4.2. Implementation of Infrastructure Layer


This version is already obsolete. Please check the latest guideline.

Implementation of RepositoryImplis carried out in infrastructure layer.

RepositoryImpl implements the Repository interface.

4.2.1. Implementation of RepositoryImpl

The method to create Repository for relational database using JPA and MyBatis2 is introduced below. Implementing Repository using JPA

When JPA is to be used as persistence API with relational database, Repository can be very easily created if org.springframework.data.jpa.repository.JpaRepository of Spring Data JPA is used.
Refer to [coming soon] Database Access (JPA)for details regarding usage of Spring Data JPA.
When Spring Data JPA is used, only an interface, extending JpaRepository, is required to be created for basic CRUD operations. That means, RepositoryImpl is not required.
However, RepositoryImpl is needed for using dynamic query (JPQL).
Refer to [coming soon] Database Access (JPA)for implementing RepositoryImpl while using Spring Data JPA
  • TodoRepository.java
   public interface TodoRepository extends JpaRepository<Todo, String> { // (1)
       // ...
S.No. Description
Only by defining the interface that extends JpaRepository, basic CRUD operations for Todo entity can be performed without implementing the interface.
Procedure to add an operation not provided by JpaRepository is explained.
When Spring Data JPA is used, if it is a static query, the method must be added to the interface and the query (JPQL) to be executed must be specified in the annotation to the method in the interface.
  • TodoRepository.java
 public interface TodoRepository extends JpaRepository<Todo, String> {
     @Query("SELECT COUNT(t) FROM Todo t WHERE finished = :finished") // (1)
     long countByFinished(@Param("finished") boolean finished);
     // ...
S.No. Description
Specify Query (JPQL) using @Query annotation. Implementing Repository using MyBatis2

When MyBatis is used as persistence API, RepositoryImpl must be created as follows
Refer to [coming soon] Database Access (MyBatis2) for details regarding usage of MyBatis2
Furthermore, in this guideline, it is assumed that TERASOLUNA DAO which is a wrapper for MyBatis API is used instead of using MyBatis directly.
When MyBatis is to be used, only the required method must be defined in the Repository interface.
CrudRepository and PagingAndSortingRepository provided by Spring Data can also be used. However, using all the methods is very rare. Hence,
implementation of unnnecessary methods have to be done if these interfaces are used.
When MyBatis is to be used, RepositoryImpl and SQL definition file should be created in addition to defining Repository interface.
Example of implementation of PagingAndSortingRepository which is super interface of JpaRepository, is explained below.
  1. Sample while implementing general purpose CRUD operation in MyBatis is shown.
  2. There is a comparision to the case when Repository is implemented using mechanism of Spring Data JPA.
  • TodoRepository.java
  public interface TodoRepository extends PagingAndSortingRepository<Todo, String> { // (1)
      long countByFinished(boolean finished);
      // ...
S.No. Description
The basic methods required for Repository interface is defined by inheriting org.springframework.data.repository.PagingAndSortingRepository (Sub interface of CrudRepository) provided by Spring Data. In case of MyBatis, in addition to defining the interface, RepositoryImpl should also be implemented.
  • TodoRepositoryImpl.java
  @Repository // (1)
  @Transactional // (2)
  public class TodoRepositoryImpl implements TodoRepository {
      protected QueryDAO queryDAO; // (3)

      protected UpdateDAO updateDAO; // (4)

      @Transactional(readOnly = true) // (5)
      public Todo findOne(String id) { // (6)
          return queryDAO.executeForObject("todo.findOne", todoId, Todo.class);

      @Transactional(readOnly = true) // (5)
      public boolean exists(String id) { // (6)
          Long count = queryDAO.executeForObject("todo.exists", todoId,
          return 0 < count.longValue();

      @Transactional(readOnly = true) // (5)
      public Iterable<Todo> findAll() { // (6)
          return findAll((Sort) null);

