9.9. Implementation Example of Typical Security Requirements

Table of Contents

9.9.1. Introduction Topics described in this chapter

  • Example of implementation method to meet the typical security requirements using TERASOLUNA Server Framework for Java (5.x)
  • Implementation method and source code description using the sample application shown in Description of application


  • The implementation methods described in this chapter is just an example, and implementation must be carried out in the actual development as per the requirement.
  • Since it does not guarantee an exhaustive implementation of security measures, additional measures should be considered if necessary Target Readers

9.9.2. Description of application

This section explains about a specific implementation method for security measures by using a sample application that meets the typical security requirements.
The list of security requirements that describe the implementation in this section is shown below. The functions of the sample application used as a base and the specifications for authentication and authorization are also shown below.
Henceforth, this sample application will be referred to as ‘the application’. Security requirements

The list of security requirements fulfilled by the application is shown below. The implementation example is described in Implementation method and code description for each classification.

Sr. No. Classification Requirement Overview
Force/Prompt password change Force password change when using initial password Forces password change when authentication is successful using initial password
  Force to change expired password
Force password change when authentication is successful for the users who have not changed the password for a certain period
In this application, it is intended only for Administrator
  Display message prompting password change Displays message prompting password change when authentication is successful for the users who have not changed the password for a certain period
Check password strength Specify minimum password length Specifies the minimum length that can be set for the password
  Specify the type of characters for the password Specifies the type of characters (uppercase letters, lowercase letters, numbers, symbols) that must be included in the password
  Prohibit user name from being used as password Prohibit user name of the account from being used in the password
  Prohibit reuse of administrator password Prohibit reusing the password which has been recently used by the administrator
Account lockout Account lockout If authentication of a certain account has failed for more than a specific number of times within a short period, then that account is set to ‘authentication disabled’ state (lockout state)
  Specify account lockout duration Specifies the duration for account lockout state
  Unlock by administrator Administrator can unlock any account
Display date and time of last login Display date and time of last login After successful authentication of an account, displays the date and time of last successful authentication of that account on the top screen
Create authentication information for password reissue Assign random string to the password reissue URL In order to prevent unauthorized access, a string that is difficult to guess is assigned to URL which is used to access the password reissue screen
  Issue confidential information for password reissue Create confidential information in advance (Random string) that is difficult to guess, in order to use for user verification at the time of reissuing password
Distribution of authentication information for password reissue Send a mail for password reissue screen URL Send the URL to access the password reissue screen to the registered e-mail address of the account
  Separate distribution of the password reissue screen URL and confidential information Distribute confidential information to the user using a mode other than e-mail as a precaution against leakage of password reissue screen URL
Verification at the time of executing password reissue Set validity period for authentication information for password reissue Set validity period for password reissue screen URL and confidential information, and disable password reissue screen URL and confidential information if the validity period has expired
Set the maximum limit for password reissue failure Set the maximum limit for password reissue failure Disable password reissue screen URL and confidential information when the authentication fails for a specific number of times at the time of password reissue
Input value check from security viewpoint Set commonly prohibited characters for request parameters Set commonly prohibited characters in overall application, for the string included in the request parameters
  Set commonly prohibited string for uploaded file name Set commonly prohibited string in overall application, for the uploaded file name
  Input check for control string Check whether control character is included in the input value.
  Input check for file extension Check whether extension of the uploaded file is allowed in the application.
  Input check for file name Check whether the file name for the uploaded file matches with the pattern authorized in the application
  Input check for URL domain Check whether domain of input URL is authorized by the application.
  Input check for mail address domain Check whether domain of input mail address is authorized by the application
Audit log output Audit log output Output date and time, user name, operation details and operation results for each request in a log Functions

The application consists of following functions in addition to the application created in Spring Security Tutorial.

Function name Description
Create new account function A function to create new account
Password change function Function to enable logged-in users to change their account password
Account lockout function Function to set an account that has failed to authenticate more than a specific number of times in a short period to the ‘authentication disabled’ state
Unlock function Function to return the account which is in the ‘authentication disabled’ state due to the account lockout function, to the ‘authentication enabled’ state again
Password reissue function Function that can set a new password if the user has forgotten the password, after the confirmation with the user


Since this application is a sample of security measures, it is essentially required. Update function for registration information other than user registration function and password is not created. Specifications for authentication/authorization

In this application, the specifications for authentication/authorization are shown below respectively. Authentication

  • Initial password to be used for authentication will be issued by the application Authorization

  • Authentication is required to access the screens other than login screen, screen used for creating an account and the screen used for password reissue
  • There are two types of roles, “General user” and “Administrator”
    • A single account can have multiple roles
  • Account unlock function can be used only by the account having administrator rights Authentication at the time of reissuing password

  • The following information created by the application is used for the password reissue authentication
    • URL for Password reissue screen
    • Confidential information for authentication
  • URL of the password reissue screen generated by the application is in the following format:
    • {baseUrl}/reissue/resetpassword?form&token={token}
      • {baseUrl} : Base URL of application
      • {token} : UUID version4 format string(36 characters including hyphen, 128bit)
  • A time-limit of 30 minutes is provided for the password reissue screen URL and authentication is possible only within the validity period Design information Page transition

Screen transition diagram is shown below. Screen transition in case of an error is omitted.

Page Transition
Sr. No.
Screen Name
Access control
Login screen
Create new account screen
A screen to confirm input for creating new account
New account creation complete screen
A screen to generate authentication information for password reissue
A screen to complete generation of authentication information for password reissue
Password reissue screen
Password reissue complete screen
Top screen
Authenticated users only
Account information display screen
Authenticated users only
Unlock screen
Administrator only
Unlock complete screen
Administrator only
Password change screen
Authenticated users only
Password change complete screen
Authenticated users only URL List

URL list is shown below.

Sr. No. Process name HTTP method URL Description
1 Display login screen GET /login Display login screen
2 Login POST /login Authenticate using user name and password entered in the screen (performed by Spring Security)
3 Logout POST /logout Log out (performed by Spring Security)
4 Display top screen GET / Display top screen
5 Display account information GET /accounts Display account information of login user
6 A screen to create new account GET /accounts/create?form Display a screen to create new account
7 A screen to confirm input for creating new account POST /accounts/create?confirm Display a screen to confirm input for creating new account
8 Create new account POST /accounts/create Create a new account with input details
9 A screen to complete creation of new account GET /accounts/create?complete Display a screen to complete new account creation
10 Display password change screen GET /password?form Display password change screen
11 Password change POST /password Change account password by using information input in the password change screen
12 Display password change complete screen GET /password?complete Display password change complete screen
13 Display unlock screen GET /unlock?form Display unlock screen
14 Unlock POST /unlock Unlock an account by using information input in unlock screen
15 Display unlock complete screen GET /unlock?complete Display unlock complete screen
16 Display a screen to generate authentication information for password reissue GET /reissue/create?form Display a screen to generate authentication information for password reissue
17 Generate authentication information for password reissue POST /reissue/create Generate authentication information for password reissue
18 A screen to complete generation of authentication information for password reissue GET /reissue/create?complete Display a screen to complete generation of authentication information for password reissue
19 Display password reissue screen GET /reissue/resetpassword?form&token={token} Display user specific password reissue screen by using two request parameters
20 Password reissue POST /reissue/resetpassword Reissue password by using the information input in password reissue screen
21 Display password reissue complete screen GET /reissue/resetpassword?complete Display password reissue complete screen ER diagram

ER diagram in this application is shown below.

Entity-Relation Diagram
Sr. No. Entity name Description Attribute
Registered account information of user
username : User name
password : Password(Hashed)
firstName : First name
lastName : Last name
email : E-mail address
url : Individual Web site and blog URL
profile : Profile
roles : Role(s)
Account image
Image registered by the user for the account
username : User name for the account corresponding to the account image
body : Binary image file
extension : Extension of image file
Rights to be used in authorization
roleValue : Identifier of role
roleLabel : Display name of role
Authentication successful event
Information saved when authentication is successful in order to get the last login date and time of account
username : User name
authenticationTimestamp : Date and time when authentication is successful
Authentication failed event
Information saved when authentication failed to be used by account lockout function
username : User name
authenticationTimestamp : Date and time when authentication failed
Password change history
Information saved at the time of password change to be used to determine password expiration date
username : User name
useFrom : Date and time when changed password is activated
password : Changed password
Authentication information for password reissue
Information to be used for user verification at the time of password reissue
token : String used to make a unique and difficult to guess password reissue screen URL
username : User name
secret : String to be used for user verification
experyDate : Expiry date of authentication information for password reissue
Password reissue failed event
Information saved in password reissue failure to restrict the number of attempts for password reissue
token : token used when failed to reissue password
attemptDate : Date and time when password reissue was attempted


In order to determine initial password and password expiration, a design can also be adopted wherein the information such as last modified date and time of password is provided by adding a field to the account entity. When implementation is done using this method, it is likely to lead to a situation where a column is added for determining various conditions in account table and entries are frequently updated.

In this application, table is maintained in a simple form. In order to fulfil the requirements by simply using Insert and Delete without unnecessary updates of the entries, a design using event entity such as authentication successful event entity has been adopted.

9.9.3. Implementation method and code description

Method of implementation in this application and the code are described for each classification of security requirements.
Only the minimum code required to fulfil the requirements for each classification is described here. Refer to GitHub for the complete code.
SQL for initial data registration to run this application is placed here.


In this application, Lombok is used to eliminate boilerplate code. For Lombok, refer Reducing Boilerplate Code (Lombok). Force/Prompt password change Implementation method

In this application, the history when password is changed is stored as “Password change history” entity in the database. Using this password change history entity, the initial password and password expiration are determined.
Note that, redirecting to the password change screen and displaying message on the screen are controlled based on the determination result.
In particular, requirements are fulfilled by implementing and using the following process.
  • Saving password change history entity

    When the password is changed, register password change history entity containing following information to the database.

    • User name of the account for which password is changed
    • Date and time when changed password is activated
  • Determining initial password and password expiration

    After authentication, search the password change history entity of the authenticated account from the database. If even a single record is not found, consider that initial password is being used.
    Otherwise, get the latest password change history entity, calculate the difference between current date and time, and date and time when the password is activated and determine whether the password has expired.
  • Forcible redirect to password change screen

    To force password change, the user is redirected to the password change screen in case a request is raised for a screen other than password change screen, when the conditions below are met.

    • When initial password is used by an authenticated user
    • When authenticated user is administrator and password has expired

    Using org.springframework.web.servlet.handler.HandlerInterceptor , determine whether the above conditions are met before executing handler method of Controller.


    There are other methods to redirect to the password change screen after authentication, however, depending on the method, it is likely that user gets access to a screen different from that of a password change screen by clicking the URL directly after redirecting. In the method that uses HandlerInterceptor , it cannot be avoided by a method wherein URL is directly clicked since the process is executed before executing handler method.


    Servlet Filter can also be used instead of HandlerInterceptor . For both the descriptions, refer to Implementing common logic to be executed before and after calling controller. Here, HandlerInterceptor is used to perform processing for only the requests allowed by the application.

  • Display message prompting password change

    Call the password expiration determination process described previously in the Controller. Pass the determination result to View, and switch show/hide message in View. Code description

The code implemented according to the implementation method mentioned above is described sequentially.

  • Saving password change history entity

    A series of implementations to register password change history entity in the database at the time of changing the password is shown below.

    • Implementation of Entity

      Implementation of password change history entity is as below.

      package org.terasoluna.securelogin.domain.model;
      // omitted
      public class PasswordHistory {
          private String username; // (1)
          private String password; // (2)
          private DateTime useFrom; // (3)
      Sr. No. Description
      User name of the account for which the password is changed
      Password after change
      Date and time of when changed password is activated
    • Implementation of Repository

      The Repository to register and search password change history entity to the database is shown below.

      package org.terasoluna.securelogin.domain.repository.passwordhistory;
      // omitted
      public interface PasswordHistoryRepository {
          int create(PasswordHistory history); // (1)
          List<PasswordHistory> findByUseFrom(@Param("username") String username,
                  @Param("useFrom") LocalDateTime useFrom); // (2)
          List<PasswordHistory> findLatest(
                  @Param("username") String username, @Param("limit") int limit); // (3)
      Sr. No. Description
      A method to register PasswordHistory object that has been assigned as an argument, as a record in the database
      A method to get PasswordHistory object newer than the date specifying the date and time when the password is activated, in descending order (new order) by considering user name that has been assigned as an argument, as the key
      A method to get specified number of PasswordHistory objects in new order by considering user name that has been assigned as an argument, as the key

      Mapping file is as described below.

      <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
      <!DOCTYPE mapper PUBLIC "-//mybatis.org//DTD Mapper 3.0//EN"
          <resultMap id="PasswordHistoryResultMap" type="PasswordHistory">
              <id property="username" column="username" />
              <id property="password" column="password" />
              <id property="useFrom" column="use_from" />
          <select id="findByUseFrom" resultMap="PasswordHistoryResultMap">
                  username = #{username} AND
                  use_from >= #{useFrom}
              ORDER BY use_from DESC
          <select id="findLatest" resultMap="PasswordHistoryResultMap">
                  username = #{username}
              ORDER BY use_from DESC
              LIMIT #{limit}
          <insert id="create" parameterType="PasswordHistory">
              INSERT INTO password_history (
              ) VALUES (
    • Service implementation

      Password change history entity operations are also used in Check password strength. Therefore, call the Repository method from SharedService as shown below.

      package org.terasoluna.securelogin.domain.service.passwordhistory;
      // omitted
      public class PasswordHistorySharedServiceImpl implements
              PasswordHistorySharedService {
          PasswordHistoryRepository passwordHistoryRepository;
          @Transactional(propagation = Propagation.REQUIRES_NEW)
          public int insert(PasswordHistory history) {
              return passwordHistoryRepository.create(history);
          @Transactional(readOnly = true)
          public List<PasswordHistory> findHistoriesByUseFrom(String username,
                  LocalDateTime useFrom) {
              return passwordHistoryRepository.findByUseFrom(username, useFrom);
          @Transactional(readOnly = true)
          public List<PasswordHistory> findLatest(String username, int limit) {
              return passwordHistoryRepository.findLatest(username, limit);

      Implementation of the process to save password change history entity in the database at the time of changing the password is shown below.

      package org.terasoluna.securelogin.domain.service.account;
      // omitted
      public class AccountSharedServiceImpl implements AccountSharedService {
          ClassicDateFactory dateFactory;
          PasswordHistorySharedService passwordHistorySharedService;
          AccountRepository accountRepository;
          PasswordEncoder passwordEncoder;
          // omitted
          public boolean updatePassword(String username, String rawPassword) { // (1)
              String password = passwordEncoder.encode(rawPassword);
              boolean result = accountRepository.updatePassword(username, password); // (2)
              LocalDateTime passwordChangeDate = dateFactory.newTimestamp().toLocalDateTime();
              PasswordHistory passwordHistory = new PasswordHistory(); // (3)
              passwordHistorySharedService.insert(passwordHistory); // (4)
              return result;
          // omitted
      Sr. No. Description
      A Method which is called while changing the password
      Call the process to update the password in the database.
      Create password change history entity and set user name, changed password, and date and time when changed password is activated.
      Call the process to register the created password change history entity in the database.
  • Determining initial password and password expiration

    Using the password change history entity registered in the database, implementation of the process to determine whether initial password is used and whether the password has expired is shown below.

    package org.terasoluna.securelogin.domain.service.account;
    // omitted
    public class AccountSharedServiceImpl implements AccountSharedService {
        ClassicDateFactory dateFactory;
        PasswordHistorySharedService passwordHistorySharedService;
        @Value("${security.passwordLifeTimeSeconds}") // (1)
        int passwordLifeTimeSeconds;
        // omitted
       @Transactional(readOnly = true)
       public boolean isInitialPassword(String username) { // (2)
           List<PasswordHistory> passwordHistories = passwordHistorySharedService
                   .findLatest(username, 1); // (3)
           return passwordHistories.isEmpty(); // (4)
       @Transactional(readOnly = true)
       public boolean isCurrentPasswordExpired(String username) { // (5)
           List<PasswordHistory> passwordHistories = passwordHistorySharedService
                   .findLatest(username, 1); // (6)
           if (passwordHistories.isEmpty()) { // (7)
               return true;
           if (passwordHistories
                                   .minusSeconds(passwordLifeTimeSeconds))) { // (8)
               return true;
           return false;
    Sr. No. Description
    Fetch the length of the time period (in seconds) for which password is valid, from the property file and set.
    A method which determines whether initial password is used, and returns true if it is used, or else returns false.
    Call the process to fetch single record of the latest password change history entity from the database.
    If password change history entity cannot be fetched from the database, determine that initial password is being used and return true. Otherwise, return false.
    A method which determines whether the password currently being used has expired and returns true if it has expired, or else returns false.
    Call the process to fetch single record of the latest password change history entity from the database.
    If password change history entity cannot be fetched from the database, determine that the password has expired and return true.
    If difference between the current date and time, and the date and time when the password fetched from the password change history entity is activated, is greater than the password validity period set in (1), determine that the password has expired and return true.
    If any of the conditions of (7), (8) is not met, determine that the password is within the validity period and return false.


