4.8. Codelist

4.8.1. Overview

A codelist is a pair comprising of “Code values (Value) and their display names (Label)”.

It is used for mapping code values with the labels to be displayed on screen such as selectbox.

Common library provides the following functionalities:

  • Functionality to read and cache the codelist defined in xml file or DB at the time of launching the application.
  • Functionality to refer to the codelist from JSP or Java class
  • Functionality to perform input validation using codelist

Moreover, it also supports

  • internationalization of codelist
  • reloading of cached codelist


As per standard specifications, only the codelist defined in DB is reloadable.

Following four types of codelists are implemented in common library.

Types of codelist
Types Contents Reloadable
org.terasoluna.gfw.common.codelist.SimpleMapCodeList Use the hard-coded contents from xml file. NO
org.terasoluna.gfw.common.codelist.NumberRangeCodeList Use when creating number range list. NO
org.terasoluna.gfw.common.codelist.JdbcCodeList Use the codelist by fetching the code from DB using SQL. YES
org.terasoluna.gfw.common.codelist.EnumCodeList Use when creating the codelist from constant defined in Enum class. NO
org.terasoluna.gfw.common.codelist.i18n.SimpleI18nCodeList Use the codelist corresponding to java.util.Locale. NO

Common library provides org.terasoluna.gfw.common.codelist.CodeList for the interface of above codelists.

Codelist class diagram provided in common library is as follows:

codelist class diagram

Picture - Image of codelist class diagram

4.8.2. How to use

This section describes settings for various codelists and their implementation methods. Using SimpleMapCodeList

org.terasoluna.gfw.common.codelist.SimpleMapCodeList reads the code values defined in xml file at the time of launching the application and uses them as is.

SimpleMapCodeList image

codelist simple Example of codelist settings

Definition of Bean definition file(xxx-codelist.xml)

It is recommended to create a bean definition file for codelist.

 <bean id="CL_ORDERSTATUS" class="org.terasoluna.gfw.common.codelist.SimpleMapCodeList"> <!-- (1) -->
     <property name="map">
             <entry key="1" value="Received" /> <!-- (2) -->
             <entry key="2" value="Sent" />
             <entry key="3" value="Cancelled" />
Sr. No. Description
Define a bean of SimpleMapCodeList class.
beanID should have the name matching with the ID pattern of org.terasoluna.gfw.web.codelist.CodeListInterceptor described later.
Define Key, Value pairs of Map.
When map-class attribute is omitted, it is registered in java.util.LinkedHashMap; hence in the above example, “Name and value” are stored in Map in the order of registration.

Definition of Bean definition file(xxx-domain.xml)

Once the bean definition file for codelist is created, it should be imported to already existing bean definition file.

 <import resource="classpath:META-INF/spring/projectName-codelist.xml" /> <!-- (3) -->
 <context:component-scan base-package="com.example.domain" />

 <!-- omitted -->
Sr. No. Description
Import bean definition file for codelist.
Resource information of import is necessary during component-scan;
hence import should be set above <context:component-scan base-package="com.example.domain" />. Using codelist in JSP

By using the interceptor of common library, codelist can be set automatically in request scope and can be easily referred from JSP.

Definition of Bean definition file(spring-mvc.xml)

     <mvc:mapping path="/**" /> <!-- (1) -->
       class="org.terasoluna.gfw.web.codelist.CodeListInterceptor"> <!-- (2) -->
       <property name="codeListIdPattern" value="CL_.+" /> <!-- (3) -->

   <!-- omitted -->

Sr. No. Description
Set the applicable path.
Define a bean of CodeListInterceptor class.
Set the beanID pattern of codelist which is automatically set in the request scope.
In pattern, regular expression used in java.util.regex.Pattern should be set.
In the above example, only the data in which id is defined in “CL_XXX” format is targeted. In that case, bean definition wherein id does not start with “CL_” should not be imported.
beanID defined in “CL_” can be used in JSP since it is set in the request scope.

codeListIdPattern property can be omitted.
If omitting codeListIdPattern property, all of CodeLists (all beans which implements org.terasoluna.gfw.common.codelist.CodeList) are available in JSP.

Example of implementing the codelist in jsp

<form:select path="orderStatus">
  <form:option value="" label="--Select--" /> <!-- (4) -->
  <form:options items="${CL_ORDERSTATUS}" /> <!-- (5) -->
Sr. No. Description
When setting dummy value at the top of the selectbox, null characters should be specified in the value.
Specify the beanID for which codelist is defined.