      @Transactional(readOnly = true) // (5)
      public Iterable<Todo> findAll(Iterable<String> ids) { // (6)
          return queryDAO.executeForObjectList("todo.findAll", ids);

      @Transactional(readOnly = true) // (5)
      public Iterable<Todo> findAll(Sort sort) { // (7)
          return queryDAO.executeForObjectList("todo.findAllSort", sort);

      @Transactional(readOnly = true) // (5)
      Page<Todo> findAll(Pageable pageable) { // (7)
          long count = count();
          List<Todo> todos = new ArrayList<Todo>();
          if(0 < count){
              todos = queryDAO.executeForObjectList("todo.findAllSort",
          } else {
              todos = new ArrayList<Todo>();
          Page page = new PageImpl(todos,pageable,count);
          return page;

      @Transactional(readOnly = true) // (5)
      public long count() { // (6)
          Long count = queryDAO.executeForObject("todo.count", null, Long.class);
          return count.longValue();

      public <S extends Todo> S save(S todo) { // (6)
              updateDAO.execute("todo.update", todo);
          } else {
              updateDAO.execute("todo.insert", todo);
          return todo;

      public <S extends Todo> Iterable<S> save(Iterable<S> todos) { // (6)
          for(Todo todo : todos){
          return todos;

      public void delete(String id) { // (6)
          updateDAO.execute("todo.delete", id);

      public void delete(Todo todo) { // (6)

      public void delete(Iterable<? extends Todo> todos) { // (6)
          for(Todo todo : todos){

      public long countByFinished(boolean finished) { // (8)
          Long count = queryDAO.executeForObject("todo.countByFinished", finished, Long.class);
          return count.longValue();

S.No. Description
Assign @Repository as class annotation. By assigning annotation, it becomes target of component-scan and bean definition in the configuration file is not required.
Assign @Transactional as class annotation. Transaction boundary is controlled by Service, but this annotation should also be assigned to Repository as well.
Inject jp.terasoluna.fw.dao.QueryDAO for executing query processing.
Inject jp.terasoluna.fw.dao.UpdateDAO for executing update processing.
Assign @Transactional(readOnly = true) to query method.
The method defined in CrudRepository is implemented.
The method defined in PagingAndSortingRepository is implemented.
The method added in TodoRepository is implemented.
  • sqlMap.xml
 <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?>
 <!DOCTYPE sqlMap
             PUBLIC "-//ibatis.apache.org//DTD SQL Map 2.0//EN"
 <sqlMap namespace="todo"> <!-- (1) -->

     <resultMap id="todo" class="todo.domain.model.Todo"> <!-- (2) -->
         <result property="todoId" column="todo_id" />
         <result property="todoTitle" column="todo_title" />
         <result property="finished" column="finished" />
         <result property="createdAt" column="created_at" />

     <!-- (3) -->
     <select id="findOne" parameterClass="java.lang.String" resultMap="todo">
         <!-- ... -->

     <select id="exists" parameterClass="java.lang.String" resultClass="java.lang.Long">
         <!-- ... -->

     <select id="findAll" resultMap="todo">
         <!-- ... -->

     <select id="findAllSort" parameterClass="org.springframework.data.domain.Sort"
         <!-- ... -->

     <select id="count" resultClass="java.lang.Long">
         <!-- ... -->

     <insert id="insert" parameterClass="todo.domain.model.Todo">
         <!-- ... -->

     <update id="update" parameterClass="todo.domain.model.Todo">
         <!-- ... -->

     <delete id="delete" parameterClass="todo.domain.model.Todo">
         <!-- ... -->

     <select id="countByFinished" parameterClass="java.lang.Boolean" resultClass="java.lang.Long">
         <!-- ... -->

S.No. Description
Specify namespace. Assign name that can uniquely identify Entity.
Specify the type of Entity and execute mapping of field with column.
Implement SQL for each SQLID.