    @ Cacheable assigned to isInitialPassword and isCurrentPasswordExpired is an annotation to use the Spring Cache Abstraction function. The result for method arguments can be cached by assigning @Cacheable annotation. Access to database during each initial password and password expiration determination is prevented by the use of the cache thereby preventing performance degradation. Refer to Official document for Cache Abstraction.

    Further, while using cache, it should be noted that it is necessary to clear the cache as and when needed. In this application, at the time of changing the password or during logout, clear the cache to determine password expiration and determine initial password again.

    Further, set cache TTL (Time to Live) as needed. Note that TTL is not set depending on the implementation of the cache to be used.

  • Forcible redirect to password change screen

    In order to enforce password change, the implementation of the process to be redirected to the password change screen is shown below.

    package org.terasoluna.securelogin.app.common.interceptor;
    // omitted
    public class PasswordExpirationCheckInterceptor extends
            HandlerInterceptorAdapter { // (1)
        AccountSharedService accountSharedService;
        public boolean preHandle(HttpServletRequest request,
                HttpServletResponse response, Object handler) throws IOException { // (2)
            Authentication authentication = (Authentication) request
            if (authentication != null) {
                Object principal = authentication.getPrincipal();
                if (principal instanceof UserDetails) { // (3)
                    LoggedInUser userDetails = (LoggedInUser) principal; // (4)
                    if ((userDetails.getAccount().getRoles().contains(Role.ADMIN) && accountSharedService
                            .isCurrentPasswordExpired(userDetails.getUsername())) // (5)
                            || accountSharedService.isInitialPassword(userDetails
                                    .getUsername())) { // (6)
                                + "/password?form"); // (7)
                        return false; // (8)
            return true;
    Sr. No. Description
    Inherit org.springframework.web.servlet.handler.HandlerInterceptorAdapter to include the process before the execution of handler method of Controller.
    A method executed before the execution of handler method of Controller
    Check whether the fetched user information is an object of org.springframework.security.core.userdetails.UserDetails .
    Fetch UserDetails object . In this application, a class called LoggedInUser is created and used as the implementation of UserDetails .
    Determine whether the user is an administrator by fetching the role from UserDetails object. Then, call the process to determine whether the password has expired. Perform logical AND (And) of these two results.
    Call the process to determine whether initial password is being used.
    If either (5) or (6) is true, redirect to the password change screen using sendRedirect method of javax.servlet.http.HttpServletResponse .
    Return false to prevent handler method of Controller being executed continuously.

    The settings to enable the redirect process described above are as described below.


    <!-- omitted -->
        <!-- omitted -->
            <mvc:mapping path="/**" /> <!-- (1) -->
            <mvc:exclude-mapping path="/password/**" /> <!-- (2) -->
            <mvc:exclude-mapping path="/reissue/**" /> <!-- (3) -->
            <mvc:exclude-mapping path="/resources/**" />
            <mvc:exclude-mapping path="/**/*.html" />
                class="org.terasoluna.securelogin.app.common.interceptor.PasswordExpirationCheckInterceptor" /> <!-- (4) -->
        <!-- omitted -->
    <!-- omitted -->
    Sr. No. Description
    Use HandlerInterceptor to access all the paths under “/”.
    Exclude the paths under “/password” to prevent redirecting from password change screen to password change screen.
    Exclude the paths under “/reissue” since it is not necessary to check password expiration at the time of reissuing password.
    Specify the class of HandlerInterceptor .
  • Display message prompting password change

    Implementation of Controller to display message prompting password change on top screen is shown below.

    package org.terasoluna.securelogin.app.welcome;
    // omitted
    public class HomeController {
        AccountSharedService accountSharedService;
        @RequestMapping(value = "/", method = { RequestMethod.GET,
                RequestMethod.POST })
        public String home(@AuthenticationPrincipal LoggedInUser userDetails, // (1)
                Model model) {
            Account account = userDetails.getAccount(); // (2)
            model.addAttribute("account", account);
            if(accountSharedService.isCurrentPasswordExpired(account.getUsername())){ // (3)
                ResultMessages messages = ResultMessages.warning().add(
            // omitted
            return "welcome/home";
    Sr. No. Description
    Fetch object of LoggedInUser for which UserDetails is implemented by specifying AuthenticationPrincipal annotation.
    Fetch account information retained by LoggedInUser .
    Call the password expiration determination process by using the user name obtained from account information as an argument. If the result is true, fetch the message from the property file, set it in Model and pass it to View.

    Implementation of View is as follows:

    Top screen(home.jsp)

    <!-- omitted -->
       <div id="wrapper">
           <span id="expiredMessage">
               <t:messagesPanel /> <!-- (1) -->
           <!-- omitted -->
    <!-- omitted -->
    Sr. No. Description
    Using messagesPanel tag, display the password expiration message passed from the Controller. Check password strength Implementation method

Input Validation function can be used to verify the strength of the password specified by the user at the time of password change. In this application, the strength of the password is verified by using Bean Validation.
Requirements for password strength are wide-ranging and differ depending on the application.
Use Passay as the library for password validation and create the required Bean Validation annotation.
Many functions that are commonly used in password validation have been provided in Passay. The functions that have not been provided can also be easily implemented by extending the standard functions.
Refer to Appendix for the overview of Passay.
In particular, describe the following settings and process and fulfil the requirements using them.
  • Creating validation rules for Passay

    Create the following validation rules to be used to fulfil the requirements.

    • Validation rule wherein minimum password length is set
    • Validation rule wherein the character type that must be included in the password is set
    • Validation rule to check that the password does not contain user name
    • Validation rule to check that same password has not been used recently
  • Creating Passay validator

    Create Passay validator wherein validation rules created above, are set.

  • Creating Bean Validation annotation

    Create an annotation for password validation using Passay validator. All the validation rules can also be verified by one annotation, however, verifying various rules leads to complex process and reduced visibility. To avoid this, it should be implemented by dividing into two as shown below.

    • Annotation to validate the characteristics of the password

      Check the three validation rules, “Password is longer than the minimum string length”, “Password includes characters of the specified character type”, and “Password does not contain user name”

    • Annotation to compare with previous password

      Check that the recently used password is not reused by the administrator in recent period of time.

    Any annotation is a correlation input check rule using user name and new password. When a violation occurs in either of the inputs of both the rules, respective error message is displayed.

  • Password validation

    Perform password validation using the created Bean Validation annotation. Code description

The code implemented according to the implementation method mentioned above is described sequentially. Password validation using Passay is described in Password validation.

  • Creating validation rules for Passay

    Most of the verification rules used in this application can be defined by using the class provided in Passay by default.
    However, in the class provided by Passay, validation rule to compare with the hashed previous password cannot be defined in org.springframework.security.crypto.password.PasswordEncoder .
    Therefore, it is necessary to create a class with individual validation rules by extending the class provided by Passay as shown below.
    package org.terasoluna.securelogin.app.common.validation.rule;
    // omitted
    public class EncodedPasswordHistoryRule extends HistoryRule { // (1)
        PasswordEncoder passwordEncoder; // (2)
        public EncodedPasswordHistoryRule(PasswordEncoder passwordEncoder) {
            this.passwordEncoder = passwordEncoder;
        protected boolean matches(final String clearText,
                final PasswordData.Reference reference) { // (3)
            return passwordEncoder.matches(clearText, reference.getPassword()); // (4)
    Sr. No. Description
    Extend org.passay.HistoryRule to check that password is not a recently used password.
    Inject PasswordEncoder used for password hashing.
    Override the method to compare with previous password.
    Compare with hashed password using matches method of PasswordEncoder .

    Define a Bean for validation rules of Passay as shown below.


    <bean id="lengthRule" class="org.passay.LengthRule"> <!-- (1) -->
        <property name="minimumLength" value="${security.passwordMinimumLength}" />
    <bean id="upperCaseRule" class="org.passay.CharacterRule"> <!-- (2) -->
        <constructor-arg name="data">
            <util:constant static-field="org.passay.EnglishCharacterData.UpperCase" />
        <constructor-arg name="num" value="1" />
    <bean id="lowerCaseRule" class="org.passay.CharacterRule"> <!-- (3) -->
        <constructor-arg name="data">
            <util:constant static-field="org.passay.EnglishCharacterData.LowerCase" />
        <constructor-arg name="num" value="1" />
    <bean id="digitRule" class="org.passay.CharacterRule"> <!-- (4) -->
        <constructor-arg name="data">
            <util:constant static-field="org.passay.EnglishCharacterData.Digit" />
        <constructor-arg name="num" value="1" />
    <bean id="specialCharacterRule" class="org.passay.CharacterRule"> <!-- (5) -->
        <constructor-arg name="data">
            <util:constant static-field="org.passay.EnglishCharacterData.Special" />
        <constructor-arg name="num" value="1" />
    <bean id="characterCharacteristicsRule" class="org.passay.CharacterCharacteristicsRule"> <!-- (6) -->
        <property name="rules">
                <ref bean="upperCaseRule" />
                <ref bean="lowerCaseRule" />
                <ref bean="digitRule" />
                <ref bean="specialCharacterRule" />
        <property name="numberOfCharacteristics" value="3" />
    <bean id="usernameRule" class="org.passay.UsernameRule" /> <!-- (7) -->
    <bean id="encodedPasswordHistoryRule"
        class="org.terasoluna.securelogin.app.common.validation.rule.EncodedPasswordHistoryRule"> <!-- (8) -->
        <constructor-arg name="passwordEncoder" ref="passwordEncoder" />
    Sr. No. Description
    In org.passay.LengthRule property to check the password length, set the minimum length of the password fetched from the property file.
    A validation rule to check that one or more single-byte upper-case letters are included. Set org.passay.EnglishCharacterData.UpperCase and numerical value 1 in org.passay.CharacterRule constructor to check the character type included in the password.
    A validation rule to check that one or more single-byte lower-case letters are included. Set org.passay.EnglishCharacterData.LowerCase and numerical value 1 in org.passay.CharacterRule constructor to check the character type included in the password.
    A validation rule to check that one or more single-byte digits are included. Set org.passay.EnglishCharacterData.Digit and numerical value 1 in org.passay.CharacterRule constructor to check for the character type included in the password.
    A validation rule to check that one or more single-byte symbols are included. Set org.passay.EnglishCharacterData.Special and numerical value 1 in org.passay.CharacterRule constructor to check for the character type included in the password.
    A validation rule to check that 3 out of the 4 validation rules from (2)-(5) are met. Set Bean list defined in (2)-(5) and numerical value 3 in org.passay.CharacterCharacteristicsRule property.
    A validation rule to check that password does not contain user name
    A validation rule to check that the password is not included in the passwords used in the past
  • Creating Passay validator

    Using validation rules of Passay described above, Bean definition for validator to perform actual validation is shown below.


    <bean id="characteristicPasswordValidator" class="org.passay.PasswordValidator"> <!-- (1) -->
        <constructor-arg name="rules">
                <ref bean="lengthRule" />
                <ref bean="characterCharacteristicsRule" />
                <ref bean="usernameRule" />
    <bean id="encodedPasswordHistoryValidator" class="org.passay.PasswordValidator"> <!-- (2) -->
        <constructor-arg name="rules">
                <ref bean="encodedPasswordHistoryRule" />
    Sr. No. Description
    A validator to validate the characteristics of the password. Set a Bean for LengthRule , CharacterCharacteristicsRule , UsernameRule as a property.
    A validator to check the history of the passwords that were used in the past. Set a Bean for EncodedPasswordHistoryRule as a property.
  • Creating Bean Validation annotation

    To fulfil the requirements, create two annotations that use the validator described above.

    • Annotation to validate the characteristics of the password

      The implementation of the annotation to check three validation rules - ‘password should be longer than the minimum string length, it should contain characters of specified character type and it should not contain user name’ is shown below.

      package org.terasoluna.securelogin.app.common.validation;
      // omitted
      @Constraint(validatedBy = { StrongPasswordValidator.class }) // (1)
      @Target({ TYPE, ANNOTATION_TYPE })
      public @interface StrongPassword {
          String message() default "{org.terasoluna.securelogin.app.common.validation.StrongPassword.message}";
          Class<?>[] groups() default {};
          String usernamePropertyName(); // (2)
          String newPasswordPropertyName(); // (3)
          @Target({ TYPE, ANNOTATION_TYPE })
          public @interface List {
              StrongPassword[] value();
          Class<? extends Payload>[] payload() default {};
      Sr. No. Description
      Specify ConstraintValidator to be used at the time of assigning annotation.
      A property to specify property name of the user name.
      A property to specify property name for the password.
      package org.terasoluna.securelogin.app.common.validation;
      // omitted
      public class StrongPasswordValidator implements
              ConstraintValidator<StrongPassword, Object> {
          @Named("characteristicPasswordValidator") // (1)
          PasswordValidator characteristicPasswordValidator;
          private String usernamePropertyName;
          private String newPasswordPropertyName;
          public void initialize(StrongPassword constraintAnnotation) {
              usernamePropertyName = constraintAnnotation.usernamePropertyName();
              newPasswordPropertyName = constraintAnnotation.newPasswordPropertyName();
          public boolean isValid(Object value, ConstraintValidatorContext context) {
              BeanWrapper beanWrapper = new BeanWrapperImpl(value);
              String username = (String) beanWrapper.getPropertyValue(usernamePropertyName);
              String newPassword = (String) beanWrapper
              RuleResult result = characteristicPasswordValidator
                      .validate(PasswordData.newInstance(newPassword, username, null)); // (2)
              if (result.isValid()) { // (3)
                  return true;
              } else {
                  for (String message : characteristicPasswordValidator
                          .getMessages(result)) { // (4)
                  return false;
      Sr. No. Description
      Inject validator of Passay.
      Create an instance of org.passay.PasswordData wherein password and user name are specified and perform validation by the validator.
      Confirm the check result, if it is OK, return true, else return false.
      Fetch and set all the password validation error messages.
    • Annotation to compare with password used in the past

      Implementation of the annotation to check that the administrator does not reuse the password used earlier within a short period of time, is shown below.
      Password change history entity is used to get the password used in the past. Refer to Force/Prompt password change for the password change history entity.