Output HTML

<select id="orderStatus" name="orderStatus">
   <option value="">"--Select--</option>
   <option value="1">Received</option>
   <option value="2">Sent</option>
   <option value="3">Cancelled</option>

Output screen

codelist selectbox Using codelist in Java class

When using the codelist in Java class, inject the codelist by setting javax.inject.Inject annotation and javax.inject.Named annotation. Specify the codelist name in @Named annotation.

import javax.inject.Named;

import org.terasoluna.gfw.common.codelist.CodeList;

public class OrderServiceImpl implements OrderService {

    CodeList orderStatusCodeList; // (1)

    public boolean existOrderStatus(String target) {
        return orderStatusCodeList.asMap().containsKey(target); // (2)
Sr. No. Description
Inject the codelist with beanID “CL_ORDERSTATUS”.
Fetch the codelist in java.util.Map format using CodeList#asMap method. Using NumberRangeCodeList

org.terasoluna.gfw.common.codelist.NumberRangeCodeList is a codelist that creates the list of numeric values of specified range at the time of launching the application. It is assumed that this codelist will mainly be used in the selectboxes having only numbers i.e. selectbox for month, date etc.

Image of NumberRangeCodeList

codelist number


NumberRangeCodeList supports only Arabic numbers and does not support Chinese and Roman numbers. Chinese and Roman numbers can be supported by using JdbcCodeList and SimpleMapCodeList.

NumberRangeCodeList has the following features:

  1. In order to set From value < To value, the values increased in accordance with the interval are set in From-To range in ascending order.
  2. In order to set To value < From value, the values decreased in accordance with the interval are set in To-From range in descending order.
  3. Increment (decrement) can be changed by setting intervals.

The information here describes how to configure the ascending NumberRangeCodeList. For how to create the descending NumberRangeCodeList or change interval, refer to “Variations of NumberRangeCodeList”. | Example of codelist settings

Example of setting From value < To value is shown below.

Definition of Bean definition file(xxx-codelist.xml)

<bean id="CL_MONTH"
    class="org.terasoluna.gfw.common.codelist.NumberRangeCodeList"> <!-- (1) -->
    <property name="from" value="1" /> <!-- (2) -->
    <property name="to" value="12" /> <!-- (3) -->
    <property name="valueFormat" value="%d" /> <!-- (4) -->
    <property name="labelFormat" value="%02d" /> <!-- (5) -->
    <property name="interval" value="1" /> <!-- (6) -->
Sr. No. Description
Define a bean of NumberRangeCodeList.
Specify the range start value. When omitted, “0” is set as range start value.
Specify the range end value. It cannot be blank.
Specify the format of the code value. Format used should be java.lang.String.format.
When omitted, “%s” is set.
Specify the format of the code name. Format used should be java.lang.String.format.
When omitted, “%s” is set.
Set the increment value. When omitted, “1” is set. Using codelist in JSP

For details on settings shown below, refer to Using codelist in JSP described earlier.

Example of jsp implementation

<form:select path="depMonth" items="${CL_MONTH}" />

Output HTML

<select id="depMonth" name="depMonth">
  <option value="1">01</option>
  <option value="2">02</option>
  <option value="3">03</option>
  <option value="4">04</option>
  <option value="5">05</option>
  <option value="6">06</option>
  <option value="7">07</option>
  <option value="8">08</option>
  <option value="9">09</option>
  <option value="10">10</option>
  <option value="11">11</option>
  <option value="12">12</option>

Output screen

codelist numberrange Using codelist in Java class

For details on settings shown below, refer to Using codelist in Java class described earlier. Using JdbcCodeList

org.terasoluna.gfw.common.codelist.JdbcCodeList is a class for creating codelist by fetching values from DB at the time of starting the application.
Since JdbcCodeList creates a cache while starting the application, no delay occurs during DB access when you want to display a list.
If you want to reduce the read time for the startup, it is preferable to set an upper limit on the number of acquisitions.
JdbcCodeList consists of a field which sets the org.springframework.jdbc.core.JdbcTemplate.
If an upper limit is set for the fetchSize of JdbcTemplate, the records only till the upper limit are read at the startup.
The fetched values can be changed dynamically by reloading. For details, refer to When reloading the codelist.

JdbcCodeList image

codelist simple Example of codelist settings

Definition of Table(authority)

authority_id authority_name

Definition of Bean definition file(xxx-codelist.xml)

<bean id="jdbcTemplateForCodeList" class="org.springframework.jdbc.core.JdbcTemplate" > <!-- (1) -->
    <property name="dataSource" ref="dataSource" />
    <property name="fetchSize" value="${codelist.jdbc.fetchSize:1000}" /> <!-- (2) -->

<bean id="AbstractJdbcCodeList"
    class="org.terasoluna.gfw.common.codelist.JdbcCodeList" abstract="true"> <!-- (3) -->
    <property name="jdbcTemplate" ref="jdbcTemplateForCodeList" /> <!-- (4) -->

