserDetailsService``\ ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ | When information other than user ID and password needs to be fetched at the time of authentication, * \ ````\ * \ ````\ need to be implemented. When attached information such as login user's name and division etc. need to be displayed at all times on screen header, fetching it for each request from DB hampers the efficiency. This extension is necessary to enable its access from \ ``SecurityContext``\ or \ ````\ tags, by storing it in \ ``UserDetails``\ object. Extending \ ``UserDetails``\ """""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""" Creating \ ``ReservationUserDetails``\ class that also stores customer information other than authentication information. .. code-block:: java public class ReservationUserDetails extends User { // (1) // omitted private final Customer customer; // (2) private static final List DEFAULT_AUTHORITIES = Collections .singletonList(new SimpleGrantedAuthority("ROLE_USER")); // (3) public ReservationUserDetails(Customer customer) { super(customer.getCustomerCode(), customer.getCustomerPassword(), true, true, true, true, DEFAULT_AUTHORITIES); // (4) this.customer = customer; } public Customer getCustomer() { // (5) return customer; } } .. tabularcolumns:: |p{0.10\linewidth}|p{0.90\linewidth}| .. list-table:: :header-rows: 1 :widths: 10 90 * - Sr. No. - Description * - | (1) - | Inherit \ ````\ class which is the default class of \ ``UserDetails``\ . * - | (2) - | Store the DomainObject class containing authentication information and customer information. * - | (3) - | Create authorization information using constructor of \ ````\ . Here the authority named "ROLE_USER" is provided. | | This is a simple implementation wherein the authorization information should essentially be fetched from another table in the DB. * - | (4) - | Set the user ID and password contained in DomainObject, in the constructor of super class. * - | (5) - | Method to access customer information via \ ``UserDetails``\ . .. note:: When the business requirement cannot be implemented just by inheriting \ ``User``\ class, \ ``UserDetails``\ interface may be implemented. Implementing an independent \ ``UserDetailsService``\ """""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""" | Create ReservationUserDetailsService class that implements \ ``UserDetailsService``\ . | In this example, customer information is fetched from DB by injecting \ ``CustomerSharedService``\ class that implements the process to fetch \ ``Customer``\ object. .. code-block:: java public class ReservationUserDetailsService implements UserDetailsService { @Inject CustomerSharedService customerSharedService; @Override public UserDetails loadUserByUsername(String username) throws UsernameNotFoundException { Customer customer = customerSharedService.findOne(username); // omitted return new ReservationUserDetails(customer); } } How to use """""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""" How to use the created \ ``ReservationUserDetailsService``\ and \ ``ReservationUserDetails``\ , is described here. * spring-security.xml .. code-block:: xml .. tabularcolumns:: |p{0.10\linewidth}|p{0.90\linewidth}| .. list-table:: :header-rows: 1 :widths: 10 90 * - Sr. No. - Description * - | (1) - | Define the Bean ID of \ ``ReservationUserDetailsService``\ in ref attribute. * - | (2) - | Perform Bean definition for \ ``ReservationUserDetailsService``\ . * JSP Access \ ``Customer``\ object by using \ ````\ tag. .. code-block:: jsp ${f:h(customer.customerName)} .. tabularcolumns:: |p{0.10\linewidth}|p{0.90\linewidth}| .. list-table:: :header-rows: 1 :widths: 10 90 * - Sr. No. - Description * - | (1) - | \ ``Customer``\ object contained in \ ``ReservationUserDetails``\ is stored in variable. * - | (2) - | Display the optional property of \ ``Customer``\ object stored in variable. | For \ ``f:h()``\ , refer to \ :doc:`XSS`\ . * Controller .. code-block:: java @RequestMapping(method = RequestMethod.GET) public String view(@AuthenticationPrincipal ReservationUserDetails userDetails, Model model) { // get Customer Customer customer = userDetails.getCustomer(); // (1) // omitted ... } .. tabularcolumns:: |p{0.10\linewidth}|p{0.90\linewidth}| .. list-table:: :header-rows: 1 :widths: 10 90 * - Sr. No. - Description * - | (1) - | Fetch the logged-in \ ``Customer``\ object from \ ``ReservationUserDetails``\ . | Perform business process by passing this object to Service class. .. note:: When customer information is changed, \ ``Customer``\ object contained in \ ``ReservationUserDetails``\ is not changed unless logout is carried out once. It is recommended not to store the information that may undergo frequent changes or the information which is changed by a user other than the login user (administrator etc.). | Extending \ ``AuthenticationProvider``\ ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ In case of business requirements that cannot be supported by Spring Security's \ `authentication provider `_\ , it is necessary to create a class that implements \ ````\ interface. Here, the extended example of DB authentication using 3 parameters such as user name, password and \ **Company identifier (independent authentication parameter)**\ is given below. .. figure:: ./images/Authentication_HowToExtends_LoginForm.png :alt: Authentication_HowToExtends_LoginForm :width: 50% To implement the above requirements, it is necessary to create a class given below. .. tabularcolumns:: |p{0.10\linewidth}|p{0.90\linewidth}| .. list-table:: :header-rows: 1 :widths: 10 90 * - Sr. No. - Description * - | (1) - Implementation class of \ ````\ interface to store user name, password and company identifier (independent authentication parameter). Here, it is created by inheriting \ ````\ class. * - | (2) - Implementation class of \ ````\ to perform DB authentication using user name, password and company identifier (independent authentication parameter). Here, it is created by inheriting \ ````\ class. * - | (3) - Servlet filter class to create \ ``Authentication``\ for fetching user name, password and company identifier (independent authentication parameter) from request parameter and passing them to \ ``AuthenticationManager``\ (\ ``AuthenticationProvider``\ ). Here, it is created by inheriting \ ````\ class. .. tip:: Here, as the example considers addition of independent parameter as an authentication parameter, it is necessary to extend servlet filter class to generate \ ``Authentication``\ and implementation class of \ ``Authentication``\ interface. To authenticate only by user name and password, the authentication process can be extended only by creating implementation class of \ ``AuthenticationProvider``\ interface. | Extending \ ``UsernamePasswordAuthenticationToken``\ """""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""" Here, by inheriting \ ``UsernamePasswordAuthenticationToken``\ class, create a class that stores company identifier (independent authentication parameter) in addition to user name and password. .. code-block:: java // import omitted public class CompanyIdUsernamePasswordAuthenticationToken extends UsernamePasswordAuthenticationToken { private static final long serialVersionUID = SpringSecurityCoreVersion.SERIAL_VERSION_UID; // (1) private final String companyId; // (2) public CompanyIdUsernamePasswordAuthenticationToken( Object principal, Object credentials, String companyId) { super(principal, credentials); this.companyId = companyId; } // (3) public CompanyIdUsernamePasswordAuthenticationToken( Object principal, Object credentials, String companyId, Collection authorities) { super(principal, credentials, authorities); this.companyId = companyId; } public String getCompanyId() { return companyId; } } .. tabularcolumns:: |p{0.10\linewidth}|p{0.90\linewidth}| .. list-table:: :header-rows: 1 :widths: 10 90 * - Sr. No. - Description * - | (1) - Create a field to store company identifier. * - | (2) - Create a constructor to be used while creating instances for storing the information (information specified in request parameter) before authentication. * - | (3) - | Create a constructor to be used while creating instances for storing the authenticated information. | Authentication completion status is reached by passing authorization information to the constructor argument of parent class. | Extending \ ``DaoAuthenticationProvide``\ """""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""" Here, by inheriting \ ``DaoAuthenticationProvider``\ class, create a class that performs DB authentication using user name, password and company identifier. .. code-block:: java // import omitted public class CompanyIdUsernamePasswordAuthenticationProvider extends DaoAuthenticationProvider { // omitted @Override protected void additionalAuthenticationChecks(UserDetails userDetails, UsernamePasswordAuthenticationToken authentication) throws AuthenticationException { // (1) super.additionalAuthenticationChecks(userDetails, authentication); // (2) CompanyIdUsernamePasswordAuthenticationToken companyIdUsernamePasswordAuthentication = (CompanyIdUsernamePasswordAuthenticationToken) authentication; String requestedCompanyId = companyIdUsernamePasswordAuthentication.getCompanyId(); String companyId = ((SampleUserDetails) userDetails) .getAccount().getCompanyId(); if (!companyId.equals(requestedCompanyId)) { throw new BadCredentialsException(messages.getMessage( "AbstractUserDetailsAuthenticationProvider.badCredentials", "Bad credentials")); } } @Override protected Authentication createSuccessAuthentication(Object principal, Authentication authentication, UserDetails user) { String companyId = ((SampleUserDetails) user).getAccount() .getCompanyId(); // (3) return new CompanyIdUsernamePasswordAuthenticationToken(user, authentication.getCredentials(), companyId, user.getAuthorities()); } @Override public boolean supports(Class authentication) { // (4) return CompanyIdUsernamePasswordAuthenticationToken.class .isAssignableFrom(authentication); } } .. tabularcolumns:: |p{0.10\linewidth}|p{0.90\linewidth}| .. list-table:: :header-rows: 1 :widths: 10 90 * - Sr. No. - Description * - | (1) - Call parent class method and execute check process provided by Spring Security. Password authentication is performed at this time. * - | (2) - When password authentication is successful, validate company identifier (independent authentication parameter). In the above example, it is checked whether requested company identifier matches with the company identifier stored in the table. * - | (3) - When password authentication and independent authentication is successful, create and return authenticated \ ``CompanyIdUsernamePasswordAuthenticationToken``\ . * - | (4) - When \ ``Authentication``\ that can be casted is specified in \ ``CompanyIdUsernamePasswordAuthenticationToken``\ , perform the authentication process using this class. .. tip:: User existence check, user status check (check for invalid users, locked users, validity expired users, etc.), are performed as processes of parent class before the \ ``additionalAuthenticationChecks``\ method is called. | .. _authentication_custom_usernamepasswordauthenticationfilter: Extending \ ``UsernamePasswordAuthenticationFilter``\ """""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""" Here, by inheriting \ ``UsernamePasswordAuthenticationFilter``\ class, create a servlet filter class to pass the authentication information (user name, password, company identifier) to \ ``AuthenticationProvider``\ . Implementation of \ ``attemptAuthentication``\ method is customized by copying \ ``UsernamePasswordAuthenticationFilter``\ class method. .. code-block:: java // import omitted public class CompanyIdUsernamePasswordAuthenticationFilter extends UsernamePasswordAuthenticationFilter { @Override public Authentication attemptAuthentication(HttpServletRequest request, HttpServletResponse response) throws AuthenticationException { if (!request.getMethod().equals("POST")) { throw new AuthenticationServiceException("Authentication method not supported: " + request.getMethod()); } // (1) // Obtain UserName, Password, CompanyId String username = super.obtainUsername(request); String password = super.obtainPassword(request); String companyId = obtainCompanyId(request); if (username == null) { username = ""; } else { username = username.trim(); } if (password == null) { password = ""; } CompanyIdUsernamePasswordAuthenticationToken authRequest = new CompanyIdUsernamePasswordAuthenticationToken(username, password, companyId); // Allow subclasses to set the "details" property setDetails(request, authRequest); return this.getAuthenticationManager().authenticate(authRequest); // (2) } // (3) protected String obtainCompanyId(HttpServletRequest request) { return request.getParameter("companyid"); } } .. tabularcolumns:: |p{0.10\linewidth}|p{0.90\linewidth}| .. list-table:: :header-rows: 1 :widths: 10 90 * - Sr. No. - Description * - | (1) - Create an instance of \ ``CompanyIdUsernamePasswordAuthenticationToken``\ from authentication information (user name, password, company identifier) fetched from request parameter. * - | (2) - Call \ ``authenticate``\ method of \ ````\ by specifying authentication information (\ ``CompanyIdUsernamePasswordAuthenticationToken``\ instances) specified in request parameter. If \ ``AuthenticationManager``\ method is called, authentication process of \ ``AuthenticationProvider``\ is called. * - | (3) - Company identifier is fetched from the request parameter called \ ``"companyid"``\ . .. note:: **Authentication information input check** Sometimes, a check needs to be performed in advance for the obvious input errors that occur