      In the setting of “Prevent reuse of password used before specified period”, it is possible to reuse a password by repeating a password within a short period of time. In order to prevent this, check is performed in this application by setting “Prevent reuse of password used from a certain period onwards

      package org.terasoluna.securelogin.app.common.validation;
      @Constraint(validatedBy = { NotReusedPasswordValidator.class }) // (1)
      @Target({ TYPE, ANNOTATION_TYPE })
      public @interface NotReusedPassword {
          String message() default "{org.terasoluna.securelogin.app.common.validation.NotReusedPassword.message}";
          Class<?>[] groups() default {};
          String usernamePropertyName(); // (2)
          String newPasswordPropertyName(); // (3)
          @Target({ TYPE, ANNOTATION_TYPE })
          public @interface List {
              NotReusedPassword[] value();
          Class<? extends Payload>[] payload() default {};
      Sr. No. Description
      Specify ConstraintValidator to be used while assigning an annotation.
      A property to specify the property name of the user name. It is required to search the password used in the past, from the database.
      A property to specify the property name of the password.
      package org.terasoluna.securelogin.app.common.validation;
      // omitted
      public class NotReusedPasswordValidator implements
              ConstraintValidator<NotReusedPassword, Object> {
          ClassicDateFactory dateFactory;
          AccountSharedService accountSharedService;
          PasswordHistorySharedService passwordHistorySharedService;
          PasswordEncoder passwordEncoder;
          @Named("encodedPasswordHistoryValidator") // (1)
          PasswordValidator encodedPasswordHistoryValidator;
          @Value("${security.passwordHistoricalCheckingCount}") // (2)
          int passwordHistoricalCheckingCount;
          @Value("${security.passwordHistoricalCheckingPeriod}") // (3)
          int passwordHistoricalCheckingPeriod;
          private String usernamePropertyName;
          private String newPasswordPropertyName;
          private String message;
          public void initialize(NotReusedPassword constraintAnnotation) {
              usernamePropertyName = constraintAnnotation.usernamePropertyName();
              newPasswordPropertyName = constraintAnnotation.newPasswordPropertyName();
              message = constraintAnnotation.message();
          public boolean isValid(Object value, ConstraintValidatorContext context) {
              BeanWrapper beanWrapper = new BeanWrapperImpl(value);
              String username = (String) beanWrapper.getPropertyValue(usernamePropertyName);
              String newPassword = (String) beanWrapper
              Account account = accountSharedService.findOne(username);
              String currentPassword = account.getPassword();
              boolean result = checkNewPasswordDifferentFromCurrentPassword(
                      newPassword, currentPassword, context); // (4)
              if (result && account.getRoles().contains(Role.ADMIN)) { // (5)
                  result = checkHistoricalPassword(username, newPassword, context);
              return result;
          private boolean checkNewPasswordDifferentFromCurrentPassword(
                  String newPassword, String currentPassword,
                  ConstraintValidatorContext context) {
              if (!passwordEncoder.matches(newPassword, currentPassword)) {
                  return true;
              } else {
                  return false;
          private boolean checkHistoricalPassword(String username,
                  String newPassword, ConstraintValidatorContext context) {
              LocalDateTime useFrom = dateFactory.newTimestamp().toLocalDateTime()
              List<PasswordHistory> historyByTime = passwordHistorySharedService
                      .findHistoriesByUseFrom(username, useFrom);
              List<PasswordHistory> historyByCount = passwordHistorySharedService
                      .findLatest(username, passwordHistoricalCheckingCount);
              List<PasswordHistory> history = historyByCount.size() > historyByTime
                      .size() ? historyByCount : historyByTime; // (6)
              List<PasswordData.Reference> historyData = new ArrayList<>();
              for (PasswordHistory h : history) {
                  historyData.add(new PasswordData.HistoricalReference(h
                          .getPassword())); // (7)
              PasswordData passwordData = PasswordData.newInstance(newPassword,
                      username, historyData); // (8)
              RuleResult result = encodedPasswordHistoryValidator
                      .validate(passwordData); // (9)
              if (result.isValid()) { // (10)
                  return true;
              } else {
                          encodedPasswordHistoryValidator.getMessages(result).get(0)) // (11)
                  return false;
      Sr. No. Description
      Inject Passay validator.
      Fetch the threshold to prohibit reuse of password up to a previous date, from the property file and inject it.
      Fetch the threshold (in seconds) to prohibit the reuse of the password used from a date onwards, from the property file and inject it.
      Call the process to check whether new password is different from the currently used password. Perform this check regardless of the general user / administrator.
      In case of administrator, call the process to check that new password is not included in the previously used passwords.
      Fetch the number of password change history entities specified in (2) and the password change history entities of the period specified in (3) and use the larger number of the two for the subsequent checks.
      In order to make a comparison with the previous password using Passay validator, fetch the password from the password change history entity and create a list of org.passay.PasswordData.HistoricalReference .
      Create an instance of org.passay.PasswordData which specifies password, user name and list of previous passwords.
      Perform validation by using the validator.
      Confirm the check result, if it is OK, return true, else return false.
      Fetch the password validation error messages.
  • Password validation

    Perform password validation in the application layer which use Bean Validation annotation. Since input check other than Null check is covered by the annotation assigned to Form class, only @NotNull is assigned as a single item check.

    package org.terasoluna.securelogin.app.passwordchange;
    // omitted
    import lombok.Data;
    @Compare(source = "newPasssword", destination = "confirmNewPassword", operator = Compare.Operator.EQUAL) // (1)
    @StrongPassword(usernamePropertyName = "username", newPasswordPropertyName = "newPassword") // (2)
    @NotReusedPassword(usernamePropertyName = "username", newPasswordPropertyName = "newPassword") // (3)
    @ConfirmOldPassword(usernamePropertyName = "username", oldPasswordPropertyName = "oldPassword") // (4)
    public class PasswordChangeForm implements Serializable{
        private static final long serialVersionUID = 1L;
        private String username;
        private String oldPassword;
        private String newPassword;
        private String confirmNewPassword;
    Sr. No. Description
    An annotation to check whether second input of new password is identical with the first input. Refer to terasoluna-gfw-common check rules for the details.
    An annotation to verify the characteristic of the password, described above
    An annotation to compare with the previous password
    An annotation to check that the entered current password is correct. Definition will be omitted.
    package org.terasoluna.securelogin.app.passwordchange;
    // omitted
    public class PasswordChangeController {
        PasswordChangeService passwordService;
        // omitted
        @RequestMapping(method = RequestMethod.POST)
        public String change(@AuthenticationPrincipal LoggedInUser userDetails,
                @Validated PasswordChangeForm form, BindingResult bindingResult, // (1)
                Model model) {
            Account account = userDetails.getAccount();
            if (bindingResult.hasErrors() ||
                    !account.getUsername().equals(form.getUsername())) { // (2)
                return "passwordchange/changeForm";
            return "redirect:/password?complete";
        // omitted
    Sr. No. Description
    A handler method called at the time of changing the password. Perform validation by assigning @Validated annotation to Form in the parameter.
    Confirm that the user name for password change and the user name of the logged-in account are identical. If the two users are different, the user is again taken to the password change screen.


    In this application, user name is fetched from the Form to perform password validation using the user name in Bean Validation. It is assumed that in View, the user name set in Model is retained as hidden, however, since there is a risk of tampering, user name obtained from the Form before password change is confirmed. Account lock Working image

  • Account lock
In the login form, if you try to authenticate a user name with an incorrect password for a certain number of times, successively in a short duration, then that user’s account will be locked. Locked account is not authenticated even if a set of correct user name and password is entered.
Locked status is cancelled after a certain period of time or by unlocking it.
  • Unlock

Unlock function can be used only when the user having administrator rights has logged in. If unlocking is carried out by entering the user name for which the locked status is to be resolved, then the account of that user returns to the status wherein authentication can be done again. Implementation method

In Spring Security, an account lockout status can be set for org.springframework.security.core.userdetails.UserDetails .
If “Locked” is set, Spring Security reads that setting and throws org.springframework.security.authentication.LockedException .
By using this function, if only the process set in UserDetails is implemented by determining whether the account is locked, lockout function can be implemented.
In this application, the history of authentication failure is stored in the database as an “authentication failure event” entity, and the lockout status of the account is determined using this authentication failure event entity.
In particular, each requirement related to account lockout is fulfilled by implementing and using the following three processes.
  • Storing authentication failure event entity

    In case of authentication failure due to invalid authentication information input, the events generated by Spring Security are handled and the user name used for authentication and the date and time when authentication was attempted are registered in the database as authentication failure event entity.

  • Determining lockout status

    For some accounts, if a certain number of new authentication failure event entities at the current time are more than a certain fixed number, the corresponding account is determined to be locked. Call this determination process during authentication and set the determination results in the implementation class of UserDetails .

  • Deleting authentication failure event entity

    Delete all authentication failure event entities for an account.
    Since an account is targeted for lockout only when it fails to authenticate continuously, delete the authentication failure event entity when authentication is successful.
    Also, since the lockout status of the account is determined using the authentication failure event entity, unlock function can be implemented by deleting the authentication failure event entity. Prevent account lockout from being executed by other than administrator using authorization function.


Since authentication failure event entity is intended only to determine lockout, it is deleted when it is no longer required. A separate log should be always saved when authentication log is required.

The working example of lockout function which uses authentication failure event entity is described with the help of the following figure. Lockout by authentication failure for 3 times and lockout duration of 10 minutes is considered as an example.

Account Lockout
Sr. No. Description
Authentication with incorrect password has been attempted three times in last 10 minutes, and authentication failure event entities for all the three occasions are stored in the database.
Therefore, it is determined that the account is locked.
Authentication failure event entities for 3 occasions are stored in the database.
However, since authentication failure event entities are only for the two occasions in last 10 minutes, the account is determined to be “not locked”.

Similarly, a working example for unlocking is described in the following figure.

Account Lockout
Sr. No. Description
Authentication with incorrect password has been attempted three times in last 10 minutes.
Thereafter, since the authentication failure event entity is deleted, authentication failure event entity is not stored in the database and the account is determined as “not locked”. Code description

  • Common part

    In this application, registration, search and deletion of authentication failure event entity for the database is commonly required to implement the functions related to account lockout. Therefore, the implementation of domain layer / infrastructure layer related to the authentication failure event entity is shown first.

    • Implementation of Entity

      The implementation of authentication failure event entity with user name and date and time when authentication was attempted is shown below.

      package org.terasoluna.securelogin.domain.model;
      // omitted
      public class FailedAuthentication implements Serializable {
        private static final long serialVersionUID = 1L;
        private String username; // (1)
        private LocalDateTime authenticationTimestamp; // (2)
      Sr. No. Description
      User name used for authentication
      Date and time when authentication was attempted
    • Implementation of Repository

      Repository to search, register and delete authentication failure event entity is shown below.

      package org.terasoluna.securelogin.domain.repository.authenticationevent;
      // omitted
      public interface FailedAuthenticationRepository {
        int create(FailedAuthentication event); // (1)
        List<FailedAuthentication> findLatest(
                        @Param("username") String username, @Param("count") long count); // (2)
        int deleteByUsername(@Param("username") String username); // (3)
      Sr. No. Description
      A method to register FailedAuthentication object that is assigned as an argument, as a record in the database
      A method to get specified number of FailedAuthentication objects in a new sequence by considering user name assigned as an argument, as the key
      A method to delete the authentication failure event entity records collectively by considering user name assigned as an argument, as the key

      Mapping file is as below.

      <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
      <!DOCTYPE mapper PUBLIC "-//mybatis.org//DTD Mapper 3.0//EN"
        <resultMap id="failedAuthenticationResultMap"
                <id property="username" column="username" />
                <id property="authenticationTimestamp" column="authentication_timestamp" />
        <insert id="create" parameterType="FailedAuthentication">
              INSERT INTO failed_authentication (
              ) VALUES (
        <select id="findLatest" resultMap="failedAuthenticationResultMap">
                      username = #{username}
                  ORDER BY authentication_timestamp DESC
                  LIMIT #{count}
        <delete id="deleteByUsername">
                DELETE FROM
                    username = #{username}
    • Implementation of Service

      The service to call the method of the created Repository is defined as below.

      package org.terasoluna.securelogin.domain.service.authenticationevent;
      // omitted
      public class AuthenticationEventSharedServiceImpl implements
                      AuthenticationEventSharedService {
          // omitted
          ClassicDateFactory dateFactory;
          FailedAuthenticationRepository failedAuthenticationRepository;
          AccountSharedService accountSharedService;
          @Transactional(readOnly = true)
          public List<FailedAuthentication> findLatestFailureEvents(
                          String username, int count) {
                  return failedAuthenticationRepository.findLatestEvents(username, count);
          @Transactional(propagation = Propagation.REQUIRES_NEW)
          public void authenticationFailure(String username) { // (1)
               if (accountSharedService.exists(username)){
                   FailedAuthentication failureEvents = new FailedAuthentication();
          public int deleteFailureEventByUsername(String username) {
                  return failedAuthenticationRepository.deleteByUsername(username);
          // omitted
      Sr. No. Description
      A method to create authentication failure event entity and register in the database.
      If account of the user name received as an argument does not exist, skip the process of registration to the database since it violates the foreign key constraints of the database.
      Since it is likely that authentication failure event entity is not registered by the exception after executing this method, REQUIRES_NEW is specified in the propagation method of transaction.

The code implemented according to the implementation method is described below sequentially.

  • Storing authentication failure event entity

    Use @EventListener annotation to execute the process by handling the event generated at the time of authentication failure. For handling of event by using @EventListener annotation, refer Handling authentication event .

    package org.terasoluna.securelogin.domain.service.account;
    // omitted
    public class AccountAuthenticationFailureBadCredentialsEventListener{
        AuthenticationEventSharedService authenticationEventSharedService;
        @EventListener // (1)
        public void onApplicationEvent(
                        AuthenticationFailureBadCredentialsEvent event) {
            String username = (String) event.getAuthentication().getPrincipal(); // (2)
            authenticationEventSharedService.authenticationFailure(username); // (3)
    Sr. No. Description
    By assigning @EventListener annotation, when authentication fails due to invalid authentication information such as incorrect password etc., onApplicationEvent method is executed.
    Fetch the user name used for authentication from AuthenticationFailureBadCredentialsEvent object.
    Call the process to create authentication failure event entity and register in the database.
  • Determining lockout status

    The process to determine account lockout status using authentication failure event entity is described.

    package org.terasoluna.securelogin.domain.service.account;
    // omitted
    public class AccountSharedServiceImpl implements AccountSharedService {
        // omitted
        ClassicDateFactory dateFactory;
        AuthenticationEventSharedService authenticationEventSharedService;
        @Value("${security.lockingDurationSeconds}") // (1)
        int lockingDurationSeconds;
        @Value("${security.lockingThreshold}") // (2)
        int lockingThreshold;
        @Transactional(readOnly = true)
        public boolean isLocked(String username) {
            List<FailedAuthentication> failureEvents = authenticationEventSharedService
                            .findLatestFailureEvents(username, lockingThreshold); // (3)
            if (failureEvents.size() < lockingThreshold) { // (4)
                return false;
            if (failureEvents
                    .get(lockingThreshold - 1) // (5)
                            .minusSeconds(lockingDurationSeconds))) {
                return false;
            return true;
        // omitted
    Sr. No. Description
    Specify the lockout duration in seconds. The value defined in Property file is injected.
    Specify the locking threshold. The account is locked when authentication fails only for the number of times specified here. The value defined in Property file is injected.
    Fetch the authentication failure event entity in new sequence only for the number same as the locking threshold.
    If the number of fetched authentication failure event entities is less than the locking threshold value, determine that the account is not locked.
    If the difference between oldest authentication failure time from the fetched authentication failure event entities and current time is greater than the locking duration, determine that the account is not locked.
    In org.springframework.security.core.userdetails.User which is the implementation class of UserDetails , lockout status can be passed to the constructor.
    In this application, class that inherits User and class that implements org.springframework.security.core.userdetails.UserDetailsService are used as shown below.
    package org.terasoluna.securelogin.domain.service.userdetails;
    // omitted
    public class LoggedInUser extends User {
       // omitted
       private final Account account;
       public LoggedInUser(Account account, boolean isLocked,
               LocalDateTime lastLoginDate,
               List<SimpleGrantedAuthority> authorities) {
           super(account.getUsername(), account.getPassword(), true, true, true,
                       !isLocked, authorities); // (1)
           this.account = account;
           // omitted
        public Account getAccount() {
            return account;
       // omitted
    Sr. No. Description
    In the constructor of User which is the parent class, pass ** Whether the account is locked** in truth-value. Note that it is necessary to pass true if the account is not locked.
    package org.terasoluna.securelogin.domain.service.userdetails;
    // omitted
    public class LoggedInUserDetailsService implements UserDetailsService {
        AccountSharedService accountSharedService;
        @Transactional(readOnly = true)
        public UserDetails loadUserByUsername(String username)
                throws UsernameNotFoundException {
            try {
               Account account = accountSharedService.findOne(username);
               List<SimpleGrantedAuthority> authorities = new ArrayList<>();
               for (Role role : account.getRoles()) {
                   authorities.add(new SimpleGrantedAuthority("ROLE_"
                           + role.getRoleValue()));
               return new LoggedInUser(account,
                       accountSharedService.isLocked(username), // (1)
            } catch (ResourceNotFoundException e) {
                throw new UsernameNotFoundException("user not found", e);
    Sr. No. Description
    In constructor of LoggedInUser , pass the determination result of lockout status using isLocked method.

    Settings to use the created UserDetailsService are as follows:


    <!-- omitted -->
            user-service-ref="loggedInUserDetailsService"> <!-- (1) -->
            <sec:password-encoder ref="passwordEncoder" />
    <!-- omitted -->
    Sr. No. Description
    Specify Bean id for UserDetailsService .
  • Deleting authentication failure event entity

    • Deleting authentication failure event entity when authentication is successful

      Since only consecutive authentication failures are used to determine lockout, delete the authentication failure event entity of the account when authentication is successful. Create the method to be executed when authentication is successful in the Service created as a common part.

      package org.terasoluna.securelogin.domain.service.authenticationevent;
      // omitted
      public class AuthenticationEventSharedServiceImpl implements
                      AuthenticationEventSharedService {
          // omitted
          @Transactional(propagation = Propagation.REQUIRES_NEW)
          public void authenticationSuccess(String username) {
              // omitted
              deleteFailureEventByUsername(username); // (1)
          // omitted
      Sr. No. Description
      Delete the authentication failure event entity for the account of the user name passed as an argument.