<bean id="CL_AUTHORITIES" parent="AbstractJdbcCodeList" > <!-- (5) -->
    <property name="querySql"
        value="SELECT authority_id, authority_name FROM authority ORDER BY authority_id" /> <!-- (6) -->
    <property name="valueColumn" value="authority_id" /> <!-- (7) -->
    <property name="labelColumn" value="authority_name" /> <!-- (8) -->
Sr. No. Description
Define a bean for org.springframework.jdbc.core.JdbcTemplate class.
It is necessary for independently setting the fetchSize.
Set the fetchSize.
An appropriate value must be set since FetchSize is set to Fetch All by default.
When fetchSize is set to “fetch all” and when the records that are required to be read by JdbcCodeList are large, process efficiency while fetching a list from DB is likely to reduce resulting in prolonged startup time of application.
Define a common bean of JdbcCodeList.
Common parts of another JdbcCodeList are specified. Therefore, the bean is defined in parent class for bean definition of basic JdbcCodeList.
An instance cannot be created for this bean by setting abstract attribute to true.
Specify jdbcTemplate set in (1).
JdbcTemplate which specifies fetchSize is stored in JdbcCodeList.
Bean definition of JdbcCodeList
By setting Bean defined in (3) as parent class in parent attribute, JdbcCodeList which specifies fetchSize is set.
In this bean definition, only the query related settings are carried out and the required CodeList is created.
Write an SQL to be fetched in querySql property. At that time, always specify “ORDER BY” clause and determine the order.
If “ORDER BY” is not specified, the order gets changed while fetching the records.
Set the value corresponding to the Key of Map in valueColumn property. In this example, authority_id is set.
Set the value corresponding to Value of Map in labelColumn property. In this example, authority_name is set. Using codelist in JSP

For details on settings shown below, refer to Using codelist in JSP described earlier.

Example of jsp implementation

<form:checkboxes items="${CL_AUTHORITIES}"/>

Output HTML

  <input id="authorities1" name="authorities" type="checkbox" value="01"/>
  <label for="authorities1">STAFF_MANAGEMENT</label>
  <input id="authorities2" name="authorities" type="checkbox" value="02"/>
  <label for="authorities2">MASTER_MANAGEMENT</label>
  <input id="authorities3" name="authorities" type="checkbox" value="03"/>
  <label for="authorities3">STOCK_MANAGEMENT</label>
  <input id="authorities4" name="authorities" type="checkbox" value="04"/>
  <label for="authorities4">ORDER_MANAGEMENT</label>
  <input id="authorities5" name="authorities" type="checkbox" value="05"/>
  <label for="authorities5">SHOW_SHOPPING_CENTER</label>

Output screen

codelist checkbox Using codelist in Java class

For details on settings shown below, refer to Using codelist in Java class described earlier. How to use EnumCodeList

org.terasoluna.gfw.common.codelist.EnumCodeList is a class for creating codelist from constant defined in Enum class.


In case of handling codelist in applications that match with the following conditions, it should be analyzed if the codelist label can be stored in Enum class using EnumCodeList . By storing codelist label in Enum class, the information and operations linked with code values can be aggregated in Enum class.

  • It is necessary to store the code values in Enum class (i.e. the process needs to be performed considering code values in Java logic)
  • Internationalization (multilingualization) of UI is not required

Image of using EnumCodeList is shown below.

codelist enum


In EnumCodeList, org.terasoluna.gfw.common.codelist.EnumCodeList.CodeListItem interface is provided to fetch the information (code values and labels) required for creating codelist from Enum class.

In case of using EnumCodeList, EnumCodeList.CodeListItem interface should be implemented in Enum class to be created. Example of codelist settings

Creating Enum class

In case of using EnumCodeList, create Enum class that implements EnumCodeList.CodeListItem interface. Example is shown below.

package com.example.domain.model;

import org.terasoluna.gfw.common.codelist.EnumCodeList;

public enum OrderStatus
    // (1)
    implements EnumCodeList.CodeListItem {

    // (2)
    RECEIVED  ("1", "Received"),
    SENT      ("2", "Sent"),
    CANCELLED ("3","Cancelled");

    // (3)
    private final String value;
    private final String label;

    // (4)
    private OrderStatus(String codeValue, String codeLabel) {
        this.value = codeValue;
        this.label = codeLabel;

    // (5)
    public String getCodeValue() {
        return value;

    // (6)
    public String getCodeLabel() {
        return label;

Sr. No. Description

In Enum class to be used as codelist, implement the org.terasoluna.gfw.common.codelist.EnumCodeList.CodeListItem interface provided by common library.

In EnumCodeList.CodeListItem interface, following methods are defined to fetch the information (code values and labels) required for creating a codelist.

  • getCodeValue() method to fetch code values
  • getCodeLabel() method to fetch labels

Define constants.

When creating constants, specify the information (code values and labels) required for creating a codelist.