due to load reduction on DB server. In such cases, input check process can be performed by extending \ ``UsernamePasswordAuthenticationFilter``\ , similar to \ :ref:`authentication_custom_usernamepasswordauthenticationfilter`\ . Input check is not performed in the above mentioned example. .. todo:: Input check of authentication information can also be performed using Bean Validation by handling the request in Controller class. Input check method using Bean Validation will be added later. | Application of extended authentication process """""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""" Apply the DB authentication function using user name, password, company identifier (independent authentication parameter) in Spring Security. ``spring-security.xml`` .. code-block:: xml .. tabularcolumns:: |p{0.10\linewidth}|p{0.90\linewidth}| .. list-table:: :header-rows: 1 :widths: 10 90 * - Sr. No. - Description * - | (1) - To replace "FORM_LOGIN_FILTER" using \ ``custom-filter``\ element, it is necessary to perform the following settings in attributes of \ ``http``\ element. * Since it is not possible to use auto configuration, either set \ ``auto-config="false"``\ or delete \ ``auto-config``\ attribute. * Since it is not possible to use \ ``form-login``\ element, explicitly specify \ ``AuthenticationEntryPoint``\ to be used by using \ ``entry-point-ref``\ attribute. * - | (2) - Replace "FORM_LOGIN_FILTER" by using \ ``custom-filter``\ element. Specify \ ``"FORM_LOGIN_FILTER"``\ in \ ``position``\ attribute of \ ``custom-filter``\ element, and specify servlet filter bean ID extended in \ ``ref``\ attribute. * - | (3) - Define bean of \ ``AuthenticationEntryPoint``\ to be specified in \ ``entry-point-ref``\ attributes of \ ``http``\ element. Here, bean of \ ````\ class used while specifying \ ``form-login``\ element, is defined. * - | (4) - Define bean of servlet filter to be used as "FORM_LOGIN_FILTER". Here, bean of extended servlet filter class (\ ``CompanyIdUsernamePasswordAuthenticationFilter``\ ) is defined. * - | (5) - Specify \ ``RequestMatcher``\ instance for detecting request to perform authentication process, in \ ``requiresAuthenticationRequestMatcher``\ property. Here, if there is a request in \ ``/authentication``\ path, authentication process is performed. This is similar to specifying \ ``"/authentication"``\ in \ ``login-processing-url``\ attribute of \ ``form-login``\ element. * - | (6) - Specify the value which was set in \ ``alias``\ attribute of \ ``authentication-manager``\ element, in \ ``authenticationManager``\ property. If \ ``alias``\ attribute of \ ``authentication-manager``\ element is specified, it is possible to inject dependency (DI) of \ ``AuthenticationManager``\ bean generated by Spring Security, to other bean. * - | (6') - Set extended \ ``AuthenticationProvider``\ (\ ``CompanyIdUsernamePasswordAuthenticationProvider``\ ) to \ ``AuthenticationManager``\ generated by Spring Security. * - | (7) - Specify bean of component (\ ``SessionAuthenticationStrategy``\ ) to control the session handling at the time of successful authentication, in \ ``sessionAuthenticationStrategy``\ property. * - | (7') - Define bean of component (\ ``SessionAuthenticationStrategy``\ ) to control the session handling at the time of successful authentication. Here, the following features provided by Spring Security are enabled. * Component to re-create CSRF token (\ ``CsrfAuthenticationStrategy``\ ) * Component to generate new session to prevent session fixation attack (\ ``SessionFixationProtectionStrategy``\ ) * - | (8) - | Specify handler class, called at the time of authentication failure, in \ ``authenticationFailureHandler``\ . * - | (9) - | Specify handler class, called at the time of successful authentication, in \ ``authenticationSuccessHandler``\ . .. note:: When \ ``auto-config="false"``\ is specified, \ ````\ element and \ ````\ element will not be enabled if not defined explicitly. | Creating login form """""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""" Here, add company identifier for the screen (JSP), introduced in \ :ref:`form-login-JSP`\ . .. code-block:: jsp :emphasize-lines: 5-6 User Id

Company Id