      Use @EventListener annotation to execute the process by handling the event generated when authentication is successful.

      package org.terasoluna.securelogin.domain.service.account;
      // omitted
      public class AccountAuthenticationSuccessEventListener{
          AuthenticationEventSharedService authenticationEventSharedService;
          @EventListener // (1)
          public void onApplicationEvent(
                          AuthenticationSuccessEvent event) {
              LoggedInUser details = (LoggedInUser) event.getAuthentication()
              authenticationEventSharedService.authenticationSuccess(details.getUsername()); // (2)
      Sr. No. Description
      By assigning @EventListener annotation, onApplicationEvent method is executed when authentication is successful.
      Fetch user name from AuthenticationSuccessEvent and call the process to delete authentication failure event entity.
    • Unlocking

      Since authentication failure event entity is used to determine lockout status, an account can be unlocked by deleting the authentication failure event entity. Perform the authorization settings to restrict the usage of unlock function to the user having administrator rights and implement the domain layer / application layer.

      • Authorization settings

        Set the rights for the user who can unlock an account as below.


        <!-- omitted -->
          <sec:http pattern="/resources/**" security="none" />
              <!-- omitted -->
              <sec:intercept-url pattern="/unlock/**" access="hasRole('ADMIN')" /> <!-- (1) -->
              <!-- omitted -->
        <!-- omitted -->
        Sr. No. Description
        Restrict the access rights for URL under /unlock to the administrator.
      • Implementation of Service

        package org.terasoluna.securelogin.domain.service.unlock;
        // omitted
        public class UnlockServiceImpl implements UnlockService {
            AccountSharedService accountSharedService;
            AuthenticationEventSharedService authenticationEventSharedService;
            public void unlock(String username) {
                authenticationEventSharedService.deleteFailureEventByUsername(username); // (1)
        Sr. No. Description
        Unlock an account by deleting the authentication failure event entity.
      • Implementation of Form

        package org.terasoluna.securelogin.app.unlock;
        public class UnlockForm implements Serializable {
            private static final long serialVersionUID = 1L;
            private String username;
      • Implementation of View

        Top screen(home.jsp)

        <!-- omitted -->
            <div id="wrapper">
                <!-- omitted -->
                <sec:authorize url="/unlock"> <!-- (1) -->
                    <a id="unlock" href="${f:h(pageContext.request.contextPath)}/unlock?form">
                        Unlock Account
                <!-- omitted -->
        <!-- omitted -->
        Sr. No. Description
        Display only for the user who has access rights, under /unlock.

        Unlock form(unlokcForm.jsp)

        <!-- omitted -->
            <div id="wrapper">
                <h1>Unlock Account</h1>
                <t:messagesPanel />
                <form:form action="${f:h(pageContext.request.contextPath)}/unlock"
                    method="POST" modelAttribute="unlockForm">
                            <th><form:label path="username" cssErrorClass="error-label">Username</form:label>
                            <td><form:input path="username" cssErrorClass="error-input" /></td>
                            <td><form:errors path="username" cssClass="error-messages" /></td>
                    <input id="submit" type="submit" value="Unlock" />
                <a href="${f:h(pageContext.request.contextPath)}/">go to Top</a>
        <!-- omitted -->

        Unlock completion screen(unlockComplete.jsp)

        <!-- omitted -->
            <div id="wrapper">
                  <h1>${f:h(username)}'s account was successfully unlocked.</h1>
                  <a href="${f:h(pageContext.request.contextPath)}/">go to Top</a>
        <!-- omitted -->
      • Implementation of Controller

        package org.terasoluna.securelogin.app.unlock;
        // omitted
        @RequestMapping("/unlock") // (1)
        public class UnlockController {
            UnlockService unlockService;
            @RequestMapping(params = "form")
            public String showForm(UnlockForm form) {
                return "unlock/unlockForm";
            @RequestMapping(method = RequestMethod.POST)
            public String unlock(@Validated UnlockForm form,
                    BindingResult bindingResult, Model model,
                    RedirectAttributes attributes) {
                if (bindingResult.hasErrors()) {
                        return showForm(form);
                try {
                    unlockService.unlock(form.getUsername()); // (2)
                    attributes.addFlashAttribute("username", form.getUsername());
                    return "redirect:/unlock?complete";
                } catch (BusinessException e) {
                    return showForm(form);
            @RequestMapping(method = RequestMethod.GET, params = "complete")
            public String unlockComplete() {
                return "unlock/unlockComplete";
        Sr. No. Description
        Map to the URL under /unlock. It can be accessed by administrator only depending on the authorization settings.
        Call the process to unlock an account by considering the user name obtained from the Form, as an argument. Display the date and time of last login Implementation method

In this application, the history when authentication is successful is stored in the database as an “authentication successful event” entity, and date and time of previous login for the account is displayed on the top screen using this authentication successful event entity.
In particular, fulfil the requirements by implementing the following two processes.
  • Storing authentication successful event entity

    Handle the event generated by Spring Security when authentication is successful and register the username used for authentication and the date and time when authentication was successful in the database, as an authentication successful event entity.

  • Fetch and display date and time of previous login

    At the time of authentication, fetch the latest authentication successful event entity in the account from the database, fetch the authentication successful date and time from the event entity and set in org.springframework.security.core.userdetails.UserDetails . Format, pass and display the authentication successful date and time retained by UserDetails in jsp. Code description

  • Common part

    In this application, the authentication successful event entity must be registered and searched for the database in order to display previous login date and time. Therefore, the implementation of domain layer / infrastructure layer related to the authentication successful event entity is described first.

    • Implementation of Entity

      The implementation of authentication successful event entity with user name and date and time when authentication was successful is as below.

      package org.terasoluna.securelogin.domain.model;
      // omitted
      public class SuccessfulAuthentication implements Serializable {
          private static final long serialVersionUID = 1L;
          private String username; // (1)
          private LocalDateTime authenticationTimestamp; // (2)
      Sr. No. Description
      User name used for authentication
      Date and time when authentication is attempted
    • Implementation of Repository

      Repository to search and register authentication successful event entity is shown below.

      package org.terasoluna.securelogin.domain.repository.authenticationevent;
      // omitted
      public interface SuccessfulAuthenticationRepository {
          int create(SuccessfulAuthentication event); // (1)
          List<SuccessfulAuthentication> findLatestEvents(
                 @Param("username") String username, @Param("count") long count); // (2)
      Sr. No. Description
      A method to register SuccessfulAuthentication object that is assigned as an argument, as a record in the database
      A method to fetch specified number of SuccessfulAuthentication objects in new sequence by considering user name assigned as an argument, as a key

      Mapping file is as below.

      <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
      <!DOCTYPE mapper PUBLIC "-//mybatis.org//DTD Mapper 3.0//EN"
          <resultMap id="successfulAuthenticationResultMap"
              <id property="username" column="username" />
              <id property="authenticationTimestamp" column="authentication_timestamp" />
          <insert id="create" parameterType="SuccessfulAuthentication">
              INSERT INTO successful_authentication (
              ) VALUES (
          <select id="findLatestEvents" resultMap="successfulAuthenticationResultMap">
                  username = #{username}
              ORDER BY authentication_timestamp DESC
              LIMIT #{count}
    • Implementation of Service

      The service to call the methods of the created Repository is shown below.

      package org.terasoluna.securelogin.domain.service.authenticationevent;
      // omitted
      public class AuthenticationEventSharedServiceImpl implements
               AuthenticationEventSharedService {
          // omitted
          ClassicDateFactory dateFactory;
          SuccessfulAuthenticationRepository successAuthenticationRepository;
          @Transactional(readOnly = true)
          public List<SuccessfulAuthentication> findLatestSuccessEvents(
                          String username, int count) {
              return successAuthenticationRepository.findLatestEvents(username, count);
          @Transactional(propagation = Propagation.REQUIRES_NEW)
            public void authenticationSuccess(String username) {
                SuccessfulAuthentication successEvent = new SuccessfulAuthentication();

The code implemented according to the implementation method is described below sequentially.

  • Storing authentication successful event entity

    Use @EventListener annotation to execute the process by handling the event generated when authentication is successful.

    package org.terasoluna.securelogin.domain.service.account;
    // omitted
    public class AccountAuthenticationSuccessEventListener{
        AuthenticationEventSharedService authenticationEventSharedService;
        @EventListener // (1)
        public void onApplicationEvent(AuthenticationSuccessEvent event) {
            LoggedInUser details = (LoggedInUser) event.getAuthentication()
                            .getPrincipal(); // (2)
                    .getUsername()); // (3)
    Sr. No. Description
    By assigning @EventListener annotation, onApplicationEvent method is executed when authentication is successful.
    Fetch implementation class of UserDetails from AuthenticationSuccessEvent object. This class is described later.
    Call the process to create authentication successful event entity and register in the database.
  • Fetch and display date and time of previous login

    The Service to fetch date and time of previous login from authentication successful event entity is shown below.

    package org.terasoluna.securelogin.domain.service.account;
    // omitted
    public class AccountSharedServiceImpl implements AccountSharedService {
        // omitted
        AuthenticationEventSharedService authenticationEventSharedService;
        @Transactional(readOnly = true)
        public LocalDateTime getLastLoginDate(String username) {
            List<SuccessfulAuthentication> events = authenticationEventSharedService
                        .findLatestSuccessEvents(username, 1); // (1)
            if (events.isEmpty()) {
                return null; // (2)
            } else {
                return events.get(0).getAuthenticationTimestamp(); // (3)
        // omitted
    Sr. No. Description
    Fetch one record of the latest authentication successful event entity by considering the user name assigned as an argument, as the key.
    Return null if even a single record of authentication successful event entity could not be fetched at the time of initial login.
    Fetch and return authentication date and time from authentication successful event entity.

    Create a class that inherits User and a class that implements UserDetailsService as shown below to fetch the date and time of previous login and retain it in UserDetails at the time of login.

    package org.terasoluna.securelogin.domain.service.userdetails;
    // omitted
    public class LoggedInUser extends User {
        private final Account account;
        private final LocalDateTime lastLoginDate; // (1)
        public LoggedInUser(Account account, boolean isLocked,
                LocalDateTime lastLoginDate,
                List<SimpleGrantedAuthority> authorities) {
            super(account.getUsername(), account.getPassword(), true, true, true,
                            !isLocked, authorities);
            this.account = account;
            this.lastLoginDate = lastLoginDate; // (2)
        // omitted
        public LocalDateTime getLastLoginDate() { // (3)
            return lastLoginDate;
    Sr. No. Description
    Declare a field to retain the date and time of previous login.
    Set the date and time of previous login assigned as an argument in the field.
    A method to return the retained date and time of previous login
    package org.terasoluna.securelogin.domain.service.userdetails;
    // omitted
    public class LoggedInUserDetailsService implements UserDetailsService {
        AccountSharedService accountSharedService;
        @Transactional(readOnly = true)
        public UserDetails loadUserByUsername(String username)
                    throws UsernameNotFoundException {
            try {
                Account account = accountSharedService.findOne(username);
                List<SimpleGrantedAuthority> authorities = new ArrayList<>();
                for (Role role : account.getRoles()) {
                        authorities.add(new SimpleGrantedAuthority("ROLE_"
                                        + role.getRoleValue()));
                return new LoggedInUser(account,
                                accountSharedService.getLastLoginDate(username), // (1)
            } catch (ResourceNotFoundException e) {
                throw new UsernameNotFoundException("user not found", e);
    Sr. No. Description
    Fetch date and time of previous login by calling Service method and pass it to constructor of LoggedInUser .

    Implement application layer to display date and time of previous login on the top screen.

    package org.terasoluna.securelogin.app.welcome;
    // omitted
    public class HomeController {
       AccountSharedService accountSharedService;
       @RequestMapping(value = "/", method = { RequestMethod.GET,
               RequestMethod.POST })
       public String home(@AuthenticationPrincipal LoggedInUser userDetails, // (1)
               Model model) {
           // omitted
           LocalDateTime lastLoginDate = userDetails.getLastLoginDate(); // (2)
           if (lastLoginDate != null) {
               model.addAttribute("lastLoginDate", lastLoginDate
                       .format(DateTimeFormatter.ofPattern("yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss"))); // (3)
           return "welcome/home";
    Sr. No. Description
    Fetch UserDetails object by using @AuthenticationPrincipal .
    Fetch date and time of last login from LoggedInUserDetails .
    Format date and time of last login, set it in Model and pass to View.

    Top screen(home.jsp)

      <div id="wrapper">
          <!-- omitted -->
          <c:if test="${!empty lastLoginDate}"> <!-- (1) -->
              <p id="lastLogin">
                  Last login date is ${f:h(lastLoginDate)}. <!-- (2) -->
          <!-- omitted -->
    Sr. No. Description
    Do not display if date and time of previous login is null.
    Display the date and time of previous login passed from the Controller. Creating authentication information for password reissue Working image

Generate Password Reissue Information

Enter the user name for which password is to be reissued on the screen to generate authentication information for password reissue. At this time, the confidential information and token to be used for authentication during password reissue, are generated. Confidential information is displayed on the screen and the URL for password reissue screen containing the token is sent to the registered e-mail address of the user.

There is an expiry date to the URL sent by e-mail. Password can be changed by accessing the URL within the expiry date and entering the confidential information and the new password. If the URL sent by e-mail is accessed after the expiry date, the user is taken to the error screen.

Confidential information and token generation is described from the flow mentioned above. Implementation method

While reissuing the password, an alternative to password is required to verify that the user is the owner of the account.
In this application, URL of password reissue screen and confidential information are used as the information to verify the user.
Create a random string and add it to URL to make the password reissue screen URL unique and difficult to guess. Create confidential information which is in the form of a random string and use it for authentication as a measure against accidental leakage of URL.
Create two random strings by different ways so that that it becomes impossible to guess a string from the other string.
In particular, fulfil the requirements by implementing the following process.
  • Creating and saving authentication information for password reissue

    Store the following information as the authentication information for password reissue in the database.

    • User name: User name of the account for which password is to be reissued
    • Token: Random string generated to make the password reissue screen URL unique and difficult to guess
    • Confidential information: Random string generated for user input at the time of password reissue
    • Expiry date: Expiry date for authentication information for password reissue

    Use randomUUID method of java.util.UUID class for token generation and Password generation function of Passay for generating confidential information.

    Save the confidential information to the database by hashing similar to password. Expiry date settings and confirmation process are described in Validation at the time of executing password reissue. Refer to Distribute authentication information for password reissue for the method to distribute authentication information for password reissue to the user. Code description

  • Common part

    In the implementation according to the implementation method mentioned above, the process to register and search the authentication information for password reissue in the database is commonly required. Therefore, implementation of Entity and Repository related to the authentication information for password reissue is described first.

    • Creation of Entity

      Create an Entity of authentication information for password reissue.

      package org.terasoluna.securelogin.domain.model;
      // omitted
      public class PasswordReissueInfo {
          private String username; // (1)
          private String token; // (2)
          private String secret; // (3)
          private LocalDateTime expiryDate; // (4)
      Sr. No. Description
      User name for password reissue
      String that is generated to be included in the URL for password reissue (Token)
      String to verify the user at the time of password reissue (Confidential information)
      Expiry date for authentication information for password reissue
    • Implementation of Repository

      Repository to search, register and delete the authentication information for password reissue is shown below.

      package org.terasoluna.securelogin.domain.repository.passwordreissue;
      // omitted
      public interface PasswordReissueInfoRepository {
          void create(PasswordReissueInfo info); // (1)
          PasswordReissueInfo findOne(@Param("token") String token); // (2)
          int delete(@Param("token") String token); // (3)
          // omitted
    Sr. No. Description
    A method to register PasswordReissueInfo object that is assigned as an argument, as a record in the database
    A method to search and fetch PasswordReissueInfo object by considering the token assigned as an argument, as the key
    A method to delete PasswordReissueInfo object by considering the token assigned as an argument, as the key

    Mapping file is as below.

    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
    <!DOCTYPE mapper PUBLIC "-//mybatis.org//DTD Mapper 3.0//EN"
        <resultMap id="PasswordReissueInfoResultMap" type="PasswordReissueInfo">
            <id property="username" column="username" />
            <id property="token" column="token" />
            <id property="secret" column="secret" />
            <id property="expiryDate" column="expiry_date" />
        <select id="findOne" resultMap="PasswordReissueInfoResultMap">
                token = #{token}
        <insert id="create" parameterType="PasswordReissueInfo">
            INSERT INTO password_reissue_info (
            ) VALUES (
        <delete id="delete">
            DELETE FROM
                token = #{token}
        <!-- omitted -->

The code implemented according to the implementation method is described below.