In above example, following 3 constants are defined.

  • RECEIVED (code value=”1” , label="Received")
  • SENT (code value=”2” , label="Sent")
  • CANCELLED (code value=”3” , label="Cancelled")


Sorting order of codelist when using EnumCodeList will be the order of defining constants.

Create a property to store the information (code values and labels) required for creating a codelist.
Create a constructor to receive the information (code values and labels) required for creating a codelist.

Return the code values storing constants.

This method is defined in EnumCodeList.CodeListItem interface, and it is called when EnumCodeList fetches code value from a constant.


Return the label storing constants.

This method is defined in EnumCodeList.CodeListItem interface, and it is called when EnumCodeList fetches label from a constant.

Definition of bean definition file (xxx-codelist.xml)

EnumCodeList is defined in bean definition file for codelist. Example of definition is shown below.

      class="org.terasoluna.gfw.common.codelist.EnumCodeList"> <!-- (7) -->
    <constructor-arg value="com.example.domain.model.OrderStatus" /> <!-- (8) -->
Sr. No. Description
Specify EnumCodeList class as codelist implementation class.
Specify FQCN of Enum class that implements EnumCodeList.CodeListItem interface in constructor of EnumCodeList class. Using codelist in JSP

For details on how to use codelist in JSP, refer to Using codelist in JSP described earlier. Using codelist in Java class

For details on how to use codelist in Java class, refer to Using codelist in Java class described earlier. How to use SimpleI18nCodeList

org.terasoluna.gfw.common.codelist.i18n.SimpleI18nCodeList is a codelist supporting internationalization. By setting the codelist for each locale, the codelist corresponding to locale can be returned.

SimpleI18nCodeList image

codelist i18n Example of codelist settings

It is easier to understand if you consider SimpleI18nCodeList as two dimensional table wherein row is Locale, column contains code values and cell details are labels.

The table would be as follows in case of a selectbox for selecting charges.

row=Locale,column=Code 0 10000 20000 30000 40000 50000
en unlimited Less than \10,000 Less than \20,000 Less than \30,000 Less than \40,000 Less than \50,000
ja 上限なし 10,000円以下 20,000円以下 30,000円以下 40,000円以下 50,000円以下

For creating a codelist table that supports internationalization, SimpleI18nCodeList has been set in following 3 ways.

  • Set CodeList for each locale by rows.
  • Set java.util.Map(key = code value, value = label) for each locale by rows.
  • Set java.util.Map(key = locale, value = label) for each code value by columns.

It is recommended that you set the codelist using “Set CodeList for each locale by rows.” method.

The way of setting the CodeList for each locale by rows considering the above example of selectbox for selecting charges, is mentioned below. For other setting methods, refer to Setting SimpleI18nCodeList.

Definition of Bean definition file (xxx-codelist.xml)

<bean id="CL_I18N_PRICE"
    <property name="rowsByCodeList"> <!-- (1) -->
            <entry key="en" value-ref="CL_PRICE_EN" />
            <entry key="ja" value-ref="CL_PRICE_JA" />
Sr. No. Description
Set Map wherein key is java.lang.Locale, in rowsByCodeList properties.
In Map, specify locale in key and a reference link to codelist class corresponding to locale in value-ref.
For Map values, refer to codelist class corresponding to each locale.

Definition of Bean definition file(xxx-codelist.xml) when creating SimpleMapCodeList for each locale

<bean id="CL_I18N_PRICE"
    <property name="rowsByCodeList">
            <entry key="en" value-ref="CL_PRICE_EN" />
            <entry key="ja" value-ref="CL_PRICE_JA" />

<bean id="CL_PRICE_EN" class="org.terasoluna.gfw.common.codelist.SimpleMapCodeList">  <!-- (2) -->
    <property name="map">
            <entry key="0" value="unlimited" />
            <entry key="10000" value="Less than \\10,000" />
            <entry key="20000" value="Less than \\20,000" />
            <entry key="30000" value="Less than \\30,000" />
            <entry key="40000" value="Less than \\40,000" />
            <entry key="50000" value="Less than \\50,000" />

<bean id="CL_PRICE_JA" class="org.terasoluna.gfw.common.codelist.SimpleMapCodeList">  <!-- (3) -->
    <property name="map">
            <entry key="0" value="上限なし" />
            <entry key="10000" value="10,000円以下" />
            <entry key="20000" value="20,000円以下" />
            <entry key="30000" value="30,000円以下" />
            <entry key="40000" value="40,000円以下" />
            <entry key="50000" value="50,000円以下" />
Sr. No. Description
For bean definition CL_PRICE_EN where locale is “en”, codelist class is set in SimpleMapCodeList.
For bean definition CL_PRICE_JA where locale is “ja”, codelist class is set in SimpleMapCodeList.