.. tabularcolumns:: |p{0.10\linewidth}|p{0.90\linewidth}| .. list-table:: :header-rows: 1 :widths: 10 90 * - Sr. No. - Description * - | (1) - | Specify \ ``"companyid"``\ in the input field name of company identifier. | Appendix -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Authentication Success handler for which destination can be specified ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ In case of authentication using Spring Security, user is transited to the following two paths if authentication is successful. * Path described in bean definition file (\ ``spring-security.xml``\ ) (path specified in \ ``default-target-url``\ attribute of \ ````\ element) * Path for displaying "Secure page for which authentication is necessary" which is accessed before the login. In common library, in addition to the functionality provided by Spring Security, a class (\ ````\ ) is provided which can specify the destination path in request parameter. \ ``RedirectAuthenticationHandler``\ is a class, created for implementing the mechanism given below. * For performing login for page display * For specifying destination page after login at JSP side (source JSP) .. figure:: ./images/Authentication_Appendix_ScreenFlow.png :alt: Authentication_Appendix_Screen_Flow :width: 70% :align: center **Picture - Screen_Flow** | Example of using \ ``RedirectAuthenticationHandler``\ is shown below. **Description example of source screen JSP** .. code-block:: jsp .. tabularcolumns:: |p{0.10\linewidth}|p{0.90\linewidth}| .. list-table:: :header-rows: 1 :widths: 10 90 * - Sr. No. - Description * - | (1) - | As hidden field, set the "URL of destination page after successful login". | Specify "\ ``redirectTo``\ " as hidden field name (request parameter name). | | Field name (request parameter name) should match with \ ``targetUrlParameter``\ property value of \ ``RedirectAuthenticationHandler``\ . **Description example of login screen JSP** .. code-block:: jsp .. tabularcolumns:: |p{0.10\linewidth}|p{0.90\linewidth}| .. list-table:: :header-rows: 1 :widths: 10 90 * - Sr. No. - Description * - | (1) - | As hidden field, set the "URL of destination page after successful login", passed by request parameter from source screen. | Specify "\ ``redirectTo``\ " as hidden field name (request parameter name). | | Field name (request parameter name) should match with \ ``targetUrlParameter``\ property value of \ ``RedirectAuthenticationHandler``\ . **Spring Security configuration file** .. code-block:: xml .. tabularcolumns:: |p{0.10\linewidth}|p{0.90\linewidth}| .. list-table:: :header-rows: 1 :widths: 10 90 * - Sr. No. - Description * - | (1) - | Specify BeanId of \ ``authentication-failure-handler-ref``\ (handler setting at the time of authentication error) and \ ``authentication-success-handler-ref``\ (handler setting in case of successful authentication). * - | (2) - | Define \ ````\ as a bean referred from \ ``authentication-success-handler-ref``\ . * - | (3) - | Define \ ````\ as a bean referred from \ ``authentication-failure-handler-ref``\ . * - | (4) - | Specify destination path at the time of authentication failure. | In above example, login screen path and the query (\ ``error=true``\ ) to indicate transition after authentication error, is set. * - | (5) - | **To use this functionality, useForward should be set to true.** | By setting it to \ ``true``\ , Forward is used instead of Redirect, at the time of transiting to the screen (login screen) which would be displayed in case of authentication failure. | This is because "URL of destination page after successful login" needs to be included in the request parameter of authentication request. | By using Redirect, if authentication error screen is displayed, "URL of destination page after successful login" cannot be inherited from request parameter. Hence, it is not possible to transit to the specified screen even after login is successful. | To avoid this, it is necessary to ensure that "URL of destination page after successful login" is inherited from request parameter using Forward. .. tip:: Measures against Open Redirector vulnerability are implemented in \ ``RedirectAuthenticationHandler``\ . Therefore, user cannot transit to external sites such as "". In order to transit to an external site, it is necessary to create a class that implements \ ````\ , and it is to be injected to \ ``targetUrlParameterRedirectStrategy``\ property of \ ``RedirectAuthenticationHandler``\ . As a precaution while extending, it is necessary to have a structure that does not pose any problems even if \ ``redirectTo``\ value is tampered with. For example, the measures given below can be considered. * Specifying the ID of page number etc. instead of directly specifying the destination URL and redirecting to the URL corresponding to that ID. * Checking the destination URL, and redirecting only the URL that matches with white list. .. raw:: latex \newpage