  • Generating and storing authentication information for password reissue

    • Definition of password generator

      The definition of password generator and generation rules to use the password generation function of Passay is shown below. Refer to Password generation for the password generator and generation rules.

      Sr. No. Description
      Define a Bean for password generator to be used in password generation function of Passay
      Define a Bean for password generation rules to be used in password generation function of Passay. Using the validation rules that were used in Check password strength, define generation rules for the password containing one or more characters of single-byte upper case letters, single-byte lower case letters and single-byte digits respectively.


      <bean id="passwordGenerator" class="org.passay.PasswordGenerator" /> <!-- (1) -->
      <util:list id="passwordGenerationRules">
          <ref bean="upperCaseRule" />
          <ref bean="lowerCaseRule" />
          <ref bean="digitRule" />
    • Implementation of Service

      The implementation of the process to create authentication information for password reissue and store in the database is shown below. The authentication information generated in this process is sent by e-mail. Sending the information by e-mail is omitted here as it is described later.

      package org.terasoluna.securelogin.domain.service.passwordreissue;
      // omitted
      public class PasswordReissueServiceImpl implements PasswordReissueService {
          ClassicDateFactory dateFactory;
          PasswordReissueInfoRepository passwordReissueInfoRepository;
          AccountSharedService accountSharedService;
          PasswordEncoder passwordEncoder;
          PasswordGenerator passwordGenerator; // (1)
          @Resource(name = "passwordGenerationRules")
          List<CharacterRule> passwordGenerationRules; //(2)
          int tokenLifeTimeSeconds; // (3)
          // omitted
          public String createAndSendReissueInfo(String username) {
              String rowSecret = passwordGenerator.generatePassword(10, passwordGenerationRules); // (4)
              if(!accountSharedService.exists(username)){ // (5)
                  return rowSecret;
              Account account= accountSharedService.findOne(username); // (6)
              String token = UUID.randomUUID().toString(); // (7)
              LocalDateTime expiryDate = dateFactory.newTimestamp().toLocalDateTime()
                      .plusSeconds(tokenLifeTimeSeconds); // (8)
              PasswordReissueInfo info = new PasswordReissueInfo(); // (9)
              info.setSecret(passwordEncoder.encode(rowSecret)); // (10)
              passwordReissueInfoRepository.create(info); // (11)
              // omitted (Send E-Mail)
              return rowSecret; // (12)
          // omitted
      Sr. No. Description
      Inject a password generator to be used in password generation function of Passay.
      Inject password generation rules to be used in password generation function of Passay.
      Specify the length of the period for which authentication information for password reissue is valid, in seconds. The value defined in the property file is injected.
      Create a random string of length 10 in accordance with the password generation rules using the password generation function of Passay to use as confidential information.
      Check whether the account of user name that is passed as an argument, exists. If it does not exist, return dummy confidential information since non-existence of the user is not known.
      Fetch the account information of the user name included in the authentication information for password reissue.
      Create a random string using randomUUID method of java.util.UUID class to use as a token.
      By adding the value of (3) to current time, calculate expiry date for the authentication information for password reissue.
      Create authentication information for password reissue and set the user name, token, confidential information and expiry date.
      Set confidential information in PasswordReissueInfo after hashing it.
      Register the authentication information for password reissue in the database.
      Return the created confidential information.
    • Implementation of Form

      package org.terasoluna.securelogin.app.passwordreissue;
      // omitted
      public class CreateReissueInfoForm implements Serializable {
          private static final long serialVersionUID = 1L;
          private String username;
    • Implementation of View

      Screen to create authentication information for password reissue(createReissueInfoForm.xml)

      <!-- omitted -->
          <div id="wrapper">
              <h1>Reissue password</h1>
              <t:messagesPanel />
                  method="POST" modelAttribute="createReissueInfoForm">
                          <th><form:label path="username" cssErrorClass="error-label">Username</form:label>
                          <td><form:input path="username" cssErrorClass="error-input" /></td>
                          <td><form:errors path="username" cssClass="error-messages" /></td>
                  <input id="submit" type="submit" value="Reissue password" />
      <!-- omitted -->
    • Implementation of Controller

      package org.terasoluna.securelogin.app.passwordreissue;
      // omitted
      public class PasswordReissueController {
          PasswordReissueService passwordReissueService;
          @RequestMapping(value = "create", params = "form")
          public String showCreateReissueInfoForm(CreateReissueInfoForm form) {
              return "passwordreissue/createReissueInfoForm";
          @RequestMapping(value = "create", method = RequestMethod.POST)
          public String createReissueInfo(@Validated CreateReissueInfoForm form,
                  BindingResult bindingResult, Model model,
                  RedirectAttributes attributes) {
              if (bindingResult.hasErrors()) {
                  return showCreateReissueInfoForm(form);
              String rawSecret = passwordReissueService.createAndSendReissueInfo(form.getUsername()); // (1)
              attributes.addFlashAttribute("secret", rawSecret);
              return "redirect:/reissue/create?complete";
          @RequestMapping(value = "create", params = "complete", method = RequestMethod.GET)
          public String createReissueInfoComplete() {
              return "passwordreissue/createReissueInfoComplete";
          // omitted
      Sr. No. Description
      Create authentication information for password reissue from the user name fetched from Form and call the process registered in the database. Distribution of authentication information for password reissue Working image

Give Password Reissue Information

Creation of authentication information for password reissue is described in Creating authentication information for password reissue. The distribution of the created authentication information is described here.

Perform the authentication for password reissue using the password reissue screen URL and confidential information. Distribute the information to the user using different methods to prevent the leakage of the information at the same time. In this application, URL of the password reissue screen is sent to the registered e-mail address of the user, and confidential information is displayed on the screen. Implementation method

Split the authentication information created using Create authentication information for password reissue and distribute to the user using separate methods.
Fulfil the requirements by implementing and using the following two processes. Code description

The code implemented according to the above implementation method is described sequentially.

  • Displaying confidential information on screen

    A series of implementations to call the process to create confidential information from the Controller and display it in View is shown below.

    package org.terasoluna.securelogin.app.passwordreissue;
    // omitted
    public class PasswordReissueController {
        PasswordReissueService passwordReissueService;
        // omitted
        @RequestMapping(value = "create", method = RequestMethod.POST)
        public String createReissueInfo(@Validated CreateReissueInfoForm form,
                BindingResult bindingResult, Model model,
                RedirectAttributes attributes) {
            if (bindingResult.hasErrors()) {
                return showCreateReissueInfoForm(form);
            String rawSecret = passwordReissueService.createAndSendReissueInfo(form
                    .getUsername()); // (1)
            attributes.addFlashAttribute("secret", rawSecret); // (2)
            return "redirect:/reissue/create?complete"; // (3)
        @RequestMapping(value = "create", params = "complete", method = RequestMethod.GET)
        public String createReissueInfoComplete() {
            return "passwordreissue/createReissueInfoComplete";
        // omitted
    Sr. No. Description
    Call the process to create confidential information.
    Using RedirectAttributes, pass the confidential information to the redirect destination.
    Redirect to completion screen of authentication information for password reissue.

    Screen to complete creation of authentication information for password reissue(createReissueInfoComplete.jsp)

    <!-- omitted -->
        <div id="wrapper">
            <h1>Your Password Reissue URL was successfully generated.</h1>
            The URL was sent to your registered E-mail address.<br /> Please
            access the URL and enter the secret shown below.
            <h3>Secret : <span id=secret>${f:h(secret)}</span></h3> <!-- (1) -->
    <!-- omitted -->
    Sr. No. Description
    Display confidential information on the screen.
  • Send a mail for URL of password reissue screen

    The implementation of the process to create URL of password reissue screen from the authentication information for password reissue screen and send it by e-mail is shown below. Refer to Sending E-mail (SMTP) for more information about how to add dependent libraries and how to fetch an e-mail session.

    package org.terasoluna.securelogin.domain.service.mail;
    // omitted
    public class PasswordReissueMailSharedServiceImpl implements
            PasswordReissueMailSharedService {
        JavaMailSender mailSender; // (1)
        SimpleMailMessage templateMessage; // (2)
        // omitted
        public void send(String to, String text) {
            SimpleMailMessage message = new SimpleMailMessage(templateMessage); // (3)
    Sr. No. Description
    Inject a Bean for org.springframework.mail.javamail.JavaMailSender .
    Inject a Bean for org.springframework.mail.SimpleMailMessage in which email address of the source and e-mail title are set.
    In this application, only one Bean is defined for SimpleMailMessage , however, since multiple Beans are generally defined as a mail template, Bean name is specified by @Named .
    Create an instance of SimpleMailMessage from the template, set the destination email address and text assigned as arguments and send.
    package org.terasoluna.securelogin.domain.service.passwordreissue;
    // omitted
    public class PasswordReissueServiceImpl implements PasswordReissueService {
        ClassicDateFactory dateFactory;
        PasswordReissueMailSharedService mailSharedService;
        AccountSharedService accountSharedService;
        PasswordEncoder passwordEncoder;
        int tokenLifeTimeSeconds;
        @Value("${app.applicationBaseUrl}") // (1)
        String baseUrl;
        String protocol;
        // omitted
        public String createAndSendReissueInfo(String username) {
            String rowSecret = passwordGenerator.generatePassword(10,
                return rowSecret;
            Account account= accountSharedService.findOne(username);
            String token = UUID.randomUUID().toString();
            LocalDateTime expiryDate = dateFactory.newTimestamp().toLocalDateTime()
            PasswordReissueInfo info = new PasswordReissueInfo();
            UriComponentsBuilder uriBuilder = UriComponentsBuilder.fromUriString(baseUrl);
                    .queryParam("form").queryParam("token", info.getToken());  // (2)
            String passwordResetUrl = uriBuilder.build().encode().toUriString();
            mailSharedService.send(account.getEmail(), passwordResetUrl); // (3)
            return rowSecret;
        // omitted
    Sr. No. Description
    Fetch the base URL to be used in the password reissue screen URL from the property file.
    Using the value fetched in (1) and the token included in the created authentication information for password reissue, create the URL of password reissue screen to be distributed to the user.
    Use org.springframework.web.util.UriComponentsBuilder to create the URL. UriComponentsBuilder is described in Implementing hypermedia link.
    Send an email with the URL of the password reissue screen mentioned in the mail text to the registered e-mail address of the user. Validation at the time of executing password reissue Working image

Use Password Reissue Information

The distribution of authentication information for password reissue is described in Distribution of authentication information for password reissue. The process for using the distributed authentication information is described below.

As the authentication at the time of password reissue, verify the confidential information and URL of password reissue screen distributed separately in Distribution of authentication information for password reissue. Password is reissued only if the set of token and confidential information that is included in the URL is correct.

Moreover, set expiry date to the authentication information so that it is not valid for a long period of time unnecessarily as generally password is reissued immediately after the creation of authentication information. When the URL for password reissue screen is accessed, password reissue screen is displayed if the authentication information is within the expiry date and transits to error screen after the expiry date. Implementation method

Token is included as a request parameter in the URL for password reissue screen sent by e-mail. Fetch the token when the password reissue screen is accessed and search the authentication information for password reissue from the database by considering this token as the key.
At the time of creating authentication information, set the expiry date in advance and check for expiration when it is obtained from the database. If it is within the expiry date, display the change password screen and accept the input for confidential information and new password.
If confidential information in the authentication information obtained from the database and the confidential information entered by the user are identical, then authentication is successful and password is reissued.
In particular, fulfil the requirements by implementing the following three processes.
  • Setting expiry date for authentication information for password reissue

    Set expiry date to the authentication information created in the process described in Creating authentication information for password reissue.

  • Check expiry date for authentication information for password reissue

    When the password reissue screen is accessed, fetch the token included in the request parameter and search the authentication information for password reissue stored in the database considering the token as the key. Compare the expiry date included in authentication information with current time and after expiry date, transit to the error screen.

  • User verification using authentication information for password reissue

    When reissuing the password, check whether the combination of user name, token and the confidential information provided by the user and the authentication information in the database are identical. If they are identical, reissue the password. If they are not identical, display the error message. Code description

  • Setting expiry date for authentication information for password reissue

    The settings for expiry date to the authentication information for password reissue are included in the process described in Creating authentication information for password reissue. Here, only relevant implementation points are shown again.

    • Implementation of Service

      package org.terasoluna.securelogin.domain.service.passwordreissue;
      // omitted
      public class PasswordReissueServiceImpl implements PasswordReissueService {
          ClassicDateFactory dateFactory;
          PasswordReissueInfoRepository passwordReissueInfoRepository;
          int tokenLifeTimeSeconds; // (1)
          // omitted
          public String createAndSendReissueInfo(String username) {
              // omitted
              LocalDateTime expiryDate = dateFactory.newTimestamp().toLocalDateTime()
                      .plusSeconds(tokenLifeTimeSeconds); // (2)
              PasswordReissueInfo info = new PasswordReissueInfo(); // (3)
              passwordReissueInfoRepository.create(info); // (4)
              // omitted (Send E-Mail)
          // omitted
      Sr. No. Description
      Specify the length of the period for which authentication information for password reissue is valid, in seconds. The value defined in property file is injected.
      By adding the value of (1) to current time, calculate expiry date for the authentication information for password reissue.
      Create authentication information for password reissue and set the user name, token, confidential information and expiry date.
      Register the authentication information for password reissue in the database.
  • Check expiry date of authentication information for password reissue

    The implementation of the process to fetch authentication information for password reissue from the token included in the URL as a request parameter and check whether it is within the expiry date when the password reissue screen is accessed, is shown below. In this process, it is also checked whether the maximum limit for password reissue failure has exceeded. However, it is omitted here and will be described later.

    • Implementation of Service

      package org.terasoluna.securelogin.domain.service.passwordreissue;
      // omitted
      public class PasswordReissueServiceImpl implements PasswordReissueService {
          ClassicDateFactory dateFactory;
          PasswordReissueInfoRepository passwordReissueInfoRepository;
          // omitted
          @Transactional(readOnly = true)
          public PasswordReissueInfo findOne(String token) {
              PasswordReissueInfo info = passwordReissueInfoRepository.findOne(token); // (1)
              if (info == null) {
                  throw new ResourceNotFoundException(ResultMessages.error().add(
                          MessageKeys.E_SL_PR_5002, token));
              if (dateFactory.newTimestamp().toLocalDateTime()
                       .isAfter(info.getExpiryDate())) { // (2)
                  throw new BusinessException(ResultMessages.error().add(
              // omitted (attempts exceeded upper bounds)
              return info;
          // omitted
      Sr. No. Description
      Fetch authentication information for password reissue from the database by considering the token assigned as an argument, as the key.
      After the expiry date, throw org.terasoluna.gfw.common.exception.BusinessException .
    • Implementation of Controller

      package org.terasoluna.securelogin.app.passwordreissue;
      // omitted
      public class PasswordReissueController {
          PasswordReissueService passwordReissueService;
          // omitted
          public String showPasswordResetForm(PasswordResetForm form, Model model,
                  @RequestParam("token") String token) { // (1)
              PasswordReissueInfo info = passwordReissueService.findOne(token); // (3)
              model.addAttribute("passwordResetForm", form);
              return "passwordreissue/passwordResetForm";
          // omitted
      Sr. No. Description
      Fetch the token included as a request parameter in the URL for password reissue screen.
      Call the Service method by passing the token in it. Authentication information is fetched from the database and expiry date is checked.
  • User verification using authentication information for password reissue

    The implementation of the process to confirm whether the set of confidential information entered by the user on the password reissue screen and the token included in the URL of the password reissue screen is correct, is shown below. This confirmation process is a password reissue-specific logic. Since it is a check in which the results vary depending on the contents of the database, it is implemented in the Service without using Bean Validation and Spring Validator.