Definition of Bean definition file(xxx-codelist.xml) when creating JdbcCodeList for each locale

<bean id="CL_I18N_PRICE"
    <property name="rowsByCodeList">
            <entry key="en" value-ref="CL_PRICE_EN" />
            <entry key="ja" value-ref="CL_PRICE_JA" />

<bean id="CL_PRICE_EN" parent="AbstractJdbcCodeList">  <!-- (4) -->
    <property name="querySql"
        value="SELECT code, label FROM price WHERE locale = 'en' ORDER BY code" />
    <property name="valueColumn" value="code" />
    <property name="labelColumn" value="label" />

<bean id="CL_PRICE_JA" parent="AbstractJdbcCodeList">  <!-- (5) -->
    <property name="querySql"
        value="SELECT code, label FROM price WHERE locale = 'ja' ORDER BY code" />
    <property name="valueColumn" value="code" />
    <property name="labelColumn" value="label" />
Sr. No. Description
For bean definition CL_PRICE_EN where locale is “en”, codelist class is set in JdbcCodeList.
For bean definition CL_PRICE_JA where locale is “ja”, codelist class is set in JdbcCodeList.

Insert the following data in Table Definition (price table).

locale code label
Less than \10,000
Less than \20,000
Less than \30,000
Less than \40,000
Less than \50,000


Currently SimpleI18nCodeList does not support reloadable functionality. It should be noted that even if JdbcCodeList (reloadable CodeList) referred by SimpleI18nCodeList is reloaded, it does not get reflected in SimpleI18nCodeList. In order to make it reloadable, it should be implemented independently. For implementation method, refer to Customizing the codelist independently. Using codelist in JSP

Description of basic settings is omitted since it is same as Using codelist in JSP described earlier.

Definition of Bean definition file(spring-mvc.xml)

    <mvc:mapping path="/**" />
      <property name="codeListIdPattern" value="CL_.+" />
      <property name="fallbackTo" value="en" />  <!-- (1) -->

  <!-- omitted -->

Sr. No. Description
When request locale is not defined in codelist,
codelist is fetched using the locale set in fallbackTo property.
When fallbackTo property is not set, default JVM locale is used as fallbackTo property.
When codelist cannot be fetched even after using the locale set in fallbackTo property, WARN log is output and empty Map is returned.

Example of jsp implementation

<form:select path="basePrice" items="${CL_I18N_PRICE}" />

Output HTML lang=en

<select id="basePrice" name="basePrice">
  <option value="0">unlimited</option>
  <option value="1">Less than \\10,000</option>
  <option value="2">Less than \\20,000</option>
  <option value="3">Less than \\30,000</option>
  <option value="4">Less than \\40,000</option>
  <option value="5">Less than \\50,000</option>

Output HTML lang=ja

<select id="basePrice" name="basePrice">
  <option value="0">上限なし</option>
  <option value="1">10,000円以下</option>
  <option value="2">20,000円以下</option>
  <option value="3">30,000円以下</option>
  <option value="4">40,000円以下</option>
  <option value="5">50,000円以下</option>

Output screen lang=en

codelist i18n en

Output screen lang=ja

codelist i18n ja Using codelist in Java class

Description of basic settings is omitted since it is same as Using codelist in Java class described earlier.

public class OrderController {

    I18nCodeList priceCodeList;

    // ...

    @RequestMapping(method = RequestMethod.POST, params = "confirm")
    public String confirm(OrderForm form, Locale locale) {
        // ...
        String priceMassage = getPriceMessage(form.getPriceCode(), locale);
        // ...

    private String getPriceMessage(String targetPrice, Locale locale) {
         return priceCodeList.asMap(locale).get(targetPrice);  // (1)

Sr. No. Description
Map of locale corresponding to I18nCodeList#asMap(Locale) can be fetched. Display code name corresponding to code value

When it is necessary to refer the codelist in JSP, it can be referred same as java.util.Map interface.

For details, see the below example.

Example of jsp implementation

Order Status : ${f:h(CL_ORDERSTATUS[orderForm.orderStatus])}
Sr. No. Description
Get a codelist that has been converted to the java.util.Map from the request scope (In this example, CL_ORDERSTATUS used as codelist ). The codelist has been referred with the beanID of codelist.
Then specify a code value as a key of the Map interface which displays a corresponding code name (In this example, orderStatus value is used as a key). Input validation of code value using codelist

When checking whether the input value is the code value defined in codelist, org.terasoluna.gfw.common.codelist.ExistInCodeList annotation for BeanValidation is provided in common library.

For details on BeanValidation and message output method, refer to Input Validation.

For input validation using @ExistInCodeList annotation, it is necessary to carry out “Definition of error messages” for @ExistInCodeList .

