Change Log ================================================================================ .. tabularcolumns:: |p{0.15\linewidth}|p{0.25\linewidth}|p{0.60\linewidth}| .. list-table:: :header-rows: 1 :widths: 15 25 60 * - Modified on - Modified locations - Modification details * - 2014-08-27 - \- - Released "1.0.1 RELEASE" version For details, refer to \ `Issue list of 1.0.1 `_\ . * - - Overall modifications - Fixed guideline errors (corrected typos, mistakes in description etc.) For details, refer to \ `Issue list of 1.0.1 `_\ . * - - Japanese version - Added Japanese version of the following. * :doc:`CriteriaBasedMapping` * :doc:`../ArchitectureInDetail/REST` * :doc:`Tutorial (Todo Application for REST)<../TutorialREST/index>` * - - English version - Added English version of the following. * :doc:`index` * :doc:`../Overview/index` * :doc:`../TutorialTodo/index` * :doc:`../ImplementationAtEachLayer/index` * :doc:`../ArchitectureInDetail/Validation` * :doc:`../ArchitectureInDetail/ExceptionHandling` * :doc:`../ArchitectureInDetail/MessageManagement` * :doc:`../ArchitectureInDetail/utilities/JodaTime` * :doc:`../Security/XSS` * :doc:`../Appendix/ReferenceBooks` * - - :doc:`../Overview/FrameworkStack` - Updated the OSS version in accordance with bug fixes. * GroupId (\ ``org.springframework``\ ) updated to 3.2.10.RELEASE from 3.2.4.RELEASE * GroupId (\ ````\ )/ArtifactId(\ ``spring-data-commons``\ ) updated to 1.6.4.RELEASE from 1.6.1.RELEASE * GroupId (\ ````\ )/ArtifactId(\ ``spring-data-jpa``\ ) updated to 1.4.3.RELEASE from 1.4.1.RELEASE * GroupId (\ ``org.aspectj``\ ) updated to 1.7.4 from 1.7.3 * Deleted GroupId (\ ``javax.transaction``\ )/ArtifactId(\ ``jta``\ ) * - - :doc:`../ImplementationAtEachLayer/ApplicationLayer` - Added a warning about `CVE-2014-1904 `_\ (XSS Vulnerability of \ ``action``\ attribute in \ ````\ tag) * - - Japanese version :doc:`../ArchitectureInDetail/MessageManagement` - Added description about bug fix * Fixed bugs of \ ````\ tag of common library (\ `terasoluna-gfw#10 `_\ ) * - - Japanese version :doc:`../ArchitectureInDetail/Pagination` - Updated description about bug fix * Fixed bugs of \ ````\ tag of common library (\ `terasoluna-gfw#12 `_\ ) * Fixed bugs of Spring Data Commons (\ `terasoluna-gfw#22 `_\ ) * - - Japanese version :doc:`../ArchitectureInDetail/Ajax` - Updated description of countermeasures against XXE Injection * - - Japanese version :doc:`../ArchitectureInDetail/FileUpload` - Added a warning about `CVE-2014-0050 `_\ (File Upload Vulnerability) Fixed guideline errors. * Added how to handle \ ``MultipartException``\ using error-page functionality of servlet container, because your application can't handle \ ``MultipartException``\ using \ ``SystemExceptionResolver``\ when used \ ``MultipartFilter``\. For details, refer to \ `Issue of guideline#59 `_\ . * - 2013-12-17 - Japanese version - Released "1.0.0 Public Review" version .. raw:: latex \newpage