    • Implementation of Service

      package org.terasoluna.securelogin.domain.service.passwordreissue;
      // omitted
      public interface PasswordReissueService {
          // omitted
          boolean resetPassword(String username, String token, String secret, // (1)
                  String rawPassword);
          // omitted
      Sr. No. Description
      A method to set the new password after user verification using user name, token and confidential information assigned as arguments
      package org.terasoluna.securelogin.domain.service.passwordreissue;
      // omitted
      public class PasswordReissueServiceImpl implements PasswordReissueService {
          PasswordReissueFailureSharedService passwordReissueFailureSharedService;
          PasswordReissueInfoRepository passwordReissueInfoRepository;
          AccountSharedService accountSharedService;
          PasswordEncoder passwordEncoder;
          // omitted
          public boolean resetPassword(String username, String token, String secret,
                  String rawPassword) {
              PasswordReissueInfo info = this.findOne(token); // (1)
              if (!passwordEncoder.matches(secret, info.getSecret())) { // (2)
                  passwordReissueFailureSharedService.resetFailure(username, token);
                  throw new BusinessException(ResultMessages.error().add(
              passwordReissueInfoRepository.delete(token); // (3)
              return accountSharedService.updatePassword(username, rawPassword); // (4)
          // omitted
      Sr. No. Description
      Using the token assigned as an argument, fetch the authentication information for password reissue from the database. At this time, the expiry date is checked again.
      Compare the hashed confidential information included in the authentication information for password reissue with the confidential information given as an argument. If they vary, throw BusinessException . Password reissue fails in this case.
      Delete used authentication information from the database in order to prevent it from being reused.
      Update the account password that has user name that was passed as an argument to the specified new password.
    • Implementation of Form

      Since input check other than Null check is covered depending on the annotation assigned to the class, only @NotNull is assigned as a single item check.

      package org.terasoluna.securelogin.app.passwordreissue;
      // omitted
      @Compare(source = "newPasssword", destination = "confirmNewPassword", operator = Compare.Operator.EQUAL)
      @StrongPassword(usernamePropertyName = "username", newPasswordPropertyName = "newPassword") // (1)
      @NotReusedPassword(usernamePropertyName = "username", newPasswordPropertyName = "newPassword") // (2)
      public class PasswordResetForm implements Serializable{
          private static final long serialVersionUID = 1L;
          private String username;
          private String token;
          private String secret;
          private String newPassword;
          private String confirmNewPassword;
      Sr. No. Description
      An annotation to check the password strength. Refer to Check password strength for details.
      An annotation to check reuse of password. Refer to Check password strength for details.
    • Implementation of View

      Password reissue screen(passwordResetForm.jsp)

          <div id="wrapper">
              <h1>Reset Password</h1>
              <t:messagesPanel />
                  method="POST" modelAttribute="passwordResetForm">
                          <th><form:label path="username">Username</form:label></th>
                          <td>${f:h(passwordResetForm.username)} <form:hidden
                                  path="username" value="${f:h(passwordResetForm.username)}" />  <!-- (1) -->
                      <form:hidden path="token" value="${f:h(passwordResetForm.token)}" /> <!-- (2) -->
                          <th><form:label path="secret" cssErrorClass="error-label">Secret</form:label>
                          <td><form:password path="secret" cssErrorClass="error-input" /></td> <!-- (3) -->
                          <td><form:errors path="secret" cssClass="error-messages" /></td>
                          <th><form:label path="newPassword" cssErrorClass="error-label">New password</form:label>
                          <td><form:password path="newPassword"
                                  cssErrorClass="error-input" /></td>
                          <td><form:errors path="newPassword" cssClass="error-messages"
                                  htmlEscape="false" /></td>
                          <th><form:label path="confirmNewPassword"
                                  cssErrorClass="error-label">New password(Confirm)</form:label></th>
                          <td><form:password path="confirmNewPassword"
                                  cssErrorClass="error-input" /></td>
                          <td><form:errors path="confirmNewPassword"
                                  cssClass="error-messages" /></td>
                  <input id="submit" type="submit" value="Reset password" />
      Sr. No. Description
      Retain user name as a hidden item.
      Retain token as a hidden item.
      Prompt the user to enter confidential information for user verification.

      Password reissue screen(passwordResetComplete.jsp)

          <div id="wrapper">
              <h1>Your password was successfully reset.</h1>
              <a href="${f:h(pageContext.request.contextPath)}/">go to Top</a>
    • Implementation of Controller

      package org.terasoluna.securelogin.app.passwordreissue;
      // omitted
      public class PasswordReissueController {
          PasswordReissueService passwordReissueService;
          // omitted
          @RequestMapping(value = "resetpassword", method = RequestMethod.POST)
          public String resetPassword(@Validated PasswordResetForm form,
                  BindingResult bindingResult, Model model) {
              if (bindingResult.hasErrors()) {
                  return showPasswordResetForm(form, model, form.getToken());
              try {
                          form.getToken(), form.getSecret(), form.getNewPassword()); // (1)
                  return "redirect:/reissue/resetpassword?complete";
              } catch (BusinessException e) {
                  return showPasswordResetForm(form, model, form.getToken());
          @RequestMapping(value = "resetpassword", params = "complete", method = RequestMethod.GET)
          public String resetPasswordComplete() {
              return "passwordreissue/passwordResetComplete";
          // omitted
      Sr. No. Description
      Pass the user name, token, confidential information and new password to the method of Service. If the combination of user name, token and confidential information is correct, it is updated to the new password. Setting failure limit for the password reissue Working image

Page Transition

Even if URL for password reissue screen is leaked for some reason, password will not be reissued illegally if the confidential information is not leaked. Since a random value which cannot be guessed easily is used in the confidential information, it is highly unlikely to break the information easily. However, a maximum limit is set for the number of authentication failures to prevent brute force attack. When the authentication failures for password reissue exceeds the maximum limit, the password reissue for that URL (token) is disabled. Implementation method

In this application, history of password reissue failure is stored in the database as “password reissue failure event” entity and number of failures for password reissue is measured by using the password reissue failure event entity.
When the number of failures is greater than the maximum value set in advance, an exception is thrown when the user tries to access password reissue screen.
In particular, fulfil the requirements by implementing and using following two processes.
  • Storing password reissue failure event entity

    When a failure occurs in the user authentication, during the process “Confirmation of user using authentication information for password reissue” in Validation at the time of executing password reissue, set of the token used and failure date and time are registered in the database as password reissue failure event entity.

  • Throwing an exception at the time of password reissue

    When authentication information is fetched from the database for password reissue, number of password reissue failure event entities is measured and an exception is thrown if the number is more than the maximum limit.


Since password reissue failure event entity is only intended for measuring number of failures for password reissue, it is deleted when it is no longer required. When the log at the time of password reissue failure is required, a separate log must always be maintained. Code description

  • Common parts

    As a prerequisite, each process mentioned in Validation at the time of executing password reissue should be implemented. Other commonly required implementations related to registration, search and deletion of password reissue failure event entity for the database are shown below.

    • Implementation of Entity

      Implementation of password reissue failure event entity is shown below.

      package org.terasoluna.securelogin.domain.model;
      // omitted
      public class FailedPasswordReissue {
          private String token; // (1)
          private LocalDateTime attemptDate; // (2)
      Sr. No. Description
      A token used for password reissue
      Date and time when password reissue is attempted
    • Implementation of Repository

      Repository for search, registration and deletion of Entity is shown below.

      package org.terasoluna.securelogin.domain.repository.passwordreissue;
      // omitted
      public interface FailedPasswordReissueRepository {
          int countByToken(@Param("token") String token); // (1)
          int create(FailedPasswordReissue event); // (2)
          int deleteByToken(@Param("token") String token); // (3)
          // omitted
      Sr. No. Description
      A method which fetches number of FailedPasswordReissue objects considering token assigned as an argument, as a key.
      A method which registers FailedPasswordReissue object assigned as an argument, as the records of the database.
      A method which deletes FailedPasswordReissue object considering token assigned as an argument, as a key.

      Mapping file is as given below.

      <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
      <!DOCTYPE mapper PUBLIC "-//mybatis.org//DTD Mapper 3.0//EN"
       <select id="countByToken" resultType="_int">
                  token = #{token}
       <insert id="create" parameterType="FailedPasswordReissue">
              INSERT INTO failed_password_reissue (
              ) VALUES (
       <delete id="deleteByToken">
               DELETE FROM
                       token = #{token}

Code implemented in accordance with the implementation method is described here sequentially.

  • Storing password reissue failure event entity

    A class which implements the process to be carried out at the time of password reissue failure is shown below.

    package org.terasoluna.securelogin.domain.service.passwordreissue;
    public interface PasswordReissueFailureSharedService {
        void resetFailure(String username, String token);
    package org.terasoluna.securelogin.domain.service.passwordreissue;
    // omitted
    public class PasswordReissueFailureSharedServiceImpl implements
            PasswordReissueFailureSharedService {
        ClassicDateFactory dateFactory;
        FailedPasswordReissueRepository failedPasswordReissueRepository;
        // omitted
        @Transactional(propagation = Propagation.REQUIRES_NEW) // (1)
        public void resetFailure(String username, String token) {
            FailedPasswordReissue event = new FailedPasswordReissue(); // (2)
            failedPasswordReissueRepository.create(event); // (3)
    Sr. No. Description
    It is a method which is called when a failure occurs during password reissue and has been designed to generate a run-time exception in the call source.
    Therefore, specify a propagation method in “REQUIRES_NEW” in order to perform transaction management separately from that of call source service.
    Create password reissue failure event entity and specify token and, failure date and time.
    Register password reissue failure event entity created in (2), in database.

    Call process at the time of password reissue failure from “Confirmation of user using authentication information for password reissue” process of Validation at the time of executing password reissue.

    package org.terasoluna.securelogin.domain.service.passwordreissue;
    // omitted
    public class PasswordReissueServiceImpl implements PasswordReissueService {
        PasswordReissueFailureSharedService passwordReissueFailureSharedService;
        PasswordReissueInfoRepository passwordReissueInfoRepository;
        AccountSharedService accountSharedService;
        PasswordEncoder passwordEncoder;
        // omitted
        public boolean resetPassword(String username, String token, String secret,
                String rawPassword) {
            PasswordReissueInfo info = this.findOne(token); // (1)
            if (!passwordEncoder.matches(secret, info.getSecret())) { // (2)
                passwordReissueFailureSharedService.resetFailure(username, token); // (3)
                throw new BusinessException(ResultMessages.error().add(  // (4)
        // omitted
    Sr. No. Description
    Fetch authentication information for password reissue from the database, using token assigned as an argument.
    Compare hashed confidential information included in the authentication information for password reissue and confidential information assigned as an argument.
    Call a method of SharedService which performs a process at the time of password reissue failure.
    A run-time exception is thrown, however since the process at the time of password reissue failure is performed in different transaction, it does not leave any impact.
  • Throwing an exception at the time of password reissue

    Fetching number of failures at the time of password reissue and implementation of process when the number of failures reach the maximum limit are shown below.

    package org.terasoluna.securelogin.domain.service.passwordreissue;
    // omitted
    public class PasswordReissueServiceImpl implements PasswordReissueService {
        FailedPasswordReissueRepository failedPasswordReissueRepository;
        PasswordReissueInfoRepository passwordReissueInfoRepository;
        int tokenValidityThreshold; // (1)
        // omitted
        @Transactional(readOnly = true)
        public PasswordReissueInfo findOne(String token) {
            // omitted
            int count = failedPasswordReissueRepository // (2)
            if (count >= tokenValidityThreshold) { // (3)
                throw new BusinessException(ResultMessages.error().add(
            return info;
        // omitted
    Sr. No. Description
    Fetch and set maximum value for number of failures at the time of password reissue, from property file.
    Fetch number of password reissue failure event entities from the database, considering token assigned as an argument, as a key.
    Compare number of failure event entities at the time of password reissue that has been fetched and maximum limit for number of failures, and throw an exception if it exceeds the maximum limit. Input check validation for security Working image

  • Configuration of common prohibited strings
Common input validation
  • Individual input check
Input validation Implementation method

Since the scope for performing a check greatly vary for the configuration of common prohibited characters of overall application and individual input checks, implementation is carried out separately.
For configuration of common prohibited strings, two methods described in Implementing common logic to be executed before and after calling controller can be used. In this application, implementation is carried out by using Servlet Filter in order to perform check regardless of whether mapping is done in the handler method of Controller. When an input error occurs, it signifies that the input values which were not predicted as the results of normal user operation are input and are described in the configuration file so as to transit to a common error screen without considering reduction in usability.
For individual input check, Input Validation function can be used. Input value check is performed in this application using Bean Validation. For the individual input error, implementation is done so as to encourage re-input by displaying an error message for input items corresponding to Bean Validation. Code description

Code implemented in accordance with the implementation method above is explained sequentially.

  • Implementation of Servlet Filter

    When the user input is to be used in the application, it may serve as a target for injection attacks like SQL injection and XSS directory traversal (path traversal).
    An implementation example of Servlet Filter to validate the input from the user in overall application is shown as a countermeasure for these attacks.
    In this application, it is verified that prohibited characters respectively configured for following items are not included.
    Sr. No. Items Description
    Request parameters
    Since the request parameters are generally used for receiving the input from the user, the parameters act as a target for input check.
    Since both the parameter name and the value are entered by user, both the name and the value are checked.
    Upload file name
    Since file upload function is executed in this application, the file name of uploaded file entered by user acts as a target for input check.
    Further, Since org.springframework.web.multipart.MultipartRequest is used in the following code, using org.springframework.web.multipart.support.MultipartFilter is assumed. For MultipartFilter , refer File Upload.
    package org.terasoluna.securelogin.app.common.filter;
    // omitted
    public class InputValidationFilter extends OncePerRequestFilter { // (1)
        private final List<Character> prohibitedChars;
        private final List<Character> prohibitedCharsForFileName;
        public InputValidationFilter(char[] prohibitedChars,
                char[] prohibitedCharsForFileName) {
            this.prohibitedChars = Chars.asList(prohibitedChars); // (2)
            this.prohibitedCharsForFileName = Chars
                    .asList(prohibitedCharsForFileName); // (3)
        protected void doFilterInternal(HttpServletRequest request,
                HttpServletResponse response, FilterChain filterChain)
                throws ServletException, IOException {
            if (request != null) {
                validateRequestParams(request); // (4)
                if (request instanceof MultipartRequest) {
                    validateFileNames((MultipartRequest) request); // (5)
            filterChain.doFilter(request, response); // (6)
        private void validateRequestParams(HttpServletRequest request) {
            Map<String, String[]> params = request.getParameterMap();
            for (Map.Entry<String, String[]> entry : params.entrySet()) {
                validate(entry.getKey(), prohibitedChars); // (7)
                for (String value : entry.getValue()) {
                    validate(value, prohibitedChars); // (8)
        private void validateFileNames(MultipartRequest request) {
            for (Map.Entry<String, MultipartFile> entry : request.getFileMap()
                    .entrySet()) {
                String filename = new File(entry.getValue().getOriginalFilename())
                        .getName(); // (9)
                validate(filename, prohibitedCharsForFileName); // (10)
        private void validate(String target, List<Character> prohibited) {
            if (StringUtils.hasLength(target)) {
                List<Character> chars = Chars.asList(target.toCharArray());
                for(Character prohibitedChar : prohibited) { // (11)
                    if (chars.contains(prohibitedChar)) {
                        throw new InvalidCharacterException(
                            "The request contains prohibited charcter.");
    Sr. No. Description
    It is guaranteed that the process is executed only once for the request by inheriting org.springframework.web.filter.OncePerRequestFilter .
    Receive the list of prohibited characters of request parameters as a string and store as a list of characters.
    Receive the list of prohibited characters of file name as a string and store as a list of characters.
    Call a method to perform input check of request parameters
    In case of file upload request (when Content-Type is a POST request of multipart/form-data ), the request object here acts as an instance of StandardMultipartHttpServletRequest which implements MultipartRequest , using MultipartFilter function.
    Fetch file name by using MultipartRequest API and call a method to perform input check.
    After completing input check, call a method to execute subsequent servlet filter process.
    (7), (8)
    Fetch the list of request parameters from HttpServletRequest and call a method to perform actual input check for each request parameter name and request parameter value.
    Fetch the list of files uploaded from MultipartRequest and fetch actual file name.
    Since path is included in the file name according to browser or OS of the client and path delimiter tends to vary, the process is required to fetch only file name.
    Call a method to perform actual input check for the file name of each uploaded file.
    Check whether the string for input check is included in the prohibited characters - sequentially one character at a time and throw an exception if the prohibited character is included
    InvalidCharacterException is an exception created by inheriting RuntimeException . Code is omitted.


    In this application, only request parameters and file names are checked for common prohibited characters. If required, similar check can also be implemented for HTTP header or cookies by fetching the value of HTTP header and Cookie using getHeaders and getCookies of HttpServletRequest .

  • Configuration of Servlet Filter

    Configure in web.xml to validate created InputValidationFilter .
    Configuration is done by using org.springframework.web.filter.DelegatingFilterProxy by reading prohibited characters from the property file and defining a Bean for InputValidationFilter .