When project is created by Blank project , the following message is defined in ValidationMessages.properties file directly under xxx-web/src/main/resources. Please change the message to fit the application requirements.

org.terasoluna.gfw.common.codelist.ExistInCodeList.message = Does not exist in {codeListId}


In the terasoluna-gfw-common 5.0.0.RELEASE or later, the format of message property key has been changed to standard format of Bean Validation (FQCN of annotation + .message).

Version Property key of message
version 5.0.0.RELEASE or later
version 1.0.x.RELEASE

For migrating to the version 5.0.0.RELEASE or later from the version 1.0.x.RELEASE, when message is changed to fit the application requirements, the property key should be changed.


From terasoluna-gfw-common 1.0.2.RELEASE, ValidationMessages.propertieswherein @ExistInCodeListmessage is defined, is not included in jar file. This is to fix the “Bug in which message is not displayed if multiple ValidationMessages.properties exist”.

For migrating to version 1.0.2.RELEASE or later from version 1.0.1.RELEASE or prior, if the message defined in ValidationMessages.propertiesincluded in jar of terasoluna-gfw-common, is used, it is necessary to define the message by creating ValidationMessages.properties. Example of @ExistInCodeList settings

See below the example of input validation method using codelist.

Definition of Bean definition file(xxx-codelist.xml)

<bean id="CL_GENDER" class="org.terasoluna.gfw.common.codelist.SimpleMapCodeList">
    <property name="map">
            <entry key="M" value="Male" />
            <entry key="F" value="Female" />

Form object

public class Person {
    @ExistInCodeList(codeListId = "CL_GENDER")  // (1)
    private String gender;

    // getter and setter omitted
Sr. No. Description
Set @ExistInCodeList annotation for the field for which input is to be validated,
and specify the target codelist in codeListId.

As a result of above settings, when characters other than M, F are stored in gender, the system throws an error.


@ExistInCodeList input validation supports only the implementation class (String etc) of CharSequence interface or Character type. Therefore, even if the fields with @ExistInCodeListmay contain integer values, they should be defined as Stringdata type. (such as Year/Month/Day)

Also, because @ExistInCodeListdoes not correspond to the values in the collection,it is necessary to device the implementation in order to correspond @ExistInCodeListannotation to multiple selectable screen items (check boxes, multiple selection drop down, etc.) For details, please refer How to check the values in the collection using Bean Validation’s annotation .

4.8.3. How to extend When reloading the codelist

Codelist provided in common library is read at the time of launching the application and it is never updated subsequently. However, in some cases, when the master data of the codelist is updated, the codelist also needs to be updated.

Example: Updating the codelist when DB master is updated using JdbcCodeList.

Common library provides org.terasoluna.gfw.common.codelist.ReloadableCodeList interface. The class implementing the above interface, implements refresh method. Codelist can be updated by calling this refresh method. JdbcCodeList implements ReloadableCodeList interface; hence it is possible to update the codelist.

Codelist can be updated in following two ways.

  1. By using Task Scheduler
  2. By calling refresh method in Controller (Service) class

This guideline recommends the method to reload the codelist periodically using Spring Task Scheduler.

However, when it is necessary to arbitrarily refresh the codelist, it is appropriate to call refresh method in Controller class.


For the codelist having ReloadableCodeList interface, refer to List of codelist types. Using Task Scheduler

Example for setting the Task Scheduler is shown below.

Definition of Bean definition file(xxx-codelist.xml)

<task:scheduler id="taskScheduler" pool-size="10"/>  <!-- (1) -->

<task:scheduled-tasks scheduler="taskScheduler">  <!-- (2) -->
    <task:scheduled ref="CL_AUTHORITIES" method="refresh" cron="${cron.codelist.refreshTime}"/>  <!-- (3) -->

<bean id="CL_AUTHORITIES" parent="AbstractJdbcCodeList">
    <property name="querySql"
        value="SELECT authority_id, authority_name FROM authority ORDER BY authority_id" />
    <property name="valueColumn" value="authority_id" />
    <property name="labelColumn" value="authority_name" />
Sr. No. Description
Specify the thread pool size in pool-size attribute of <task:scheduler> element.
When pool-size attribute is not specified, the value is set to “1”.
Define <task:scheduled-tasks> element and set <task:scheduler> ID in scheduler attribute.
Define <task:scheduled> element. Specify refresh method in method attribute.
In cron attribute, the value should be mentioned in org.springframework.scheduling.support.CronSequenceGenerator supported format.
Reload timing for cron attribute may change with development environment and commercial environment; hence it is recommended to fetch the codelist from property file or environment variable.

Example of setting cron attribute
Specify in “Seconds Minutes Hours Month Year Day”.
execution every second “* * * * * *”
execution every hour “0 0 * * * *”
execution every hour 9:00-17:00 on weekdays “0 0 9-17 * * MON-FRI”

For details, refer to JavaDoc. Calling refresh method in Controller (Service) class

See the example below for directly calling refresh method of JdbcCodeList in Service class.

