Implementation of Infrastructure Layer ================================================================================ .. only:: html .. contents:: Index :depth: 3 :local: \ :ref:`repository-class-label`\ is carried out in infrastructure layer. RepositoryImpl implements the Repository interface. .. _repository-class-label: Implementation of RepositoryImpl -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- The method to create Repository for relational database using JPA and MyBatis2 is introduced below. * :ref:`repository-jpa-label` * :ref:`repository-mybatis2-label` | .. _repository-jpa-label: Implementing Repository using JPA ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ | When JPA is to be used as persistence API with relational database, Repository can be very easily created if ```` of Spring Data JPA is used. | Refer to \ :doc:`../ArchitectureInDetail/DataAccessJpa`\ for details regarding usage of Spring Data JPA. | When Spring Data JPA is used, only an interface, extending JpaRepository, is required to be created for basic CRUD operations. That means, RepositoryImpl is not required. | However, RepositoryImpl is needed for using dynamic query (JPQL). | Refer to \ :doc:`../ArchitectureInDetail/DataAccessJpa`\ for implementing RepositoryImpl while using Spring Data JPA - .. code-block:: java :emphasize-lines: 1 public interface TodoRepository extends JpaRepository { // (1) // ... } .. tabularcolumns:: |p{0.10\linewidth}|p{0.90\linewidth}| .. list-table:: :header-rows: 1 :widths: 10 90 * - S.No. - Description * - | (1) - Only by defining the interface that extends JpaRepository, basic CRUD operations for Todo entity can be performed without implementing the interface. | Procedure to add an operation not provided by JpaRepository is explained. | When Spring Data JPA is used, if it is a static query, the method must be added to the interface and the query (JPQL) to be executed must be specified in the annotation to the method in the interface. - .. code-block:: java :emphasize-lines: 2 public interface TodoRepository extends JpaRepository { @Query("SELECT COUNT(t) FROM Todo t WHERE finished = :finished") // (1) long countByFinished(@Param("finished") boolean finished); // ... } .. tabularcolumns:: |p{0.10\linewidth}|p{0.90\linewidth}| .. list-table:: :header-rows: 1 :widths: 10 90 * - S.No. - Description * - | (1) - Specify Query (JPQL) using @Query annotation. | .. _repository-mybatis2-label: Implementing Repository using MyBatis2 ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ | When MyBatis is used as persistence API, RepositoryImpl must be created as follows | Refer to \ :doc:`../ArchitectureInDetail/DataAccessMybatis2`\ for details regarding usage of MyBatis2 | Furthermore, in this guideline, it is assumed that TERASOLUNA DAO which is a wrapper for MyBatis API is used instead of using MyBatis directly. | When MyBatis is to be used, **only the required method must be defined** in the Repository interface. | CrudRepository and PagingAndSortingRepository provided by Spring Data can also be used. However, using all the methods is very rare. Hence, | implementation of unnnecessary methods have to be done if these interfaces are used. | When MyBatis is to be used, RepositoryImpl and SQL definition file should be created in addition to defining Repository interface. | Example of implementation of PagingAndSortingRepository which is super interface of JpaRepository, is explained below. #. Sample while implementing general purpose CRUD operation in MyBatis is shown. #. There is a comparision to the case when Repository is implemented using mechanism of Spring Data JPA. - .. code-block:: java :emphasize-lines: 1 public interface TodoRepository extends PagingAndSortingRepository { // (1) long countByFinished(boolean finished); // ... } .. tabularcolumns:: |p{0.10\linewidth}|p{0.90\linewidth}| .. list-table:: :header-rows: 1 :widths: 10 90 * - S.No. - Description * - | (1) - The basic methods required for Repository interface is defined by inheriting ```` (Sub interface of CrudRepository) provided