        <filter-class>org.springframework.web.multipart.support.MultipartFilter</filter-class>  <!-- (1) -->
        <filter-class>org.springframework.web.filter.DelegatingFilterProxy</filter-class>  <!-- (2) -->
    <!-- omitted -->
        <exception-type>org.terasoluna.securelogin.app.common.filter.exception.InvalidCharacterException</exception-type>  <!-- (3) -->
    Sr. No. Description
    Configure MultipartFilter which is a prerequisite for using InputValidationFilter .
    Note that MultipartFilter must be defined even prior to InputValidationFilter
    Configure InputValidationFilter for which a Bean is defined, using DelegatingFilterProxy .
    Bean name must be specified in the <filter-name> .
    Configure an error screen to be displayed when the InvalidCharacterException exception is thrown.


    Since MultipartFilter is used for input check of file name, configuration to validate upload function of Servlet 3.0 described in Application settings is required in addition to the details described here.


    <% response.setStatus(HttpServletResponse.SC_BAD_REQUEST); %>  <!-- (1) -->
    <!DOCTYPE html>
    <meta charset="utf-8">
    <title>Invalid Character Error!</title>
    <!-- omitted -->
    Sr. No. Description
    Since InvalidCharacterException is an exception which originates in the client input, set HTTP status code to "400" (Bad Request).


    <bean id="inputValidationFilter" class="org.terasoluna.securelogin.app.common.filter.InputValidationFilter">
        <constructor-arg index="0" value="${app.security.prohibitedChars}"/>  <!-- (1) -->
        <constructor-arg index="1" value="${app.security.prohibitedCharsForFileName}"/>  <!-- (2) -->
    Sr. No. Description
    Fetch the list of prohibited characters of request parameter from property, as a string
    Fetch the list of prohibited characters of file name from property, as a string


    ## (1)
    ## (2)
    Sr. No. Description
    In this application, specify a list of characters which are not intended to be included in the request parameters, as a string
    In this application, specify a list of characters which are not intended to be included in the uploaded file name, as a string
  • Creating Bean Validation annotation

    An annotation of Bean Validation which validates the input value based on the requirements is created to alleviate the security risk posed by the input value which was not considered in the specifications of application.

    • Annotation to verify that the control characters are not included

      When the control characters are included in the input value, an unexpected issue is likely to occur in the application. Hence, it is checked that the control characters are not included for the input items which do not require input of control characters.
      Since only linefeed character of control characters is allowed in some cases at the time of text input, an annotation to allow linefeed code is created separately.
      It can be verified that control characters are not included by performing a check using normal expressions.
      package org.terasoluna.securelogin.app.common.validation;
      // omitted
      @Constraint(validatedBy = {})
      @Target({ FIELD })
      @ReportAsSingleViolation  // (1)
      @Pattern(regexp = "^\\P{Cntrl}*$") // (2)
      public @interface NotContainControlChars {
          String message() default "{org.terasoluna.securelogin.app.common.validation.NotContainControlChars.message}";
          Class<?>[] groups() default {};
          @Target({ FIELD })
          public @interface List {
              NotContainControlChars[] value();
          Class<? extends Payload>[] payload() default {};
      Sr. No. Description
      Assign @ReportAsSingleViolation annotation to output only the message specified in the annotation, as an error message.
      Assign @Pattern annotation to perform input check using normal expressions
      Since \P{Cntrl} signifies “characters other than control characters” in the normal expressions of Java, ^\\P{Cntrl}*$ matches only with the string which does not include a control character from beginning to end
      Similarly, implementation example for the annotation which allows linefeed code is shown below.
      package org.terasoluna.securelogin.app.common.validation;
      // omitted
      @Constraint(validatedBy = {})
      @Target({ FIELD })
      @Pattern(regexp = "^[\\r\\n\\P{Cntrl}]*$") // (1)
      public @interface NotContainControlCharsExceptNewlines {
          String message() default "{org.terasoluna.securelogin.app.common.validation.NotContainControlCharsExceptNewlines.message}";
          Class<?>[] groups() default {};
          @Target({ FIELD })
          public @interface List {
              NotContainControlCharsExceptNewlines[] value();
          Class<? extends Payload>[] payload() default {};
      Sr. No. Description
      Specify normal expressions to match the string consisting of only “characters other than control character (\P{Cntrl} )” and linefeed code (\r , \n ).
    • Annotation to verify that extensions of the uploaded file are allowed

      When a file uploaded by the user is to be received, the format of the file to be received is likely to be restricted. In such cases, a list of extensions for the files allowed is set and it is checked whether the extension of the uploaded file is included in the list.
      It is a specification which can be changed for whether the upper case and lower case extensions are to be differentiated.


      Since extension of the file can be disguised easily, a file format should not be trusted unconditionally even after performing the extension check.

      package org.terasoluna.securelogin.app.common.validation;
      // omitted
      @Constraint(validatedBy = { FileExtensionValidator.class })
      @Target({ ElementType.FIELD })
      public @interface FileExtension {
          String message() default "{org.terasoluna.securelogin.app.common.validation.FileExtension.message}";
          Class<?>[] groups() default {};
          Class<? extends Payload>[] payload() default {};
          String[] extensions();  // (1)
          boolean ignoreCase() default true;  // (2)
          @Target({ ElementType.FIELD })
          public @interface List {
              FileExtension[] value();
      Sr. No. Description
      Specify list of extensions to be allowed.
      Whether to ignore the differentiation between uppercase and lowercase characters. Default value is true (ignore)
      package org.terasoluna.securelogin.app.common.validation;
      // omitted
      public class FileExtensionValidator implements
              ConstraintValidator<FileExtension, MultipartFile> {
          private Set<String> extensions;
          private boolean ignoreCase;
          public void initialize(FileExtension constraintAnnotation) {
              this.extensions = new HashSet<String>(
              this.ignoreCase = constraintAnnotation.ignoreCase();
          public boolean isValid(MultipartFile value,
                  ConstraintValidatorContext context) {
              if (value == null) {  // (1)
                  return true;
              String fileNameExtension = StringUtils.getFilenameExtension(value
                      .getOriginalFilename());  // (2)
              if (!StringUtils.hasLength(fileNameExtension)) {  // (3)
                  return false;
              for (String extension : extensions) {  // (4)
                  if (fileNameExtension.equals(extension) || ignoreCase
                          && fileNameExtension.equalsIgnoreCase(extension)) {
                      return true;
              return false;
      Sr. No. Description
      Return true in case of null since null check is performed by using another annotation.
      Fetch extension from the file name by using getFilenameExtension method of org.springframework.util.StringUtils
      Return false for the file without an extension since it is not permissible.
      Fetch extensions one by one from the list of extensions to be allowed and compare with the string fetched from the file name.
      Return true if even one of the extensions show a match and return false if it does not match with any of the extensions in the list.
    • Annotation that verifies that file name of the uploaded file matches with the patterns that are allowed

      When a file uploaded by the user is to be received, the format of the file to be received is likely to be restricted. In such cases, pattern for the file name to be allowed is set in normal expression and it is checked that file name of uploaded file matches with the pattern.

      package org.terasoluna.securelogin.app.common.validation;
      // omitted
      @Constraint(validatedBy = { FileNamePatternValidator.class })
      @Target({ ElementType.FIELD })
      public @interface FileNamePattern {
          String message() default "{org.terasoluna.securelogin.app.common.validation.FileNamePattern.message}";
          Class<?>[] groups() default {};
          Class<? extends Payload>[] payload() default {};
          String pattern() default "";  // (1)
          @Target({ ElementType.FIELD })
          public @interface List {
              FileNamePattern[] value();
      Sr. No. Description
      Pattern for the file name to be allowed
      package org.terasoluna.securelogin.app.common.validation;
      // omitted
      public class FileNamePatternValidator implements
              ConstraintValidator<FileNamePattern, MultipartFile> {
          private Pattern pattern;
          public void initialize(FileNamePattern constraintAnnotation) {
              this.pattern = Pattern.compile(constraintAnnotation.pattern());  // (1)
          public boolean isValid(MultipartFile value,
                  ConstraintValidatorContext context) {
              if (value == null) {  // (2)
                  return true;
              String filename = new File(value.getOriginalFilename()).getName();  // (3)
              return pattern.matcher(filename).matches();  // (4)
      Sr. No. Description
      Create and retain a pattern of normal expressions to be checked, as a Pattern .
      Return true in case of null since null check is performed by using another annotation.
      Fetch actual file name from MultipartRequest . Since path is included in the file name in accordance with browser and OS of client and path delimiter varies, the process is required for fetching only file name.
      Return true when Pattern created in (1) and file name match otherwise return false .
    • Annotation to verify that domain of input URL is allowed

      When a URL input by the user is to be received, the domain that are allowed are likely to be restricted. In such cases, list of domains allowed is set and it is checked whether the domain of input URL is a domain included in the list or is a subdomain.
      Since URL format is checked at the same time, implementation is done combining with org.hibernate.validator.constraints.URL .
      package org.terasoluna.securelogin.app.common.validation;
      // omitted
      @Constraint(validatedBy = { DomainRestrictedURLValidator.class })
      @Target({ FIELD })
      @URL  // (1)
      public @interface DomainRestrictedURL {
          String message() default "{org.terasoluna.securelogin.app.common.validation.DomainRestrictedURL.message}";
          Class<?>[] groups() default {};
          String[] allowedDomains() default {};  // (2)
          @Target({ FIELD })
          public @interface List {
              DomainRestrictedURL[] value();
          Class<? extends Payload>[] payload() default {};
      Sr. No. Description
      Assign @URL to check URL format.
      List of domains to be allowed
      package org.terasoluna.securelogin.app.common.validation;
      // omitted
      public class DomainRestrictedURLValidator implements
              ConstraintValidator<DomainRestrictedURL, String> {
          private static final Pattern URL_REGEX = Pattern  // (1)
              .compile( "(?i)^(?:[a-z](?:[-a-z0-9\\+\\.])*)" + // protocol
                       ":(?:\\/\\/([^\\/:]+)" + // auth+host/ip
                       "(?::([0-9]*))?" + // port
          private Set<String> allowedDomains;
          public void initialize(DomainRestrictedURL constraintAnnotation) {
              allowedDomains = new HashSet<String>(Arrays.asList(constraintAnnotation
                      .allowedDomains()));  // (2)
          public boolean isValid(String value, ConstraintValidatorContext context) {
              Matcher urlMatcher = URL_REGEX.matcher(value);
              if (urlMatcher.matches()) {  // (3)
                  String host = urlMatcher.group(1);
                  for(String domain : allowedDomains) {  // (4)
                      if (StringUtils.hasLength(host) && host.endsWith("."+domain)) {
                          return true;
                  return false;
              } else {
                  return true;
      Sr. No. Description
      Create and retain a pattern of normal expressions as a Pattern for fetching URL domain
      Since whether the URL format is correct is verified by @URL , only minimum required expressions are specified here.
      Fetch and retain the list of domains to be allowed
      Check whether the URL format is correct. If the format is invalid, return true here since a validation error occurs in URL annotation used in combination
      Fetch the domain one by one from the list of domains to be allowed and check whether it matches with the end part of host name of URL. Return true if even one of the values match and return false if it does not match with any of the values
    • Annotation to verify that domain of input mail address is allowed

      When a mail address input by the user is to be received, the domains that are allowed are likely to be restricted. In such cases, list of allowed domains is set and it is checked that domain of input mail address is included in the list. It is a specification which can be changed to include whether to allow the subdomain of domain.
      Since the mail address format is checked at the same time, implementation is done combining with org.hibernate.validator.constraints.Email .
      package org.terasoluna.securelogin.app.common.validation;
      // omitted
      @Constraint(validatedBy = { DomainRestrictedEmailValidator.class })
      @Target({ FIELD })
      @Email  // (1)
      public @interface DomainRestrictedEmail {
          String message() default "{org.terasoluna.securelogin.app.common.validation.DomainRestrictedEmail.message}";
          Class<?>[] groups() default {};
          String[] allowedDomains() default {};  // (2)
          boolean allowSubDomain() default false;  // (3)
          @Target({ FIELD })
          public @interface List {
              DomainRestrictedEmail[] value();
          Class<? extends Payload>[] payload() default {};
      Sr. No. Description
      Assign @Email to check the mail address format
      List of domains to be allowed
      Whether to allow a subdomain. Default value is false (do not allow)
      package org.terasoluna.securelogin.app.common.validation;
      // omitted
      public class DomainRestrictedEmailValidator implements
              ConstraintValidator<DomainRestrictedEmail, CharSequence> {
          private Set<String> allowedDomains;
          private boolean allowSubDomain;
          public void initialize(DomainRestrictedEmail constraintAnnotation) {
              allowedDomains = new HashSet<String>(Arrays.asList(constraintAnnotation
                      .allowedDomains()));  // (1)
              allowSubDomain = constraintAnnotation.allowSubDomain();  // (2)
          public boolean isValid(CharSequence value,
                  ConstraintValidatorContext context) {
              if (value == null) {  // (3)
                  return true;
              for (String domain : allowedDomains) {  // (4)
                  if (value.toString().endsWith("@" + domain)
                          || (allowSubDomain && value.toString().endsWith(
                                  "." + domain))) {
                      return true;
              return false;
      Sr. No. Description
      Fetch and retain the list of domains to be allowed.
      Fetch and retain the truth value which indicates whether the subdomain is allowed
      Return true in case of null since null check is performed by another annotation
      Fetch domain one by one from the list of domains to be allowed and check whether it matches with the domain part of the mail address. Return true even if one of the domains show a match and return false of it does not match any of the domains.
  • Assigning annotation to Form class

    Annotation created is assigned to the field of Form class of new account creation.

    package org.terasoluna.securelogin.app.account;
    // omitted
    public class AccountCreateForm implements Serializable {
        // omitted
        @NotContainControlChars  // (1)
        @Size(min=4, max=128)
        private String username;
        // omitted
        @Size(min=1, max=128)
        @DomainRestrictedEmail(allowedDomains={ "domainexample.co.jp",
                 "somedomainexample.co.jp" }, allowSubDomain=true)  // (2)
        private String email;
        // omitted
        @DomainRestrictedURL(allowedDomains={ "jp" })  // (3)
        private String url;
        @FileExtension(extensions = { "jpg", "png", "gif" })  // (4)
        @FileNamePattern(pattern = "[a-zA-Z0-9_-]+\\.[a-zA-Z]{3}")  // (5)
        private MultipartFile image;
        @NotContainControlCharsExceptNewlines  // (6)
        private String profile;
    Sr. No. Description
    Check that control characters are not included.
    Check that the mail address domain is “ntt.co.jp”, “nttdata.co.jp” or its subdomain
    Check that URL domain is “jp” or its subdomain
    Check that file extemsions are one of the “jpg”, “png” and “gif” extensions
    Check that the file name is of “repeating 1 or more characters of Alphanumeric, “_”, “-” ” + ” “.” ” + “single byte alphabet 3 characters” pattern
    Check that control characters other than linefeed character are not included Audit log output Working image


While calling a service class method, date and time of calling, name of the user calling and method name are output in a log for the audit in order to check the information regarding the application like the user who has performed the operation, date and time at which the operation is performed, what kind of operation is performed etc. Further, for the results of method execution, log is output as “operation successful” if exception does not occur during the operation and “operation failed” if exception occurs during the process.

Log format is as below..

{date and time of method calling}{Thread}{Name of user calling}{X-Track}{Log level}{Logger}{Message}

Sr. No. Description
Date and time of method calling
Date and time at which service class method is called is output in “yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss” format
A thread which outputs the log
Name of user calling
Output user name of Spring Security which calls service class method
Kept blank in case of no login
An ID which is set for each request to enhance traceability
For details, refer Logging
Log level
Level of log which has been output
Output in info level in this application
A logger which outputs a log
Time at which a method is called: “[START SERVICE] ServiceClassName.methodName”
Time at which method is successfully terminated: “[COMPLETE SERVICE] ServiceClassName.methodName”
Exception occurrence time: “[SERVICE THROWS EXCEPTION] ExceptionClassName.methodName” How to implement

User name is fetched from authentication information of Spring Security in order to output user name in the log. Fetching user name and log output are implemented by using org.terasoluna.gfw.security.web.logging.UserIdMDCPutFilter described in Logging .
Further, operation details and operation results for the request are defined as below and output in a log, for this application.
  • Operation details: Name of the method of service class that has been called
  • Operation results: Whether the exceptions have occurred in the results of method processing
AOP(Aspect Oriented Programming) function offered by Spring can be used to achieve a cross-sectional function like log output for calling of all the methods of service class
AOP offered by Spring offers many implementation methods. This application puts an emphasis on combining with implementation of logging related components offered by common library <https://github.com/terasolunaorg/terasoluna-gfw>`_ and adopts a method to implement org.aopalliance.intercept.MethodInterceptor .
Requirements are fulfilled by implementation and configuration given below.
  • Configure UserIdMDCPutFilter
  • Create an advice which outputs a log at the time of calling a method and after execution
  • Configure to apply the advice defined above for the class assigned with @Service


Advice indicates a process which is executed for AOP within specified timing. Further, the place where advice can be embedded is called a joining point whereas set of join points where advice is embedded is called as a point cut For AOP function offered by Spring, refer Official document - AOP <http://docs.spring.io/spring/docs/4.3.5.RELEASE/spring-framework-reference/html/aop.html>`_ . Code description

Code implemented in accordance with the implementation method above is sequentially explained.