Definition of Bean definition file(xxx-codelist.xml)

<bean id="CL_AUTHORITIES" parent="AbstractJdbcCodeList">
    <property name="querySql"
        value="SELECT authority_id, authority_name FROM authority ORDER BY authority_id" />
    <property name="valueColumn" value="authority_id" />
    <property name="labelColumn" value="authority_name" />

Controller class

@RequestMapping(value = "codelist")
public class CodeListController {

    CodeListService codeListService; // (1)

    @RequestMapping(method = RequestMethod.GET, params = "refresh")
    public String refreshJdbcCodeList() {
        codeListService.refresh(); // (2)
        return "codelist/jdbcCodeList";
Sr. No. Description
Inject the Service class that executes refresh method of ReloadableCodeList class.
Execute the refresh method of Service class that executes refresh method of ReloadableCodeList class.

Service class

The description below is given only for the implementation class. Description for interface class has been omitted.

public class CodeListServiceImpl implements CodeListService { // (3)

    @Named(value = "CL_AUTHORITIES") // (4)
    ReloadableCodeList codeListItem; // (5)

    public void refresh() { // (6)
        codeListItem.refresh(); // (7)
Sr. No. Description
Implement CodeListService interface for CodeListServiceImpl class.
Specify the corresponding codelist using @Named annotation at the time of injecting the codelist.
ID of the bean to be fetched should be specified in value attribute.
Codelist of ID attribute “CL_AUTHORITIES” of bean tag defined in Bean definition file is injected.
ReloadableCodeList interface should be defined in field type.
ReloadableCodeList interface should be implemented for Bean specified in (4).
refresh method defined in Service class
is called from Controller class.
refresh method of codelist wherein ReloadableCodeList interface is implemented.
Codelist is updated by executing refresh method. Customizing the codelist independently

In order to create a codelist which does not fall under the 4 types provided by the common library, the existing codelist can be customized independently. Refer to the table below for the implementation method and type of codelist that can be created.

Sr. No. Reloadable Class to be inherited Implementation location
Not required
Override asMap
Override retrieveMap

The codelist can be customized by directly implementing org.terasoluna.gfw.common.codelist.CodeList and org.terasoluna.gfw.common.codelist.ReloadableCodeList interfaces; however extending the abstract class provided in common library minimizes the implementation efforts.

Actual example of independent customization is shown below. It illustrates a codelist for creating a list of current year and the next year. (Example: If current year is 2013, it is stored in codelist in the order of “2013, 2014”.)

Codelist class

@Component("CL_YEAR") // (1)
public class DepYearCodeList extends AbstractCodeList { // (2)

    JodaTimeDateFactory dateFactory; // (3)

    public Map<String, String> asMap() {  // (4)
        DateTime dateTime = dateFactory.newDateTime();
        DateTime nextYearDateTime = dateTime.plusYears(1);

        Map<String, String> depYearMap = new LinkedHashMap<String, String>();

        String thisYear = dateTime.toString("Y");
        String nextYear = nextYearDateTime.toString("Y");
        depYearMap.put(thisYear, thisYear);
        depYearMap.put(nextYear, nextYear);

        return Collections.unmodifiableMap(depYearMap);
Sr. No. Description
Register the codelist as a component using @Component annotation.
By specifying CL_YEAR in Value, register the codelist as a component using the codelist intercept set in bean definition.
Inherit org.terasoluna.gfw.common.codelist.AbstractCodeList.
When creating the list of current year and next year, reloading is not necessary since it is created dynamically by calculating from system date.
org.terasoluna.gfw.common.date.jodatime.JodaTimeDateFactory creating the Date class of system date is injected.
Current year and next year can be fetched using JodaTimeDateFactory.
Class that implements JodaTimeDateFactory interface should be set in advance in bean definition file.
Override asMap() method and create the list of current year and next year.
Implementation differs with every created codelist.

Example of jsp implementation

<form:select path="mostRecentYear" items="${CL_YEAR}" /> <!-- (5) -->
Sr. No. Description
CL_YEAR registered as component in items attribute should be specified in ${} placeholder to fetch the corresponding codelist.

Output HTML

<select id="mostRecentYear" name="mostRecentYear">
   <option value="2013">2013</option>
   <option value="2014">2014</option>

Output screen

customized codelist


Implementation should be made thread-safe at the time of customizing the reloadable CodeList independently.

