10.3. Run unit test

10.3.1. Implementation method for test

Following 2 methods are explained here as implementation methods of JUnit.

  • A method to execute JUnit on IDE
  • A method to execute JUnit on Maven

Method must be selected according to the application.

Test execution method Explanation
IDE JUnit is run from IDE.
Maven Run JUnit by using mvn testcommand.

When JUnit is run from IDE, it is possible to execute it on IDE from production to testing. Hence, the test object can be referenced easily.

When JUnit is run by using mvn test command, automation of test can be done on CI server since it runs on command basis.

10.3.2. Test execution Run test on IDE

A method to run JUnit by using STS is introduced. Execution of test class

Right-click test class and display menu.


Select [Run As] -> [JUnit Test] from menu and run target test class.


If the test is run without any issues, following screen is displayed.


In case of assertion error, following error message is displayed.


When an error occurs while executing a test, following error message is displayed.



Regarding test failure

Test failure can be broadly classified in 2 types. First is failure (Failure) in case of assertion and the second is test execution failure or test failure due to inadequate execution environment (Error). Execution result screen while running JUnit on IDE also display a stack trace together with difference between results of these 2 types, thus it helps in analysis of test failure cause. Run for a project or a method

JUnit can be run for a project or for a method.

When it is to be run for a project, right click the project to be tested and display menu.


Select [Run As] -> [JUnit Test] from menu and run test for target project.


When it is run for a project, execution results of all test classes included in selected project are displayed.


When it is to be run for a method, right click the method to be tested and display menu.


Select [Run As] -> [JUnit Test] from menu and run test for target method.


When it is run for a method, execution results of only selected method are displayed.

../_images/RunUnitTestIdeSuccessMethodJunit.png Run test by Maven

A method to run JUnit by Maven is introduced. Run test phase

When JUnit is to be run by Maven, go to target project and run following command.

mvn test

When the command is run, a java compiled .class file is created under target/classes, then a .class file for test compiled under target/test-classes is created and test results are created under target/surefire-reports.

By default, files matching the following patterns are subjected to test.

  • **/Test*.java
  • **/*Test.java
  • **/*Tests.java
  • **/*TestCase.java

When the test classes which do not match the above patterns are to be run, file for test can be changed by adding settings to pom.xml. Further, it is also possible to set exclusion of test files.

  • pom.xml

  // ommited

            <include>*ServiceCheck.java</include> <!-- (1) -->
            <exclude>AccountServiceCheck.java</exclude> <!-- (2) -->

  // ommited

Sr. No. Description
Configure a file to be executed at the time of test execution.
Configure a file to be excluded at the time of test execution.


While configuring, files can be specified by using regular expression. For details, refer maven-surefire-plugin (Regular Expression Support). Configuring arbitrary class and method by using command options

mvn testcommand can also specify and run arbitrary class and method by using option.

When a class is to be specified for testing, it can be done by using following command.

mvn test -Dtest=[Class name]

Multiple classes can also be specified with “,” delimiter.

mvn test -Dtest=[Class name],[class name],[class name]...

When a method is to be specified for test, it can be done by using following command.

mvn test -Dtest=[class name]#[method name]

Class name can be specified by either FQCN specification (com.example.domain.repository.MemberRepositoryTestetc.) or by a simple class name (MemberRepositoryTestetc.). Further, patterns can also be specified by using wild cards (Member*Testetc.) for the class name.


Specification of method unit requires maven-surefire-plugin version 2.7.3 or above. For details, refer maven-surefire-plugin (Running a Set of Methods in a Single Test Class).


Test compilation and execution can be skipped by specifying -Dmaven.test.skip=true in the option. When you want to skip only execution, only compilation can be executed by specifying -DskipTests=true.