  • Configure UserIdMDCPutFilter

    Configuration to output authenticated user name of Spring Security in log is shown below.


    <!-- omitted -->
        <!-- omitted -->
        <sec:custom-filter ref="userIdMDCPutFilter" after="ANONYMOUS_FILTER" />
        <!-- omitted -->
    <!-- omitted -->
    <bean id="userIdMDCPutFilter" class="org.terasoluna.gfw.security.web.logging.UserIdMDCPutFilter">
    Sr. No. Description
    Configure UserIdMDCPutFilter in Filter Chain of Spring Security to output a log immediately after generating user information
    By configuring UserIdMDCPutFilter , authenticated user name is added to MDC with a key called USER .


    <!-- omitted -->
    <appender name="AUDIT_LOG_FILE"
        class="ch.qos.logback.core.rolling.RollingFileAppender">  <!-- (1) -->
        <rollingPolicy class="ch.qos.logback.core.rolling.TimeBasedRollingPolicy">
            <pattern><![CDATA[date:%d{yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss}\tthread:%thread\tUSER:%X{USER}\tX-Track:%X{X-Track}\tlevel:%-5level\tlogger:%-48logger{48}\tmessage:%msg%n]]></pattern>  <!-- (2) -->
    <!-- omitted -->
       additivity="false">  <!-- (3) -->
       <level value="info" />
       <appender-ref ref="AUDIT_LOG_FILE" />
    <!-- omitted -->
    Sr. No. Description
    Define an appender for audit log output.
    Describe “USER:%X{USER}” in the pattern definition
    Define a logger for audit log output
    Implementation of org.terasoluna.securelogin.domain.common.interceptor.ServiceCallLoggingInterceptor will be explained later.
  • Create an advice which outputs a log at the time of calling a method and after execution

    Implementation and configuration to output a log for operation details and operation results are shown below.

      package org.terasoluna.securelogin.domain.common.interceptor;
      // omitted
      public class ServiceCallLoggingInterceptor implements MethodInterceptor {  // (1)
        private static final Logger logger = LoggerFactory
        public Object invoke(MethodInvocation invocation) throws Throwable {  // (2)
            String methodName = invocation.getMethod().getName();
            String className = invocation.getMethod().getDeclaringClass()
            logger.info("[START SERVICE]{}.{}", className, methodName);  // (3)
            try {
                Object result = invocation.proceed();  // (4)
                logger.info("[COMPLETE SERVICE]{}.{}", className, methodName);  // (5)
                return result;  // (6)
            } catch (Throwable e) {
                logger.info("[SERVICE THROWS EXCEPTION]{}.{}", className,  // (7)
                logger.info(Exception : {}, Message : {}, e.getClass().getName(),
                        e.getMessage()); // (8)
                throw e;  // (9)
    Sr. No. Description
    Implement MethodInterceptor to describe the processes to be carried out before and after calling a method
    Override invoke method defined in MethodInterceptor
    Information like name of the method being called can be fetched from org.aopalliance.intercept.MethodInvocation object of argument
    Output name of the method to be called in a log before calling a method
    Perform actual method calling and fetch results
    Output a “operation successful” log message if an exception does not occur in the results of calling a method
    Return a object for results of method calling
    Output a “operation failed” message when an exception occurs in the results of calling a method
    Output exception class and exception message thus occurred
    Since it is for the auditing, a stack trace is not output to avoid redundancy in the log
    Throw an exception object thus occurred


    Detailed contents can also be output by using arguments at the time of calling a method, to further extend the example of this application. However, in such a case, a password without hashing is likely to be output in a log. Hence, countermeasures like masking may be required.

  • Configure for applying advice for a class assigned with @Service .

    Configuration of point cut for the advice is shown below.


    <!-- omitted -->
    <bean id="serviceCallLoggingInterceptor"
        class="org.terasoluna.securelogin.domain.common.interceptor.ServiceCallLoggingInterceptor" />  <!-- (1) -->
        <aop:advisor advice-ref="serviceCallLoggingInterceptor"
            pointcut="@within(org.springframework.stereotype.Service)" />  <!-- (2) -->
    <!-- omitted -->
    Sr. No. Description
    Define a Bean for advice class created above (implementation class of MethodInterceptor )
    Set Bean which implements the advice, in advice-ref attribute of aop:advisor tag and set point cuts in pointcut attribute respectively.
    By defining a point cut @within(org.springframework.stereotype.Service) , the method calling of the class assigned with @Service is used as a target for advice.


    Spring AOP adopts a proxy method wherein a proxy class which has been auto-created handles the method calling. Note that, as a constraint of AOP of Proxy method, advice is not executed for the method calling of visibility other than public or the method calling within the same class. For details, refer Official document .

    Output results of log are as below.

    date:2016-08-18 13:45:42   thread:tomcat-http--7   USER:demo   X-Track:f514cc4159324ba28d8393f2c3062d89    level:INFO  logger:o.t.s.d.c.i.ServiceCallLoggingInterceptor        message:[START SERVICE]AccountSharedService.isInitialPassword
    date:2016-08-18 13:45:42   thread:tomcat-http--7   USER:demo   X-Track:f514cc4159324ba28d8393f2c3062d89    level:INFO  logger:o.t.s.d.c.i.ServiceCallLoggingInterceptor        message:[START SERVICE]PasswordHistorySharedService.findLatest
    date:2016-08-18 13:45:42   thread:tomcat-http--7   USER:demo   X-Track:f514cc4159324ba28d8393f2c3062d89    level:INFO  logger:o.t.s.d.c.i.ServiceCallLoggingInterceptor        message:[COMPLETE SERVICE]PasswordHistorySharedService.findLatest
    date:2016-08-18 13:45:42   thread:tomcat-http--7   USER:demo   X-Track:f514cc4159324ba28d8393f2c3062d89    level:INFO  logger:o.t.s.d.c.i.ServiceCallLoggingInterceptor        message:[COMPLETE SERVICE]AccountSharedService.isInitialPassword

    Log at the time occurrence of exception is as below. Since the log is for the process performed before login, the user name is not displayed.

    date:2016-08-18 13:52:32   thread:tomcat-http--10  USER:   X-Track:1a37a9a280014216a300b61e2f4bbb66    level:INFO  logger:o.t.s.d.c.i.ServiceCallLoggingInterceptor        message:[SERVICE THROWS EXCEPTION]AccountSharedService.findOne
    date:2016-08-18 13:52:32   thread:tomcat-http--10  USER:   X-Track:1a37a9a280014216a300b61e2f4bbb66    level:INFO  logger:o.t.s.d.c.i.ServiceCallLoggingInterceptor        message:[SERVICE THROWS EXCEPTION]UserDetailsService.loadUserByUsername
    date:2016-08-18 13:52:32   thread:tomcat-http--10  USER:   X-Track:1a37a9a280014216a300b61e2f4bbb66    level:INFO  logger:o.t.s.d.c.i.ServiceCallLoggingInterceptor        message:user not found

9.9.4. Conclusion

This chapter explains about an example of implementation method for security measures using a sample application.
Since it is likely that implementation method in this application cannot be used as it is in the actual development, a different customised method must be considered according to the requirements, using details of this chapter as a reference.

9.9.5. Appendix Passay

Passay is a library which offers a password validation function and a password generation function. Passay API consists of following three key components.

  • Validation rules

    It defines the conditions which must be fulfilled by password. Validation rules which are used widely like length of the password and characters types to be included can be created easily by using the class offered by library. Besides, the necessary validation rules can also be defined by the user.

  • Validator

    A component which performs password validation based on validation rules. Various validation rules can be specified in a single validator.

  • Generator

    A component which generates a password in conformance with the validation rules for the assigned character type.

When Passay function is to be used, following definition must be added to pom.xml.

<dependencies> Password validation Overview
A schematic diagram of the password validation flow in Passay is shown below.
Password Vaildation
Sr. No. Description
Create an instance of org.passay.PasswordData and specify information related to password to be validated.
PasswordData can include list of passwords used in the past as a property in addition to password and user name.
Passwords used in the past are retained as an instance of org.passay.PasswordData.Reference .
Perform validation for PasswordData using a validator, in accordance with the validation rules.
Validation rules are created as an instance of implementation class of org.passay.Rule . A validator is an instance of org.passay.PasswordValidator and can include multiple validation rules as properties.
An instance of org.passay.RuleResult is created as validation result using a validator.
Password validation results can be fetched from RuleResult as a boolean value. Also, an error message can be fetched from RuleResult by using a validator.

Some of the classes of validation rules offered by Passay are shown in the table below.

Class Name Description Key properties
A class of validation rules to specify minimum and maximum value for password length.
minimuxLength : Minimum value for password length (int ). Specify in constructor or setter.
maximumLength : Maximum value for password length (int )。Specify in constructor or setter.
A class of validation rules to specify character types that must be included in the password and the minimum number of characters of that character type.
characterData: Character type (org.passay.CharacterData ). Specify in constructor.
numberOfCharacters : Minimum number of characters (int ). Specify in constructor or setter.
A class of validation rules which specify the number of rules that should be fulfilled, from multiple CharacterRule .
rules: List of validation rules related to character types (List<CharacterRule> ). Specify in setter.
numberOfCharacteristics : Minimum number of rules that should be fulfilled (int ). Specify in setter.
A class of validation rules which checks the pasword does not match with the password used previously.
A class of validation rules to check that password should not contain the user name.
matchBackwards : Also check whether the user name has been used in the reverse (boolean ). Specify in constructor or setter.
ignoreCase : Not case-sensitive (boolean ). Specify in constructor or setter.

In addition, classes of validation rules to check whether a specific character is to be included or to check using a regular expression are also provided. For details, refer http://www.passay.org/. How to use

A validator can be created by passing the list of org.passay.Rule instance to the constructor of PasswordValidator . DI can be applied by defining a Bean for validator as below which specifies the validation rules. Note that, when a Bean is to be defined for multiple validation rules, DI must be applied using a Bean name, by combining @Inject and @Named .

<!-- Password Rules. -->
<bean id="upperCaseRule" class="org.passay.CharacterRule"> <!-- (1) -->
    <constructor-arg name="data">
        <util:constant static-field="org.passay.EnglishCharacterData.UpperCase" /> <!-- (2) -->
    <constructor-arg name="num" value="1" /> <!-- (3) -->
<bean id="lowerCaseRule" class="org.passay.CharacterRule"> <!-- (4) -->
    <constructor-arg name="data">
        <util:constant static-field="org.passay.EnglishCharacterData.LowerCase" />
    <constructor-arg name="num" value="1" />
<bean id="digitRule" class="org.passay.CharacterRule"> <!-- (5) -->
    <constructor-arg name="data">
        <util:constant static-field="org.passay.EnglishCharacterData.Digit" />
    <constructor-arg name="num" value="1" />

<!-- Password Validator. -->
<bean id="characterPasswordValidator" class="org.passay.PasswordValidator"> <!-- (6) -->
    <constructor-arg name="rules">
            <ref bean="upperCaseRule" />
            <ref bean="lowerCaseRule" />
            <ref bean="digitRule" />
Sr. No. Description
Define a Bean for validation rules for specifying character type that must be included in the password and minimum number of characters for the character type.
Specify character type. Since org.passay.EnglishCharacterData.UpperCase is passed, validation rules are set for single byte uppercase characters.
Specify number of characters. Since “1” is passed, validation rules are set to check whether one or more single byte uppercase characters are included.
It is similar to (1)-(3), however since org.passay.EnglishCharacterData.UpperCase is passed as a character type, a bean is defined for the validation rules to check whether one or more single byte lowercase letters are included.
It is similar to (1)-(3), however, since org.passay.EnglishCharacterData.Digit is passed as a character type, a bean is defined for the validation rules to check whether one or more single byte digit is included.
Define a Bean for validator. Pass a list of validation rules to the constructor.

Perform password validation by using created validator.

PasswordValidator characterPasswordValidator;

// omitted

public void validatePassword(String password){

    PasswordData pd = new PasswordData(password); // (1)
    RuleResult result = characterPasswordValidator.validate(pd); // (2)
    if (result.isValid()) { // (3)
       logger.info("Password is valid");
    } else {
       logger.error("Invalid password:");
       for (String msg : characterPasswordValidator.getMessages(result)) { // (4)

Sr. No. Description
Pass the password to be validated to the constructor of PasswordData and create an instance.
Pass PasswordData in the validate method of PasswordValidator as an argument and implement password validation.
Fetch password validation results in truth value by using isValid method of RuleResult .
Pass RuleResult in getMessages method of PasswordValidator as an argument and fetch error message. Password generation Overview
Password generator and generation rules are used in the password generation function for Passay. A generator is an instance of org.passay.PasswordGenerator and the generation rules is a list of validation rules related to character type (org.passay.CharacterRule ).
By assigning the length of the password to be generated and generation rules to the method of generator as arguments, a password which fulfils the generation rules is generated. How to use

A method of creation of validation rules related to character type which is included in the generation rules is similar to Password validation. DI can be applied by defining a bean for generation rules and generator as given below.

<!-- Password Rules. -->
<bean id="upperCaseRule" class="org.passay.CharacterRule"> <!-- (1) -->
    <constructor-arg name="data">
        <util:constant static-field="org.passay.EnglishCharacterData.UpperCase" /> <!-- (2) -->
    <constructor-arg name="num" value="1" /> <!-- (3) -->
<bean id="lowerCaseRule" class="org.passay.CharacterRule"> <!-- (4) -->
    <constructor-arg name="data">
        <util:constant static-field="org.passay.EnglishCharacterData.LowerCase" />
    <constructor-arg name="num" value="1" />
<bean id="digitRule" class="org.passay.CharacterRule"> <!-- (5) -->
    <constructor-arg name="data">
        <util:constant static-field="org.passay.EnglishCharacterData.Digit" />
    <constructor-arg name="num" value="1" />

 <!-- Password Generator. -->
 <bean id="passwordGenerator" class="org.passay.PasswordGenerator" /> <!-- (6) -->
 <util:list id="passwordGenerationRules"> <!-- (7) -->
     <ref bean="upperCaseRule" />
     <ref bean="lowerCaseRule" />
     <ref bean="digitRule" />
Sr. No. Description
Define a Bean for validation rules for specifying the character type that should be included in the password, and minimum number of characters for the character type.
Specify character type. Since org.passay.EnglishCharacterData.UpperCase is passed, validation rules are set for single byte uppercase characters.
Specify number of characters. Since “1” is passed, validation rules are set to check whether one or more single byte uppercase characters are included.
It is similar to (1)-(3), however since org.passay.EnglishCharacterData.UpperCase is passed as a character type, a bean is defined for the validation rules to check whether one or more single byte lowercase letters are included.
It is similar to (1)-(3), however, since org.passay.EnglishCharacterData.Digit is passed as a character type, a bean is defined for the validation rules to check whether one or more single byte digit is included.
Define a bean for generator.
Define a bean for generation rules. It is defined as a list of validation rules related to character type, defined in (1)-(5).

Create a password by using created generator and generation rules.

PasswordGenerator passwordGenerator;

@Resource(name = "passwordGenerationRules")
List<CharacterRule> passwordGenerationRules;

// omitted

public void generatePassword(){

    String password = passwordGenerator.generatePassword(10, passwordGenerationRules); // (1)

Sr. No. Description
If length of the password to be generated and the generation rules are passed to generatePassword method of PasswordGenerator as arguments, a password which fulfils the generation rules is created.


When DI is to be applied to a collection for which a Bean is defined, an expected operation is not performed by @Inject + @Named . Therefore, DI is applied by Bean name using @Resource instead.