4.8.4. Appendix Setting SimpleI18nCodeList

Apart from the settings mentioned in How to use SimpleI18nCodeList, SimpleI18nCodeList can be set in following 2 ways. The respective setting methods are explained using the example of selectbox for selecting charges. Set java.util.Map (key = code value, value = label) for each locale by rows

Definition of Bean definition file(xxx-codelist.xml)

<bean id="CL_I18N_PRICE"
    <property name="rows"> <!-- (1) -->
            <entry key="en">
                    <entry key="0" value="unlimited" />
                    <entry key="10000" value="Less than \\10,000" />
                    <entry key="20000" value="Less than \\20,000" />
                    <entry key="30000" value="Less than \\30,000" />
                    <entry key="40000" value="Less than \\40,000" />
                    <entry key="50000" value="Less than \\50,000" />
            <entry key="ja">
                    <entry key="0" value="unlimited" />
                    <entry key="10000" value="10,000円以下" />
                    <entry key="20000" value="20,000円以下" />
                    <entry key="30000" value="30,000円以下" />
                    <entry key="40000" value="40,000円以下" />
                    <entry key="50000" value="50,000円以下" />
Sr. No. Description
Set “Map of Map” for rows property. External Map key is java.lang.Locale.
Internal Map key is a code value and value is a label corresponding to locale. Set java.util.Map(key = locale, value = label) for each code value by columns

Definition of Bean definition file(xxx-codelist.xml)

<bean id="CL_I18N_PRICE"
    <property name="columns"> <!-- (1) -->
            <entry key="0">
                    <entry key="en" value="unlimited" />
                    <entry key="ja" value="上限なし" />
            <entry key="10000">
                    <entry key="en" value="Less than \\10,000" />
                    <entry key="ja" value="10,000円以下" />
            <entry key="20000">
                    <entry key="en" value="Less than \\20,000" />
                    <entry key="ja" value="20,000円以下" />
            <entry key="30000">
                    <entry key="en" value="Less than \\30,000" />
                    <entry key="ja" value="30,000円以下" />
            <entry key="40000">
                    <entry key="en" value="Less than \\40,000" />
                    <entry key="ja" value="40,000円以下" />
            <entry key="50000">
                    <entry key="en" value="Less than \\50,000" />
                    <entry key="ja" value="50,000円以下" />
Sr. No. Description
Set “Map of Map” for columns property. External Map key is a code value.
Internal Map key is java.lang.Locale and value is a label corresponding to locale. Variations of NumberRangeCodeList Create the Descending NumberRangeCodeList

Example of setting To value < From value is shown below.

Definition of Bean definition file(xxx-codelist.xml)

<bean id="CL_BIRTH_YEAR"
    <property name="from" value="2013" /> <!-- (1) -->
    <property name="to" value="2000" /> <!-- (2) -->
Sr. No. Description
Specify the range start value. Specify a value greater than the one specified in “value” attribute of “to” property.
As per this specification, display the values decreased in accordance with the interval in To-From range in descending order.
Since interval is not set, default value 1 is applied.
Specify the range end value.
In this example, since 2000 is specified as range end value; the value is reduced by 1 and stored in descending order from 2013 to 2000.

Example of jsp implementation

<form:select path="birthYear" items="${CL_BIRTH_YEAR}" />

Output HTML

<select id="birthYear" name="birthYear">
  <option value="2013">2013</option>
  <option value="2012">2012</option>
  <option value="2011">2011</option>
  <option value="2010">2010</option>
  <option value="2009">2009</option>
  <option value="2008">2008</option>
  <option value="2007">2007</option>
  <option value="2006">2006</option>
  <option value="2005">2005</option>
  <option value="2004">2004</option>
  <option value="2003">2003</option>
  <option value="2002">2002</option>
  <option value="2001">2001</option>
  <option value="2000">2000</option>

Output screen

codelist numberrenge2 Change interval of NumberRangeCodeList

Example of setting interval value is shown below.

Definition of Bean definition file(xxx-codelist.xml)

    <property name="from" value="10" />
    <property name="to" value="50" />
    <property name="interval" value="10" /> <!-- (1) -->
Sr. No. Description
Specify increment (decrement) value. Then, store the values obtained upon increasing (decreasing) the interval value within From-To range as codelist.
In the above example, the values are stored in the order of 10,20,30,40,50 in the codelist.

Example of jsp implementation

<form:select path="quantity" items="${CL_BULK_ORDER_QUANTITY_UNIT}" />

Output HTML

<select id="quantity" name="quantity">
    <option value="10">10</option>
    <option value="20">20</option>
    <option value="30">30</option>
    <option value="40">40</option>
    <option value="50">50</option>

Output screen

codelist numberrenge3


If From-To value exceeds the specified range, then the value increased (decreased) in accordance with interval is not stored in the codelist.

i.e. in case of following definition,

    <property name="from" value="10" />
    <property name="to" value="55" />
    <property name="interval" value="10" />

5 values of 10,20,30,40,50 are stored in the codelist. The value of subsequent interval 60 and the range threshold value 55 are not stored in the codelist.