by Spring Data. In case of MyBatis, in addition to defining the interface, RepositoryImpl should also be implemented. - .. code-block:: java :emphasize-lines: 1,2,5,8,11,12,17,18,25,26,31,32,37,38,43,44,58,59,65,75,83,88,93,99 @Repository // (1) @Transactional // (2) public class TodoRepositoryImpl implements TodoRepository { @Inject protected QueryDAO queryDAO; // (3) @Inject protected UpdateDAO updateDAO; // (4) @Override @Transactional(readOnly = true) // (5) public Todo findOne(String id) { // (6) return queryDAO.executeForObject("todo.findOne", todoId, Todo.class); } @Override @Transactional(readOnly = true) // (5) public boolean exists(String id) { // (6) Long count = queryDAO.executeForObject("todo.exists", todoId, Long.class); return 0 < count.longValue(); } @Override @Transactional(readOnly = true) // (5) public Iterable findAll() { // (6) return findAll((Sort) null); } @Override @Transactional(readOnly = true) // (5) public Iterable findAll(Iterable ids) { // (6) return queryDAO.executeForObjectList("todo.findAll", ids); } @Override @Transactional(readOnly = true) // (5) public Iterable findAll(Sort sort) { // (7) return queryDAO.executeForObjectList("todo.findAllSort", sort); } @Override @Transactional(readOnly = true) // (5) Page findAll(Pageable pageable) { // (7) long count = count(); List todos = new ArrayList(); if(0 < count){ todos = queryDAO.executeForObjectList("todo.findAllSort", pageable.getSort(),pageable.getOffset(),pageable.getPageSize()); } else { todos = new ArrayList(); } Page page = new PageImpl(todos,pageable,count); return page; } @Override @Transactional(readOnly = true) // (5) public long count() { // (6) Long count = queryDAO.executeForObject("todo.count", null, Long.class); return count.longValue(); } @Override public S save(S todo) { // (6) if(exists(todo.getTodoId())){ updateDAO.execute("todo.update", todo); } else { updateDAO.execute("todo.insert", todo); } return todo; } @Override public Iterable save(Iterable todos) { // (6) for(Todo todo : todos){ save(todo); } return todos; } @Override public void delete(String id) { // (6) updateDAO.execute("todo.delete", id); } @Override public void delete(Todo todo) { // (6) delete(todo.getTodoId()); } @Override public void delete(Iterable todos) { // (6) for(Todo todo : todos){ delete(todo); } } public long countByFinished(boolean finished) { // (8) Long count = queryDAO.executeForObject("todo.countByFinished", finished, Long.class); return count.longValue(); } } .. tabularcolumns:: |p{0.10\linewidth}|p{0.90\linewidth}| .. list-table:: :header-rows: 1 :widths: 10 90 * - S.No. - Description * - | (1) - Assign \ ``@Repository``\ as class annotation. By assigning annotation, it becomes target of component-scan and bean definition in the configuration file is not required. * - | (2) - Assign \ ``@Transactional``\ as class annotation. Transaction boundary is controlled by Service, but this annotation should also be assigned to Repository as well. * - | (3) - Inject ``jp.terasoluna.fw.dao.QueryDAO`` for executing query processing. * - | (4) - Inject ``jp.terasoluna.fw.dao.UpdateDAO`` for executing update processing. * - | (5) - Assign \ ``@Transactional(readOnly = true)``\ to query method. * - | (6) - The method defined in \ ``CrudRepository``\ is implemented. * - | (7) - The method defined in \ ``PagingAndSortingRepository``\ is implemented. * - | (8) - The method added in \ ``TodoRepository``\ is implemented. - sqlMap.xml .. code-block:: xml :emphasize-lines: 5,7,14,15 .. tabularcolumns:: |p{0.10\linewidth}|p{0.90\linewidth}| .. list-table:: :header-rows: 1 :widths: 10 90 * - S.No. - Description * - | (1) - Specify namespace. Assign name that can uniquely identify Entity. * - | (2) - Specify the type of Entity and execute mapping of field with column. * - | (3) - Implement SQL for each SQLID. | .. _repository-rest-label: Implementing Repository to link with external system using RestTemplate ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. todo:: **TBD** Plan to provide details in the coming versions. .. raw:: latex \newpage